The Secret Son - Fire_and_ashes (2024)

Chapter 1

Chapter Text

The soft light pouring through the restaurant windows seemed to illuminate his flaming curly hair. He stuffed his hands into the pockets of his black quilted jacket, as his eyes adjusted to the darkness and darted across the street.

He let out a frosty breath and turned down a dark, narrow alleyway which was abandoned except for the tall man who lurked in the shadows. The man pushed off from the wall, donning a wicked grin.

“Your cheeks are a little pink. Is it the cold? Or are you blushing because you have been graced with my dazzling handsomeness.” The man baited.

“Hitting on me twice in one week is not a good look Harry”

“Oh, if only you were gay Sam.” Harry said, splaying out his arms dramatically.

Sam grinned before turning serious. “Alright, we get into the club, we find the girl, and then we leave.”

“Don’t get me wrong, you are usually quite good at orchestrating these plans. But one of us will need to stay out here and monitor the alleyway. Damien and his lot have been tracking me all day.”

Sam gave Harry a concerned glance, before eyeing the heavy door, the pounding beat of the club waiting within.

“If we can’t find the girl, I say we abort mission, find the nearest stone circle and leave. We can’t risk being captured by Damien’s crew.”

Harry nodded, “Stay watchful, while you’re in there.”

Sam didn’t reply as he entered the club, sound booming from somewhere below. He flew down the hallway and stairs as the music playing became clearer, along with the crowd screaming ‘Shake it off’. 2014 had to be one of the better years he had travelled to. Anything was better than 1597. Sam shivered thinking about the witch trials which had taken place. The horrors committed. Harry and Sam had scrambled trying to save time travellers who had been accused, but they could not save them all.

Rainbow lights twisted around the room as he reached the dance floor and then stood off to the side. He must have looked like an utter creep in his dark clothes, watching the mass of bodies dancing to the music. Raymond had told him the woman would be wearing a small sapphire pendant necklace and he knew from experience that time travellers had a blue aura.

Sam surveyed the room, music pounding in his head, until his eyes caught on a woman sitting at the bar sipping a pink co*cktail. She seemed to be around his age, in her early twenties if he had to guess. The blue glow was subtle, as it shimmered along her light skin, only to be seen by fellow travellers. She flicked her golden hair off her shoulder, revealing the sapphire which sparkled along her throat. A warm glow filled her face, as she laughed while the bar tender flirted with her.

As Sam started across the floor in her direction, the woman stood abruptly and grabbed her jacket. Her black jeans were skin-tight, hugging her curved figure as she circled around the dance floor. Sam picked up the pace, just able to glimpse the lavender singlet top she wore as she headed for the back entrance. She was quick, even wearing black healed boots. Following her, Sam raced up the stairs, reached the back hallway and slammed open the door. No sooner had he stepped into the alley, someone had kicked his legs out from under him, punched him in the stomach and shoved him up against the wall. On his knees, a knife pressed to his throat.

“Who are you and why are you following me?” She hissed. Her eyes were a piercing blue staring into his own.

Sam groaned, trying to catch his breath as he clutched his stomach. The woman only pressed the knife closer to his throat.

“Answer me!” She snarled.

“I’m trying to keep you safe.” He spat out, taking gasping breaths between each word. Their faces were inches away. The vast number of thoughts that bombarded Sam’s brain, left him dizzy. Harry was suppose to wait for him in this alley. Where was he? Maybe Damien’s crew had caught up to him. Bands wrapped around his heart and squeezed tight as panic shot through him.

The woman scoffed. “Likely story. I know someone has been watching me. What is your name?” She demanded.

Sam raised his eyebrows. They knew where she was and had already started to hunt her down. He held his hands up in surrender. “I’m Sam. Alright? I’m trying to help you. I can keep you safe from them.”

She rolled her eyes, jaw tight as she leaned in and whispered, “I could easily kill you right now. But I won’t if you let me go and don’t follow me.”

She pressed the knife deeper. Any closer and she would cut skin. Sam tried to hold his head back, wincing. The woman waited, brows furrowed as she watched him and let the meaning of her words sink in.

The sapphire that hung from her neck, was glittering in the moonlight, a twin to the narrow eyes which gave him a once over. She was distracted, and he could have pounced then and had her up against the wall, but he hesitated. And that small moment was all she needed to get away. Her knee jutted upward hitting its target. He groaned, sliding down the wall to lay crumpled on the cobblestone.

The sound of her boots tapping along the cobblestones echoed, as she strolled away. Her shrinking figure blew a kiss just before she was swallowed by darkness. A second later, a high-pitched screech rang out and Sam was on his feet, his pain forgotten, charging down the alleyway.

Following the sound of the terror filled scream that had stabbed through him. The alley led out into the street, and he saw two men hauling the girl’s unconscious form into the back of a white van. Taking out the dagger that had been strapped to his side, hidden beneath his jacket, he sprinted towards them.

And then the world spun, as he was tackled to the ground from behind, hitting his heard hard. His dagger clattered to the ground. Splotches of colour filled his vision. Rough voices. Hands grabbing him. He struggled, flinging his body around, trying to break free from their tight grasps. Then darkness consumed him, and he was sinking and drowning in nothingness.

Chapter 2


More is explained in this chapter :)

Chapter Text

His head hurt. A lot.

Tight rope cut into his legs and hands which were tied in front of him. Something crusty had settled on his skin around his ear and it was starting to itch. Blood.

The van must have run over a pothole, and it jostled him around, sending shooting pain through his head. Sam groaned, slowly opening his heavy eyelids. Her golden hair was messy. There was dried blood along her forehead, and she had also been tied up. Her bright blue eyes were now dull as she glared at him like an archer ready to release their arrow.

“Do you know how long we have been driving for?” He asked.

The back windows were shielded by curtains, but sunlight streamed through the cracks.

“Hmm… You know what? I actually don’t know, because funnily enough I’m a prisoner too. If I had to take a guess, I would say its morning!” She growled, forcing a smile across her face.

Stupid question. Grimacing, Sam tried to feel for his hidden knifes.

“They’ve taken our weapons, I already checked.” She said in a bored tone.

Every word was like a bullet being fired across at him. She had searched through his pockets while he was unconscious? The idea made him slightly uncomfortable but he chose to stay quiet as he evaluated his chances of escape. In a van of this size, there could only be three people max in the front. It was only himself and the woman in the back. Two against three. Not great odds when they were without weapons…

He could only hope that the woman knew how to fight. Although, she had just held a knife against his throat after all. He hadn’t been expecting that.

Sam looked back over to the woman who was avoiding his eyes.

“I don’t know your name.”

“And you’re not going to.” She replied coolly.

Sam sighed. In the alleyway she hadn’t even given him the chance to explain why Harry and–
Harry. Worry gutted him. At least he wasn’t in this van. That was a good sign.

A short while later, the van halted to a stop and the back doors were thrust open. The sudden addition of searing light to the dark cave he sat in blinded him. Sam squinted. Two men greeted them, smiling like devils.

One of the men with a bald head reached in to grab the woman. Sam wriggled towards her, trying to use his own body as a shield, but he could hardly move with the restraints on his hands and feet.

As the bald man grabbed the woman's shoulders, she wrapped her tied hands around his neck. The man snarled, trying to drag her hands away and then he started choking. Choking on blood. A great gash had been made along the side of his neck, and blood gushed down, soaking his clothes.

She grunted pulling her hands back over the man's head and shoving him away with her tied feet. Sam stared in shock at the blood that had spirted across her face and chest. She quickly glanced at him, her nose scrunched before the other man descended upon her. The man's fist connected with her face, sending her sprawling.

Sam launched himself at him, pushing them both out of the van. Preparing for a scuffle, Sam raised his tied hands, but the man was unresponsive. His eyes were glazed over, and blood oozed onto the gravel road. A large, jutted rock lay beneath the man’s head. Sam rolled off the man and struggled with his tied hands to search him for weapons. He found a dagger inside his coat and awkwardly twisted his hands to cut the rope that tied his feet.

He looked up, hearing a solid thump as the woman fell from the van to the ground. She wriggled her way towards him.

“Here.” Her head gestured towards the knife. “It will be easier if we cut each other’s ropes.”

Sam handed over the dagger and she set to work, cutting his ropes. Once he was free, he did the same for her. She didn’t seem fazed by the blood that dripped down her face and soaked her top. She kneeled beside the unconscious man and started to strip him.

Sam stared as she turned away from him, peeling off her own purple top to reveal the back of a lacy black bra. He turned away quickly and searched the bald man for his weapons, strapping a gun and a small dagger under his jacket and pants. The girl had slit this man’s throat. How?

“My name is Jude.” She said, stony face. He whirled, gaping at her. Jude now wore an oversized black shirt which she had tucked into her jeans. Over the shirt, she wore the same jacket as before which still had some blood stains. The shock of how they had just gotten out of this mess set in.

“How the hell did you cut his throat? With what weapon?” He gazed at her in confusion.

She stuck out her right hand and twisted the silver ring that lay on her finger. Vines of silver twisted around its outer layer, and a small, sharp, knife-like point flicked out from under the band. The point of it shot upwards. The perfect hidden weapon. Sam stared at her as she flicked the blade back into place.

He let out a breath. “That is one deadly blade, Jude.”

She smiled. “Well, I killed the bald guy. You killed the other one I would say we’re even.”

Sam furrowed his brows. She hadn’t flinched when killing that man. She didn’t seem at all shaken from the ordeal of being kidnapped.

“We’re even? For what?” He questioned.

“I wouldn’t have even been in this situation if you hadn’t been following me. I would have used the side exit, but you were blocking it, so I had to go out the back of the club. If I had been able to use the side exit, I would have seen them on the street and avoided being taken.” She brought one of her hands to her forehead to shield her eyes from the sun, scanning their surroundings as she rambled.

Sam sighed, shaking his head. How was that his fault? If she hadn’t been so aggressive, and they worked together they also could have avoided being taken. But he didn’t say that. In part because he was impressed she could hold her own. If the roles had been reversed, he wouldn’t have trusted himself either in that situation.

All he knew was that they were on a country road, somewhere in Scotland and they were standing next to two dead bodies, a lot of blood and a white van. They had been in Inverness last night so hopefully they had travelled somewhere near Craigh na Dun. Sam had never travelled through those stones before, but he knew of them. He had travelled with Harry to 2014 through the Stenbrach stones closer to Inverness.

“We have to get off this road, get moving before more COTT show up.” There was a patch of forest to his left and the road widened before disappearing over a hill in front of them. A low rumble filled the air and the sound of wheels scratching upon the rocky road. Sam whipped his head around as another white van crested the hill.

“COTT?” Jude frowned, tilting her head to the side.

There was no time. Sam lurched forward grabbing Jude’s hand, and shouted, “Run!”

Jude turned, seeing the white van, then Sam’s wide eyes before she was dragged towards the forest. They broke into a sprint, like two deer being chased down by hunters. Gun shots rang out, but they didn’t dare turn or slow their pace.Reaching the tree line, they did not stop. Sam dropped Jude’s hand for better ease, dodging around the trees. He could hear her heavy breathing and then her sharp intake of breath as brush caught on her face. They ran for what felt like hours and finally stopped when they reached a creek.

Jude knelt before the water, gasping as she cupped it in her hands and drank. Sam did the same, also scrubbing at the dry blood on his head. Their breathing finally evened out and Jude stood. Her stance was defensive, like a great metal wall had been erected where she stood.

“What the hell was that? Who were those people? What is COTT?” She unloaded, eyes wide, the adrenaline from the run still in her veins.

“I promise I will tell you everything I know, but we need to keep moving. They won’t stop following us. They won’t stop until they have captured us again. We will walk and talk at the same time.” He spoke fast, looking at her pleadingly.

Jude was silent and then she slowly nodded her head, relief flooded through Sam, he couldn't waste precious time trying to convince her to keep moving.

They started off deeper into the forest, following the creek and then climbing higher. Sam knew that Craigh na Dun was close to a creek, it was their best bet to follow it upwards.

“COTT stands for Collection of Time Travellers. They’re an organisation that’s main aim is to capture time travellers. They believe that time travellers are an abomination and should be controlled.” Sam explained.

Jude didn’t react to what should have been mind blowing information. Time travel was real! She just furrowed her brow slightly, looking to the ground as she processed. Unless…

“You know about time travel?” Sam exclaimed.

She looked over at him sharply and they stopped walking. “Yes, I know about time travel, I’m not completely clueless.” Jude sighed and continued to walk. “I had no idea that we were hunted for it. Something completely out of our control.”

Dirt and leaves crunching under boots filled the silence.

“The ironic part is, there are time travellers who work for COTT, and they are the ones who capture us. They will chase us across centuries. Chase us. Their own kind.” Sam shook his head in disgust. “The organisation must have something on them, or they have a deal where somehow, the travellers benefit from the arrangement. We don’t know why they do it.”

“For two weeks I've felt like people have been following me. I’ve been moving around, trying to lose them. I thought you might have been one of them.” She glanced at him.

“I work for a man called Raymond. We trace family trees of time travellers and then we try and find them before COTT does. We found your family tree, but your name and date of birth had been smudged out. Raymond told us that the sapphire necklace you wore had been in your family for generations and would be what identified you, along with the blue aura.”

“Blue aura?” Jude peered at him and sure enough a light blue haze was just noticeable glowing along his skin.

“Can’t you see it?” A look of puzzlement crossed Sam's face.

“I…yes” Her look of shock told him enough.

“If you aren’t looking for it, your brain can trick you into ignoring it or mistaking it for something else. Maybe it was just a trick of the light.” Sam gestured to the sky.

“But how did you know what year I was living in?” Jude asked.

“We didn’t. My friend Harry who also works for Raymond, saw you in Inverness. He saw your aura and then he recognised your sapphire necklace. I was trying to track down another person but hadn’t been able to find any leads when Harry told me. We decided to focus our efforts on you instead.”

Another pang shot through Sam when he thought of Harry. As soon as he made sure Jude was safe, he would set out to find him.

Jude touched the small sapphire pendant around her neck. “It was my mother’s necklace.”

“It’s very beautiful.” Sam paused noticing her use of past tense. “I’m sorry about your mother.” He looked at her with such deep sincerity in his eyes that her breath caught.

“I actually never knew her, she died giving birth to me” Jude said looking away, her eyes had begun to water.

Peaceful silence returned. Sam brushed a tree branch out of the way for Jude to pass through.

“I never knew my parents. Not even their names. Raymond said I was left at a hospital. He took me in. Trained me to help other time travellers.” That simple fact had haunted his entire life, left a hole inside him, like someone had cut out an essential part of who he was and left a hollow crater in its wake.

Sam gave a resigned smile and Jude looked at him with pure understanding, so piercing that it burrowed into his chest, and he had to look away.

The sun was moving lower in the sky, and it would turn dark in another hour. They trudged down a small hill and came to a sheltered clearing which still had access to the creek.

“Well, we better set up camp here. It will be dark soon. I’ll go get some fish for supper.” He felt the need to put distance between them and raced off towards the creek, leaving Jude behind.

Why had he told her about his parents abandoning him? It felt like he was standing in a shooting range unable to move, just waiting for the bullet to hit him. No way to escape. He had opened his box of despair and now he desperately slammed the lid down. Making sure it was secure before venturing back to Jude.

He returned to her, holding three decent sized fish in his hands. Jude had gathered wood and started a fire while he had been gone. Sam raised his eyebrows. Resourceful.

“Wow. How did you catch the fish?” Jude looked stunned.

“With my hands.” Sam replied.

Jude looked at him with disbelief. Sam didn’t elaborate. Maybe he would show her one day.

They cooked the fish and ate in silence as it got dark. The light from the fire flickered over his red hair making it look like an extension of the flames. Jude stared at Sam as he slept across from her. He looked so peaceful and then a smile tugged at his mouth. It was the last thing she saw before she drifted off to sleep.

Chapter 3


Your comments make me smile! I love that people enjoyed the start of the story. Here is another chapter…

Chapter Text

The cool morning air pinched at his skin as he stirred awake. His breaths formed clouds that floated across the remains of the fire from last night, now ashes.

Jude was still asleep, her knees brought up to her stomach and arms wrapped tightly around herself. It was as if she was trying to hide from something and had made herself as small as possible. His chest tightened looking at her curled-up form, and he told himself then and there he would fight to the death to protect her.

They needed to keep moving. COTT would still be hunting them. Staying here any longer was like encouraging the hungry wolves to rip them a part. Sam knew that the stones had to be somewhere close and once they found them, he would be able to return with Jude to 1769. That is…if she would come with him. It was her choice after all.

Many travellers could only pass-through stone circles on special days of the year and needed to wear a gemstone. He was more powerful than the average traveller and could travel whenever he wished, to any country of his choice. Most countries did have stone circles, if you knew where to look. Raymond had made him memorise hundreds, their names and locations. Sam was also able to control the year he went to and didn’t need a gemstone. There were others like him out there, Harry included.

Sam could also safely transport another person along with him if they held onto him as he touched the stone. Once they got to 1769, Raymond would keep Jude safe while he went off in search of Harry.

Raymond had taken in hundreds of time travellers over the years, trained them, and then sent them out into the world to save other travellers from the evil clutches of COTT. Raymond was a warm light that never left him, guiding him along the darkest paths.

Foliage snapped underneath Jude’s form as she woke. She stretched out her stiff limbs and then faced him.

"Good morning." Sam smiled.

“You’re trying to find Craigh na Dun aren’t you?” Jude blurted out in reply, raising her eyebrows.

The question threw Sam off guard. Jude seemed to know a lot more about time travel then she led on. Jude’s stare was unrelenting, she expected an answer.

Finally, Sam replied, “Yes. We can travel to 1769, France, where Raymond’s headquarters are. He will keep you safe, along with the other travellers that are there now. It is of course your choice if you come with me. However, COTT are right on our tail and if you stay here, they will capture you. So your best chance of survival is staying with me.”

Jude stroked her sapphire necklace as she contemplated his words. It seemed to give her comfort, a silver thread that connected her to her mother and held secrets deep in its blue pools.

“I’ll come with you. But I’m not going to sit around while everyone else saves lives. I want to fight those assholes.” Flames danced in her eyes.

If the fighting skills Sam had already witnessed Jude display were any indication of her strength. Sam knew she would not back down.

Sam grinned. “Alright, better get going then.”

Jude’s answering smile was as bright as the rising sun behind her. “I know the way to the stones by the way.”

She lightly brushed passed him as she said, “Follow me.”

Sam paused, blinking away the shock. She had known where the stones were the entire time he was leading them aimlessly through the forest? Sam sighed but he couldn't help the smile that spread across his face as he turned, lightly jogging to catch up to her.

“You’ve travelled through Craigh na Dun before?” Sam questioned.

“Yes, that’s generally how a person ends up in 2014.” Jude smirked.

“Well, what year were you born in?”

“Wouldn’t you like to know.” She let out a breathy laugh and continued ahead.

Confusion took over Sam. Jude was like a bird protecting her nest, dropping scraps of information over the side, every now and then. Sam didn’t prod her for the answer. He got the feeling that she didn’t trust people easily, but he would work hard to earn it. Jude would tell him everything in time, or so he hoped.

The forest started to become less dense, and sunlight flooded through, lighting up Jude’s golden hair. She took a hair tie out of her pocket and started to scoop her hair into a high ponytail. The skin on her neck was so smooth. He yearned to run his fingers softly along it. Would goosebumps raise if he did? There was a freckle halfway down the left side, just waiting to be kissed. Sam was transfixed, until she turned to him, and he looked away quickly. His cheeks felt warm, and he was sure they were turning red.

When Sam looked back, she smiled knowingly and said, “The stones are just up that hill.” She pointed straight ahead.

And so, they were. He hadn’t realised that they had come to the edge of the forest and there was now a road to their right. They set off towards it. Finally, a physical goal was in sight.

It was as they reached the bottom of the hill that a sickening feeling came over Sam, making the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. He turned to see a white van hiding around the corner under the cover of trees. Two men leaned against its’ side. Holding guns. Waiting for their prey to fall into the trap.

Time felt as if it had slowed. Gun shots. The sound of Jude’s scream. His thighs burned as they raced up the hill. The men were gaining on them.

A bullet shot through a tree, metres from his head. Sam glanced to his side in time to see Jude hide behind a tree. He did the same, turning to the tree on his right.

With his back against the tree, he pulled out the gun he had stolen the day before, just as Jude pulled out a dagger. They locked eyes. A silent message sent through them, zapping them into motion.


They stepped out from the trees and faced the men, head on. Sam narrowed his sights on the blond man with the gun. Sam ducked as a bullet whizzed past his head. His eyes narrowed and he aimed.

The man dropped, but only his arm had been hit. The blond crawled across the grass to the gun that had fallen out of his hand. Sam sprinted towards him, kicking the gun out of reach.

A small screech sounded, and Sam whipped his head to its location. Fast enough, to see Jude ram her dagger into the man’s chest. Her eyes were as cold as ice as he fell at her feet, and she glanced towards Sam.

Horror replaced the ice as his legs were kicked out from underneath him. Sam’s head jerked to the side as pain shot through his cheek. The blond man was on him. His mind went still as he focused and then brought his knee up into the man’s stomach. The man groaned falling beside him and then Sam was punching him. Again, and again.

He was only half aware when Jude grabbed his hand, dragging him away towards the centre stone. Neither of them looked back as Sam wrapped one arm around Jude’s waist and used his other hand to touch the stone.

He felt like he was being pulled in every direction as he chanted in his head, ‘Carnac Stones, 1769’. ‘Carnac Stones, 1769’. Echoes of screams whizzed past. Darkness swallowed them.

The warmth of Jude pressed against his front, calmed him. She grabbed his jacket in her hands, breathing heavily before she slumped against him, loosing consciousness. Then they fell with great impact to the ground, taking the wind out of him.

He gasped for air. It never got easier. But somehow it had been better travelling with her. Jude was flat on her back beside him, eyes closed. Her chest rose and fell with each breath. Sam sighed with relief.

Chapter 4


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

They were in France, and Raymond’s haven was no more than a two hour walk from the stones. Jude had awoken not long after they had landed but she was still pale as they walked through the long, dry grass. Late Autumn was settling in, judging by the orange leaves and the cool breeze that nipped at their faces.

“How are you feeling?” Sam asked her.

“I’m fine.” Jude snapped signalling that she was in no mood to talk.

Sam knew travelling through the stones hadn’t been the best experience for her. It rarely was for the people he had taken through.

It had to be mid-day when they reached headquarters. Horses roamed the fields that surrounded it. The house was magnificent in size, towering over them. Jude’s eyes widened as they approached. Large white pillars decorated its front, and grand windows were scattered around its walls. It was everything it should be.

Except. Except something was different. Sam’s eyes narrowed as he surveyed the overgrown vine that snaked its way across the front entrance. The garden that lined the stone steps was also overtaken by weeds. Fountains no longer ran with water, and no sound could be heard from inside the house. The front door had been smashed to pieces.

Sam’s heart sped as he pushed past the wood that still hung to the frame of the door. Inside he was met with absolute destruction. As if someone had set a bomb off. The chandelier lay shattered on the floor, paintings had been ripped apart, vases smashed. Everything lay in pieces. Sam stood stock still, his jaw tightening. His breath was shaky.

Jude placed her hand on his arm softly. He swiftly shook off her touch and waded through the sea of wreckage. Climbing the stairs, he avoided the holes that had been punched through the floor. Moving forward, until he reached Raymond’s office.

Jude hadn’t followed him; he had hurt her with his dismissal, but he didn’t need comfort. He needed to find them. He needed to find Raymond. There must be some way he could help. How long ago had this happened? The last time he was here it had been 1768.

Raymond’s possessions were strewn across the room as he entered the office. Paper ripped to shreds; books evicted from their shelves, cluttering the floor. Sam descended upon the desk. If Raymond had left a clue to the cause of this destruction it would be in his bottom draw. The draw only Raymond and himself had the key to. The place he left all of Sam’s missions, for Raymond was scarcely home in recent years. Sam unlocked the draw and the letter he found only confirmed his worst fears.

To dear Sam,

COTT has found us. I have sent our travellers to different years hoping to scatter them. However, I’m afraid COTT descends on the house as I write this. I beg you to go to L’Hopital des Anges in Paris. Find Mother Mance, she will explain everything. Don’t worry about Harry, he made it back safely from 2014, and is on another mission. I’m sorry, Sam I never wanted –

The letter had cut off mid-sentence. Somehow, he had still been able to sign his name in a scribble of letters. No matter how ineligible it was, Sam would recognise Raymond’s handwriting anywhere. The teacher’s handwriting mirrored its’ student.

Sam fell back into the chair behind him, shock settling in. Worry gripped him as he thought of COTT potentially capturing Raymond. At the same time, immense relief washed over him knowing Harry was not in danger. This relief felt cruel when he thought of the travellers who may have been captured and tortured.

Sam had no idea how much time passed before he heard a soft knock at the half open door. Their eyes locked for a second, before Sam looked down at his feet, gnawing the inside of his cheek. As Jude came closer, Sam offered the letter to her. She took it from him and read, concern apparent on her face.

“So, we go to Paris.” Determination set in Jude’s eyes.

Sam sighed. Would he ever see Raymond again? He shook the thought away. Nothing would stop him from searching. Raymond hadn’t had time to explain where he would go if he had escaped. But he had left a request for Sam to visit L’Hopital des Anges. He had begged.

“Yes. We’ll set off tomorrow morning. There are still horses in the paddocks that we can take. It will take 5 days before we reach Paris.” Their eyes locked again, and the plan was set.

Sam was able to gather vegetables from the garden and fruit from the trees on the estate that they could eat raw for dinner. He picked extra to pack for their journey tomorrow. The beds in all the bedrooms had been trashed, their frames broken. Sam was able to find a spare mattress hidden in the basem*nt and laid it down on the floor of the sitting room. He had failed to retrieve any blankets that hadn’t been ripped in half. Next to the mattress lay the couch, that looked as if its cushions had been shredded. It would have to make do for his bed for the night. He had slept on worse things.

They ate their small dinner quickly.

“Where do you think Raymond is?” Jude asked him as they chewed on apples.

“Hopefully somewhere safe. He would have planned something in case COTT ever found headquarters. He probably travelled to the future if he got to the stones in time. Supplies are easier to come by in the 20th and 21st centuries.” As Sam talked, he realised he was really just trying to convince himself that Raymond got away.

Jude nodded as if his theory made perfect sense and settled down on the mattress, trying to pile strips of blanket over herself. Sam lay on the lumpy couch; his gun lay on the small table beside him and he had stashed his dagger beneath his pillow for quick access just in case.

To light a fire would be too risky if COTT decided to come back and wait around for unaware travellers to return to the estate. The smoke would be like a siren screaming out their whereabouts. Icy wind flew through the smashed front door and whirled into the living room. He was freezing.

Jude shivered. “If we can’t light a fire, then we have to use body heat because at this rate I’m going to freeze to death before morning.”

Sam could only make out her outline in the darkness. She was right. It had to be negative degrees outside and not having a door made the temperature inside drop. He hesitated, making no sign of moving. He was cold but…getting so close to her. He didn’t want to cross any lines, but then again, she had asked him.

“Get down here.” She hissed. Jude paused and then huffed in a softer tone. “Please.”

Sam realised he had been stalling, overthinking a simple request that didn’t need to mean anything. The demand in her voice was like a rope tied across his leg dragging him towards her. Jude patted the space beside her on the mattress and he made his way to her. He lay on his back as she rearranged the scraps of blanket that only covered her middle. Jude turned away burrowing herself into the mattress.

“Closer.” Sam could just make out the whisper that passed her lips. He took a great gulp of air before moving to curl himself around her form. His arm lay along her stomach, and he felt as if he had gone from a freezing pool to hugging a hot water bottle. Safe and warm. Jude sighed wiggling against him to get comfortable. Heat rose in his cheeks as he moved trying to subtly adjust himself. He breathed deeply, trying to calm himself and fell asleep with his nose buried in her hair. A sweet, earthy smell that led to peaceful dreams.


Before they left in the morning, they changed into 18th century clothing. However, Sam couldn’t find any ladies’ garments. Jude didn’t seem disappointed, stating that she preferred pants anyway. The pants he found were slightly too big, but Jude was unfazed as she rolled up the bottoms of the pant legs. Sam also found a belt which made the pants fit perfectly around her waist. Jude would get strange looks for sure. But until they found a dress shop, it was the best they could do.

Having made the journey to Paris from their estate before, Sam knew they would reach a small town before sundown. They would be able to get a proper meal and hopefully a dress. He had taken what was left of his money that had been stashed in his room back at the house. It would tide them over until they reached Paris and a good while afterward wherever they ended up.

Now atop horses they rode slowly through the dry country, eating the last of the fruit Sam had packed. Wind whipped at his face as he stole a glance at Jude beside him. He could still feel the warmth of her pressed against his chest and the bitter cold emptiness that had greeted him when he awoke. She sat comfortably on the horse, stroking its hair, as if she had done so a thousand times before.

“How did you learn to fight like that?” The question rushed out of his mouth, awkwardly.

“Like what?” Jude feigned confusion.

“You know what.” Sam rolled his eyes.

“My father taught me.” She said softly. “He wanted me to be able to protect myself.”

“He must be a great fighter because you sure know your way around a dagger.”

Jude smiled sadly. “He was great.”

Silence fell upon them, and Sam was struck with the pained look she gave him. He had a feeling that Jude’s life had been crushed with immense heartbreak and trauma. Sam wished he could channel the pain out of her like he was able to take the power from standing stones. So that he could shoulder some of the suffering she had experienced.

The rest of the ride, they sped up wanting to move as fast as possible.


This is a shorter chapter as it sets up more of the plot but there will be an update very soon!

Thanks for reading :)

Chapter 5

Chapter Text

They reached the town that afternoon and headed straight to the tavern, ravenous for a hot meal. Inside, men leered at Jude’s form on display. Sam tensed as he noticed. God she was only wearing pants!

He shook his head at their lusty sneers. Sam placed his hand on Jude’s back, almost snarling when he gave them a dirty look as they walked to the table furthest away from everybody. One of them wolf whistled.

“It still surprises me, the sh*t men get away with in this time.” Jude said, nose scrunched in disgust.

“I just want to smash their faces in.” Sam seethed before realising that was quite a violent statement to make in front of a lady. No. What was he thinking? Jude had fiercely killed two men in the space of the three days he had known her for.

Jude just nodded. “I couldn’t agree more.” She gave him a dry smile.

It took him a second to register that Jude had just tossed into his hands another scrap of information about herself. She had travelled somewhere in the 1700’s before. Sam peered at her, questions whirled through his mind. But then the food arrived, and he forgot them, digging into the juicy heaven that was his meal.

When they were finished, they ordered separate rooms for the night before stepping outside to find camping supplies in the market. They then searched for a dress shop, finding one at the end of the street which they strolled into. Outside, the sky had turned pink as the sun began to set. They were lucky the shop was still open.

By the time they left, darkness had descended upon them. Jude donned a dark green dress with a woollen wrap to protect from the cold. It made her eyes look like sparkling emeralds in the moonlight.

They walked back to the tavern, but not before Jude secured her weapons inside her wrap and beneath her skirts. As they turned the corner to reach the tavern, they were greeted with a commotion breaking out at the front doors.

“You’ll get what’s coming to ya! You can’t run forever Marcus.” A tall dark-haired man with a burly frame yelled out to the street.

Jude’s eyes locked on the man and her whole body stiffened as if she was frozen in fear. She stuck her arm out, stopping Sam from walking any further. They were hidden by a large bush, but they watched through the cracks. The man that had just yelled, picked at his teeth, motioning to the group of men behind him. Four, strong, bulky men in total.

“Come on boys, no need to stick around here with scum.” He chuckled before swaggering down the street, the men in tow. The group turned down an alley and were gone.

This seemed to snap Jude out of her trance because next thing Sam knew she was sprinting after them.

“Jude!” He yelled but she didn’t even register him.

Sam chased after her, down the alley, skidding to a halt beside her as she leaned her back against the stone wall. Jude’s stare bore into him as she pressed one finger to her lips, pleading with him to be quiet. Then he heard why. Voices coming from behind the wall.

“But, Des what if he-“

The voice that cut him off was that of the man they had just heard outside the tavern. “He won’t run, or he won’t get far anyway. I’ve got Jerry and Elliot on it.”

“Well then, where are we off to next?” A high voice sounded.

“First, I’m going to find a pretty girl to spend the night with. Then, North Carolina. It’s just crawling with travellers.” Des jeered. “Boss will be happy when we bring em’ back screaming.”

Jude reached for her dagger, about to spring out from the wall they hid behind. Sam grabbed her, swiftly putting a hand to her mouth muffling her scream.

Two big men they could take down. Three maybe. They would be squished like bugs if they even attempted an attack on the whole group. It was too risky, and downright crazy to get in the middle of.

Jude struggled against his grasp, jutting her elbow into his stomach, and kicking her legs but he held on tight. The voices had stopped and after a minute Sam let her go. Jude whipped around slapping him across the face. Hard. Heat and pain washed over him, and his eyes watered as he looked back at her blearily.

“You had no right!” Jude yelled, hitting his chest in outrage.

“No right?” Sam yelled back. Anger seared through him. “You were about to get us killed! What in the hell were you thinking?”

“He took my father!” She screamed, tears rolled down her cheeks.

Sam’s breath came heavily as he stared at her in horror. Trying to comprehend the wicked crime that had been committed. Jude stood with her arms folded, her knuckles were turning white from the tight grip she had on her arms. Her chest heaved as she tried to control her breathing.

“This.” She gestured between them with her hands. “It was never about helping you. I was trying to track down Desmond. I thought if I went with you to headquarters I could find information on Desmond. Now they’re gone and you’ve ruined any chance I had to-

She stopped, sucking in a breath. Turning away from him, she buried her hands in her hair. Sam understood now, why she had acted the way she did. Frozen in fear and then clawing her way towards the man like he would save her from death. But her words still stung.

“There were too many. We wouldn’t have been able to fight them all. We would have just gotten ourselves captured or killed.” Sam said softly, walking slowly towards her. “I promise you, one day we will hunt Desmond down and get justice for your father. We'll find him again, plan an attack and we'll bring others with us to take him down. I won’t stop searching until we get him.”

Tears slipped down her face as she looked at him. “I don’t even know if my father is alive or not. When you told me about COTT I connected the dots. They took him when I was fifteen. I didn’t know who they were, but I remembered Desmond’s face. I thought they took him because of the debt he was in but now… Now I know. I thought my best chance at finding Desmond would be to follow you.” Her voice was so broken.

It all made sense now, why Jude had agreed to come with him. Her father had been a time traveller and was captured by COTT. Sam reached out a hand to grasp her shoulder in comfort. “We will find out what happened to him. I promise.” He said never taking his eyes off hers.

Jude took in a shaky breath, and then surprisingly, she reached for him. Sam wrapped his arms around her, holding tight, his chin rested upon her head which had fallen against his chest. He had no idea how long they stayed like that, enfolded in each other’s warmth and safety but they made their way back to the tavern sometime later to sleep.


The next morning, Jude’s eyes were slightly red, signalling that she hadn’t slept well. Sam thought better than to ask her how she was feeling. She wasn’t okay. His eyes must have betrayed his thoughts because Jude took one look at him before rubbing her eyes and stating that she was fine.

They had a quick breakfast and packed some bread and dried meat for the road, enough food to get to Paris. Setting off, Sam decided he wanted to steer the conversation to a lighter tone to take Jude’s mind off what had happened last night.

“So, have you been to Paris before?” Sam asked.

“No, but I’ve always wanted to go.” Jude replied.

“It’s an amazing city, the people are so friendly, and the food is to die for.” He made a dramatic gesture and she laughed. Sam felt a thrill whip across his chest at the sound.

“Well, I’m glad that’s the direction we’re going in.” Jude smiled before she said, “The only country I have visited is Scotland. I was born in England, but I want to travel the world. Italy, Spain, Greece…”

Sam focused intently on her as she passionately spoke about the places she wanted to explore. The sun streamed through her hair, making it appear as if it glowed. The more enthusiastic she became about travelling the world, the wider her smile grew. So Ethereal. So Beautiful.

“What about you? Where do you want to go?” The question threw him off guard but then he thought about it for a minute and realised he already knew the answer.

“I’ve always wanted to see more of the Scottish Highlands. I have been to Scotland many times for missions, but I always seem to get stuck in Edinburgh or Inverness. There’s just something about the landscape of Scotland that has always pulled me towards it. So serene and peaceful.” Sam smiled shyly, knowing he had started to ramble.

“With that red hair, I’m surprised you didn’t grow up there. You must have some family relation to Scotland or Ireland.” Jude said, an amused expression on her face.

Sam let out a breathy laugh, shaking his hair out of his face. “Yeah, I guess I’ll never know.”

The day flew by fast and before they knew it, night had fallen. They set up camp, steering off the road to settle within the trees. Sitting beside the fire they built, Sam looked over to Jude who stared into the flames as if in a trance.

She must have felt his eyes on her because she turned and said, “the last memory I have of my father is him telling me to run to the stone circle, and then the men crashed into the house. I was so scared, I ran out the back and hid behind some bushes. I saw Desmond’s face as they left, dragging my father along with them.” Jude’s eyes filled with pain. “I should have fought them.”

“You were only young. It's not your fault.” Sam said firmly.

“No. I should have done something. Father taught me how to defend myself for a reason.” She looked away.

“Jude listen to me.” Sam waited until she faced him again. “You couldn’t have taken on a large group of men on your own. If I was in your position, I wouldn’t have been able to do that. No one could have. The only person you should blame is Desmond and COTT.”

Jude took in a deep breath, she nodded but didn’t look convinced. Sam felt terrible that she took on some of the blame for what happened to her father.

“After father was taken, I nearly starved in that house. There was no money left, I had to steal food on the streets. England in 1762 was not a pretty sight, I had to kill men that tried to take me to their beds.” Jude shivered as she spoke. The utter devastation on her face, cracked him in two.

“I spent so much time wasting away before I remembered my father’s plea to run to the stone circle. I guess trauma does that to a person.” She laughed bitterly. “I didn’t know about time travel then, he never told me. So, when I was 17, I arrived at the Rollright stones and something urged me to touch the tallest one, subconsciously I must have been wishing for freedom and a place of love because I arrived in 2007 at Craigh na Dun. I have been in Scotland ever since, until you showed up.” Upon mentioning him, she smiled.

That made Jude 24 years old, a year younger than him. Sam gave her a soft smile in return and raised his arm around her shoulders to bring her into a side hug.

“What would you have done without me?” He asked teasingly.

Jude shoved him away, crossing her arms. “Getting all co*cky now, are you? I was doing fine without you.” She tried to keep a straight face, but her lips tugged upwards.

“Were you really?” Sam challenged.

Jude only replied, “Yes” before a smile cracked on her face.

A minute went by where they just stared at each other, not willing to back down. Sam finally broke the eye contact.

“I know you were fine before I came into the picture. You fight like a champion. It’s one of the many things I like about you Jude.” He said softly.

Sam’s gaze flickered between her full pink lips and her ocean eyes as she leaned towards him. Their faces were inches away from each other. Jude’s breath came fast, but then she quickly moved away running her hands through her golden locks.

“Well, you’re stuck with me for now.” She quipped.

“It’s not the worst thing in the world. Really, it’s far from it.” Sam replied.

Jude let out a breath of disbelief, her lips twitched.

“I’m sorry for slapping you yesterday and holding a knife to your throat when we first met.” She said quietly as she settled down on her mat, pulling blankets on top of her.

Sam did the same, lying down on his own sleeping mat. “I know.” He whispered.

“I didn’t mean what I said about not wanting to help you. I do. I think if we work together, we can find Desmond and Raymond.”

Jude was just like him. In anger, she said things she didn’t mean. They were just words fired across at the person she thought would harm her. Shoot first, ask questions later.

“We will find them Jude.” Sam said confidently.

Chapter 6


Hope you enjoy this chapter! Many things are revealed :)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Over the next couple of days all Sam could think about was how much he wanted to kiss Jude, but the heart she owned was guarded. Trying to figure out if she felt anything towards him was like trying to see through dense fog. It had seemed like she was interested last night. Their faces had been inches from one another but the following nights she made no moves to get close again.

Was it pathetic to feel so much in so little time? From the moment she held that knife to his throat he had been hooked. Sam couldn’t tear his eyes from her. When she noticed, he turned so awkward, flushing like a teenage boy with a crush. On the inside he felt like exploding, there were too many emotions trapped inside him trying to escape.

On the fifth day of riding, they finally reached Paris. The streets were bustling with people. They left the horses at an inn and then they headed off to L’Hopital des Anges. It was busy upon entering, nurses scurried around patients who lay on beds groaning.

“Should we split up, see who can find Mother Mance?” Jude suggested.

Sam nodded and they went separate ways. Jude walked into the room on their right and Sam took the stairs. Upon reaching the landing, a nun nearly bumped into him.

She had a stern look about her. “What are you doing up here, young man?” The nun questioned.

“I…” The nun’s death glare was unnerving. “I wanted to see Mother Mance. Does she still work here?” He asked.

“And what would you be wanting with Mother Mance?” She inquired.

“Um, I’m Samuel Fraser, Raymond sent me. He said she would have important information to give me.”

Recognition flashed in the nun’s eyes at Raymond’s name.

“Very well, follow me.” She took off down the hallway and gestured to him to enter a small office. “Wait here and Mother Mance will be with you in a moment.” The expression on her face was bland as she ambled away.

Sam sat in one of the chairs facing the desk, observing the clean room. His heart lurched in anticipation of finally knowing where Raymond was. Sam missed Raymond’s calming presence, his reassurance, the way he looked at him as if he was the brightest star in the room.

A minute or so later, another older nun entered the room a letter in her hand. “Well, it is so nice to finally meet you, Samuel Fraser.” She smiled. “I’m Mother Mance. Raymond left this letter in my possession and told me that if he ever sent you here, I should pass it along to you.”

Mother Mance held out the letter to Sam and he took it gently from her frail hands.

“I’ll give you some space.” She moved towards the door.

“Thank you.” Sam said, hoping she could see the sincerity in his eyes.

Mother Mance just nodded, giving him a small smile before leaving the room. Sam opened the letter and read.

Dear Sam,

When you reach the end of this letter, I know you will be reluctant to reach out to me and I understand. Just know that what you are about to read is the absolute truth and I’m sorry for keeping it from you for so long.

Your parents’ names are James and Claire Fraser. When you were born in this hospital, I saw the blue aura on you more powerful than any traveller I had ever seen before. I knew then that you were needed in our mission. You would save so many lives. But you were born too early, your lungs were giving out. I knew that if I left you with your mother you would die. You had only hours left to live.

Only I could heal you, bring you strength, train you to become the man you were always meant to be. Another woman had died from giving birth and the baby girl had been born too soon. Both you and the girl were swaddled in identical blankets. I swapped you with the girl as Claire lay weak and unconscious. Only one nun had seen that Claire hadgiven birth to a boy and so I convinced her that she had been wrong. I had already made the swap when the nun checked the baby, and it was indeed a girl. I left the hospital with you bundled in my arms, before anyone noticed a dead woman's baby had gone missing.

However, I heard that Claire was not healing after the birth. I had already taken so much from her, I knew I had to go back and help. Few nurses lingered in Claire’s room. They thought she would die. I healed Claire and then left Paris for good. Your parents believe Claire gave birth to a little girl who died, but you are living proof that their son exists.

I named you Samuel Fraser so that you would carry a piece of them with you. I know they loved you very much. In time I wanted to explain to you in person, who your parents are but I needed you to stay longer and help with the missions. I knew once you found out about your parents you would want to leave, and I understand. Please search for them. I always wanted you to be reunited with them. They now live in North Carolina on Fraser’s Ridge.

Hopefully one day you will understand why I did this and come back to our mission on your own. You are an extraordinary young man and a saviour of travellers around the world. I never meant to cause you any harm and I hope the rest of your life is full of joy and family.

Regards, Raymond.

Raymond’s letter was the words of a delusional man. How could he have done something like this? The man he knew was kind, loving, gentle.

Fraser. The last name Raymond had given him wasn’t plucked out of thin air. It was his real father’s name. James Fraser. Betrayal set his veins a light. He wanted to throttle something. Hit something so hard that his brain had to focus on a different type of pain. Not this.

He had lived his life believing he wasn’t wanted. Discarded like a mouldy, stale piece of bread. But it wasn’t true. None of it had been true.

It was all lies. The walls of the room felt like they were pressing in on him. The ceiling was pushing him down. He couldn’t control his rapid breathing or the hammering of his heart in his chest. Nails cut flesh where he had squeezed his hands into fists. He kicked the desk and then he punched the wall. Hot pain seared up his arm as blood ran down his knuckles, but he didn’t care.

A nun barged into the room appalled at the commotion that was taking place within. He needed to leave. Escape this room that threatened to squeeze the life from him. He didn’t dare look at the nun’s face as he stuffed the letter in his pocket and ran from the room. Down the stairs and out of the hospital doors. He sprinted through the field that lay behind it and didn’t stop until civilisation was a blur in the distance.

Then he yelled and screamed. Panting, he collapsed onto the ground. He lay there staring at the drifting clouds in a daze, feeling as if he was floating. How could this be real?

Sam feared what he might do to Raymond if he ever saw him again. No. He never wanted to see him again. Raymond’s gentle smile turned cruel and cunning in his mind like a mad thief in the night. No better than a filthy co*ckroach feeding on dead carcasses, stealing what was left of a bright life.

Even if Raymond had healed him as a newborn and was the reason he was alive today, it didn’t excuse his vile nature. Taking an innocent baby from parents who loved him! Raymond was a selfish, egotistical, small-minded man. Sam saw his childhood in a whole new light. Instead of growing up with loving parents, he was left for weeks on end in that estate house when he was only five. The aching loneliness he felt was drowned out by the pure joy when Raymond would return. Who would leave a five-year-old by themselves?

Raymond sent him on missions as young as fourteen. The violence he had endured at a young age still threatened his mind. Though Harry had always been there with him on missions, he had been far too young. Harry had been in his twenties when Sam first started time travelling. Although Harry was like his older brother, he had been more of a father figure than Raymond ever was. Harry was the one who bandaged him up when he got hurt, Harry was there when he needed advice, Harry taught him how to cook, how to fight, how to survive. Not Raymond.

He just felt so angry, like his veins were on fire and no one would be able to extinguish the flames. Sam didn’t know how long he laid there staring at the endless sky wishing he could sink into the ground and be swallowed whole, but he heard footsteps and knew it was Jude joining him.

“Hey, I found Mother Mance and she told me she gave you a letter from Raymond. Then another nun came and said you ran out here.” She said softly.

Sam didn’t move from the ground; he didn’t even look at her. Jude stood for a minute and then settled down beside him, their shoulders touched, side by side. They laid there in companionable silence, staring at the clouds as they rolled through the sky.

“That one looks like a chicken.” Her voice came out of nowhere, a thread pulling him out from his dark thoughts.

“What?” Sam said bewildered.

“That cloud in the sky.” Jude pointed to it.

The cloud she pointed to looked like a blob of white. Sam couldn’t make out any shape.

“No, it doesn’t.” He replied.

“You’re not looking at the right cloud.” Jude said amused. She brought her hand to his and interlocked their fingers. Lifting them both, she steered his line of sight towards another cloud. All thoughts left his mind as he sighted the cloud, but it didn’t look like a chicken, it’s shape resembled something else.

“It looks like a rat.” He said blandly.

“Huh?” She squeaked beside him.

Sam let out a quiet laugh and Jude giggled. Then they became hysterical. It wasn’t even that funny, but the more Sam laughed, the more Jude chuckled. And then Jude snorted, and it sent Sam over the edge, laughing so hard he couldn’t get a breath in.

After calming down enough to take a deep breath, Sam looked over at Jude. The mischief in her eyes lit up her smile, her cheeks a warm pink colour. For a moment he was in a bubble of happiness that he never wanted to leave, but then he felt the heavy, cold letter weighing down his pocket and reality set in.

The smile vanished from his face as soon as it had come. Sam sat up, sticking his hand into his pocket to retrieve the letter. Jude’s smile was replaced with worry as Sam gave her the letter and she read.

When Jude finished the letter, she studied him intently. “Oh, Sam, I’m so sorry.” She touched his shoulder.

Sam gave her a grim smile. “My life is so messed up. So, f*cking messed.” He shook his head in disbelief.

“You know what? f*ck Raymond. Let’s find your parents. They’re in North Carolina, we’ll find the nearest stone circle and leave.” Jude said setting her jaw firmly. She said Raymond’s name like it was a filthy word.

Sam’s heart lifted at her words, but he also felt a pang of nervousness spread through him at the thought of coming face to face with James and Claire Fraser. What if they had moved on with their lives? He didn’t want to disturb the family they had created. They probably had other children they loved dearly. Would they want someone like him coming into their lives to mess everything up? He was twenty-five years old, a bit late to start wanting parents to guide him.

“Yeah…” he said half-heartedly.

Jude furrowed her brows. “What’s wrong?”

“I just…They probably don’t want another child coming into their lives. You know? What if they are already content? I don’t want to crash into their family and cause chaos.”

Jude looked at him as if he was crazy. “Sam, you don’t just forget when you lose a child. Your parents will be overcome with joy to know you are alive! You’re not just a late addition to their family. You were always a part of it.” She said it with such clarity and unwavering directness that his doubt started to waver.

Sam let out a deep breath. “You would come with me? To North Carolina?”

“Yes." Jude replied with no hesitation. "That’s what friends do for each other right? Help the other person track down their parents.”

Sam gave her a small smile, playing along. “Yes, isn’t that what all friendships are based off?” He said, eyes fixed on her. Jude chuckled as she stood.

Of course they were friends, after everything they had been through together an unbreakable bond had formed. But now, when Sam looked into Jude’s eyes, they gleamed darker, revealing that their relationship might be more than that.


I find it hard to write accents in speech. So that’s why Sam doesn’t really have a French accent. Although he did travel and live in many different places in his teenage years so I think his accent would have been affected by that and not as strong.

Also Raymond has a major saviour complex 😒

Chapter 7


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Upon entering the grounds behind the hospital, Mother Mance came barrelling out of the back door to meet them. Waving her hands frantically, panic set in her wide eyes.

“A man came here asking for you two.” She said breathlessly.

“A man? Do you know who he was?” Sam asked, worry overtaking him. Would they ever catch a break from being followed?

“He didn’t tell me his name, but he had blond hair and a healing gunshot wound in his left arm. His face was bruised and purple like he had been in a fight. He towered over us and gave us all a right scare, bursting into the hospital asking if we had seen a red head by the name of Samuel Fraser and the blond girl that was with him.” Mother Mance shivered as she recounted what had happened.

Sam glanced at Jude as understanding washed over him. A blond man with a gunshot wound. A blond man had chased after them as they tried to reach Craigh na Dun. Sam had shot him in the arm and had punched his face a great many times, but he hadn’t killed him. Now the man was back to finish what he started on that hill.

Jude met his eyes, a startled expression on her face.

“What did you say to him?” Jude asked the nun in alarm.

“I told him I had no idea who you were and that I had never seen you at this hospital. I promised Raymond I would protect you, Samuel. Now, you better go quick because the man knows you’re in Paris somewhere, and I don’t think he’ll stop looking for you. A whole group of men was with him too.” She nodded her head quickly, gesturing for them to go.

“Thank you for telling us.” Sam said earnestly.

“I only want the best for you Samuel. I hope you find your mother, she’s a kind soul with a healer’s heart.”

Sam gaped at her. “You knew my mother?”

“Yes, I did but there is little time to explain. You need to leave now to have any chance at getting away. Please go!” She ushered them away more urgently.

Sam stood rooted to the ground, staring at Mother Mance. The first real connection he had to his mother, and he couldn’t stay. It was like trying to hold sand in his wide stretched fingers. So much information he could find out about his mother, and it was slipping away.

“Come on Sam, we have to go.” It was only when Jude tugged at his arm that he let her lead him away. Sam felt that small thread of connection to his mother snap, as they ran hurriedly through the streets.

Strangers gawped at their momentum, some were annoyed at being jostled, others watched on fascinated by their panicked state. Jude knocked a basket of fruit off a nearby stand, and she slowed, wincing as she said, “Oh sh*t, sorry!”

The man who owned the stand swore in French as he waved his arms around, but Jude and Sam had already rounded the corner. They needed to get back to the inn, retrieve the horses and get to the Carnac stones as soon as possible, while avoiding the men that scrounged Paris trying to track them down.

They made it to the inn and tried to catch their breath as they circled around the back to the stables. However, upon setting their sights on the wooden structure, Sam saw a blond man enter through the wide arch, followed by three men behind him. He whispered what he had just seen to Jude, and they both flattened themselves against the wall of the inn, hiding out of sight.

“We’re too late. We’ll never be able to outrun them on foot. It took us five days to get here from the stones and that was riding horses.” Jude huffed.

She was right. Sam sighed. The men had found their horses and now they were waiting for them to come and fall into the net they set out. He didn’t know of any other stone circles close to them besides Carnac, but they didn’t necessarily need the stones to get away. An idea shot through him as if a secret passageway had been discovered.

“What about a ship? We’ll go to the docks, escape that way.”

“Where would we go?” Jude was listening but this plan wasn’t fool proof.

“It doesn’t matter, we’ll just get on any ship that’s leaving now. It’s better than staying here and waiting for them to find us.”

They had stepped further from the wall subconsciously as they talked. One of the men from the stables peered out and then they were spotted.

“Hey!” The man yelled.

Jude and Sam both whipped their heads towards him and didn’t waste a second before they were running. They couldn’t go back to the streets, it would cause too much attention, so they aimed for the trees, sprinting through the yards of shops and taverns.

The men were hot on their tails, yelling and cursing. Adrenaline pumped through Sam as they swerved to miss stacks of crates and barrels of goods. They climbed over fences, zipping through the trees. Jude was beside him just as agile, as she kept pace. Some fishing nets had been laid out on the ground and Sam knew they must be getting close to the harbour.

A knife was thrown and landed in a tree beside Jude. Startled she faltered, tripping over.

Sam took a sharp intake of breath as he saw Jude go down. He stopped and reached down to help her back to her feet, but the men had caught up and now they circled them. Sam and Jude stood back-to-back, daggers in hand.

The blond man’s bruised face was something out of a horror film. His eyes were red and swollen and his bruises had turned a horrible green colour, his nose pinched grotesquely as he chuckled to himself.

“There’s nowhere to run now. Lower your weapons, come quietly and we won’t hurt you.” He said it slowly, a wide grin upon his face as if he was toying with the food he had just caught. “If you make a fuss and start to fight us, then this won’t end pretty.” The grin was now gone, replaced with a look of disdain, one of his eyes twitching.

Sam and Jude made no indication of lowering their weapons as they sized the men up with equal contempt in their eyes. They weren’t going to back down.

Sam raced forward to the blond man. He feigned stabbing his dagger to the right and when the blond man blocked, his left side was open, and Sam hit home. The man screamed as Sam pulled the dagger out, but he didn’t drop, not even as blood gushed from his stomach.

Like a zombie, the man stretched out his hands clutching Sam’s throat, squeezing tightly. For a second, Sam gasped for air but then he swung his right arm and it connected with the man’s face. The arms around his neck dropped as the blond man raised his shaking hands to his face, crying out in pain. Sam sent another blow to his stomach and the man crumpled.

And then a freckle faced man descended upon him. The arm the man raised held a small axe like weapon and death shone on his face. Sam blocked the man’s flimsy strike. He heard the clash of steel upon steel as Jude fought the other men somewhere to his right. The sound meant she was still alive. Still fighting. It gave him strength as he went on the offensive, pushing back against Freckle Face’s blows.

The man’s weapon sliced through the air, and Sam dodged but not in enough time as he felt a pinch of pain in his left arm. The blade had sliced through his shirt and scraped skin. Freckle Face growled as his weapon came back with blood. Sam surged forward sinking his own weapon into the man’s shoulder. Blood dripped down Freckle face’s arm and the impact of Sam’s blade left his hand weak. Freckle Face's weapon fell to the ground and Sam punched first his wounded shoulder, then his face sending the man spiralling.

Sam left Freckle Face on the ground as he flew to Jude’s aid. But she didn’t need any help, the two men that had come at her were now on the ground, one of them groaned. They didn’t stay a second longer, not wanting to be found at the scene of a crime. The sound of their fight must have drifted, people would be here soon.

Freckle Face was scrambling to his feet as Jude and Sam took off again. Nearing a hill, they saw the docks in sight. Hundreds of ships lined Paris’ shore. Sprinting down the hill, pain surged through the wound on Sam’s left arm and his sleeve felt damp with blood.

More people stared as they made it to the board walk and ran to the nearest ship. The workers on board seemed to be readying the ship for sail, untying the ropes from the wooden dock they stood on.

“We need to get on this ship.” Sam said desperately.

The worker in front of him rolled his eyes, shaking his head. “Sorry son, we’re all full. No more passengers.”

“Please, you have to let us on.” Jude pleaded.

The worker took in the sight of their ripped and bloodied clothes, raising his eyebrows. “I don’t need to do any such thing. Now move along, we’re taking off in five minutes.”

A shout sounded from the hill, and Jude looked back towards it in time to see Freckle Face bound towards the docks, he hadn’t noticed them yet. Sam quickly brought out a satchel of coins from inside his coat, it jingled as he held it up to the man. The worker eyed it appreciatively before glancing around nervously.

“How much will you give me?” he said lowering his voice.

“I’ll give you the whole bag, just let us on!” The bag of coins was more than enough to buy him passage anywhere around the world twice over.

The worker smiled greedily, stepping away so they could board. “Alright then, just don’t let the captain catch you, he’ll have my balls if he finds out I let you lot on.”

Sighing with relief, Sam gave over the money and then boarded the ship with Jude.

“Quickly now, get below deck and stay there for the remainder of the trip.” The man ushered them along to the door that led below. It was as if they were sheep being herded, the man frantically pushed them forward.

“Wait, where is this ship travelling to?” Jude asked.

“Scotland, Madam,” was all they heard before they were shoved down the stairs.

Breathing heavily, they both hurried down the hallway. Sam tried to open many doors, but each one he tried was locked. They walked further down and finally found a door that opened. The room was cramped, with stacks of boxes, ropes, and fishing supplies.

Shutting the door behind them, the room fell into near darkness. Rays of sunlight streamed through small cracks in the wall, fighting their way inside. The room was so small that Jude stood inches in front of him. Their breathing still hadn’t settled from the action that had just taken place and their eyes locked.

Sam peered down at her and then she rose on her tip toes and pressed her lips softly to his, testing for his reaction. He paused for a second taking it in and then he was kissing her back, gently bringing her closer to him. Her lips were so soft, so smooth against his own. She bit down on the bottom of his lip, and it sent him spiralling. Her hands glided over his shoulders and then they were in his hair, massaging his neck. Desire coursed through him, heat rising from his body.

Jude pressed herself closer against him and his back hit a wall. He broke off from the kiss, his body screaming for air, his head a dizzy mess. Jude’s eyes had turned a darker shade of blue with longing as they bore into his own. They shared each other’s heavy breaths, his hands still tight around her waist. Jude’s eyes flickered from his eyes to his lips as she tilt her head up, exposing her beautiful neck.

“Come here.” He whispered. Lust dripped from his tone.

Just before their lips could meet again, Sam clutched the back of her thighs lifting her from the ground. Jude gasped as he swapped their positions and then she was against the wall, her legs wrapped around his back.

He left kisses along her jaw, trailing down her neck, nipping and tasting. Jude tasted so sweet, like the first sip of water after hours of thirst. Her hands tugged at his hair as she panted and moaned softly, grinding against him. Sam thought he could stay like this forever, his lips pressed against her skin, never parting from an inch of her.

Heavy footsteps and loud voices sounded out in the hall, coming closer to their room. They both sprung apart from one another, and Jude’s cheeks burned red. Satisfaction crawled along Sam’s skin at the evidence of his effect on her.

That was the only joy he had before the sea sickness kicked in at full force, and he was vomiting in a bucket for the rest of the trip.


I'm really excited about posting the next chapter! Thank you for all the nice comments 💗 they make my day and motivate me to keep writing ☺️

Chapter 8


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Sam groaned as he threw up again into the bucket between his legs. Jude sat beside him, rubbing his back soothingly and brushing the hair away from his sweaty forehead. The ship rocked and he felt another wave of sickness wash over him.

“The trip from Paris to Inverness by boat only takes a day or two. We’ll be back on dry land before you know it.” Jude tried to comfort him, but he couldn’t focus beyond his rolling stomach, the taste of bile in his mouth and the dizziness that left his head heavy.

The worker that had allowed them entry on the ship had just come to check in on them, leaving some fresh water and he sipped from his cup gingerly. Jude had asked the man to bring back some salt water and bandages for the cut on Sam’s arm, but he hadn’t returned yet.

“Oh my god.” Jude said in a high voice.

“What?” he grumbled.

“North Carolina. That’s where Desmond said he was headed to catch more time travellers.” Jude’s eyes were wide at the realisation.

No. No. His heart leaped into his throat as he tried to rationalise the growing terror he felt. Desmond was going to North Carolina, but that didn’t mean he was going after his parents. There must be hundreds of travellers in North Carolina. They didn’t know what year Desmond was heading for. Maybe he would travel to the future…

Then another thought bombarded him. He really didn’t know anything about his parents. Was his mother a time traveller? Or was it his father? Or were they both travellers?

So many possibilities, so many variables, the thoughts pounded through his head.

“We have to warn my parents.” Sam managed to get out.

“Of course, we will.” Jude placed a reassuring hand on his arm. “But we also need to stay positive, we don’t know the year or the area of North Carolina Desmond plans to travel to. Let’s not panic until we know more.”

Sam nodded as he tried to supress his anxious thoughts. “Once we get to Inverness, we will head straight for Craigh na Dun. We can’t waste any time.”

“We’ll go straight there.” She repeated his words in a soothing tone as she rubbed her hand down his back.

They hadn’t talked about the kiss. What it meant for them. He was just glad that Jude was beside him, an anchor to keep his worry at bay. A bright, calming presence to challenge the storm that threatened to sweep him away.

A knock sounded from the door and Jude stood to answer it. The worker had returned with salt water, cloth, and bandages. Jude thanked him profusely, while the worker shrugged it off, wishing them luck.

Jude sat beside him, taking his coat off and then rolling his shirt sleeve up. She dabbed the wet saltwater cloth to his wound. He hissed quietly as she worked to clean it.

“He got you good. It looks like you could use some stitches, but we don’t have any of those. Even if we did, I wouldn’t be able to throw a stitch, so I’m just going to apply pressure with a bandage.”

Sam nodded along, only taking in half of what Jude was saying. The sting of the cut was a reprieve from feeling nauseous. When Jude had finished bandaging his arm, he took in the sight of her. She was extremely fortunate to only have a few splatters of blood along her bodice and skirts. It had dried, so it could be perceived as common dirt stains blending in against the dark green colour.

They had left their packs with the horses, so they didn’t have any clothes to change into. Sam’s dark coat hid the deep red stains on his white shirt, but he still thought it was worth trying to clean up a bit before they left the ship. They didn’t want to draw any unwanted attention.

“We should use some of the water and try and clean our clothes.” He suggested.

Jude nodded, grabbing the bucket of water and scraps of cloth.

“Have you ever travelled and ran into a younger version of yourself?” Jude asked as they worked.

“No. We keep track of where we have travelled in diaries, one for each year. They’re kept in the library at headquarters, so we can try to avoid it before we set out for a mission.” He explained.

“Huh, interesting.” Jude seemed to be deep in thought as she continued to wash the blood from her dress.

As the hours passed, the rays of sunlight streaming in grew dimmer and darkness spread throughout the room. The space was just wide enough for them to lie down on the hard floor. They wouldn’t get much sleep tonight.

As soon as Sam lay down a wave of nausea overcame him and he sat up immediately, bracing himself against the wall.

“Lying down is not good. I think I’ll stay here.”

“Okay.” Jude chuckled from her place on the floor. “Try and think of something to take your mind off it.”

“I can’t.” Sam replied closing his eyes, his head fell back. It was quiet for a moment.

“Mother Mance said your mother had a ‘healer’s heart’. Do you think she might be a nurse or a doctor?”

An image of a kind brown haired woman came to his mind, tending to sick children and adults, sowing up wounds and providing comfort.

“Yeah, I think she’s a doctor.” He smiled.

“What about your father, what do you think he’s like?

An image of a strong, tall red-haired man that looked like him but only older came to mind.

“I think he’s tall like me and kind, and he protects people.”

It felt dangerous conjuring up these fantasies. What if his parents failed to live up to the expectations, he had unfairly bestowed upon them? What if they were horrible people? He didn’t want to dwell on these questions, so he steered the conversation away from himself.

“What was your father like? He asked.

“His name was Avery Taylor. He was kind and strong. He actually served in the army, fought in the Battle of Culloden for the English. I was born that year, a month after the battle took place. It must have been heart-breaking for him to come back from war only for his wife to die in childbirth. He saw so much violence in his life.”

Sam had heard of the battle of Culloden, a brutal slaughter of the Scottish people. The British army had outnumbered the Scots greatly and the battle had ended in less than an hour. He felt sadness for Jude’s father. No one should have to experience war, witnessing so much horror and death. And then the added pain of losing his wife in the same year. Sam also noticed the past tense Jude used when referring to him, like a part of her believed he was gone forever even though he could very well still be alive.

“I wonder sometimes what year he travelled from to end up in the 1700’s.” Jude said.

“Teaching you how to defend yourself was very progressive. He must have originally been from the late twentieth century at least.” Sam pondered.

“Hmm I think so too.” She replied.

Then a thought occurred to him. What had Jude’s life been like in 2014? Had she been happy? Settled? Did she leave someone behind, when he swooped into her life and took her back to the eighteenth century? He wanted to ask her, but he thought of a better question to ease into the conversation.

“What was it like when you first travelled to 2007? It must have been a shock when you walked down to the road and a car drove by.”

Jude chuckled and then sighed, “I was so freaked out when I first saw a car crest the hill. I screamed and ran away from it. I thought I had fallen into a nightmare, and I was seconds from dying. A really nice lady in her twenties offered to drive me into town. Imagine my shock when I realised, I was in Scotland and there were cars everywhere!”

She waved her hands in emphasis and as Sam laughed the pangs of nausea subsided.

“Anyway, the lady’s name was Alison, she let me stay with her for a few weeks as I got used to living in the twenty first century. I never told her about time travel, of course. She just thought I was a confused girl who had amnesia.”

“Luckily I had brought through the stones some eighteenth-century coins and I was able to sell them for quite a lot. I found an apartment to rent and got a job at a bookstore in town. I even started writing my own novel. It all just sort of fell into place” Jude shrugged.

“I’m impressed, you transitioned to living in a new century very well. Some people would have gone crazy.” Sam said earnestly.

Jude laughed. “I did think I was going crazy! But after the first week I couldn’t pretend I was still living in a dream. I just accepted it.”

There was silence for a moment, and then Sam asked Jude the question that had been nagging him for days.

“I never asked you if you had left anyone behind in 2014. If you missed them?”

Sam could just make out Jude’s face in the darkness and she had turned away from him.

“I found it hard to make friends. I was a bit weird you see. I didn’t know how to use a phone or any sort of technology and when I tried to join conversations, I rarely knew what they were talking about. I would always say the wrong things, and then people would give me strange looks and move on.”

“I’m sorry. That must have been terrible, feeling so isolated from everyone else.” Sam’s heart really did go out to her. He knew what it felt like to not belong anywhere. He travelled so much that he never really felt like he had a home or real friends besides Harry.

“It got better. I had a boyfriend for a while when I was twenty-two. We dated for eight months, before I found out he was cheating on me. That really didn’t help with my confidence.” Jude said bitterly.

Sam shook his head. “What a prick.”


Jude was silent and Sam was worried he had made her relive some of the horrible memories of her experience with this man. But then she repositioned herself on the floor and in a lighter tone asked, “What about you? Any girls I should be worried about?”

Sam scoffed. "I’ve never stayed anywhere long enough to actually form a connection and start something with someone.”

That was another thing Raymond had ripped away from him. Sam enjoyed saving time travellers and he knew that his time travelling ability should be used to aid those in peril. But sometimes he didn’t want to carry the burden on his shoulders. Sometimes, even though he knew it was selfish, he just wanted to stay in a certain year and build a life for himself. Raymond never gave him the choice to.

They did not get much sleep, instead Jude and Sam talked until the early morning.


Sometime after the sun had risen, the boat stopped, and they could feel and hear movement above them. People were climbing to the deck. They must be in Scotland. Sam’s queasy stomach still hadn’t settled, and he sighed holding his hand to it as they stood to exit.

“Are you feeling okay?” Jude checked in.

“Yeah, I’ll be great when we get off this ship.” He replied.

They waited until they could no longer hear movement above and then headed into the hallway. Fortunately, when they made it to the top deck most workers and passengers had already left the ship and they were able to sneak off to the side.

“Should we stop for something to eat?” Jude suggested as they walked through Inverness.

Sam shook his head. “I don’t think I can eat yet, but we can stop if you’re hungry.”

“No, I’m fine. We probably shouldn’t waste any time by stopping anyway. Why don’t we go buy a horse and some food for the journey?”

“Alright.” Sam agreed.

Even though Sam had given more than half of his savings to the worker to let them on the ship, he still had some coins left. They used the last of them to procure a horse and some bread and meat. Then they set off towards the stones.

Jude sat behind Sam on the horse, her arms wrapped tightly around his waist. They had started off slowly as Sam’s sea sickness wore off, but now they flew across the highlands in a full gallop. Sam could feel Jude’s eyes boring into him from behind, but he ignored it as he took in the landscape.

The wild mountains that sprung up from the ground surrounded them. He imagined being part of a strong highlander clan, marauding about, each man’s trust in the group able to see them through. A connection to the land and people so harsh, yet intimate.

“What’s the plan once we get to North Carolina? We don’t have any money left.” Jude spoke up for the first time in the two hours they had been riding for.

“We will have to hunt for food, and we’ll ask people where Fraser’s Ridge is.” He hoped he sounded more assured than he felt. Really, he had no idea what their plan would be. He didn’t know where Fraser’s Ridge was located, he’d never even heard of it before.

“Are there standing stones in North Carolina, or will we be arriving somewhere else in America?” Jude asked.

“Luckily, the Gorduan stones are in North Carolina, they’re found deep in the forest and it’s a good two-day trip until we’ll reach the town of Wilmington. From there I guess we’ll just have to ask around.”

Jude suddenly turned her head quickly as she shifted on the horse.

“What’s wrong?” He asked.

“I…I thought I saw something, but it must have been an animal.” She didn’t seem certain, and Sam slowed the horse before shifting to get a better look at the forest’s edge. There was no movement, no sound except for the birds who sung through the trees.

“Sorry, I guess I’m getting a little paranoid.” Jude gave him an embarrassed look.

“No, don’t be sorry. We should be on watch. COTT is still after us, they could be trailing behind.” His stomach clenched at the thought that they could be being followed and they sped off again.

The sun had started to disappear behind the mountains and a cool breeze ruffled their clothes when Jude piped up.

“We should give her a name.” Sam didn’t reply as he racked his brain trying to understand what she was on about.

“The horse I mean.” Jude said soothingly as she stroked the horse’s side.

“Oh, yeah of course, she needs a name.”

“She looks like a Hazel, don’t you think?”

Sam shook his head. “Uhm, what about Ivy?”

“She’s not an Ivy.” Jude said adamantly.

Their conversation was interrupted when an arrow speared through the air landing inches from their horse’s feet. The horse reared up in fright, throwing Sam and Jude from its back. They hit the ground hard, as another arrow landed beside them.

Sam stumbled to his feet, pulling Jude along with him. Jude hesitated looking back to the horse as it ran into the nearby shrub.

“Go. Go. Go.” Sam yelled steering Jude away.

A sense of déjà vu hit them as Craigh na Dun came into sight and once again they were being chased up the hill. It had seemed as if the arrow had appeared out of thin air, but someone must have shot it and that someone wanted them dead.

Jude screamed and Sam turned in horror to find an arrow jutting out of her left shoulder. She put her hand to it, pain etched on her face and then Freckle Face was behind her holding a knife to her throat. Jude trembled, her eyes wide in fear.

Terror ran through him at the sight, he felt paralysed. Freckle Face must have seen them leave on the ship to Scotland, had found out where it was headed and then travelled through another stone circle to this exact date just in time to meet them here.

Freckle Face sneered. “This is for my buddies.” The man brought his knife back and Sam saw Jude’s life flash before his eyes.

“We were told to keep them alive Vincent!” Another voice shouted behind him, and Sam whipped his head around to see a tall brunette woman racing towards them with a gun.

Sam was fast, disarming the women before bringing his own dagger against her throat.

“If you harm her, I won’t hesitate to kill one of your ‘buddies’. Sam hissed.

Vincent seemed enraged as he looked between Sam and the woman he held captive.

They stood in stale mate, no one willing to back down, but then a series of gunshots rang out and Jude fell forward crushed under Vincent’s weight lying on top of her.

Sam hit the handle of his dagger hard against the woman’s head and she dropped unconscious. Then he ran to Jude. He couldn’t see who had been hit but there was blood. So much blood. It pooled along the ground.

And then someone was grabbing his arms pulling him away and he lost it. Sam shook of their hold jerking his elbow back. It connected with skin, and he heard a gasp. Then he spun stabbing his dagger into their chest. He didn’t look at their face, he didn’t want to acknowledge the shooter. Sam raced back to Jude, shoving Freckle Face’s limp body off her to finally uncover the woman beneath.

Jude whimpered and her breath was laboured. Sam turned her over and she groaned. Fear twisted his insides and a chill ran down his spine as he brushed his hands over her dress searching frantically for the wound. Blood was leaking from everywhere, the source hidden deep within.

“Go to the stones.” Each breath she took sounded strained.

“Not without you.” Sam cried out.

He lifted Jude into his arms, and she yelped as he brought her to his chest.

“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. You’re going to be fine. Just stay awake.” He whispered to her and from that point everything became a blur. Racing towards the stones as he felt his heart being ripped to shreds. Touching the stones and praying for a hospital. The screams that met his ears. The trapped souls? Or was it Jude crying in his arms?

Sam held Jude tightly to him as they arrived in a new year on the other side of Craigh na Dun and fell to the earth again. He sheltered her fall and she landed upon his chest, her body limp and heavy. Springing into action at once, he was on his feet, Jude in his arms.

It was then that he noticed the circle of women in long cream white dresses, some held lanterns, others had flower crowns placed in their hair. The sunrise gleamed behind them bathing the women in a transcendent glow as if they were angles. The women stared, taking in Jude’s deathly pale face, along with the blood that soaked their clothes. An older woman seeming to be in her late sixties rushed forward.

“What has happened?” She exclaimed.

“Help me. Please help me.” Desperation clung to his voice as he shook. “Oh god, Jude don’t die, you can’t die. Please, please.” Sam was inconsolable.

Someone was calling for an ambulance, but it was just an abstract voice in the background of his pain as he fell to his knees. The other women crowded around, gasping, and whispering as the older one checked Jude’s pulse.

She nodded and said something to the group, but Sam didn’t hear it as he peered down at Jude’s beautiful face void of its usual warmth and colour.


I feel like this fic is turning into a soap opera, but it’s very entertaining to write!

Where have they travelled to now??

Chapter 9


Thanks for sticking around for each chapter :)

Sam learns more about his family and finally gets a break from being chased down by COTT. Yay!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Tap. Tap. Tap. His foot hit the ground again and again as he sat wringing his hands in the small hospital waiting room. The last few hours flashed through his mind. So much blood. Jude's limp form. The life draining out of her.

It was his fault. None of this would have happened to Jude if he hadn’t burst into her life, exposing her to this time travel madness. It was his fault that she lay on an operating table fighting for her life.

Strangers passed by, giving him odd looks as they peered at his 18th century style clothing, but he ignored their stares. At least COTT would have no idea where they had travelled to, that was one less thing to worry about. The old woman from the stones sat beside him. Slivers of grey streaked through her brown hair. She said a prayer quietly under her breath. Her calm voice was a vast contrast to his own anxious state.

The older woman seemed to be the group’s leader and she had driven Sam to the hospital. He wanted to ride in the ambulance, but the paramedics had stated that Jude was in a critical condition, and they needed to work quickly using all available space. Sam didn’t fight them on it, he knew he would only get in the way. The sound of the ambulance’s siren as it flew down the road haunted him.

Along the way to the hospital, the old woman explained that she knew of time travel and had been performing a ritual with the group to encourage safe passage through the stones. Sam hadn’t spoken a word to her, his mind was too full, too consumed with his fear for Jude’s life. The woman seemed to understand his mind was far away because she didn’t prod him with any questions.

Finally, he spoke, “Thank you for bringing me to the hospital.” His voice shook.

“Och don’t ye worry, I was happy to do it. I’m Fiona Graham by the way.” She smiled timidly. Sam was sure the woman had already told him her name but he had barely listened to her when they were driving, so he was glad when she reintroduced herself.

“Oh, uh I’m sorry, after everything that’s happened, I didn’t even tell you my name. I’m Samuel Fraser.”

She raised her eyebrows in recognition.

“Are ye related to Claire and Jamie Fraser by any chance?” She asked.

The question left him stunned.

“Yes. They're my parents.”

“Oh goodness, I didnae ken that Claire had another bairn.” Fiona exclaimed, furrowing her brows as she looked at him closer.

“Another child?” Sam questioned, equally astonished.

“Well now, Brianna and yer mother visited… it must have been nearly fifty years ago now. I overheard them searching for the legendary highlander, Jamie Fraser from the 1700's. They were awfully loud, lots of yelling and screaming and I heard Claire say that Jamie Fraser was Brianna’s father. It didnae make a whole lot of sense at the time.”

“But I’d heard all sorts of tales about people disappearing. My Granny was a caller at the stones, and I helped her with the dances. When Claire magically disappeared, I put two and two together and I ken time travel must be real, and Claire had gone back in time to reunite with her love, Jamie. Brianna joined them in the past a few years later.”

Sam’s eyes must have been bulging out of his head because Fiona stared at him in confusion before saying, “ye didnae ken that?”

Then his experiences of the last week and a half poured out of him and he started to talk to the woman beside him as if she was his closest confidant. COTT, meeting Jude, Raymond, finding out about his parents and landing here. Fiona only nodded in warm understanding; sympathy flashed in her eyes. The trust he had placed in her then was more than he had ever given a stranger he had only just met before. Somewhere deep inside him he knew the old woman could be trusted. When Sam finished his story the first thing that shot from his mouth was a question.

“I have a sister?”

“Aye ye do, she’s a fierce lass, very protective of her family. Ye look very similar, yer both very tall with that wild curly red hair, but yer eyes are crystal blue whereas Brianna’s are the colour of whiskey like yer mother’s.” Fiona spoke with warmth as she reminisced.

Sam smiled imagining a female version of himself, it felt surreal that there was another person out there that shared both of his parent's genes. He had always longed to have a sibling, especially when he was younger. A person similar in age to him, to keep him company in the hollow house on Raymond’s estate. The thought of meeting her made his heart soar.

The harrowing cry of a woman receiving bad news in the waiting room shattered his daydream. Anxiety coursed through him again as he glanced around the room for a distraction. A television was mounted to the wall to his side, and it made him realise that he had no idea what year they had travelled to. He had been so distraught when he touched the stones that he hadn’t chosen a year, only pleaded to be taken to a hospital.

“Mrs Graham, what year are we in?” Sam asked.

“It’s 2015 and call me Fiona, my dear. Yer welcome to stay at my house, I’m sure it must be hard finding places to stay when you’re always travelling.” She smiled.

“Thank you, Fiona. It’s a very kind offer but I’ll find someplace in town.”

“Och well, please come over and visit, we have records of your father that you might be interested in. My doors always open if ye want to chat about yer mother or yer sister.” She then stood up abruptly as if she had just remembered something and ambled over to the nurse’s station. She came back with a piece of paper that she had scribbled her address on and handed it to him.

“Thank you, it means a lot.” He gave as much of a smile as he could manage.

They waited for what seemed like hours, with people coming and going. Good and bad news being shared. No one came with any update on Jude's condition. Sam was contemplating leaving through the heavy double doors that led to the lifts, and searching the hospital until he found Jude, whena surgeon came into the waiting room and Sam stood up intently.The surgeon’s face was blank, he displayed no emotion to gauge how the surgery had gone.

“Are you Jude Taylor's family?" The surgeon asked.

"Yes." Sam replied without hesitation, if the man refused to give them information just because they weren't immediate family he would loose it.

The surgeon peered at him, doubt flashed over his features but he spoke, "Jude’s injuries were extensive, the bullet penetrated her right side, nicking her liver and some major arteries, but we were able to retrieve the bullet and stop the bleeding. She’s in recovery now and won’t wake for some time but I can take you to see her.”

Relief swept over him, and he felt as if he had broke the surface of a large pool and he could finally breathe again after being trapped for hours. Sam looked towards Fiona.

“Thank you for staying with me.”

“No one should have to be alone when their family is in peril." Fiona winked at him. "Tell Jude I’m thinking of her and hope she recovers quickly.”

“I will.” Sam replied before he followed the doctor through the hospital.

When he entered her room, he was struck at how small Jude looked in the hospital bed. Tubes ran from her arms and machines towered over her form. He took a seat next to her and softly held her hand, rubbing his thumb along it.

Several hours later, Jude’s eyelids fluttered, and Sam’s heart leapt as he leaned forward in his chair, watching her intently.

Her eyes finally opened, and she peered up at him.

“Sammmm” She blinked slowly as if it was a great effort to move her eyelids. The strong drugs that were being pumped through her body made her speech slow.

Sam squeezed her hand. “I’m so sorry.” He whispered.

“Why should you be sorry? It’s not your fault I was shot.” She looked at him in confusion.

Sam gulped. “It hurts me seeing you like this. In pain. I’m sorry I brought you into this mess.”

“Well, I’m not. I wouldn’t take back this last week for the wooooorld.” Her words were starting to slow again, and he stared at her in wonder.

“Kiss me Sammm.”

He leaned forward, pressing his lips softly to hers, scared of hurting her. The grin she wore as he pulled away filled him with joy and he found that he could finally relax. She was going to be okay. Jude's head sunk into the pillow, and she was asleep again.


After nearly two weeks in the hospital, Jude was discharged. Sam had not left her bedside the entire time. Except for when he had gone to buy some new clothes and a mobile phone for himself and Jude, Sam had stayed in the hospital catering to Jude’s every need. He found accommodation in a small house in Inverness that already had furniture provided. All expenses he charged to Raymond’s credit card, which he always carried with him, for situations just like this. Sam smiled when the payment went through, Raymond was the reason he was in this situation, he could pay for everything.

As they drove through Inverness in the car rental Sam had also organised, his pent-up excitement over the things he had learned about his family was released.

“I have a sister.” He burst out.

“What? How did you find that out?” Jude turned to him incredulously.

“Fiona Graham was the woman who found us on the hill, she drove me to the hospital and when I told her my name, she said she knew my mother and sister.”

“And you didn’t tell me!?” Jude exclaimed.

“Well, I wanted you to focus on healing and you were asleep most of the time.”


He winced. “Sorry, I just didn’t want to overload you with information while you were recovering.”

Jude sighed and then grumbled, “alright, well tell me more.”

Sam smiled. “Her name is Brianna. Fiona met both my mother and sister in the 1960’s but my father lived in the 1700’s. Claire must have gone back in time and met Jamie, had me and then somehow ended up back in the 20th century with Brianna.”

Jude gave him a confused look.

“I know, it doesn’t make a lot of sense, but Fiona invited me over to tell me more. She also has historical documents about Jamie and Claire.”

“Sam, that’s amazing!” Jude exclaimed. “You will be able to find out so much about them.”

Sam nodded but his face had turned serious as if contemplating something. Jude was left wondering what deep spiral he had fallen into. When they arrived at the house, Jude suddenly became very weak and could barely walk to the front door.

“I’m fine.” She said when Sam tried to help her move towards the bedroom. “I just need to lie down.”

Jude settled down on the bed while Sam stood awkwardly at the door. He had chosen a house with two bedrooms not wanting to assume anything about their relationship.

“Come, lie with me.” She said softly, reaching out her hand.

He didn’t need to be told twice as he lowered himself onto the mattress carefully, aware that any jostling could cause Jude’s wound to hurt. Jude lay on her back, while Sam laid on his side supporting himself on his hand as he stroked her hair.

“I think you should go to Fiona’s place. Find out more about your family. I know it must be eating away at you.” She said quietly looking into his eyes.

“It’s okay, I can wait, I want to be here with you.” Sam replied.

"Not that I don’t love how caring and concerned you've been around me, but I need some time away from the hovering. I’m probably just going to fall asleep anyway, I can survive a few hours on my own.” She rolled her eyes.

“Jude I just-

“Sam, please, I know you want to go over there. I’ve got a phone. If anything happens, I’ll call you, okay?”

Sam studied her fixed expression, she wouldn’t budge. He sighed. “Okay, but promise you’ll call if you need anything?”

“I promise I will.” She smiled and he gave her a quick kiss before sliding off the bed.

“And I expect a full report when you get home!” She shouted as he made his way towards the door.

He turned co*cking his head to the side. “Of course, and I’ll bring dinner back too. What would you like?”

“Ooooh pizza I haven’t had it in so long!” She squeezed her fingers into fists excitedly.

“Your wish is my command.” Sam bowed dramatically and Jude chuckled as he left the room.


Driving through the streets, Sam realised he had been itching to visit Fiona, and talk more about his family. He wanted to dive down the rabbit hole and get lost in the history. Fiona was ecstatic when she answered the door and found Sam on the doorstep. She invited him in immediately, telling him to take a seat in the lounge room and then she fluttered down the hall to retrieve the documents.

The threat of COTT tracking down his family was always at the back of his mind. A nagging fear that wouldn’t disappear until he found them. While Jude healed, the more information he could find out about his family's history and whereabouts the better.When Fiona returned, Sam wondered if she had already scrounged through the records as they seemed very prepared in neat stacks and labelled boxes.

“How is Jude doing?” Fiona asked as she searched through the boxes.

“She’s doing much better. She was actually discharged today and is resting up.” He smiled to himself as he thought about Jude.

Fiona smiled. “Oh I’m so glad she’s alright. She seems like a lovely girl, such beautiful golden hair, just lovely...”

She rambled for some time about Jude before she found what she had been searching for in the boxes. As she pulled out a crumpled piece of paper she said, “I found an old newspaper article from 1948 and filled in the gaps in the story from the knowledge of your mother and sister’s visit several years ago.” She spoke excitedly and Sam felt slightly overwhelmed glancing at all the information that was splayed out before him.

Fiona handed him an old newspaper clipping, there was a black and white photo of a curly haired woman with pale skin siting in a hospital bed. Very similar to the woman Sam had imagined as his mother. She seemed to be uncomfortable that her photo was being taken, she frowned, staring into the lens. The title read, ‘Kidnapped by the fairies?’

Sam furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

“Your mother was first married to a man named Frank Randall but when she came to Scotland for a trip in 1946, she mysteriously disappeared. Claire had travelled through the stones and met Jamie Fraser, but of course no one knew that. The photo in your hands was taken in 1948 when she returned pregnant and claiming to have travelled to the 18th century. No one believed her story except my Granny. Frank and Claire Randall eventually moved to Boston. That’s where Claire gave birth to Brianna, and they lived there for about twenty years. Claire even became a surgeon.”

Sam gaped at her. “Why did she leave the 18th century?”

“Well, I heard that it had something to do with the Battle of Culloden.” Fiona clasped her hands together.

“Jamie fought in the battle?” Sam asked.

“Yes, he did. Led both clan Fraser and Mackenzie into battle.” Her eyes were wide, and she nodded enthusiastically, a look of pride donned her face.

The information hit Sam with a pang. Jude’s father had fought opposite his own on the battlefield. Their fathers had stood on either side of that battle, ready to kill anyone in their path.

Fiona continued, “maybe Claire was in danger and the safest place for her, was to go back to the future.”

“Well, why didn’t Claire travel back to Jamie after the battle was over?” Sam puzzled.

“She presumed he had died on that battlefield. Ye do ken of the Battle of Culloden, don’t ye? A thousand or so were killed.” She tattled off.

Sam frowned, he didn’t answer her question as he exclaimed, “but he wasn’t dead, because you said Claire went back and was reunited with him.”

“Yes, that’s right, she went back in 1968 for the second time.” Fiona nodded.

“But that’s twenty years they lost together! Why wouldn’t Claire check to make sure that he hadn’t survived, that he was really dead?” Sam said outraged.

Fiona shrugged. “Who knows, maybe she made some sort of arrangement with Frank Randall.”

Sam shook his head, completely exasperated.

“Did she even love Frank?” He hadn’t realised he had voiced his concern out loud. Fiona just gave him a pitiful look.

“I guess ye will have to ask her that question.” She said quietly and then added a moment later, “although she must have cared a great deal for him to let Frank raise Brianna as his own.”

The information overloaded his brain, he felt as if he was being buried as more and more truth piled on top of him. His mother’s relationship with Frank must not have been that fulfilling if she had fallen in love with Jamie. Maybe it was his natural reaction to hearing his mother had been married to someone else before his father, but he wanted to believe that his parent’s love had been a life changing, fairy tale sort of love. A type of love where you would go to the ends of the earth to save one another, and that didn't involve another husband standing on the sidelines ready to sub in.

Sam felt a powerful connection to Brianna in the knowledge that she too had never known her real father. It was truly heart-rending that his parents had been ripped apart from one another, forced to be separated from the person they loved. That type of heartbreak must shatter a person, leave them as a ghost of who they once were.

He barely registered Fiona when she said, “Roger left all his research with me. There’s a map of Fraser’s Ridge and a deed of the land. I’ll leave ye to it. I’ll be in the kitchen if ye need me.”

She was about to leave the room when he asked, “Sorry, but who is Roger?”

Fiona raised her eyebrows in shock. “Oh of course, I forgot to tell you about him, didn’t I? Roger Mackenzie used to live in this house. He’s a lovely lad, he helped Claire and Brianna track down Jamie and so naturally, Roger and Brianna grew quite close together. Upon hearing Brianna had gone back in time, Roger followed right behind.”

So, Brianna and Roger might be in a relationship, and had both gone to reunite with Claire and Jamie. Sam thought back to his conversation with Fiona in the hospital waiting room. She had said that Claire had gone back to the eighteenth century a few years before Brianna joined her. Why?

“Why didn’t Brianna go back with Claire in 1968?” He questioned.

“She wanted to stay in her own time, but three years later I found historical records that stated that Claire and Jamie Fraser had died in a house fire some time in between 1770 and 1779. The last number had been smudged. Brianna went back to warn them and try and stop it from happening.”

Sam was confused why Brianna hadn’t jumped at the chance to know her biological father. She had the means to find Jamie, but she hadn’t done so until danger had forced her to travel and warn their parents. Time travelling could be a gruelling, draining experience for some and he could understand if Briana had been cautious, but why wouldn’t she at least try?

Maybe she hadn’t wanted to meet Jamie. She already had a father after all. Frank. The name made him see red. Frank was the reason Claire and Brianna had been separated from Jamie for twenty years. Frank was just like Raymond in that way…selfish. Had he not believed Claire when she returned from the 18th century? Or had he seen the truth in her story and ignored it? Preferred instead, to isolate his mother from her past and claim Brianna and Claire as his own.

Sam contemplated and as more time passed, he realised his judgement of Frank had been rash. Sam didn’t even know the man, he had to have been a kind person if Claire had married him in the first place, and then stayed with him when she returned. Sam had seen countless numbers of people refuse to believe time travel existed, it wasn’t an easy thing to comprehend. For now, he decided to give Frank the benefit of the doubt.

Fiona had long since exited the room and Sam took the map of Fraser’s Ridge in his hands and surveyed it. The Ridge was very close to Wilmington. The Gorduan stones would be perfect. Fire lit his veins in anticipation of their journey. They would have to wait until Jude was fully recovered but he knew his family was safe and alive for now in 1770. And that’s what year they would travel to.


I know Brianna doesn’t have brown eyes in the book series and Claire’s eyes aren’t brown in the tv show but I just really wanted Brianna to have her mother’s eyes, so it just kinda happened.

Also, Fiona only told Sam the things he needed to know about his family. She doesn’t want to alter the past/future too much. So, anything that has occurred after season 5 in the tv show that is in the books isn’t mentioned.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Chapter 10


This chapter is a long one and there is spice!

Thanks for reading :)

Chapter Text

Fiona told Sam that he could take the boxes of records with him, so he did. Sam filled Jude in on all he had learned from Fiona when he returned, and they ate pizza as they poured over more documents. Sam sat on the floor, the couch at his back as he read. Jude sat on the couch behind him, reading over a Mackenzie and Fraser family tree.

A book of Highland Legends caught Sam’s eye. A yellow post-it note tagged one of the pages and he flipped to it. The note read ‘Jamie Fraser’ and underneath lay a story of a Jacobite Laird referred to as the ‘Dunbonnet’ who hid in a cave for seven years after Culloden trying to escape the English.

Sam could only imagine the desolate years his father had spent isolated from the rest of civilisation. Alone, with only the memories of his loving wife to haunt his dreams.

Papers shuffled behind him, and Jude spoke up, “these records show that Jamie was sent to Ardsmuir Prison for about three years, but then he was moved to a place called Helwater in 1756.”

Jude passed the papers in her hand over to him to read. Sam skimmed over the records. “They must have caught him. He lived in a cave for years after the battle.”

“Oh.” She sounded shocked as she read another document. “It says here he was released from his parole in 1764 and then sometime after that Claire must have returned to him.”

Sam nodded. “That makes sense.”

He heard Jude wince in pain as she bent over the table to dig through a large pile of paper.

When she caught him staring, she sighed. “Hey, I know that look. Stop blaming yourself. I’m in charge of my own decisions. I chose to come with you. I chose to potentially put myself in danger. I knew the risks and you weren’t the one who aimed a gun at me so stop beating yourself up about it.”

Sam looked at her sheepishly, and then nodded. “I know. It’s just…” He sighed staring at a speck on the carpet. “I thought you were going to die.”

When he finally looked up at her, Jude’s eyes were full of emotion as she grabbed his hand.

“I’m fine. You’re fine. We’re alive and we have each other.” She kissed him then, long, hard and reassuring.

When she pulled away Jude looked into his eyes with clear certainty. “I’m not going anywhere.”

“Neither am I.” Sam replied.


Jamie Fraser screamed in pain; his whole body shook with crippling agony as the whip came down across his back. He kneeled in the courtyard of a prison as a hooded figure brought the whip down. Again, and again.

His father’s screams echoed through his bones, making him unsteady. But Sam couldn’t reach him. He couldn’t stop it. Hands broke out of the ground grabbing his legs and holding him in place.

Then Claire ran in through an archway and into the courtyard. “No! Stop!” Pure anguish was etched on her face as she screamed.

The hooded figure paid no attention continuing his brutal punishment. Guards came from all angles restraining Claire as she cried and pleaded for the whipping to stop.

Who would want to hurt his family? The answer came to him quickly. COTT. A sleezy, greasy, evil person lay under that hood.

Breathing became hard, it felt as if all the oxygen was being sucked from the air as all Sam could do was watch on in horror.

“PLEASE STOP! YOU’RE GOING TO KILL HIM!” Sam yelled but it was as if he was a ghost. No one turned to him, no one acknowledged him.

The blood flowed down Jamie’s back now and he sagged to the ground. Suddenly, the hands that had held Sam to the ground released him and he was able to sprint over to where his father lay. Kneeling beside him, Sam finally looked up as the hooded figure lowered its hood.

And then he was peering into Raymond’s face. He wore a cruel sneer as he let out a wicked laugh in the presence of Sam’s despair.

“You bastard!” Sam roared as he tackled Raymond to the ground. But the figure disappeared into thin air, and he fell into darkness.

Sam woke with a start, hitting his head on the coffee table as he fell from the couch. He must have fallen asleep on it while he was reading late into the night. His throat felt raw, and he rubbed his head as he scrambled into the kitchen for a glass of water. Sam drank slowly as he tried to even out his breathing.

Jude entered the kitchen, rubbing her eyes blearily.

“Are you alright? I thought I heard you yelling.” She said.

“Yeah, I’m fine, I just had a bad dream is all.” Sam gave her a smile that didn’t reach his eyes. “I’m sorry I woke you up, go back to bed.”

Jude peered at him with concern.

“Really I’m fine.” Sam tried to sound unbothered.

Jude surveyed his face, brushing her hand lightly against his arm. She didn’t look convinced, but she turned and padded back down the hall. The nightmare had shaken him, rocked him to his core. It had felt so real, the torture, the pain, the screams. A shiver ran down his spine and he took a deep breath trying to calm his nerves. It was just a dream. It wasn’t real. Sam wasn’t ready to analyse the meaning behind it, he was pretty sure he already knew. Raymond had left him scarred.


Over the next few weeks, they planned for their journey through the stones as Jude healed. Jude had refused to pack a dress, stating that she couldn’t fight properly wearing it and they needed to be prepared for anything or anyone that might attack them in the 18th century. She fashioned her hair into a bun and then hid it under a hat as an example of how she would blend in. Sam hadn’t fought her on it, he wanted her to have the best chance when it came to physical altercations.

They went for daily walks, travelling further distances every day and Jude was gaining her strength back slowly. They shared many kisses, they laid together watching movies on the couch, they laughed and enjoyed each other’s company. A bubble of happiness formed around them as they turned a blind eye to the threat of COTT. Naively wishing that they could stay in 2015 forever, blissful in the fact that for once they weren’t alone. Carrying each other’s problems on their backs, lifting the burden, lessening the pain.

When Jude’s stiches were removed, they started working out and training together. Jude was adamant about getting her strength back and being able to defend herself. Sam was overjoyed at the evidence of Jude’s improved health since the shooting.

One morning, Jude strolled into the kitchen as he cooked some eggs on the stove.

“Are you ready for our session?” Sam asked.

“Of course I am. I’m going to wipe the floor with you.” She grinned, putting some bread in the toaster.

Sam chuckled. “We’ll see about that, won’t we?”

The backyard had become their training ring. Sam held out his wrapped hands as Jude threw punches. Sweat trickled down her forehead and her breaths were laboured, but her eyes were focused on their destination.

“After you got to 2007, how did you keep up with your training?” Sam asked.

“My father taught me the basics, but I was a bit paranoid from being on my own for so long. I joined a self defence class.” She exhaled bringing her knee up and kicking the air.

“Ah, now I understand where these ninja kicks are coming from.”

Sam raised his eyebrows as she swiftly blocked his own punch.

“Those ‘ninja kicks’ have saved my life countless times.” Jude smiled as she threw another punch back at him and then swiftly moved behind him kicking Sam’s legs out from under him.

“Nice to know I’ve still got it.” Her smile grew wider as Sam fell.

Sam scoffed. “I wasn’t expecting it. I didn’t know we were moving on to completely knocking our opponent off their feet.”

“First things first, you should always be on guard, even in training.” Jude smirked as she co*cked her head to the side.

Sam rolled his eyes, standing back up. They started on an abb and leg workout and after twenty minutes they went back to combat training. Fists were thrown, hits were taken and then Sam swiftly grabbed Jude’s arms, strapping them behind her back as his other arm came round her throat. They stood with Jude’s back trapped against his front. The tension between them left his breath short.

“Try and break out of my hold.” Sam whispered in her ear.

Jude grunted as she struggled for a moment against his strong grip. Then she brought her elbow back into his stomach and he loosened his grip in surprise. Jude twisted in his arms and then they were face to face. Sam still held her tightly. Their heavy breathing mingled together. Eyes locked in an intense stare. Blue against blue.

“What are we?” Sam asked, the words rushing out of his mouth.

“What do you mean?” Jude peered at him. The intensity of their position shattered, and he released her. She took a step back, confusion evident on her face.

“I mean… are you? Are we in a relationship?” He stammered out.

Jude raised her eyebrows. “Are you asking me if I’m your girlfriend?”

“Uh um yes… or we don’t have to put a label on it I guess.” He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.

An absent look came over Jude as she stared at him. She took a deep breath in, running one hand over the sweat on her forehead, then she pulled her hair out of its ponytail and walked towards the back fence. “I need to get some air.”

“What? Where are you going?” Sam shouted.

“I’m going for a walk.” She yelled back and then she was gone.

A gaping hole of rejection was left where she had stood only seconds ago. Confusion and panic mingled in his mind. He felt as if she had just stabbed her dagger right into his heart. Why had she walked away from a simple question? Should he go after her? Maybe she was overwhelmed, but it wasn’t like their relationship had just magically appeared today. They had been sleeping in the same bed, kissing, cuddling, teasing. Jude said she wasn’t going anywhere but the one time he brings up their relationship status she bolts.

Maybe she just needed time to process. Jude had been playing with him too close to the cliff face, blissfully unaware that she stood metres from its edge, and his words had unveiled the danger of her position. And now she teetered on the edge, her arms waving frantically, eyes wide in fear. If Sam went after her, he was scared she would fall and then never come back.

He decided to give her space, allow her to regain her footing and come back to him when she was ready. Sam unwrapped his hands, pegging the material at the ground and headed inside for a shower. Hot water ran down his body, loosening his muscles, as he stood brooding. He never should have asked her that question. It was obvious they cared deeply about one another. He didn’t need to make a big deal out of it. Maybe he just wanted to know how she felt and had gone about it in the wrong way. Sam cringed; he was angry at himself now.

As he stepped out of the shower and got dressed, Jude still hadn’t returned. A plan was set in motion, he decided he would head to the shops and get some ingredients for dinner. Then he would cook for her, and they could forget this whole conversation even happened. All he knew was that he had fallen in love with Jude Taylor, and he would gratefully take whatever she was willing to give him, as long as she stayed. They were leaving through the stones at the end of the week. They needed to be a strong unit; he needed her support. It made meeting his parents seem less daunting when she was by his side.


When Sam got home from shopping, he went straight to the kitchen to unpack the groceries. Jude must have heard him moving about because she slowly walked out to the living room. Sam glanced at her and then studied a very interesting crumb on the counter.

“Sam.” Jude spoke quietly and then took a deep breath. “I’m sorry I ran off like that. I just needed time to think, everything that’s happened over the last two months just came crashing over me.”

Sam looked over to her as she spoke. She had changed out of her work out gear and now wore a flowy skirt and a cropped singlet, her blond hair fell loosely over her shoulders. So perfectly beautiful.

“It’s okay, I understand.” Sam replied.

Jude gave him a pained look. “No, it’s not. I got scared about being so close to someone again, but I shouldn’t have. You have been here for me every day since I got shot. In the small time I have known you for, you’ve cared more for my safety and wellbeing than anyone else has before.”

Her eyes started to water as she spoke and Sam’s heart lurched forward, wanting to stop the tears before they fell.

“When I came to the twenty first century, I felt like a ghost. A strange girl in a strange time, distanced from everyone else. But you make me feel alive. You make me feel seen. You make me feel not alone anymore. I… I love you Sam.”

One tear fell from her eyes and Sam was to her in seconds, wrapping his arms around her and pressing his lips to hers. He poured out everything he felt for her in that kiss, all the desire that had pent up inside him over the weeks, and Jude responded with her own desperation. His bones ignited under her touch as she ran her fingers over his shoulders and through his hair.

They didn’t part from each other, as they moved to the lounge room. Not until the back of Jude’s knees hit the couch and she fell onto it. Sam hovered over her, their eyes locked, and he saw the need and longing buried within.

“I love you too.” He whispered.

“Sam.” She said reaching for him. And then he was straddling her, trailing kisses along her neck, biting her ear playfully. His hand wandered over her stomach and then it slowly made its way up her shirt, slow enough that she could stop him at any time. But she didn’t. Jude moaned into his mouth as he touched her breast. No bra underneath, and he felt her nipples harden. Her hips bucked against his and he groaned.

Then she felt for his shirt and started pulling it up. Sam removed it quickly, throwing it across the room. Jude laughed at his eagerness. Then she sat up and removed her own shirt. Sam let out a deep breath, frozen to the spot as he stared at her breasts and then looked up to her face.

Jude flushed and then moved to kiss him again.

“You’re so beautiful. Like a goddess you are.” He said when they parted.

Jude’s face lit up; her shy smile sent a bolt of desire through him. He pounced on her again, kissing her jaw as he rubbed his fingers softly over her breasts.

“Do you have a…a…?” Jude asked breathlessly.

“Oh, yeah in my wallet.”

He reluctantly pulled away from her as he went to the kitchen counter to retrieve it. When he came back, he lifted Jude from the couch and carried her to the bedroom, placing her gently on the bed.

He hovered on top of her again, between kisses he whispered, “Are you sure, you want to do this?”

Sam looked into her eyes, and she nodded and whispered back, “yes.”

They fumbled, removing the rest of their clothes and Sam left kisses along her stomach and her thighs. He paid special attention to the scar where the bullet had pierced her skin, kissing it slowly. Letting Jude know he adored every part of her. When Sam slowly entered her, nothing in the world had ever felt so right. Jude moaned and they rode the high together.

They lay in the aftermath, flushed and content. Jude sighed; her head rested on his chest while he ran his fingers through her hair. He could have stayed in that position forever, but then Jude’s stomach growled.

Darkness had fallen outside; he hadn’t realised so much time had passed.

“I’ll make dinner.” He said, as he slid out of the bed.

“Okay. I look forward to it.” She grinned but her eyes dropped tiredly.

He leaned down to kiss her before heading to the kitchen.

A half hour later, the creamy sauce simmered on the stove, as the pasta boiled in a pot beside it. Sam stirred the sauce and then heard the patter of bare feet hitting the floor behind him. Jude wrapped her arms around his middle, pressing her face into his shoulder blades.

“Hmmm, what are you cooking?” She asked.

“Fettucine.” He replied nonchalantly.

“Yummm.” She groaned.

A bolt went through him at the sound and before he knew it, he had turned and lifted Jude onto the counter behind him. She squealed at his quick movement and then her hands were on either side of his face as she lowered her head to kiss him.

The kiss started slow, but then it heated up. He ran his tongue along her lips and then it was in her mouth, connecting with hers in a dance. Jude moaned as Sam gripped her bare thigh. It was then that he realised that she only wore her sapphire necklace and one of his shirts and nothing underneath.

He slowly caressed the skin on her thigh, drawing circles as he moved closer and closer to her centre. Jude broke away from him, sucking in a breath and then he was kissing her neck, starting at her chin, and moving along her shoulder. There were too many clothes separating them, he wanted their bare skin to press together, wanted to feel her warmth. He took hold of the hem of her shirt, about to lift it up when a hard knock sounded at the door and Jude and Sam froze, both of their eyes sweeping towards the front door in confusion.

“Are you expecting somebody?” Jude asked breathlessly.

“No…no I’m not. Stay here.” He replied, gesturing to her spot. A chill crept down his spine and he took his gun from the counter. Jude stepped down from the counter and took out a kitchen knife.

Another knock sounded from the door as Sam stepped in front of it. He hid the gun in one hand behind his back as his other hand turned the handle. When he pulled the door open, shock radiated through his body, and he stood frozen to the spot dumbfounded by the sight before him.

All he heard was, “Heyyyy! Did you miss me?” Before he was crushed in a hug by Harry Mackenzie.

When they broke a part, Sam stared at him in amazement. Harry glanced around the sitting room, and then to the kitchen taking in Jude’s appearance. She blushed, setting her knife down on the counter and fiddling with the hem of Sam’s shirt. Harry raised his eyebrows and then looked back to Sam.

“Wow, I feel like I have definitely missed something here.” Harry chuckled, his shaggy black hair fell into his face, and he ran his fingers through it, pushing it out of the way.

“Uhhh Jude, this is my friend Harry.” Sam gestured to Harry.

“Friend.” Harry looked insulted. “I’m his bloody best mate.” He fixed his eyes on Jude. “It is a pleasure to meet you Jude, by the way.”

Harry walked into the kitchen as Sam shut the front door behind him.

Jude laughed awkwardly. “It’s lovely to meet you too, Harry.”

The pot of boiling pasta started to steam, and bubbles rose out of it. Harry rushed over to it, taking it off the stove and draining it in the sink through a colander.

“Jeez Sam, I thought I taught you better than this. You have to take the pot off the stove before it boils over.”

Sam strode over to him. “Well, I was a bit preoccupied with you appearing with no warning at the front door.”

“Excuses, excuses…” Harry said in a playful tone as he shook his head.

Jude locked eyes with Sam. She gestured to Harry who had his back turned, mouthing the words, ‘Who is he?’

Sam picked up on her discomfort. “Harry works for Raymond. He’s my main partner on missions.” He explained.

“Yeah, I saved your ass about a thousand times.” Harry replied as he stirred the creamy sauce and brought the spoon to his mouth. “Hmmm this sauce is good, you got that right.”

Sam sighed, his eyes rolling to the ceiling.

“Hey I saw that!” Harry exclaimed having turned back to where Jude and Sam stood.

“Good.” Sam huffed.

“Right, well um I’m just going to change, and I’ll leave you guys to talk.” Jude smiled awkwardly again, glancing at Harry before she went down the hall.

“Wait…is that the girl from the club in 2014, if I remember the year correctly? She's wearing the sapphire.” Harry questioned.

“Yes, it is.” Sam replied.

“Well, I see you two have gotten quite close. Quite snug together…hmm.” Harry teased.

“Hey, she’s been through a lot.” Sam said.

“Care to enlighten me?” Harry asked as he turned the stove’s hot plate off.

“Jude was shot while we were being chased down by COTT, luckily we were close to Craigh na Dun and I brought her here. She’s been recovering for about six weeks.”

Harry raised his eyebrows. “I’m glad she’s alright.”

“Me too, I don’t know what I would have done if she-

Sam couldn’t finish the sentence.

Harry nodded in understanding. “What happened to you after you found Jude in the club?”

“We were captured by COTT and thrown in the back of a van. We managed to escape and make it back to headquarters in 1769, but it was trashed. Raymond left a note asking me to go to L’Hopital des Anges in Paris. That’s where I found out who my birth parents are. Raymond knew who they were the whole time. They never left me at the hospital. Raymond stole me from them.” It was like cutting open a slowly healing wound, when he spoke of Raymond’s betrayal.

Harry didn’t seem surprised at this information. “Raymond told me about your parents after COTT found headquarters. I had just gotten back from our mission in 2014, when the alert was sounded. I helped vacate the estate, keeping record of where we sent the time travellers. I’ve been busy tracking everyone down this past month, regrouping at our new base. I would have found you sooner if it hadn’t been for that.”

“He’s a rotten bastard Sam, I’m so sorry.” Harry said quietly as he grabbed his shoulder in support.

“I’m okay, I’ve had Jude by my side, and she’s really helped me process everything. Without her I probably would have gone crazy. These past two months, we’ve had each other’s backs. I would trust her with my life.” Sam said earnestly.

Harry grinned, giving him a knowing look before whispering, “if I didn’t know better, I would say you’re in love Sam.”

He flushed at Harry’s declaration before they heard Jude coming back down the hall.

“We should eat, before the pasta gets cold.” Sam suggested and he busied himself, taking three plates out of the cupboards and loading them with pasta and sauce.

He glanced up as Jude strode back into the kitchen, wearing black leggings and a purple jumper. She went to the cupboard and took out a bottle of red wine. Sam set the plates on the table.

“Who wants wine?” Jude held up the bottle.

“Some wine would be nice thanks.” Harry smiled.

“Me too, please.” Sam said.

Harry and Sam settled at the table across from one another and Jude strolled over with three glasses and the wine bottle. She took a seat beside Sam and then poured the wine.

Harry and Sam, both thanked her and then they started on their meal.

“How did you know where we were Harry?” Jude asked curiously.

“Raymond did a simple locator spell.” Harry shrugged as if it wasn’t a big deal.

Jude’s eyes widened in surprise and then she looked towards Sam. “Raymond can do magic? You didn’t tell me that.”

“Well, I wouldn’t call it magic. He can heal wounds and do locator spells but that’s about it.” Sam replied in a bored tone.

Jude shook her head in disbelief at Harry and Sam’s dismissal of Raymond’s power.

“Healing wounds and doing locators spells is crazy!” She exclaimed.

Harry furrowed his eyebrows at her before stating, “It does leave him very drained. He can’t always call fully on his powers. There has to be the right energy in the air.” He waved one of his hands in the air in emphasis of his point.

Jude still seemed confused, and Harry changed the subject quickly.

“So, Jude, were you named after the Beatles song?” Harry asked, humming the tune under his breath.

Jude chuckled quietly. “I don’t know for sure, but my father certainty knew the song. He used to sing it to me when I was younger. When I travelled to 2007, I heard the exact song sung by the Beatles. I thought my father had written it, but he obviously didn’t.” She shook her head.

“Oh, so you’re not originally from the 21st century?” Harry co*cked his head to the side.

“I was born in 1745 in England. My father was a traveller. After he died, I travelled to the future.”

Harry raised his eyebrows. “So a woman of many centuries?”

Jude laughed. “You could say that.”

Harry gave her a warm smile. “I’m glad Sam has someone like you with him.”

“He would be completely lost without me.” Jude joked, nudging Sam with her elbow.

“Hey! I am competent you know.” Sam raised his hands in defence.

“Sure, you are.” Harry gave Jude a brief wink and Sam felt like he was left out of some inside joke, banging his fists against the wall trying to be let in.

Sam gave up, shaking his head. It seemed as if Harry and Jude had formed a bond based on teasing Sam, he didn’t want to ruin their newfound friendship, so he stayed quiet.

Harry cleared his throat. “I came here to see how you were Sam, but I also have a new mission for you.”

“A new mission? I’m not working for Raymond anymore. He has no right to send me on another mission.” Sam’s voice was raised, and his blood started to boil as he thought of being thrown into danger by Raymond again.

“He isn’t. I’m sending you on the mission.” Harry’s face turned deadly serious, and Sam stared at him in confusion.

“A woman named Geillis Duncan is going to be put on trial for witchcraft on the 20th of October 1743 in Cranesmuir, Scotland. She’s pregnant, and you need to set her free. A whole bloodline relies on it. My bloodline relies on it.” Harry’s face was grim. “She’s my ancestor and if you don’t go back in time and save her, I will cease to exist, along with a hundred other people.”

“Dougal Mackenzie is the baby’s father; you might run into him while you’re there. Their son is the reason a whole lot of Mackenzie’s exist today.”

Mackenzie…Harry’s last name. Sam felt a sinking feeling in his stomach that left him uneasy.

“Dougal Mackenzie is your father’s uncle, right?” Jude asked him.

Sam turned to her, remembering how they had studied the family tree. “Yes. That means we’re distantly related Harry…” he drifted off. Something plagued his mind, screaming to come to the forefront but he couldn’t remember.

“Huh, no wonder we get on so well.” Harry chuckled before continuing, “I can’t physically travel to 1743 because another version of myself is there on the days the witch trial takes place and it won’t end well if someone realises I’m in two places at once. That’s why I need you guys to take this one. You’re the reason that baby lives.” Harry looked to each of them.

“We’ll do it.” Jude turned to Sam in confirmation.

Sam nodded. “Of course we will, how could we say no?”

Harry’s jovial nature came back, and he smiled. “If you think about it, you’ve already succeeded in setting Geillis free, if I’m able to sit here and eat dinner with you guys. So don’t stress, just do what feels right.”

“Roger Mackenzie!” Sam exclaimed. The name had come back to him suddenly as he remembered his visit to Fiona’s house.

Jude and Harry both stared at him, bewildered at his outburst.

“Roger Mackenzie is Brianna’s partner. If we don’t do this mission, he won’t exist either.”

“Brianna?” Harry asked.

“I found out I have sister too.” Sam replied.

“Oh?” Harry said astonished.

“She lives with my parents in North Carolina in the 1770’s. Jude and I actually planned to leave this week through the stones and finally meet them.” Excitement shone on Sam’s face.

“I’m sorry I’ve interrupted your plans, but you’re the only one I trust to see this mission through.” Harry looked at them apologetically.

“No, it’s okay. It’s just a small detour on our way to North Carolina, we’ll meet my parents afterwards.” Sam replied.

Harry grinned. “I’m really happy for you Sam.”

“Thank you." Sam said, twirling his fork in the pasta.

"Where are you off to after this?” Sam asked.

“I have to go back to Raymond.” Harry’s face had turned grim again.

Sam’s head turned sharply in Harry’s direction. “How could you still work for him after everything he has done?”

Harry looked down at his plate. “When Raymond recruited me, I made a deal with him. I was bastard-born in the 19thcentury, I had no prospects, no land, but then Raymond found me. He said he would pay me, provide a roof over my head if I promised to serve him for the rest of my life or until he released me from my oath. He only allowed me to come here so that I could report back to him about your wellbeing. I’m sorry Sam.”

Sam stared at Harry’s downcast eyes; his slumped shoulders signalled his defeat. Sam suddenly felt nauseous, his best friend was trapped in Raymond’s web of lies, and it ate away at him. Who knew what else Raymond was keeping from his group?

“What happens if you break the oath?” Jude asked.

“Raymond will hunt me down or get one of the other travellers to do it. He’ll kill me.” Harry said.

Sadness and pity washed over Jude’s face as she surveyed Harry. Sam felt something break inside of him and then he felt another wave of raging anger for Raymond. He was a puppet master who enjoyed dangling treats in front of vulnerable people, and when they took it from him, he threw a collar over their necks, so that he could own them forever. He played with people’s lives as if they were toys.

“I’m a thirty-five-year-old man who’s worked for Raymond more than half my life. I didn’t stay because I wanted to. I stayed because it was better than being dead.” Harry stood, taking his empty plate to the sink.

Sam also stood meeting him in the kitchen and placed a hand on Harry’s back. Sam didn’t have any words to offer him. There was no way he could make the situation better. Harry nodded in understanding, as he braced his hands on the counter and gave him a small smile.


Harry took off early after breakfast the next morning.

“You’ll need this I reckon.” Harry said before placing a large satchel of coins on the table.

“Thanks. I had to use most of my savings to board a ship from Paris to Scotland.” Sam shook his head as he thought about the greedy worker.

“Don’t worry about it. I’ll see you around Sam, maybe I’ll be able to sneak out and come visit you in North Carolina aye.” Harry winked.

Sam grinned before pulling Harry into a hug. When they parted, Harry gave Jude a hug.

“You’ll keep an eye on this one won’t you, Jude?” Harry gestured to Sam.

Jude smiled. “I will.”

After Harry left, they continued to prepare for their journey, but a new destination was in mind now. Scotland, 1743. It only occurred to Sam as they started packing food for the road that he may run into his parents. Claire had travelled to 1743 the first time she had gone through the stones. From what he knew, the village of Cranesmuir was very close to Castle Leoch where his father had lived with his uncles.

Nervous anticipation ran through his veins, as he stood in front of Craigh na Dun a week later, Jude by his side.

“Ready?” Jude asked him.

“Yes.” Sam held her hand tightly in his as he touched the stone.

Chapter 11


Some bits of dialogue were taken from the show.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

1743, Scotland.

Upon landing in 1743, uneasiness swept over Sam, his arms and legs felt slightly weak. He had never felt this way after travelling before. Maybe it was because he had taken a long break from travelling and his body wasn’t used to it. Whatever the cause, the feeling was soon forgotten as they set off for the town of Cranesmuir. Travelling through the highlands, his heart soared thinking of his own father taking this route. They had bought two horses from a nearby farm. The farmer couldn’t say no as they offered him coins that paid for the horses and three months’ rent. Sam had estimated it would take at least a day to reach Cranesmuir from the stones, so they had arrived the day before the trial was set to take place.

They rode hard and slept only a few hours at night before they were off again. When they arrived in the town, dread twisted in Sam’s gut as they realised the witch trial had already started. A mass of people congregated at the court's entrance. To his right Sam's eyes caught on a large stack of tied wood and hay which stood on a platform in the town square, signifying where the witches would be burned at the stake. Sam had to tear his eyes away from the barbaric torture device, the stake had brought back memories he desperately wanted to forget. Instead, he focused his efforts on finding Geillis.

Jude and Sam pushed their way through the crowd that hovered at the court’s entrance. They jostled people around until they made it inside, and were met with a heavy row of men blocking their path. Fortunately, they could just see the stands in between the heads that stood in front of them.

Then Sam saw her. The exact replica of the woman he had seen in the newspaper. His mother. Claire Fraser. On trial for witchcraft. Her dark brown curly hair framed her stony face as she stared at the wall behind the judge. Beside her a smaller red-haired woman stood looking out at the crowd, revenge searing through her eyes. Geillis Duncan. The one they were meant to save. He knew that his mother must survive the trial otherwise he wouldn’t be alive, but it didn’t stop the wave of terror that washed over him.

An older man with a grey wig, stated that he was Ned Gowan, a solicitor here to support Mistress Fraser. Sam felt lighter, at least one person in this place thought Claire was innocent. However, as the trial progressed, Ned Gowan’s presence didn’t stop Sam’s rising panic at his mother’s fate.

The trial went for hours as more and more people accused Claire and Geillis of ridiculous things. Casting curses, setting hounds upon people, bringing sickness and diseases to the town. Sam rolled his eyes as every new ‘witness’ stood up to tell their tale. Jude clutched his hand in hers, squeezing it in comfort as the crowd screamed about the devil possessing his mother.

“This is bloody nonsense” Claire exclaimed, and Sam’s heart ached for her. To be on trial, standing in front of hundreds of people who hated your very being and wanted to watch you burn.

A small blond-haired woman stood up next, sauntering to the front of the crowd.

“From Castle Leoch, Laoghaire Mackenzie.” The Judge read out.

Laoghaire stepped forward, fear in her eyes as she glanced at Claire.

“I came to her for a potion to open Jamie Fraser’s heart to my own.” Laoghaire sniffled as tears formed in her eyes.

“It’s painful to speak about…” She continued, the perfect picture of sadness, “I was the one, you see, who Jamie was meant to marry, but she took the potion herself.” Laoghaire scrunched her nose in anger as she pointed towards Claire, fire and menace burning in her eyes.

The crowd gasped and Sam stared bewildered at the girl’s accusation. Laoghaire seemed to be jealous of Claire and so had accused her of stealing Jamie away. Sam sighed exasperated. The girl was delusional and this would considerably worsen Claire’s chances of survival.

“Did you conduct such a potion?” The judge asked.

Claire looked like a deer caught in headlights. She bumbled, searching for words to explain herself. “I…It wasn’t an actual potion-

Laoghaire cut her off, exclaiming, “She hexed Jamie and turned him away from me. She stole him!”

Sam gaped at the outrageous claim. Had Jamie been with Laoghaire before Claire came along? Was there a sliver of truth behind the claims of hexes and magic potions? Uneasiness settled in his stomach. He longed to defend his mother, to yell at the crowd and the judges for their foolishness. Couldn’t they see through Laoghaire’s act? She was just a girl who was hurt because Jamie hadn’t chosen her.

“I didn’t hex anybody!” Claire pleaded.

Ned Gowan stood up then, “Clearly, she’s a jealous young lass with a broken heart.”

Yes! Exactly! Sam thought Ned Gowan was the only person making sense in this court room.

“Aye, my heart was broken. And when I confronted her, she struck me.” Laoghaire nodded her head wildly and the crowd grunted in disgust.

“Did you in fact strike this woman?” The judge asked.

Claire stared wide eyed at Laoghaire, her face full of disappointment and anger but then she retaliated.

“She put an ill-wish under my bed and then tried to seduce my husband!” Claire yelled.

Sam and Jude gasped along with the crowd. So, Laoghaire had tried to stir up trouble in Jamie and Claire’s marriage in the hope that Jamie would leave Claire for her. Sam shook his head; he couldn’t believe someone would be so spiteful.

“He was the love of my life.” Laoghaire wept.

Was he? Sam couldn’t tell truth from lies now. Laoghaire seemed to believe what she was saying. He could see she cared deeply for Jamie and felt betrayed by his actions. Claire seemed to be the easiest scape goat to blame her problems on.

The crow’s hysteria grew, “burn em! Burn em!”

Claire’s voice was drowned out by the crowd’s immense noise. The next witness stood up.

“His reverence Father Bain.” The judge read out.

Father Bain stood and rambled about the women on trial being seduced by the devil. The crowd’s anger came to the forefront again.

“Burn the witch! Burn the witch!” They chanted.

Ned Gowan called a recess and Claire, and Geillis were escorted to a side room.

Sam turned to Jude, “we have to do something.” He whispered.

“We can’t draw attention to ourselves, we came here to save Geillis. Claire is alive today, so she wasn’t burnt at the stake, something must save her.” She looked into his eyes. “Otherwise, Harry would have told us to save Claire and Geillis.”

She squeezed his hands in reassurance and he sighed.

“You’re right. It’s just hard to watch.”

“Just hold on. It will all work out.” Jude gave him a comforting smile.

The uneasiness he felt hadn’t left, but Jude made him feel stronger.

“Bring the witches back! Burn em!” People from the crowd had started to yell again.

Minutes later, Claire and Geillis emerged and were placed in front of the judge.

“We must rely on an injunction of the Lord. Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live. Thereby we pronounce Geillis Duncan and Claire Fraser guilty and do hereby condemn them to death!” The Judge hissed the sentence.

Sam’s heart was in his mouth. He took a sharp intake of breath. Claire and Geillis looked terrified. The crowd shouted and surged around them, waving their fists in the air. Claire was dragged from the dais she stood upon, and she screamed losing all wits. The end in sight she yelled, “You’re all murderers! Your God will damn you all! You’re going to burn in hell!”

Her voice was full of fear, and it ripped Sam a part to see his mother’s anguish. The next thing he knew Claire’s back was bear, the whip came down hard and the crowd cheered. Sam and Jude flinched as the whip came down again and Claire screamed.

“Hey!” Sam yelled as he made to move towards her, but he was shoved to the side as a red-haired men parted the crowd in defiance, and he realised it was his father.

“Claire! Let her go!” He roared. Jamie punched his way through the crowd, kicking and shoving anyone who stood in his path.

When he reached Claire he bent down to her, running his hand over her hair in comfort.Men in the crowd drew their swords and yelled.

Jamie’s voice rang louder, full of brutal strength. “I swore an oath before the altar of God to protect this woman. And if you’re tellin’ me that ye consider your own authority to be greater than that of the Almighty, then I must inform ye that I’m no of that opinion, myself.”

Jamie’s own sword was drawn, and his eyes shone with hidden fire, ready to burn anyone that dared lay a hand on his woman. Sam was transfixed, pride filled him as he stared into his father’s face. But his father did not see him.

“The first man forward will be the first man down.” Jamie hissed to the crowd and the men holding swords hesitated at the deadly threat lacing his words.

Claire sobbed below him.

Then Geillis shouted out, “this woman is no witch. But I am.”

The crowd gasped and Claire cried out. Jamie looked as if he wished to throw Claire over his shoulder and run out of the courthouse. He glanced around as all eyes turned to the front of the court. Geillis confessed to killing her husband and taking advantage of Claire using witchcraft, and then she showed her devil’s mark which Sam knew to be a vaccination scar.

Claire gripped Jamie, her whole body shook in pain and shock. The crowd surged forward as Jamie dragged Claire backwards towards the back door. The breath caught in Sam’s throat as his parents hurried past him, clinging to each other, and ignoring his existence completely. What had he expected? They had no idea who he was, and even if they had seen him, the last thing on their mind would be to remember the unremarkable red head in the crowd. There must be hundreds of red haired men in Scotland. He wasn't anything special.

“I am the mistress of Satan. I carry his child!” Geillis screamed, ripping the front of her dress to show her swollen belly.

“Geillis!” Claire shouted but Jamie pulled her outside. By the time Sam was able to push his way through the crowd and make it to the street, Jude on his tail, they were gone.

Relief coursed through him along with a sense of loss. He had been in the same room as his parents, so close, yet so far away from knowing them. All he knew for sure was that they loved each other fiercely and that was enough for him to let them go for now. Behind them, the crowd surged outside and had begun to line the street. Geillis was held by four or five men who marched towards the burning pyre. Horror settled over him. He had been so focused on his parents he had forgotten his original mission given to him by Harry. And Geillis was going to be burned alive.

“Burn the witch! Burn the witch!” The crowd chanted.

The Judge exited the court room and yelled, “She’s with child! Put her down!”

“Hey!” Sam yelled. “You can’t burn a pregnant woman!”

The men faltered as they reached the pyre and the Judge surged forward with many other officials.

“I say put her down! She carries an innocent!” The Judge yelled.

Finally, Geillis was lowered to the ground and guards escorted her away.


Geillis had been chucked back into the thieves hole while the courts decided her fate. It had fallen dark, and the guards outside grew sleepy. Sam and Jude sat, hidden in the trees and shrub that circled Geillis’ cell. Thousands of different plans whizzed through his mind, but he was interrupted by a rustle in the bushes near them.

Sam and Jude glanced at each other, eyes wide, before taking out their weapons and slowly creeping towards the sound. Staying where they were would not give them the upper hand in an attack. Holding his breath, Sam stared at the clump of bushes he thought the sound had originated from. Waiting…

They were just about to turn away and blame the noise on the wind when a bear-like man lurched from the trees, barrelling Sam over. Sam whirled, trying to regain awareness and a fist connected with his jaw. The pain seared through him and he turned his head to the side, expecting another blow soon after. But nothing came. He looked up and saw the man frozen in place, Jude’s dagger pointed at his stomach.

“Get off him. Now.” She said sternly, emphasising each word.

The man stood up hastily, Jude’s dagger still in place. He raised his hands in surrender.

“Who are you?” Jude asked.

The man shook his head in disbelief, “I do’nae have to explain myself to the likes of ye.” He hissed.

Jude stuck her dagger further into his stomach pinching his skin. The man’s eyes widened in surprise.

“Tell us who you are now! Or I won’t stop her from jamming that dagger right into your chest.” Sam commanded.

The man’s jaw tightened, and he said through gritted teeth, “my name is Dougal Mackenzie.” His nose scrunched as he sneered at them.

Sam didn’t let his recognition of the name show on his face as he stood eyeing the man with an intense stare.

“How were you planning on saving Geillis? Siting in that bush all night?”

“Who are ye?” Dougal exclaimed.

“Someone that’s caught you about to commit a crime. However, your lucky because I want to help.” Sam said casually.

Dougal stared in shock, “I do'nae ken what ye think you’re playing at lad.”

“How were you planning on getting her out?” Sam asked again, smirking. “There’s two or three guards just outside the cell. If you manage to take one out, the others will sound the alarm and then the whole town will be out for you.”

Dougal was silent.

Sam paused. “Unless…” he then huffed. “You were never planning on saving her. You were just going for a friendly visit, weren’t you? Make sure she has the baby fine in that cell and then leave her to those wolves.”

Dougal’s jaw tightened as he gave Sam a warning look. “I do'nae ken who ye think ye are, but this is none of yer business. I’ll tell the guards you’re snooping and get ye chucked into a cell right next to hers.” He hissed.

Sam gave him a dirty look, “And I will tell the courts that you have been bribing guards to visit Geillis.”

Dougal snarled, getting more and more agitated.

“Look, I won’t tell the guards anything if you help me rescue her. You just need to distract them while my partner and I rescue Geillis.” Sam gave him a pointed look.

Dougal eyed Jude, doubt simmering beneath his sneer. He seemed like he was about to argue but he stopped himself. “If this is some kinda trick lad, you’re going to wish ye were never born.” Thoughts of a brutal murder ran across Dougal’s face plain as day.

Sam stood his ground. He couldn’t believe he was related to this prick.

“In another hour, the guards at her cell go on break and are replaced. While that happens, you need to intercept the new ones for at least five minutes. My partner and I will get Geillis out. We’ll all meet back at the stream that’s just East of here. Then it’s up to you to protect her.” Sam gave out the orders like he had done so many times before, as a prominent leader of missions against COTT.

Dougal nodded, but Sam could see it angered him greatly to be given orders and treated as if he wasn’t the War Chieftain of clan Mackenzie. Dougal stalked off without another word, to position himself in place for the interception.

Sam turned to Jude, “alright Jude, you’re going to sweet talk at least one of the guards to distract them while I steal the key from the one who has it.”

“Won’t they recognise my accent? Being English is not a pretty thing around here.”

“And that’s why you’re going to put on a Scottish accent. Lets hear your best.” He gestured towards her, smiling encouragingly.

Jude gave him a quizzical look, but when she saw the seriousness in Sam’s eyes, she cleared her throat.

“Och, aye it’s a fine evening isna?”

Sam cringed, “I’m going to be honest with you. It wasn’t horrible, but it wasn’t great either.”

Jude huffed, “is your plan seriously counting on me pulling off a Scottish accent?”

Sam was silent and he gave her a feeble smile. “I might have another idea. But this one is better and has less room for error.”

“Okay, okay I can do better. I just need to channel the Scottish women I lived next door to for seven years.”

Jude closed her eyes and took in a deep breath. Then she looked at him and said, “Och whatta lovely cloak ye have on sir. Bet it keeps out the nippin’ cold now doesna?”

Sam gaped at her in shock as a near perfect accent stumbled from her mouth.

“Where did that come from?” He asked.

“I’m full of surprises, Sam.” Jude smirked. “And I also lived in Scotland for seven years. That helped.” She shrugged.

Sam just shook his head in disbelief, “you’re amazing, you know that right?”

He didn’t wait for her answer, before he kissed her.

Jude smiled as he pulled away. “Worse case scenario, my accent fails, and I stab them with my dagger.” She suggested lifting the dagger from her belt.

Sam eyed the dagger, “right, but that’s a last resort.”

Jude rolled her eyes, “I’m not an animal.”

She then securely tucked her sapphire necklace, deep into her shirt. “I don’t want to draw any attention to it. Sometimes it sparkles at night and they might try and steal it from me.” She said in explanation.

An hour later, Jude and Sam stood hidden behind the walls that surrounded the thieves hole.

“Alec and Mitch should be here in a minute or so. Do ye mind if I head off early, I’m right starving.” A voice grumbled.

“Yeah alright, only if you save me some grub.”

The men chuckled and then one of them took off down the road.

Jude sauntered over to the two guards left, she hadn’t countered on having to seduce men when they travelled through the stones, so she wasn’t wearing a dress. But she thought she could use it to her advantage. Something as strange as a woman wearing pants, would keep the guard’s attention much longer.

The keys were tied to the belt of a guard who stood near the thieves hole. Another guard stood leaning against the other side of the wall, Jude and Sam had hidden behind. His eyes were fluttering closed.

“Good Evenin’ gentlemen.” Jude started.

The guards jumped, startled by Jude’s high voice, their swords immediately aimed towards her. Jude raised her hands in surrender, and she backed away. The guards followed her away from the wall and the thieves hole.

“Now I wasnae trying to cause any trouble, I just wanted to see if ye lads mabee wanted some company.” She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively and saw through the corner of her eye, Sam sneak up behind the guards.

Jude smiled but the guards did not look so happy.

“What’s that? Is that a lass wearing pants?” One of the men snickered as he elbowed the other.

“You look like a crusty lad.” The other one jested.

Jude feigned outrage. “Well, that’s not a vera nice thing to say, now is it?”

The guards looked at her in disbelief. Jude took off her hat and pulled the hair tie out of her hair. Sam saw Jude’s blond locks cascade around her shoulders and then he was taking advantage of the stunning spell placed on the guards. He raised the rock he held in his hand and brought it down hard on one of the guard’s head. He dropped like a stone, silently as Sam caught the man and placed him quietly on the ground. The other guard took no notice, only transfixed on Jude as he continued forward.

“Ye stay here, I’m going with her. The other lads will be here soon.” The guard didn’t even look back as he took Jude’s hand and they strolled away.

Idiot. Sam shook his head and then wasted no time running towards the thieves hole. The guard wouldn’t be knocked out for long and Jude couldn’t keep the other one occupied forever. Adrenaline pumped through his veins as he knelt beside the hole. Sam could hear giggling and quiet murmuring echoing through the trees and he knew Jude was doing well. He stuck the key in the lock and turned. The metal door creaked loudly as he opened it and he cringed hoping no one else had heard it.

“Geillis?” He whispered.

A woman came out of the shadows, her eyes widened in recognition when she saw him. Maybe she saw the resemblance to Jamie.

Geillis smiled, “You’ve come to save me? I knew someone would come.”

Sam peered at her in confusion, his mind exploding with questions, but there wasn’t time.

“Yes, now we need to move quickly. Reach out your arms and I’ll lift you out of the hole.”

Geillis listened to his instructions and Sam pulled her out. He then held her arm, guiding her away to the horses which they had tied to trees near the back of the court building. Sam helped Geillis onto the horse and then his heart sped as he glanced around for Jude. No sooner had he started to worry did he see her bounding towards them, she jumped on to her horse and they were gone. Speeding away with great haste, towards the stream, deep in the woods.

“Ye look very similar to someone I ken, wee fox cub.” Geillis said in a teasing tone. “What is yer name?”

Sam stilled. Should he lie? His last name would give him away. “It’s Sam” he said.

Sam couldn’t see her face, but he imagined her playful smile.

“Sammm. Thank you for saving me. But I must confess I don’t understand why a handsome lad like you would care for someone like me.”

If this was her attempt at flirting with him, it wasn’t working well.

“I would try and save any fellow traveller in trouble, no matter who they are.” Sam replied tersely. He didn’t trust Geillis’ devious words.

Geillis gasped, “ahh, so brave…” her voice floated through the trees.

Nearing the stream, Sam hopped down from the horse. Helping Geillis to step down also. He glanced over to Jude who gave him a worried look, having heard their conversation.

“You know, your actions have saved so many lives.” Geillis looked at him as if he was a bright light saving her from the darkness. She touched her belly and then smiled.

Curiosity got the better of him and Sam asked, “What year did you travel from?”

Geillis stilled and he didn’t get an answer as Dougal came through the trees, riding his own horse. Seeing Geillis, it seemed as if he blocked out Jude and Sam’s presence going straight to her. Jude and Sam walked away, giving them some space.

“I think we should leave now. She knows something. I could see it in her eyes. Manipulative that one is.” Jude whispered, gesturing towards Geillis.

“I know.” Sam said shifting his eyes to her. They had completed their mission, Geillis had escaped. There was no reason to stick around. It was then that Dougal and Geillis broke apart and made their way towards them.

“I wonder what your mother and father would think if they knew you had been here.” Geillis smiled mischievously.

Sam stared, trying not to give away his shocked reaction to her words.

Dougal frowned in confusion.

Jude grabbed Sam’s arm. “Well, we will leave you here Geillis. I hope you and the baby stay healthy.”

Sam knew Jude was trying to get them away as fast as possible before more was told, and secrets were revealed. He took her que, swinging himself on top of his horse, as Jude did the same. Dougal did a double take, peering at Sam curiously. If he realised Sam looked anything like Jamie, he would want to question them. The thought filled him with dread, and he could feel his heart rate quicken.

Geillis just smiled, waving goodbye. “I wish you all the best Sam. Oh, and Raymond of course too.”

Dougal’s frown deepened as he looked between Geillis and Sam. Panic gripped Sam’s chest as he smiled politely and nodded. This woman knew too much, and it was best they put distance between them. Geillis’ sweet, conniving smile was etched into his mind as they rode off into the forest.


I promise the reunion is coming very soon!

Chapter 12


I’m really excited for you guys to read this one!!

Thank you for all the comments, it makes me so happy 😊

Also Warning: more spice 🌶

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

When they had put enough distance between themselves and the town of Cranesmuir, Jude and Sam slowed the horses down into a trot. They managed to find a cave in a dense patch of forest and settled down inside. Leaving the horses tied to trees a few metres away from the entrance.

“We can’t light a fire, it’s too risky. I bet a search party has already left to search for Geillis and if they find us and recognise you.” Sam shook his head. “We’re done for.”

"The whole town will be trolling for the woman wearing pants that aided the witches escape by morning.” Jude shivered.

"If we rest for a few hours and head for the stones before dawn, we'll be safe in North Carolina before the guards reach as far as Craig na Dun."

Jude nodded while Sam settled himself on the ground and searched their packs for food. He was able to find some nuts, dried beans, a few apples and rolls of bread. They had packed light as they presumed they would only be travelling for four days.

"Dinner is served." Sam gestured to the array of food that he had set out on the cave floor.

Jude chuckled at the strange combination, but sat down nonetheless and started on their meal.Sam was pleasantly surprised by how well the mission had gone to save Geillis from the thieves hole. The ease with which Jude slotted into the action and adapted to every new situation that was thrown at them never ceased to amaze him. She was his golden beacon, a source of luck and energy on his journey home. Once they had finished eating, Sam decided to ask her the one question that had plagued his mind since they had left Geillis and Dougal.

“How did you get away from the guard?”

Jude grimaced, “I reminded him of his job. As soon as I saw you and Geillis run off to the horses, I told the guard I thought I saw someone near the thieves hole. He completely forgot about me, charging over to the open hole. I didn’t stick around, I sprinted for the horses.”

Sam reached for Jude pulling her into a hug. “I was worried about you. When you walked over to the guards, I felt my stomach drop.”

Jude held him close as he buried his head in the crook of her shoulder. Sam continued, “But I know how strong you are. I knew you could handle it.”

Sam pulled away looking into her eyes. “I’m really proud of you.”

Jude smiled as she cupped his cheek, “And I’m proud of you and the way you kept your cool in the courtroom. I know that must have been horrible for you to endure.”

Sam kissed her and then they curled up together on the floor of the cave, Sam’s arms wrapped tightly around Jude’s waist.

“Geillis knew about Raymond, and she knew someone would rescue her. Do you think Raymond may have visited her before the trial?” Sam asked.

Jude turned to face him, “he must have. How would she know so much about you?” She paused. “Unless Raymond just told her she would be rescued, and then she saw the resemblance between you and Jamie.”

Sam was silent as he worried about how much Geillis knew and her own agenda. She could change the future if she ran into his parents again and told them everything she had learnt or what if COTT somehow got her on their side. Picturing Geillis' sweet conniving smile, he knew she was capable of switching sides just from the way she had teased him about his parentage.

“You do look a great deal like him you know.”

Jude's voice surprised him and he peered at her beautiful face as she stared up at him.

“Jamie, I mean. You could be twins. The same height, same hair, same bone structure and those slanted blue eyes.” She smiled as she played with his hair.

Jude could still see the stress etched on Sam’s face. “Try not to worry about it. We’ll be gone soon. Geillis won’t say anything if she’s smart, no one would believe her anyway, and it’s the least she can do for us saving her life.”

Sam nodded, “That’s true, surely we don't mean much to her in the grand scheme of things. I don't know why she would go out of her way to cause chaos.”

Jude hummed in agreement.

“Laoghaire is a piece of work.” Sam added in disgust.

“God, she’s just evil!" Jude exclaimed. "I know people actually believe in witches in this time, but Laoghaire just wanted to see your mother murdered, witch or not.”

“I know. She was just awful.” He shuddered.

“But your mother is safe, and Laoghaire didn't get what she wanted. That’s all that matters.” Sam nodded but hisface stayed serious and Jude could tell something else was worrying him. She knew it would spill from his mouth eventually so she kept quiet and waited for the dam to break.

Sam started to draw circles over her hand with his finger and he fixated on that as he said, “I’ve been thinking a lot about us showing up in North Carolina out of nowhere, to a new town, new people. You know how a woman’s reputation is important in this time. Women are treated differently if they aren’t married. If someone finds out a woman is in a sexual relationship with a man, and they’re not married…” Sam drifted off.

“What are you saying?” Jude asked incredulously.

“I’m worried about how people will treat you if we aren’t married. I want to protect you.”

Jude’s eyes were blinking fast, trying to comprehend where Sam was going with this. She pulled away from his arms and pushed herself up on her elbows.

Sam sat up too, struck by how their close position had changed so quickly, “I’m not saying we actually get married. I just think that we might be received better if we say we are. I mean who’s going to ask us if we have a marriage certificate?”

Sam thought Jude might have stopped breathing as she stared wide eyed at him. Dread filled him as he imagined Jude running away again.

“And what do you suppose we do if someone finds out we’re not married?” Jude asked him eyebrows raised.

Jude seemed to be not fully opposed to the idea and it filled Sam with hope.

“We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it. All I know is that I love you Jude, and I want to keep you safe from people who might want to hurt you. And in this time, if you aren’t married, men see you as fresh game. And if they realise, that we…you’ll be branded a whor*. I can’t stand around while that happens.”

Jude was silent but she seemed to be listening, taking it all in. That was a good sign.

“I love you Sam and I trust you.” Her eyes poured into his own, truth flashing behind her blue orbs.

He grinned, and then kissed her.

“Do you want to get fake married?” Jude whispered as she pulled away, her eyes shone.

Sam checked her face for any sign of amusem*nt, but sincerity lay instead. “Wait… are you actually serious?”

“Well, we could make promises to each other.”

“Have you heard of hand-fasting?” Sam asked.

“No, not really.” Jude shook her head.

“We are vowed to each other for a year and a day and at the end of it we get married and make it permanent.”

Jude seemed to be considering it and she let out a depth breath before she said, “I want you by my side always. I can’t imagine my life without you Sam.”

Joy flooded through his veins, and he felt as if he was floating upon his wildest dreams as he said, “If we do this, we can promise each other that we will stay together forever. We’ll fight for each other, love each other, and I get to call you my wife.”

Jude’s eyes watered and she smiled widely at his declaration. “I’d like that.”

Sam grinned and then peppered her face with kisses as she squirmed beneath him. Her laugh echoed through the cave and he realised he would do anything to hear that perfect sound forever. When Sam finally stopped and peered into Jude’s eyes; her warmth flowed through him.

“If we say we’re married. Who’s to tell us we’re not. We’ll get to sleep in the same room then.” Sam wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

Jude hit his chest. “Yes, that’s the number one reason why we’re doing this.” She rolled her eyes.

Sam just laughed,“Okay so we’ll need some sort of material to tie our hands together.”

“We can use one of the ropes we tied the horses to the tree with. The horses will survive with one rope between them.” Jude suggested.

“Great idea!” Sam kissed her and then got to his feet to retrieve the rope from outside the cave.

When Sam returned, he took her hand in his and then wrapped the rope around their joined hands. Jude watched him do it and when he finished tying a loose knot, he locked eyes with her, and she smiled nervously.

Sam gave her a reassuring smile and then started, “I Samuel, take Jude to be my lawful wedded wife. I promise to love her and cherish her in sickness and in health, in richness and in poverty as long as we both shall live. I promise I will protect you from anyone or anything who means to harm you and be an everlasting source of safety and love.”

“You can copy my vows or add some of your own.” Sam said, suddenly feeling quite shy as he expressed his feelings so openly.

Jude giggled before she took a deep breath, “I Jude, take Samuel to be my lawful wedded husband. I promise I will always be by your side through any obstacle we may face, I will be a source of comfort, safety, and a home for you always. And I will fight to protect you for as long as we both shall live.”

Jude’s voice shook on the last words and tears had started to form in her eyes.

“I love you, Samuel Fraser.”

“And I love you, Jude Fraser.”

Jude’s smile when he declared his love for her almost broke him in two. He brought his lips to hers and they completed their union. The kiss was soft and slow, their tongues sliding against one another. Until Jude's fingers clawed at the rope binding their hands together. Sam untied the knots and then they were reaching for one another again. Jude found the buttons on his cloak and made quick work of them. Their kiss became more intense as she ripped his cloak off and Sam took a sharp intake of breath as she reached for his shirt, untucking it from his pants with urgency. Sam smiled as he quickly pulled his shirt over his head and found Jude staring at the muscles that lined his stomach and chest. She placed her hands on his hips and then kneeled bringing him down with her.

Sam went to kiss her, but she placed her hand on his chest pushing him backwards. Laying down on the cold stone didn’t bother him as Jude straddled his body, sharing her warmth. The moonlight that twisted through the cave’s entrance, made Jude’s hair look like a white halo around her head. Her eyes glowed with happiness, and she bent down to kiss him. Jude moaned as the kiss deepened and then she moved to his neck, trailing kisses along his shoulder and chest.

She ran her hands softly over his pants and he went hard at her touch. Jude felt it and gave an amused “hmmph.” He pulled her back towards him and started to unbutton Jude’s cloak. It fell to the ground roughly and Jude squealed as Sam’s cold hands reached under her shirt. Sam laughed at the sound as he sat up and pulled her shirt off before pushing Jude softly to the ground. He hovered over her, kissing her lips and then her throat as he rubbed his hands over her nipples. Jude moaned as his tongue replaced his hands, stroking her breasts.

The sound of their panting breaths filled the cave. Jude tugged at his hair as he trailed kisses down her stomach and then unbuttoned her pants. Soon they were off completely and she lay bare before him.

“You’re so lovely.” Sam sighed.

Jude blushed under his gaze, and he lowered himself to her centre. Licking and tasting, going over the spots where he heard her moan. When her thighs began to shake and she pulled his hair, he knew she was close. She screamed his name as she came, and he lifted his head to see her face etched with pleasure. Her mouth lay open, and she closed her eyes as she sucked in air.

“I want you.” Jude panted.

Sam smiled, removing his pants, and settling on top of her. He kissed her softly before pushing himself inside of her. He let out a groan as they joined, and he started to thrust. He felt heat pool in his veins as his eyes locked with hers, filled with desire.

“Sam” She moaned.

The sound made him thrust faster, he groaned into her neck and panted her name along with affirmations of love in her ear, as she tightened around him. They found their peak together and Sam collapsed into her arms, breathing heavily against her skin. They fell asleep like that, intertwined, and forever connected by body and soul.


The first streams of daylight filled the cave, shining over their bodies.

Sam opened his eyes to find them blinded by light. “sh*t!”

He kissed Jude’s cheek, nudging her awake. “Hey, we need to leave now, the sun is rising.”

Jude jerked awake. “Oh god.”

They both lunged for their clothes, dressing quickly. They had lost valuable time sleeping, and now it would be even more dangerous making their way towards Craig na Dun. Thankfully, no one had found their horses and they bolted off towards the stones. They rode for hours as the sun rose further into the sky and beat across their backs.The thought of someone catching them sped them on as if a whip was cracking behind them. Soon, the farm where they had bought the horses came into sight.

“We can’t take the horses through the stones. May as well leave them tied to the fence for the farmer.” Sam suggested.

Jude agreed and they dismounted quickly tying the horses with rope to the farmer’s fence. They took the packs they had brought full of food and water with them, then they set off at a brisk pace. After another half hour, Craigh na Dun came into sight along with two figures, walking hand in hand towards it. One was a man with red hair, the other a woman with brown hair.

“Is that…” Jude began but Sam cut her off.

“My parents?” he said eyes wide.

They couldn’t know for sure until they saw their faces but who else would walk towards time travelling stones?

“We can’t get too close; we can’t let them see us.” Sam turned to Jude.

“So, we’ll have to wait here and hope they leave before guards search this area.” Jude said grimacing.

Sam nodded his head. Their fast escape was now crushed and as they hid behind the cover of trees and brush Sam felt like sitting ducks. Suddenly the red-haired man started down the hill, but the woman did not follow. What was happening? Sam furrowed his brows in confusion. Why would Jamie leave Claire on top of that hill alone?

“He’s coming this way!” Jude whispered fiercely.

Sure enough, the man had started to walk in their direction and now Sam could see his face. It was definitely Jamie Fraser and his whole body was slouched in defeat. His father seemed sad and detached as he studied the ground and kicked a rock away.

“We have to go now.” Jude tugged on his arm, and they finally moved, running through the trees, and looping around to the other side of the hill. Sam looked back in time to see Jamie come to the treeline and glance around as if he had heard some rustling in the brush. Sam grabbed Jude’s hand to stop her, and they crouched down, beneath a large overhanging tree. They held their breath, watching as Jamie sighed and then continued into the forest.

They both let out a breath of relief.

“Oh, I thought he was going to see us for sure.” Jude said.

“I know, I thought he might come over here and try and find the source of the noise.” Sam sighed rubbing his face.

“Why did Jamie leave your mother at the stones?” Jude asked.

“Maybe she wants to go back to her own time.” He paused. “But that doesn’t make sense because she stays here, and I was born.” He gestured to himself in confusion.

“Well, maybe she’ll come after him.” Hope filled Jude’s voice.

They waited in the trees for what felt like hours, but there was no sign of his mother leaving that hill.

Jude won the noughts and crosses game they had drawn in the dirt with a stick and she looked at him sighing, "Do you want to get closer to the hill?"

Sam was about to say no when Jude said, “come on, there’s trees we can hide behind. She's been up there for ages.”

He did really want to see his mother again, and curiosity got the better of him as he took Jude’s hand, and they made their way up the hill. They went from tree to tree, glancing around every now and then to make sure no one was following or watching. Upon cresting the top of the hill, they found a large tree to hide behind. Peering out from behind it, they saw Claire Fraser kneeling before the tallest stone, staring at her hands. A gold ring gleamed on one hand and a silver ring shined on the other.

“I think she’s deciding whether she wants to stay with my father or go back to Frank.” Sam whispered.

His mother began to stroke each ring softly. It seemed as if she truly cared deeply for each man and this decision was tearing her apart. Jude stepped to the side and a branch snapped under her foot. Sam’s head whipped towards her in alarm, and he pulled her closer to him. Peeking out from the edge of the tree, he saw his mother peer around and he moved his head back.

Sam glanced at Jude, and she mouthed to him ‘Sorry!’ her face cringing. The wind whipped around them, and he took another peek behind the tree. His mother was standing now. Maybe the noise had broken her trance. She stared at the tallest stone for a long hard minute and then turned, walking away from them and down the other side of the hill.

Relief coursed through him. He knew Claire would go back to Jamie, he was living proof that it was impossible for her not to, but he still felt as if an immense weight had lifted from his shoulders as he witnessed her decision. To know that his parents had chosen each other out of pure love and devotion.

He turned to Jude, grabbing her hand, “She’s gone, let’s go.”

They walked the rest of the way to the stone and then Sam wrapped his arm around Jude. He kissed her lips and then touched the stone, chanting inside his head, “Gorduan Stones, 1770, Gorduan stones, 1770.” The usual screams assaulted his mind, pulling at his clothes and threatening to rip his skin a part. Sam and Jude clung to each other as they moved through time and space.


A burst of light blinded him and then they landed in North Carolina. Sam lay on his back, feeling the same weakness as when they had travelled to 1743, but magnified. His arms and legs felt like jelly and his head ached. Leaves crunched beneath him as he turned to his side to find Jude unconscious. The small sapphire pendant that hung around her neck caught his eye as it glowed mystically in the sunlight.

He had thought Jude may have been more powerful than the average traveller. Not anywhere near his level, but somewhere in between. Now, as he surveyed the sapphire he wondered if it held the power to lessen the impact travelling left on Jude’s body. It would explain why Jude always woke up quite quickly after travelling compared to others. Maybe the sapphire was syphoning his powers as they travelled. He couldn’t dismiss the idea because he felt in his bones that something had drained him. This feeling had only come about with the addition of Jude.

Sure, when they had first travelled to France he hadn’t felt anything different and when they travelled back to the 21st century he was too distraught over Jude's conditon to realise if he felt weaker after the stones. But he had definitely felt something when they landed in 1743 and it had worsened this time around. There was no way he could find out for sure that the culprit was the sapphire without examining it closely. But he knew Jude was very protective of it and would probably get defensive if he so much as voiced his concern.

As Jude stirred, he decided he wouldn’t say anything about the sapphire until he knew more of its power. Jude’s eyes opened slowly as she clutched her head and let out a groan.

“Hey.” He said softly and stroked her cheek.

Jude looked up at him tiredly and grumbled, “ughh.”

“Take it easy, sit up in your own time.”

A few minutes later, Jude had sat up and started to stretch her arms and legs. Sam grabbed Jude’s hand to bring her to her feet and they set off into the forest. It was a warm day and birds flew through the trees singing to each other. Sam had brought the map Fiona had given him of the area surrounding Fraser’s Ridge, and he surveyed it as they walked through the forest. The weakness he had felt when landing in North Carolina started to dissipate as if his strength was returning, the further distance he travelled from the stones.

“Fraser’s Ridge is in the mountains. We won’t need to go by Wilmington, since we have this map.” Sam had been talking restlessly while they walked.

“If we’re here.” He pointed to the map. “Then we just have to travel Northeast for a day or two.”

“Are you nervous?” Jude asked.

Sam turned to her, “maybe a little bit…I’m excited but also nervous.” He bounced slightly on his heel between his steps.

“We should also be on guard for COTT.” Sam glanced around. “They could be out here somewhere.”

Jude nodded and looked around anxiously. They walked at a brisk pace most of the day, taking breaks to hydrate and nibble on bread and cheese. The increase in elevation signified that they were getting closer to the mountains where Fraser’s Ridge lay. When the sun started to set, they finally stopped and built a fire.

Even though they had been walking all day and Sam’s muscles ached, he didn’t know if he would be able to sleep. He was in a skittish state, with nervous energy flowing through him. A thousand different scenarios of how meeting his parents would play out filtered through his mind. What if they didn’t believe him? They might think he was a fraud and tell him to leave.

“Hey, stop pacing Sam. Come lie down, you’re making me dizzy.” Jude’s voice cut through his thoughts.

“Sorry.” Sam grimaced and then lied down next to her on their bed of foliage.

“I just…how am I supposed to look my parents in the eye and tell them that I’m their son. I don’t know if I could take it if they didn’t believe me.” Sam sighed, running his hand through his hair aggressively.

Jude peered at him incredulously, his hair now stood up at odd angles. “They’ll believe you Sam. You look exactly like your father and if the resemble isn’t enough, you’re going to show them Raymond’s letter anyway. Also, we know so much about them, we could quote what they said in the witch trial word for word.”

Sam nodded, “You’re right..” He let out a deep breath. “I want to be accepted by them. I want to be a part of a family. It will break me if something goes wrong, I’m so close and I feel like it will be ripped away from me.”

He paused looking into the faint silhouette of trees that surrounded them. “Raymond had a tendency to take away anything that brought me joy. I guess it was a way he could control me, make sure I was loyal and dependent on him.”

“Sam.” Jude reached for him, pulling him down between her legs so that his head rested on her chest. She stroked his hair, “I promised that I would fight for you and that involves getting us to Fraser’s Ridge and making sure your parents believe the truth. I won’t let anything get in the way of that.”

Sam lifted his head and saw the sincerity in her eyes. Jude’s complete assurance seeped into him, and he didn’t have any words that could express how much Jude’s constant support meant to him, so he kissed her instead. Hoping that she would understand through the gesture how grateful he was to be by her side in that moment.

Early the next morning they left their campsite and continued the trek into the mountains. As afternoon settled around them again a motherly voice rang out through the trees, “Come on Jem, find Grand da! Where is he? Is he behind that tree?”

Then a child-like voice screamed, “Grand da!”

A deep Scottish voice responded, “Och, how did ye find me?”

Sam could hear women laughing and then the child’s voice shouted, “Again, again!”

A similar Scottish male’s voice asked, “Should we play one more time?”

Jude turned to Sam, excitement shone on both of their faces, “We must be getting close to the Ridge.”

“Maybe we can ask them for directions to- ” Sam was cut off by the loud rumbling of a gunshot. Bits of bark sprayed from a tree to their left and Sam and Jude glanced around trying to find its source.

The forest was eerily quiet. There was no rustling of leaves or crunching of sticks beneath feet. For all they knew it might just be a hunter in the woods, but they weren’t going to take chances.

“I think we should run.” Sam whispered and Jude took his que, sprinting off through the trees.

The gunshots started off again and they knew someone was after them. They flew down an escapement, but it must have rained recently and the ground was slippery. Jude screamed as she tripped and began to roll down the hill at a deadly pace. Sam wasn’t far behind as he lost his footing and flipped over, tumbling behind her.Seconds before he came to a stop Sam heard a mighty crack, the sound of bone hitting something incredibly hard. Sam stood up quickly, swaying slightly as the world spun around him. When his vision steadied, he was overcome with fear as Jude’s crumpled form appeared.

“Jude!” He yelled, racing over to her.

Jude lay unconscious, blood ran down the side of her head. Sam didn’t have time to properly examine her injury as a group of men slid down the slope much more gracefully than they had moments before. Sam took out his own gun and fired, trying to hit as many of them as he could. One man dropped, but four were left and they were getting closer and closer.

Sam stood over Jude, using his body as a shield. He would not allow them to take her. If they wanted Jude, they could pry her from his cold dead hands. The four men circled him on every side, staring down at Jude. They all stood in a stale mate; guns pointed at each other.

“If you so much as touch her, I’ll kill you all.” Sam said it slowly, glancing around at each of them.

Even though he wasn’t in a great position to be barking out threats, he wouldn’t surrender without a fight. Out of the corner of his eye, Sam saw more men charging towards them. Back up? As he looked around at the men circling him, he realised they weren’t expecting others.

Sam took the opening, shooting the man in front of him. As soon as the bullet left the gun, someone pounced on him, hitting him over the head with something hard. He didn’t know if he was hallucinating or not as his father’s face came into view, full of rage and hidden fire. It was the last thing he saw, his head dropped heavily and he fell to the ground. Shooting pain passed through his head. The shouts of men drifted away, and darkness consumed him.


Eeeeee the Fraser’s have found each other. They just don’t know it yet!

Chapter 13


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Fraser Family p.o.v

It was a quiet day on the Ridge. Jamie stood on the front porch with his arms wrapped around his wife, watching young Ian and Jemmy play. The light wind flickered through his hair, warm for a late Autumn breeze.

Ian picked up a worm from a pile of dirt and Jemmy squealed.

Claire chuckled quietly as Jemmy began chanting, “Worm! Worm! Worm!”

“It’s a fine day isnae?” Jamie said kissing Claire’s cheek.

“Hmm.” Claire replied.

They heard footsteps coming from inside the house and both turned to see Brianna strolling towards them, a glowing smile on her face.

“Roger and I were thinking of going for a walk with Jemmy this afternoon. Would you like to join us?” Brianna asked.

“That sounds lovely, darling. What do you think Jamie?” Claire turned to her husband.

“Aye, we’d love ta join ye.” Jamie replied.

Brianna’s smile widened. “We’re going to leave in an hour. Meet out the front?”

Jamie and Claire nodded and Brianna started off in the direction of Jemmy.

“Mama! Worms!” Jemmy yelled.

Brianna laughed. “I can see that! How do you feel about coming inside for some lunch?”

Jemmy bounded over to her in excitement. “Yum, yum, yum.” He babbled.

Brianna swept her son into her arms and then turned to Ian. “Thank you for keeping him occupied.”

“Och he’s fine company, cousin.” Ian said grinning.

“I’m sure he is.” Brianna kissed Jemmy’s cheek and he squirmed in her arms.

Claire leaned her head on Jamie’s shoulder while they watched the interaction. “She’s a wonderful mother.”

“Aye she is.” Jamie said, pride shinning in his eyes.


“Hide, seek! Hide, seek!” Jemmy chanted.

They had walked through the forest and were now close to the border of Fraser’s Ridge. Ian had also joined the group and held Jemmy’s hand in his own as they strolled under the trees. About an hour’s distance from home, Jemmy had gotten tired of walking and wanted to play a game instead.

“Ahh alright wee’l play but we cannae stay here too long, we want to be back before dark.” Roger said.

Jemmy’s eyes lit up as he let out a cheer.

“Do yer want to hide or seek?” Ian asked him.

“Nah Grand da hide!” Jemmy pointed to Jamie.

Jamie raised his eyebrows. “Now are ye sure ye want me to hide? Yer might never find me again!”

Jamie had crouched down to Jemmy’s level and now Jemmy nodded his head vigorously, yelling, “yes, yes!”

Claire smiled at the sweet interaction, and she put her arm around Brianna’s shoulders, pulling her close. Jemmy bounced up and down in excitement as he closed his eyes and Roger counted to twenty. Jamie moved behind a tree close to the bottom of an escapement that ran for miles.When Roger finished counting, Jemmy opened his eyes and glanced around like a skittish deer.

“Mama help!” Jemmy said, running over to Brianna and taking her hand.

“Alright.” Brianna chuckled. She let Jemmy lead her around the clearing for five minutes but Jemmy started to get impatient that he hadn’t found Jamie and Brianna knew it was time to swoop in and help.

“Come on Jem, find Grand da! Where is he? Is he behind that tree?” Brianna said softly, pointing to the tree she knew Jamie hid behind.

Jemmy raced towards it and when he found Jamie he screamed, “Grand da!”

Jamie feigned confusion and outrage. “Och, how did ye find me?” he said before scooping Jemmy into his arms. Jemmy squealed and Claire and Brianna laughed at the comical voice Jamie had put on for Jemmy.

“Again, again!” Jemmy shouted.

“Should we play one more time?” Roger suggested to the group, he found it extremely hard to say no to Jemmy.

They were about to start another round when gunshots sounded out through the trees. Everyone fell silent and Jamie turned his head immediately, surveying the top of the escarpment where the sound had originated. The jovial expression that had been on his face moments before was replaced by a serious frown.

Jamie set Jemmy on the ground and then addressed the group, “Claire, Brianna, take Jemmy and start off home.”

More gunshots rang out.

“Now, go!” Jamie said with more emphasis, gesturing to the path they had come along.

Jemmy had started to cry at the serious tone Jamie used and the groups obvious tension. Brianna picked him up, eyes wide in shock as she took her mother’s hand, and they ran quickly away from the men. Ian brought out his knife, and Roger and Jamie swiftly pulled their guns from the straps around their waist. Tension radiated off them as they rigidly stared at the top of the escapement a fair distance away where more gunshots could be heard.

The sound of foliage being crushed under boot came closer towards them and then through the trees they saw red. Two men raced through the trees above them, one had red hair the other had long blond hair. They heard a girlish squeak and Jamie turned to the others, who wore similar confused looks.Both runners had pants on, but one was a man and the other seemed to be a woman. They were being chased through the forest by a pack of men, five in total if Jamie counted correctly. The scene didn’t pose any risk to his immediate family, and Jamie would have left them to it, if it wasn’t for the deep unsettling feeling in his bones that the man and woman were in great trouble. It was his responsibility to protect the people of Fraser’s Ridge and the men posed a potential threat.

A high-pitched scream filled the air as the blond woman tripped and tumbled at great speed down the escapement. The red-haired man lost his footing behind her and also rolled down the steep slope.

“Jude!” the man’s scream was full of horror as he got to his feet and stared down at the woman’s unconscious form.

Jamie caught Roger and Ian’s eyes and then tilted his head in the direction of the disturbing scene, a silent command passed through, ‘follow me and stay quiet.’ They snuck through the trees, finally reaching the area where the red-haired man stood above the woman, men with guns circled him.

“If you so much as touch her, I’ll kill you all.” The red-haired man said it slowly emphasising his point, he also held a gun in his hand.

Jamie’s heart lurched at the statement. He was just a fellow man protecting his woman from harm and he needed help.

Jamie turned to Roger and Ian. “Now!” He hissed.

They sprung out from the trees, flying towards the men who turned to them with puzzled expressions. The red-haired man shot one of his attackers and it snapped the others out of their trance. One of the assailants pounced on the red haired man, shoving the back of his gun across his face. The red head dropped, but the assailant with the gun hit it across his head again for good measure.

That was the last straw. Jamie aimed and hit home. Groans could be heard beside him as Roger and Ian fought the other men. The attacker Jamie had shot fell to the ground, blood streaming from his chest as he lay chocking. Jamie glanced around to find Ian and Roger both breathing heavily and staring at the fallen bodies. A man lay next to Ian, his throat had been slashed, Jamie presumed by Ian’s blade. There was one last man standing, dark hair covered his wide face and fear crept into his eyes as he surveyed his fallen men and the gun that Jamie pointed at him.

The man took one look at Jamie's threatening face before he sprinted away into the forest. Jamie had no motive to go after the man, he was just thankful he wouldn’t have to hurt another person to save the couple. Jamie wondered what the man and woman had done to warrant this brutal attack, and he felt uneasy as he considered the possibility that saving them might be more trouble than they were worth.

Roger ran towards the blond woman and flipped her over, pressing his fingers to her neck to feel for a pulse.

“Is she dead?” Ian asked, a worried expression crossing his face.

Roger sighed in relief. “No, I can feel a pulse! I think she just hit her head hard on a rock when she fell down the slope. It must have knocked her out.”

Jamie made his way towards the red-haired man and as he stood above him peering at the face set out before him a bolt zapped across his skin. It was like looking in a mirror, there were some changes sure, but the face shape, the eyebrows, the slanted eyes, and nose were all the same as his. Jamie’s breath caught and it felt as if time had slowed. He had been suddenly thrown in the dark, forced to try and recover the small thread that connected him to this man, but it was just out of reach.

“Are ye alright Uncle?” Ian voiced his concern. Jamie snapped out of his observation quickly, shaking his head at his foolish thoughts.

“Aye.” He replied before he bent down and checked the man’s pulse with his fingers just as Claire had shown him to do so long ago.

Jamie didn’t understand why he felt so uneasy, but he shoved the feeling down and looked towards Roger and Ian.

“He’s alive, though that man didnae hit him lightly.” Jamie glanced at the man he had shot. Sorrow fell upon him as it always did when he took someone’s life. He straightened and turned away.

Jamie sighed. “Roger, carry the lass. Ian come help me lift the lad.”

They had saved the couple, it would all be for nothing if they left them in the forest in their weakened state. Roger picked up the woman and Ian came over to help Jamie carry the man, and soon they were walking home. Jamie made a mental note to send someone out for the bodies of the men that had been killed. He didn’t know why they had been chasing the couple down, but everyone deserved a proper burial.

“Claire will be able to heal em.” Jamie said as he looked at the woman in Roger’s arms. She was deathly pale, and blood was crusted along her face and in her hair. At least she had stopped bleeding.

When they made it back to the house, Claire and Brianna hurried down the front stairs to meet them. Their eyes grew wide as they took in the sight of the two unconscious bodies.

“Bring them into the surgery.” Claire said at once and the men followed her to the building.

Roger placed the girl on one bed and Ian and Jamie placed the man on another bed across from it.

“What happened?” Claire asked as she hovered over the girl, the one who had sustained the most visible injury.

“They were being chased by a group of men. We don’t know why, but they needed help. We think the lass hit her head on a rock, and the lad was clocked over the head twice with the end of a gun.” Jamie grimaced.

Claire listened while she pulled back the girl’s eyelids, and then surveyed the cut on her head.

“Hopefully she just has a concussion. I can’t see anything worrying in her eyes, but she’ll need stitches.”

Claire glanced over the rest of the woman’s body assessing for more injuries.

“She’s wearing pants.” Claire stated, looking to the men with a questioning glance.

“Aye, I noticed that too. Quite strange, I’ve only ever seen you and Bree where pants.” Ian commented.

Claire was lost in thought as she walked over to the red-haired man lying on the opposite bed. She raised her eyebrows at the resemblance to Jamie, and then she focused on assessing his head. The room was quite cramped, and Ian and Roger excused themselves while Claire worked.

“He was lucky. There’s a large bump on his head but no bleeding.” Claire nodded as if that was a good sign. “He’ll have a concussion surely, but I think he’ll wake soon.”

Claire gasped and moved quickly from the bed as the man suddenly groaned in his sleep, murmuring, “Jude… Jude.”

“Do ye think that’s the woman’s name Sassenach?” Jamie glanced at Claire.

“Possibly. It’s a strange name for a woman to have.” Claire replied.

Claire narrowed her eyes, surveying the unconscious man and then Jamie. “I don’t know if it’s just the red hair but you both look exceptionally alike.”

Jamie co*cked his head to the side, also staring at the man intently. The uneasy feeling from before came back, and he longed for an escape. The sentence came out of his mouth before he could stop it and he didn’t know why he had lied.

“Aye, I’m not sure I see the resemblance.” Jamie smiled but it didn’t reach his eyes.

“Weel, I’ll go fetch some water to clean the blood from the lass’ face.” Jamie said.

Claire nodded but she furrowed her eyebrows as Jamie gave her a quick peck on the lips before exiting the surgery. Surely Jamie could see the resemblance. Why would he lie about it?

Claire shook the thought away and went to her draws to retrieve alcohol, string, cloth, and her surgery tools. She sat on the side of the bed and softly brushed the woman’s golden hair away, searching for the cut. The woman was very beautiful, she had long dark eyelashes and soft skin, her lips were a rosy pink.As Claire poured the alcohol over the wound, cleaning it with the cloth she felt relieved that the woman was still unconscious and wouldn’t feel the pain. She then set to work, sowing up the wound. As unusual as the couple was, she felt the same protectiveness she always felt with her patients. They were in their weakest states, unconscious and helpless and it was her job to aid them and return them to full health.

Jamie returned just as Claire finished the stitches, and she took the bucket of water from him gratefully. Setting the bucket on the floor, Claire gently wiped the rest of the crusty blood from the woman’s face. Jamie was transfixed as he usually was when Claire healed. Her touch was so gentle and caring and it filled him with warmth to see her so happy and content in her work.

Claire finished cleaning the woman’s face and then glanced at both of her patients.

“If they don’t wake up within the hour, I’ll start to worry.” Claire said.

“Dinna fash sassenach, they’ll wake.” Jamie gripped her shoulder in comfort.

Claire looked at him curiously, “and you don’t know why they were being chased?”

“No.” Jamie turned serious. “I say we question them as soon as they wake.”

Claire nodded and they both took a seat near the surgery table to wait. Ten minutes passed and then the man started to stir. He moved his head and groaned. Claire cautiously made her way over to his bed, and peered down at the man. Jamie was close behind, ready to leap into action should the man present any danger.


Sam opened his eyes and flinched at the sight that met him. An older version of the Claire Fraser he had seen at the witch trial hovered over him; her whisky eyes full of concern. He sat up abruptly, backing up against the wall behind him and then he winced, closing his eyes at the stabbing pain in his head.

“Take it easy, I think you’ve got a concussion. I’m Claire Fraser and you’re at Fraser’s Ridge. Will you allow me to examine you?” Claire asked.

Her voice was soft and calming and he opened his eyes slowly as if he believed she would disappear. His mother looked at him strangely, and then he realised his father stood behind her, giving him a warning look. Claire moved towards him, and he flinched back again, shock taking over.

Sam was overwhelmed to finally come face to face with his parents. To have to explain who he was and-


“Jude!” he cried out, searching the room.

He found her, unconscious on a bed against the opposite wall to his own. Sam stood quickly and the room spun, he stumbled over to her, only seeing blobs of colour in his vision.

“You really should sit down.” He heard Claire’s voice, but he ignored it.

As his feet connected with the edge of the bed, he braced his hands on the mattress. Slowly the creamy blob turned into Jude’s face, and he ran his fingers over her cheek. Jude’s chest rose and fell. She was alive. He let out a sigh of relief.

“She did hit her head quite hard and there was a large cut. I stitched it up and I think she’ll wake soon.” Claire’s voice drifted over to him again and he finally acknowledged her.

“Thank you.” Sam said with as much sincerity as he could muster in his enervated state. He sat on the side of the bed and stroked Jude’s hair, closing his eyes to steady himself.

Sam could feel their eyes boring into his back, but he needed to regain his composure before he faced them. So, he stayed with his back turned, all of his focus trained on the woman he loved.

“Do ye mind explaining who ye are and why a group of men were after ye?” He could sense the caution in Jamie’s voice.

They were strangers to each other. Of course, his parents were worried about the type of danger he might inflict upon them. Guilt swept over Sam like a knife in the gut as he thought about how close they had come to leading COTT to Fraser’s Ridge.

He let out another deep breath, steadying himself, and then he stood to face them.

“It’s a long story and I don’t blame you if you don’t believe me... I wouldn’t believe me.” Sam shook his head and then paused. “But you deserve the truth.”

Jamie and Claire stared at him as if he had grown an extra head.

“My name is Samuel Fraser, and I am your son.” He looked them both in the eyes.

His parent’s expressions were plain bewilderment. Claire’s mouth was opening and closing like a fish as if she wasn’t sure what to say and Jamie’s eyes narrowed, a completely perplexed look crossed his face. They thought he was insane.

“I have proof. I have a letter that explains everything.” The words flew out of his mouth fast, and he shoved his hand into his pocket to retrieve the letter of truth.

“It’s from Raymond. Please, just read it.” Sam pleaded, holding the letter out to them. His hands shook.

Jamie stepped forward, his eyes sweeping over Sam’s form as if seeing him in a new light. Then he took the letter from his hand and opened it. Claire seemed to be backing away from where Sam sat, her eyes full of weariness. As Jamie read, his eyebrows raised, and he took a sharp intake of breath. Claire’s head snapped towards Jamie at the sound, and she rushed to his side, starting to read the letter beside him.

Sam’s chest felt heavy and breathing became more difficult as he searched his parent’s faces for some sort of acceptance. Jamie’s head whipped towards Sam as he finished the letter.

“How…How….” Jamie tried to speak and then stopped, his mouth opened and then closed. Claire gasped, slapping a hand to her mouth, her eyes seemed to be popping out of her head and her other hand started to shake. Jamie turned to her in concern. Claire shuddered and then they were both staring at him again. Analysing his features. Trying to comprehend the letter in their hands and the man who stood before them.

Claire’s eyes started to water. “Raymond did this?” She said.

Sam could feel tears forming in his own eyes. “I only found out two months ago when I read that same letter. I was lied to my entire life. He told me I was abandoned at a hospital.”

Anger crossed over Jamie’s features. He didn’t know if it was anger for Raymond’s lies and Jamie was starting to believe him, or it was anger directed at himself for creating a fantastical tale of bullsh*t.

Claire looked heartbroken as her voice shook, “But I…I held her in my arms, and she was stillborn and… and… you’re saying that she wasn’t my daughter?”

Sam stared at her. Guilt hung over him at the pain he had caused his mother. He didn’t know what to say. He was opening long healed wounds and ripping them apart. How could he stand here and completely destroy everything Claire believed to be true?

Jamie turned to Claire a stony expression on his face. “Could there be any truth to this?” Jamie asked.

“It’s definitely Raymond’s handwriting, I remember the long loop on the end of his g’s from when he would write out recipes to give me for healing.” Claire replied, blinking fast, she shook her head in disbelief. “I fell unconscious just as the baby was born. When I woke up, Mother Hildegarde told me it was a girl and that she was stillborn.”

“How…how could anyone do something like this?” Claire peered at Sam, and he could see that the doubt was peeling away slowly.

Then Claire did a double take as if seeing Jude and Sam for the first time. “The blue light, it glows around both of you.” Claire said.

“All time travellers have a blue aura.” Sam explained.

“Why haven’t I seen it before on Bree?” Claire asked.

“You only see the aura if you look for it. The light blue colour can blend into your surroundings, especially for less powerful travellers. If you catch a glimpse of the aura, your brain can convince you it was a trick of the light.”

“I don’ae see anything.” Jamie said, his eyes were still weary.

“Only people who can time travel can see other traveller’s auras.” Sam replied.

Claire sniffled, “I can see the sincerity in your eyes, and I want to believe you. It’s just so much to take in.”

“Aye.” Jamie said in agreement, his face was void of emotion.

Sam felt as if they had taken three steps backwards from the progress they had just made, and it was tearing him a part to hear his parent’s doubts. He could feel wetness on his cheeks and new tears had started to fall.

As a last-ditch effort he said something only Claire and Jamie would know. “I travelled to 1743 and I saw you both on top of the hill of Craigh na Dun. I saw Jamie leave and then I saw Claire make the decision to stay in the 18th century.”

Claire and Jamie both raised their eyebrows in shock.

Sam turned to Claire. “You kneeled before the stones, and you stared at the rings on your both of your hands. I know about your marriage to Frank. I know I have a sister called Brianna. I know all of this because Fiona Graham told me everything. I was left in the dark about the truth of my parentage, just like you had no idea that you gave birth to a boy. You don’t know half of what I’ve been through. You don’t know what Jude went through just so I could come here and meet you.” His voice broke as he gestured to Jude.

Claire stepped forward, her eyes piercing his own and it was all too much.

Sam surveyed the floor as he spoke quietly, “I didn’t expect you to believe me, I just thought...”

And then his mother hugged him, and he was so surprised his arms lay stiff by his sides. He looked over Claire’s shoulder to where Jamie stood teary-eyed as he watched their embrace.

Claire pulled away and then cupped his cheek. “I believe you Samuel.” She spoke softly.

“Aye, as do I.” Jamie said before pulling him into another embrace. Their sudden faith in him was jarring, and Sam blinked blearily trying to take it all in.

Claire wiped her eyes with her hands, “You look just like Jamie. The resemblance is uncanny.”

Jamie pulled away from the hug and then glanced at Sam’s face and touched his red hair.

“You’re a Fraser alright.” Jamie said and then blinked slowly.

Sam let out a laugh as he realised Jamie was trying to wink at him.

“And Raymond is a right- Jamie swore in Gaelic.

Sam didn’t understand what the word meant but he was sure it was very offensive by the way Jamie snarled.

Claire breathed heavily, “If I ever see that man again…” She didn’t finish the sentence, but a murderous look took over her features.

Rage was simmering beneath Jamie's skin and his head whipped towards Sam as he asked, “Why were those men after ye?”

Sam was still in shock that his parents really believed him, and his mind raced for an answer to Jamie’s question.

“They’re a part of an organisation called ‘COTT.’ It stands for Collection of Time Travellers. They believe time travelling is an abomination, they capture us. We don’t know what they do after they take you, but travellers who are taken are never seen again. Raymond took me so I could try and save our kind from them.”

“Ye mean to say they’ve come to take Claire and Brianna?” Jamie stood stock-still hearing the potential threat to his family.

“I overheard some members of COTT talking about searching North Carolina for travellers. I don’t know what year they were aiming for, but I knew I had to warn you.”

“Wait, time travellers work for COTT? And they hunt other time travellers?” Claire spoke up.

“Yes. I don’t know why they do it. Maybe their brainwashed or COTT blackmails them somehow.” Sam shook his head.

“Were those members ye overheard the ones that chased after ye today?” Jamie asked.

“No, it was a different group. Maybe it was a coincidence that we were travelling in the same forest, and they saw our aura. But somehow, they keep finding us.”

At the mention of ‘us’, Jamie and Claire both looked towards where Jude lay.

“And…Jude is?” Claire asked in question.

“She’s my wife.” Sam said proudly. A stab of guilt hit him, for lying to his parents but he couldn’t be sure how they would react if they knew he had only known Jude for two months. If all went well, they really would be married in a year, and no one would know they hadn’t been in the first place.

A pleasant look of surprise crossed his parents’ faces and then they both smiled.

“She’s very beautiful. I’m glad you’ve had someone with you.” Claire said.

“Jude is the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I don’t know what I’d do without her. She’s been by my side through all of this.”

Jamie’s face glowed with pride at his words, and Sam felt his cheeks warming under his gaze.

“You said you only found out about us two months ago. What made Raymond tell you the truth?” Claire asked.

“COTT found our headquarters in France and Raymond left me a note to go to L’Hopital des Anges. Mother Mance gave me the letter and I haven’t seen Raymond since. I don’t know what prompted him to finally tell me.”

Claire’s eyes flashed in recognition at the nun’s name.

“Mother Mance?” She asked making sure she had heard correctly.

“Yes, she said she knew you.”

“I worked with her at the hospital.” Claire stared at him wide eyed as the realisation of what the nun had done dawned over her.

“I think she helped Raymond cover up the baby swap.” Sam glanced away as he said it, not wanting to be confronted with the pain in Claire's eyes.

Jamie’s jaw tightened at his words.

“I’m not going back to Raymond. He seems to think I will in the letter, but I won’t.” Sam said adamantly.

“You don’t have to.” Claire shook her head.

“Aye, the bastard cannae force ye to do anything ye don’t want to do and he’s not welcome here.” Jamie’s voice was stern.

A small groan sounded behind him and Sam turned swiftly to see Jude stirring awake.

“Hey.” He said softly, making his way towards her.

“Sam.” Jude reached for him.

“I’m right here.” Sam replied as he sat on the edge of the bed and held her hand.

“What happened?” Jude asked.

“You fell and hit your head.”

Her eyes drooped tiredly but she glanced at Jamie and Claire who were staring at their display of affection. A worried expression came over Jude’s face as she turned back to Sam.

Sam followed Jude’s line of sight to his parents. “They know.”

Jude sighed in relief, before she slowly lifted herself into a sitting position.

“It’s so lovely to finally meet you both.” Jude said.

Claire gave her a warm smile, “And we’re so glad to have met you.”

Jamie nodded in agreement, “aye.”

“How are you feeling?” Claire asked, concerned.

Jude touched her head, feeling the stitches that had been placed.

“My head hurts, but that’s to be expected I guess when you fall down a giant slope and hit your head.”

Sam chuckled at her light-hearted attitude.

Jude turned to Sam, “what happened to the men?”

Jamie replied before Sam could, “I’ll have ta go out with Roger and Ian ta bury the bodies.”

“Are they all dead?” Sam asked.

“No, one got away.” Jamie sighed.

Sam blanched. “That’s not good. He’ll go back to COTT and get others to search the area. How far away from the house were we?”

“Nearly four miles, I would say.” Jamie replied.

“I doubt that they will come close to the house with so many others living close by. We should steer clear of the forest.” Sam tried to sound hopeful.

“I’m sorry, we led them here.” He added.

“Och don’t be sorry. We’re glad you’re here.” Jamie said.

It was as if someone had lit a fire inside him, joy spilled through his veins at his father’s words. He imagined building a life on Fraser’s Ridge and being a part of their family and the constant love and support that came along with it.

Claire’s head snapped up as if remembering something, “we’ll have to tell Bree. She’ll be so happy to meet you, she’s always wanted a sibling close in age.”

Sam grinned, excitement coursed through him, “I can’t wait to meet her. I’ve always wanted a sibling too.”

Jamie smiled, “Weel I’ll go fetch her then. I’ll bring the letter with me, she’ll want to read it I suspect.”

As Jamie started towards the door a question came to the forefront of Sam’s mind.

“What year is it?” Sam wanted to make sure he had travelled correctly.

“It’s 1772.” Jamie replied before leaving through the side door of the surgery.

Shock seared through him. He had specifically chanted 1770 in his head, never had he ended up in a different year from the one, he had selected. The sapphire necklace came to mind, and Sam had an inkling that it had somehow altered their travel.


This chapter was harder to write that I expected. It took me ages to try and imagine how the characters would react!

I hope I did it justice, and you guys enjoy this long awaited chapter and look forward to a sibling reunion soon :)

The Fraser's will get to know each other better in the next chapter.

Chapter 14


Enjoy more Fraser interactions :)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“I thought you said we were travelling to 1770?” Jude asked in confusion.

“I did. That’s the year I aimed for. I haven’t been this off since I first started travelling when I was fourteen." Sam replied.

Claire’s face was a mixture of shock and curiosity, “you can choose what year you travel to?”

“Yes.” He replied shortly, too confused about their current predicament to give a longer explanation.

Sam racked his brains trying to understand what had gone wrong. He had felt weaker when they landed in North Carolina, and he thought it might have been Jude’s sapphire necklace. Maybe it had drained his powers and thrown them off course?

He had been staring at the necklace around Jude’s neck and she looked down clutching it in her hand as if to shield it.

“What? Why are you looking at me like that?” Jude tensed as she asked the question.

Sam sighed glancing at the ceiling before looking back to her defensive form. He would have to tell her his theory and she wasn't going to like it.

“I have a feeling that the sapphire pendant is draining my powers. It would explain why we have ended up in 1772.

Jude huffed, looking mildly annoyed, “And this is all based on a feeling?”

Sam started to pace around the room as he explained his reasoning. “I know it sounds crazy, but nothing has ever affected my ability to time travel until I started travelling with you. And I know you're not doing anything on purpose to tamper with our travel. I think the more we travel with the sapphire, the more effect it has on me. I felt weak after we travelled to 1743, but the feeling was worse when we travelled here. Maybe the sapphire drains more power because of the longer distance between stones.”

Jude's mouth fell open before she said in an awfully calm voice, “I’m sorry, but I’m not just going to get rid of the only thing I have left from my father because you have a ‘feeling’.”

Sam felt terrible as they locked eyes, he was keenly aware of his mother standing metres away from them, listening to the whole conversation. He didn’t want to fight in front of her, and he didn’t get the chance to, before a tall woman with long curly red hair burst through the door suddenly.

She stared at him, eyes wide, as if she couldn’t believe what stood in front of her. She appeared agitated, her mouth formed a straight line and her nose twitched. He could imagine steam streaming from her nostrils as if she was a dragon.

“Who do you think you are?” Brianna hissed.

Jamie rushed through the door behind her, glancing between the two, unsure of whether he should step in.

Sam just gaped at her.

“How dare you take advantage of good people.” Brianna yelled, the letter in her hand shook. “This letter doesn’t prove anything!”

Claire attempted to calm her down, “Bree, listen to me, I know Raymond’s handwriting. I think-

Brianna rounded on her mother, shaking her head incredulously, “You believe him?!”

“Aye, we do Leannain.”

Jamie went to place his hand on Brianna’s shoulder, but she shook of his touch and started towards Sam. Jude stood up quickly from her bed, stepping in front of Brianna’s target. She gripped Sam’s wrist behind her to steady herself and straightened her body to become a wall of protection. Brianna glanced between them both, as if deciding who she would destroy first.

Sam’s heart warmed at Jude’s attempt to shield him, even after their strained words only moments before. He had subconsciously taken a few steps back to put distance between the dragon who pursued him. But he couldn’t hide away forever, Sam stepped around Jude to look Brianna in the eyes.

“Brianna, I know this is a lot to take in but it’s true. It’s so very true. Why would anyone make up a story like this?”

He paused; Brianna seemed to be listening although her eyes were shooting daggers where he stood and her cheeks were red.

“I didn’t come here to take advantage of you. I came so that I could finally meet the family I have dreamed of having my entire life. I came because I wanted to protect you from the organisation that hunts travellers like us.”

Brianna’s face was blank, and she folded her arms tightly, shifting her head to the side, waiting for him to continue. So, he did.

“Possessing the power to time travel is genetic. There are, of course, many family trees that have branched off from the first traveller in ancient times, but how could I be anything but a Fraser?” Sam gestured to himself.

Brianna’s breath hitched as she took in his words and surveyed his features.

“I’ve always wanted a sister. When I first found out I had one, I couldn’t wait to meet the one person in the world who would understand what I’m going through right now. To know what it’s like to find out about lost parents and meet them for the first time.”

An inward battle was raging on inside Brianna as she fought to keep her emotions guarded from Sam’s words which had pierced right through her.

“How do you know so much about me?” Brianna asked quietly.

Sam couldn’t tell what she was thinking behind the stony mask she wore but maybe, just maybe she was starting to believe him.

“It seems that Fiona Graham is a very loyal fan of yours.” He tried to joke but Brianna’s deathly expression hadn’t changed.

“If I find out you’re deceiving us I swear to God, I will hunt you down and scramble your insides.” Brianna threatened.

Jamie and Claire gaped at her, shocked at the ferocity behind Brianna’s words.

Sam took a sharp intake of breath. “If I ever did anything to betray this family, I would welcome it because I wouldn’t be able to live with myself.”

That seemed to break the defensive walls Brianna had built because her eyes started to water.

“You’re my brother?” Her voice shook.


The corners of Brianna’s mouth turned up and she let out a shaky breath. “I can’t believe I have a brother.”

Tears had started to form in Claire’s eyes again as she took in the emotional scene.

Brianna stepped towards him cautiously, peering at his face, her eyebrows raised. Maybe she saw the resemblance to Jamie? He couldn’t be sure. They stood metres a part, analysing the other person. Sam thought Brianna might hug him, but she seemed to snap out of her daze realising how many people stood around them. She seemed suddenly shy, as her eyes wandered to Jude and she bit the inside of her cheek, unsure what to say.

Sam put his arm around Jude’s waist. “This is my wife, Jude.”

Brianna flushed, “Oh god, I’m so sorry…”

Jude shook her head, smiling, “No, don’t worry about it. I understand your reaction, it’s all a bit overwhelming.”

Brianna looked relieved and the room fell quiet.

Claire saved them from the awkward lull in conversation, “I’ll need to properly examine you Jude and then get the guest room ready and oh dinner!” Claire shook her head as she listed the things she needed to do.

Jamie turned to her, ‘dinna fash Sassenach, Lizzie and Brianna will help.”

Sam frowned, “Sassenach? Isn’t that-

He was cut off by Brianna, “Da calls Mama that as a term of endearment. Trust me you get used to it.” She rolled her eyes.

“Bree!” Claire scolded Brianna but it was only half-heartedly.

Jamie just seemed amused as he looked at his daughter and then back to Claire.

“Aye, yer mother is my Sassenach.” Jamiesmiled as his hand came to rest on his wife's lower back and Claire's own grin appeared. They then locked eyes, and Sam felt as if he was intruding on an intimate moment.

Jamie broke the eye contact, sighing as he looked around the room, “I better go out an deal with the bodies.”

“I’ll come too. I want to get a better look at the guys, see if I recognise any of them.” Sam piped up.

Jamie looked at him as if he was considering something. Was it hesitation? Surprise at his request? But the look disappeared as soon as it had come and Jamie nodded to Sam.

“We’ll leave in ten minutes, meet outside.” Jamie said before moving out the door.

“Oh, I’ll have to tell Roger.” Brianna said.

“Can you check the state of the guest room afterwards with Lizzie?” Claire asked.

“Sure.” Brianna smiled at Jude and Sam and then she left through the door.

Claire turned to Jude, a slightly worried expression gracing her features, “can I examine you more closely Jude? I just want to check the wound and your eyesight again.”

“Of course.” Jude replied and she sat down on the edge of the bed.

“You’ll get to meet our adopted son Fergus and his wife Marsali tomorrow. Marsali is my apprentice in the surgery, but I gave her the day off, so they’re both just taking a day to themselves to spend time with the children.” Claire said as she worked.

Sam raised his eyebrows in surprise at the mention of a son. There was still so much he didn't know about them and it felt as if a fishing hook was tugging at his stomach as Claire continued.

“We adopted Fergus when he was only a child. He was living in a brothel in France and stealing from customers.” Claire smiled at the memory.

“I look forward to meeting them both.” Sam said politely, although he would be lying to himself if he didn't acknowledge how nervous he was to meet his parent's other son from France. The one they had been able to keep.

When Claire had finished examining Jude, she turned to them both, “I’ve got to start on dinner but please come to me if either of you feel any pain in your head or if anything happens to your vision.”

“We will. Thank you so much.” Jude said and Sam nodded in agreement and also thanked her.

When Claire left, Jude and Sam locked eyes. The tension from their earlier conversation about the sapphire necklace completely forgotten.

“This doesn’t feel real. They actually believe me.” Sam shook his head in disbelief.

Jude stood holding his arms, “I told you they would. They seem like lovely people.”

“They do. Will you be alright to stay here, while I take a look at the men?”

“Yes, I’ll be fine. I don’t really fancy seeing more dead bodies.” Jude crinkled her nose.

Sam smiled, “I’m so glad you’re here with me.”

Jude chuckled, “What would you do without me?” She winked.

Her amusem*nt whipped across him, and he longed to wipe the haughty expression from her face

“The better question is how would you survive without me?”

Sam lunged for her waist, tickling her sides. Jude squealed, trying to push him away. His hand slipped under her shirt, and Jude screeched again as his cold hand touched her. They landed on the bed, and he didn’t stop tickling until Jude was gasping for breath.

“Okay. Okay. Stop. Someone’s going to think I’m being murdered in here.” Jude breathed heavily.

“Good. That means my work here is done.” He got off the bed and smiled smugly down at her.

After Jude had fully recovered from Sam's tickle assault, they ventured outside where the rest of the family was waiting. Sam kissed Jude’s cheek before walking to the group of men ready to set out into the forest again. Jude walked back to the house where Brianna was waiting on the stairs.


Brianna winced as she surveyed Jude’s outfit. Her clothes were incredibly dirty after the great tumble she had taken, some parts were even ripped.

“Come with me. I’m sure one of Mama’s dresses will fit you, and she won’t mind.”

Brianna set off into the main house and Jude didn’t have the heart to reject her offer, so she trailed behind her. She did need to change into a different pair of clothes, and it wasn’t like they would have a spare pair of trousers laying around that would fit her.

Brianna went into her mother’s room and came out with a corset, a dark blue bodice and skirts, fit for everyday wear.

“Thank you.” Jude smiled.

“I thought you might want to change into something cleaner and more comfortable. I can also wash and mend your pants if you would like.”

Jude’s eyes lit up. “Really?”

“Yeah of course. I also wear pants from time to time. They’re easier to move around in when doing farm work.”

Relief soared through Jude; and she sighed. Only then did Jude realise how much she wanted Brianna’s approval. It had been so long since she had a female friend to confide in and she longed for the connection.

Brianna smiled, “Well, I’ll leave you to get dressed, unless you need help?”

“I should be fine. Once you’ve worn a corset for years, you never forget how to put one on.”

“God is that true.” Brianna chuckled, leading Jude to a guest room where she could have some privacy.

Once Jude was dressed, she pulled open the bedroom door to find Brianna waiting. She looked as if she had been caught stealing as Jude surveyed her guilty expression.

“Oh, uh I just thought that you might like some help brushing your hair. It looks like it got quite tangled when you fell.” Brianna sheepishly held up a hairbrush.

Jude was horrified. Of course, her hair probably looked like a bird’s nest. She hadn’t come across a mirror yet to even check her appearance. Bringing her hand up to run over the back of her hair, she felt something rough and pulled out a leaf. Jude inwardly cursed Sam for letting her parade about with sticks and leaves in her hair.

Brianna’s eyes widened in understanding as Jude’s mouth fell open as she touched her hair.

“I didn’t mean to imply that your hair looks terrible. Really it doesn’t look that bad I just thought that you might like some help before dinner.”

“You can say it looks bad. I fell down an escapement. It would be a miracle if it looked half decent.” Jude chuckled and Brianna cracked a smile.

“I would love some help, come in.” Jude stepped aside and Brianna strolled into the room behind her.

The vanity Jude sat upon had a small mirror which helped her navigate the tangle of knots at the front of her head. Brianna worked on the back with a brush and Jude sucked in a breath to mask the hiss of pain she really wished to release.

"What's Sam like?" Brianna's voice was unusually high and she glanced at Jude in the mirror before avoiding her gaze and focusing back on her hair. "I know I was quite aggressive before, but I was in shock and I hope I didn't scare him off."

Jude paused from raking her hands through her hair.

"You couldn't scare him off even if you tried. Once Sam puts his mind to something, he won't give up. As soon as he found out about you and his parents, it was all he could think or talk about. A few threats thrown his way won't stop him from trying to get to know you." Jude smiled as she thought about how Sam had wanted to keep her safe from COTT even after everything that had gone down in that alley beside the club. From there he had worked his way into her heart so quickly.

Brianna was lost in thought and Jude continued, "He cares about others deeply. Which can make him a bit impulsive at times but he's maybe the only person I know who doesn't judge others for things that have happened in their past and I think that's an admirable quality to have."

Brianna finally looked into the mirror, locking eyes with Jude.

"Thank you for telling me that." Sincerity shone through her eyes and Jude smiled.

The conversation was easy from there, and it flowed comfortably as they got to know each other better. Jude was extremely grateful for Brianna’s kind temperament, and she started to relax more in her presence.


Roger and Ian had been informed of who Sam was before they left the house, but Sam felt uneasy as they kept glancing in his direction while they walked. They both seemed wary of a newcomer, and he wouldn’t be surprised if they were doubtful of his parentage. He tried to ignore their stares as he fell in line with his father along the track.

Jamie peered at him curiously, “Did ye live in France then? I thought I recognised a bit of an accent before.”

“Yeah, I lived there for most of my childhood, but then I started travelling a fair bit in my teenage years. The accent faded. Now it’s just a mix of everything.” Sam chuckled nervously.

“And the stones must not affect ye as they do Claire?”

“I can choose the year I travel to and the place. If a country has a stone circle, chances are I have been there.”

Sam smiled trying to lighten the mood but a concerned look crossed Jamie’s face. “So, you time travel to protect other travellers from…”

Jamie seemed to have forgotten the name and Sam jumped in. “COTT. Yes, that’s what we do.”

“If this fight we stumbled upon is any indication of the work ye do.” Jamie paused. “Yer must be constantly putting yerself in danger.”

“You get used to it quickly.”

They finally reached the bottom of the escapement where the bodies still lay.

“Ye shouldn’t of had to grow up that way.” Jamie replied quietly, before moving ahead.

Sam stood still, wondering if he had heard correctly. No one had ever criticised Raymond’s decisions in front of him before. The statement left him feeling empty, as he imagined the loving childhood he had missed out on. His father teaching him to fight, to protect, to make something of himself in this world. The years he had lost left a gaping hole in his chest.

“Should we dig the holes here then?” Ian’s voice broke through his thoughts.

“Aye, start over there.” Jamie pointed to a spot near Ian and then kicked the dirt to test it’s consistency.

Roger and Ian started to dig. Sam stared at the men who had chased him and their ghostly faces. Bland. Dull. They had thrown their lives away for nothing. How could serving COTT be worth it? What had they been promised? He didn’t recognise any of them, which left a sinking feeling in his stomach. It must have been a coincidence that they had stumbled upon each other. Unless they were a part of Desmond’s group and had been instructed to search these lands for travellers. How long until COTT realised four men had died?

It was nearly a two-day trip to the stones. As soon as the man who escaped got there, COTT would know, and they would send more travellers out. They needed to prepare, build some sort of defence, never go anywhere without carrying weapons.

“Do ye recognise any of em?” Jamie asked.

“No.” Sam sighed. “We’ll have to be on alert. Another group will come back once COTT is informed of what’s happened.”

Jamie nodded and then they walked over to Roger and Ian to help with the digging.

It would be dark before they arrived home.


As Sam looked around the table at his family, smiles and laughter greeted him. But the afternoon’s heightened emotional reunion had left him drained. He felt suddenly uncomfortable, as if he was trying to squeeze his body into a tight suitcase. Something just felt wrong. It was as if he was looking in through the window at the family scene before him instead of actually sitting at the table and experiencing it.

Jude squeezed his hand under the table, and he smiled at her. Jude’s brows furrowed slightly before she smiled back as if she had noticed his change in demeanour. He decided to plaster a smile on his face, he didn’t want anyone else noticing or thinking he was ungrateful to be in their presence.

Jamie raised a toast, “To family, may we always find our way back to each other. Slàinte Mhanth!”

Everyone at the table raised their glasses together and repeated, “Slainte Mhanth!”

They started on dinner and the conversation flowed smoothly, although Sam was fairly quiet as he soaked up the atmosphere.

“How did you two meet each other?” Brianna asked.

Sam caught Jude’s eye.

Jude grinned before looking at the others at the table, “It was a sort of stalker meets victim situation.”

Sam turned to her in dismay, cutting her off before the story could progress, “I did not stalk you!”

Jude snorted, “So following me around, and then watching me in the nightclub wasn’t stalking?” She looked at him, an amused smirk crossed her face.

Sam opened his mouth to retort, but nothing came out because he had more or less stalked her. But it hadn’t been malicious and the way she had phrased the story made him out to be a pervert.

“That is kinda weird.” Brianna spoke up.

Sam looked to her and then his parents who were peering at him strangely.

“At least I didn’t hold a knife to your throat before I even knew who you were.” Sam said defensively.

“My bad.” Jude laughed, raising her hands in surrender.

Brianna was smiling at their antics, and even the corners of Roger's mouth turned up. Claire raised her eyebrows in surprise and Jamie and Ian were just utterly confused.

Sam rolled his eyes as he chuckled, “why did you phrase the story like that?” He nudged shoulder playfully.

“I was just showing my perspective.” Jude snickered looking down at her plate. She was enjoying teasing him in front of his family and he made a mental note to tease her in a different way when they were alone. Warmth flooded through him as he realised Jude was trying to lift his mood.

Finally, he addressed the table, “COTT was going to capture Jude, they knew where she was, but I found her first in the nightclub. I was trying to protect her.”

“Nightclub?” Jamie questioned looking very concerned.

“It’s like a bar where music plays, and people dance and socialise.” Sam explained.

“And knife to the throat comment?” Brianna peered at them curiously.

“Courtesy of Jude once she realised I was watching her.” Sam gestured to Jude who was trying very hard not to smile.

Brianna gave Jude a look of approval. “As a woman it’s always best to go on the attack first, when approached by men we don’t know.”

Roger chuckled, “I’ll toast to that.”

“My thoughts exactly.” Jude replied.

“And what year was that?” Claire asked.


Everyone looked at them with shock.

“Has much changed since the 60’s?” Brianna asked.

“Technology has definitely improved, you can carry a phone in your pocket and even take pictures with it like a camera, but in some ways it’s relatively similar. Some people still have to fight every day for their individual rights and liberties and just basic respect. There’s still a lot of work to be done in some areas of the world.”

Silence filled the table and Sam wondered if he had been too grim.

Then Brianna spoke, “Jude is such a pretty name. That Beatles song is one of my favourites. Roger sometimes plays it on the guitar.” She gushed.

Roger smiled shyly.

“I love the song, too.” Jude's voice was full of joy, but then her face fell slightly. Not enough that anyone at the table noticed, but Sam was watching and he knew she was thinking of her father.He squeezed her thigh under the table in comfort.

“So, you were named after the song then?” Roger asked.

“I think so.” Jude took a sip from her wine glass, wanting the conversation to be steered away from her.

Luckily Claire jumped in, “how are we going to explain all of this to Marsali and Fergus?”

“We’ll stick to the truth as much as possible and exclude time travel from the story.” Jamie said.

“Why don’t we just say that there was a mix up at the hospital and babies were swapped accidently?” Brianna suggested.

Claire had gone quiet and seemed to be in her own world as she stared at her plate.

Jamie glanced at Claire before saying, “Aye.”

Being confronted again with the horrible truth of the matter, left the table eerily quiet. The light conversation had been bulldozed by the crushing reality of Sam’s life and he wondered if it would always be like that. Would his parents ever be able to look or think of him without feeling pain and sadness for the years they had missed?


Background info: Brianna doesn’t know about William yet in this fic.

Chapter 15


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The next morning Sam woke in the guest bedroom of the Fraser household with his arms and legs intertwined with Jude’s. The sunlight streamed through the window, bathing them in an orange glow. Sam breathed in deeply, basking in the pure joy of waking up in a house that was his family’s.Jude was still peacefully asleep, and Sam slowly started to extract himself from her in the hope that he wouldn’t wake her. But he was unsuccessful and he wasn’t mad about it either. Jude groaned and Sam nuzzled her neck, leaving kisses on her shoulder.

“Good morning.” Sam whispered.

Jude said something that translated as gibberish back to him, her eyes were squeezed shut against the light. He smiled as he rolled on top of her, kissing her lips, and rubbing his hands over her hips.

“Hmmm.” Jude smiled as she opened her eyes.

The smile vanished as Sam said abruptly, “we should get up; we don’t want anyone thinking we’re lazy.”

As soon as Sam had left the bed, the cold made the hairs on his arms stand on end, and he missed the warmth of being pressed against Jude.

“They’re not going to think you’re lazy. The sun has barely risen.” Jude grumbled.

She watched him dress for a minute before dragging herself from the bed. Sam had already finished dressing as Jude started tying up her corset, and now he was mussing up his hair. He resembled a dog as he shook his head and then ran his hands through his auburn locks.

Jude sighed at his antics and started towards him. “You’re just making it worse. Let me help.”

Sam turned to her, mid shake and his hair pooled over his face. Jude brushed it back with her hands and then set to work trying to flatten a strand at the back which stuck out at an awkward angle. No matter how wild it got, she really did love his hair.

“There. That’s better.” Jude said softly.

“Thank you.” Sam said gratefully. Yesterday they had been chased by a group of men and had fallen down a large slope, it was understandable that he was a bit ruffled looking, but today there was no excuse. He straightened his vest a few times and hogged the small mirror in their room as he checked his appearance.

Once Jude was fully dressed, she clasped the sapphire necklace around her neck. Sam couldn’t help but stare as she did it, unease settling in his stomach. Jude noticed him watching and their eyes locked in a battle of wills.

“I don’t want to talk about it.” Jude said quietly.

“We have to at least consider it a possibility Jude.”

“No.” Jude’s mind was set as she brushed her hair.

He stayed silent. It was clear that Jude would entertain no notion of his when it included her necklace. He couldn’t blame her, unless there was absolute certainty that the sapphire was draining his powers, she would not be persuaded from parting with the precious possession.Sam felt a certain strain in their relationship, that had never been there before. He felt as if Jude was simmering beneath the surface and one wrong move might scare her off. No words were exchanged as they walked down the stairs and entered the dining room for breakfast.

The room was lively as they were met with jubilant chatter. It seemed that most people in the Fraser family were early risers. Except Jamie, Brianna and Roger were nowhere to be seen, instead they glimpsed two new faces talking with Claire. A tall brown-haired man held a small baby in his arms, he seemed to be highly invested in what Claire was saying as he nodded and smiled. Next to him stood a short blond-haired woman who noticed the new arrivers first. Claire also turned to where Jude and Sam stood and waved them over.

“Oh, Jude, Sam, this is Fergus and his wife Marsali and their daughter Felicite.” Claire gestured to the couple as she spoke.

Sam was taken aback by how much Marsali resembled Laoghaire Mackenzie from the witch trial. Marsali’s brows furrowed in defence of the surprised look that must have shone on his face.

“Aye, is there something wrong with that?” she asked.

Claire and Fergus also gave him a concerned look.

“Oh no. no. not at all. I was just surprised; you look like someone I used to know.” Sam scrambled for an excuse.

“It’s lovely to meet you.” He added.

“As it is to meet you.” Fergus smiled, his eyes twinkled with intrigue, completely dismissing the shocked expression Sam had worn before. Marsali still eyed him warily.

The French accent immediately threw Sam and Fergus into a conversation in French. Fergus told him of his other children, Germain and Joan who were playing just outside. Marsali smiled as she listened to Fergus’ animated stories of their children, even though she could only understand half of what he was saying, she could tell how much he cared for them.

Sam was again taken aback by how friendly and welcoming Fergus was. He wondered what story his parents had come to agree upon to tell their adopted son and his family. Whatever it had been, Fergus had seemed to believe it whole heartedly and had even invited Sam and Jude over to his house. Their plans were interrupted whenJamie entered the room, slightly ruffled from doing the early morning chores.

“Isla didnae seem too happy today. I think she’ll give birth any day now.”

Claire picked up on Jude and Sam’s confused expression. “Isla is a horse.” She clarified.

“Aye. Have you already started breakfast then?” Jamie glanced around at them.

“Daddy you always come in too late. Fergus is about to leave for Willmington, and I’ve got to sow a button on his coat before he goes.” Marsali seemed flustered.

“Yes, we better get going.” Fergus replied as he ran his hand down Marsali’s back soothingly. The couple both said their goodbyes and left, with Fergus reiterating that they were always welcome to come over to the house.

Sam couldn’t help but stare after them as they walked into the hallway and left through the front door. Daddy? Sam was befuddled by the term that had come out of Marsali's mouth. He thought Claire had said they adopted Fergus.

“Daddy?” Sam turned to his parents in question.

“Marsali is my stepdaughter. Before Claire came back, I married Marsali’s mother and lived with the family for a while, but it didnae work out.”

The short explanation from Jamie seemed to be all he would get. Sam was struck with how intertwined the connections in this family were. He was not surprised that his father would remarry during the twenty-year separation with Claire. After having everything ripped away from him, it made sense that he would long to be a part of a family again.

They had all sat down at the dinning table and started on their breakfast of eggs when Claire asked,“Who does Marsali remind you off?”

“Uh.” Sam was unsure about how to broach the subject.“You know how I told you that Jude and I travelled to 1743 and saw you on the hill?”

Jamie and Claire nodded.

“Well, we actually went there to save a traveller from being burnt at the stake.”

“Who?” Jamie asked, although judging by the look on his face, Sam thought he already had an idea of who it could be. Claire had stilled completely in her seat.

“Geillis Duncan.” He answered and Claire gasped.

“We were at the witch trial. We saw the whole thing go down and then afterwards we rescued Geillis from the thieves’ hole.”

Instead of seeming relieved that her friend had been saved, Claire looked horrified and a haunted look crossed her face. Sam presumed it was because memories of the trial had come back to the surface.

Then he realised he hadn't answered Claire's original question and he added,“Marsali reminds me of Laoghaire.”

Jamie looked pale and he couldn’t meet Sam’s eye when he said,“Aye, well Marsali is Laoghaire’s daughter.”

Jude gasped beside him, and his own mouth hung open.

“I’m sorry but Laoghaire was just awful in that trial. She wanted to see you burn.” Sam turned to his mother in surprise but she was studying her plate intently.Sam was bewildered by the fact that his father had married the woman who wanted to see his mother murdered. How could a person like Laoghaire change? What sort of manipulation had she used to finally ensnare Jamie?

Jamie shifted uncomfortably in his seat and Claire had strolled over to the cupboard to rearrange jars. It seemed to be a tense subject between them, and Sam felt terrible for bringing it up.

Finally Jamie spoke. “Marsali and her sister Joanie needed a father. I didnae marry Laoghaire for love. It mended a part of my soul to finally be a father to someone.”

It was suddenly very awkward and the air in the room felt smothering.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to bring up any painful memories.” Sam said quietly.

“Dinna fash Sam, ye would have found out sooner or later. It’s better we start off with the truth.”

Sam smiled in agreement, however he felt guilt creep up and over his skin at the word ‘truth’. He couldn’t bring himself to tell his parents that there was never a legal wedding ceremony with Jude, they were only hand-fast and there hadn’t been any witnesses. How would that change his parent’s perception of him? So far, they seemed to respect him, trust him even. He couldn’t jeopardise that so early on in their relationship.

Sam turned to Jude, and he imagined her thought process was similar to his. She shook her head subtly as if to say, ‘don’t tell them yet.’ Jamie was focused on the food on his plate and Claire continued to rearrange objects on the bench. In the future, they would renew their vows and be provided with a legal marriage certificate. Sam loved Jude and that was all that mattered. In his heart they were married, and they always would be.


The morning was well spent outside in the sunshine, collecting vegetables from the garden, and feeding the animals. Sam slot right into the puzzle of Fraser’s Ridge faster than he could have imagined. Jemmy’s giggles warmed his heart as he played a game of chase with him. The boy was so happy as if he did not have a care in the world. While Sam basked in Jemmy’s openness to include him into the family, he could not curb the growing feeling that the boy was too trusting of strangers. It reminded Sam of what he presumed he had acted like as a child before the evil aspects of life descended upon him.

“I don’t think you’ll be able to get me!” Sam shouted.

Jemmy screeched as he chased after him. Sam slowed his run, so Jemmy could catch up and then a small body barrelled into him. It wasn’t enough to put him off balance, but he fell to the ground anyway, splaying out his hands dramatically.

“Oh no!” Sam closed his eyes.

“Got you! Got you!” Jemmy shouted excitedly, his little hands patted Sam’s chest lightly.

He could feel the sun beating down on him and when he finally opened his eyes Roger Mackenzie appeared above him like a towering duty guard on watch.

Roger raised his eyebrows, “Jem how did ye push over a grown man more than twice your size?”

“I caught him!” Jemmy exclaimed.

Sam sat up, he wasn’t sure if Roger’s question was said in jest or he was really here to berate him for playing with Jem.

“Aye ye did. Why don’t you go inside now I think your mam’s looking for ye.” Roger co*cked his head in the direction of the house.

Jemmy’s eyes lit up and then he was bounding away.

“Jem seems to like ye.” Roger was straight faced.

Sam got up, brushing grass from his clothes, “he’s very entertaining to be around.”

Roger made a scottish mmph in response. Sam was aware that if he got any closer to Roger, he would be the one towering over him, but he stayed where he was trying to feel out the purpose of this discussion.

Finally, Roger spoke, “I’ve been a bit wary around ye because I don’t want to see Brianna hurt and I wasn’t sure I even believed your story.”

“That’s understandable.” Sam shrugged and began preparing himself for a deadly threat to be thrown his way.

“But I’ve been thinking about it more and I’ve come to the realisation that if time travel is real, anything is possible right? I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s more secret children hanging about somewhere. “

The ice that had formed around them cracked and Roger smiled.

Sam laughed, “I’m the only one I know of.”

“Anyway, when I first took a look at ye I knew if you weren’t Jamie’s living twin or son, I would say ye would have to be related to this family somehow.”Roger paused. “All I’m trying to say is I believe ye.”

“Thank you.”

“But I will warn ye that if ye do anything that harms Brianna in anyway. I’ll come after ye.” Roger patted him on the back a touch aggressively, each hit nearly knocking him sideways.

“Right.” Sam smiled nervously.


Throughout the day everyone was on edge, anticipating another attack from COTT. They all carried weapons with them and Jamie had sent the word out to the people on Fraser's Ridge, especially those on the border to be wary of any newcomers on their land. If someone was to cross into Fraser's Ridge, the alarm would be raised and they would hide in the hidden cellar below the Fraser house. Brianna and Roger had decided to stay at the main house to for a couple of days, knowing that it was safer to be there than stay in their cabin which was out in the open.

But no alarm was sounded and no attack occurred. Sam chalked it up to the man Jamie had let go hadn't made it back to COTT's headquarter's yet. The real test would come tomorrow when he was sure the man would have made it back to the Gorduan stones. That was when the threat of COTT would be at an all time high.

When Sam entered the kitchen after night had fallen, searching for Jude, he was delighted to find her laughing with his mother as they both hovered over a fresh pie. His heavy footsteps signalled his arrival and they both turned with wide smiles.

“I may have added too much liquid to the sauce, but I think it will still taste all right.” Jude said as she touched the pastry with the tip of her finger.Her cheeks were slightly flushed and there was a wisp of flour across her forehead.

“If you’ve made it Jude, I’m sure it will taste amazing.” He said as he made his way to her.

Jude grinned and Claire’s eyes also flashed warmly at the compliment.

“Sam is a great cook, Claire. You should taste his fettucine.” Jude winked at him, and he couldn’t wipe the grin from his face as the fond memory flashed in his mind.

Claire gave him an impressed look, “I’d love to try it, the kitchen is yours when ever you’d like to make it.”

“Thanks. I'll definitely take you up on that offer one day.”

Sam smiled at his mother and then he reached forward to brush the flour from Jude’s forehead. She gave him a strange look.

“There was a bit of flour.” He said in explanation.


“You look beautiful by the way.”

Jude's mouth widened into a smile and she exhaled in amusem*nt. “Thank you, but I really don’t know how with flour in my hair. Hopefully it hasn’t gotten on my clothes.” She peered down at the apron she wore.

“I’ve got to clean up before dinner.” Jude kissed his cheek before floating down the hall and up the stairs.

“Sam, would you mind telling Jamie that dinner will be ready in five minutes?” Claire asked.


Although he tried to ignore it, Sam noticed how Claire had referred to his father as Jamie and had yet to acknowledge out loud in conversation that Jamie really was his father. It might have been a slip of tongue or maybe some part of his mother didn’t believe his story. The thoughts attacked his mind as he walked further from the house.

Quiet Scottish murmurings could be heard as Sam entered the stables. Jamie stood by a dark-haired horse, brushing its shiny coat while he stroked it’s hair and spoke calmy to the animal in Gaelic. Sam had always admired horses and their soft nature, he wondered if he had somehow gotten this trait from his father. The stables seemed to be Jamie’s element, where he felt most comfortable, and Sam felt a twinge in his stomach as he interrupted the peaceful atmosphere.

Sam didn’t have to vocalise his presence, it seemed that Jamie had sensed him as soon as he walked through the entrance arch. The horse let out a whinny of approval as the brush worked it’s way up it’s neck.

“I suspect supper is ready?” Jamie asked.


Jamie lay down the brush and then walked to the side of the stables to retrieve some hay. Sam moved closer to the horse and started to stroke its neck. The horse didn’t seem to be nervous around the newcomer, as if it could sense that he was an extension of its usual handler.

“I learned how to ride on a horse very similar to this one.” Sam spoke.

“Oh?” Jamie co*cked his head to the side.

“Yeah. When I was eight, Harry joined our missions and he started to teach me to ride. The horse’s name was Scout, she was a feisty thing, but Harry showed me how to calm her.”

“So, Harry was a friend then, when you were growing up?” Jamie passed him some hay to feed the horse with and he accepted it gratefully.

“He was about ten years older than me, so he started off more as a big brother figure. Harry was always there for me when Raymond wasn’t. Which was most of the time.”

“Where was Raymond?” Jamie asked.

Sam shook his head and rolled his eyes, “God knows where. I was left alone for most of my younger years. When more travellers started joining the mission and I became old enough to start travelling I was suddenly very useful to Raymond, and I saw him more.”

Surprise floated across Jamie's features before he masked the emotion and Sam continued. “I don’t regret saving all those people from COTT, but every time I think about my childhood it’s tainted. I just feel so angry that all my decisions were made for me. I never had a choice.”

Jamie's reply was immediate.“Ye should feel angry after all you’ve been through, but the most important thing is where ye channel the anger.”

Sam looked up from where he had been watching the horse to glance at Jamie.

“I’ve made a lot of decisions in my life from a place of anger, and they mostly did’nae turn out well. There were decisions that caused your mother a great deal of pain.”Jamie continued to feed another horse the hay in his hands.

“The anger may never go away, but ye have to make sure ye dinnae lash out at the wrong people.”

Sam nodded, “I know it’s selfish, but sometimes I wish I could have a peaceful life. A life where time travel didn’t exist, and I’m not constantly being hunted down.”

“That wish is’nae selfish at all. Who told ye that it was?”

His words made Sam still. Nobody had told him it was selfish to want something for himself. His whole life’s purpose up until now was to put others before himself, save other time travellers. This mission had been drilled into his young mind and he had never questioned it until Raymond’s letter changed everything.

When he didn’t answer Jamie spoke, “It isnae selfish to long for a stable life Sam. It’s what every good person deserves.” The sincerity in Jamie’s eyes was more than Sam could take and he glanced to the ground for a reprieve.

“I never thought about it that way, I guess.”

“Do not let anyone tell ye that ye didnae deserve a good life because ye do.” Jamie walked over to him and squeezed his shoulder.“And it looks like you’re already doing quite well. Your wife is a strong lass, she reminds me of Claire. I couldn’t imagine a more perfect match for ye.”

The comment left Sam wondering if Jude had spoken to Jamie alone, but it was more than he could have hoped for to hear his father’s approval of Jude.

Sam smiled, “She’s my best friend.”

Jamie's face lit up at the sentiment and he said, “And your mother is mine.”


That night Sam woke in darkness after another nightmare involving COTT plagued his mind. He let out a sigh of relief when he noticed that Jude hadn’t been disturbed. He tossed and turned in the bed until he accepted that he was not going back to sleep. Then he descended downstairs in search of water. Nearing the kitchen, he heard voices and he stilled immediately near the entrance, just out of sight.

“Everything could have been different Sassenach.” Jamie’s voice was gruff and filled with grief.

“I know. I’m just as angry as you are, but we can’t change what’s happened. We can only try and make up for the time we have missed.” Claire’s voice was soothing but there was hidden rage beneath its surface.

“If I ever see the bastard Raymond, I might kill him.” Jamie hissed.

Sam gulped as a mix of emotions coursed through him. The threat that had spilled from Jamie’s mouth, set off his instinct to protect Raymond. Even after all that he had done, and the layers upon layers of anger and betrayal that settled deep within his veins. Sam knew when the time came, he could not be the one to jam a sword through Raymond’s heart.

“I wouldn’t stop you.” Claire said softly.

Sam couldn’t stay there a minute longer ears dropping on what was a private conversation. He couldn’t listen to the heartbreak within their voices without feeling like it was completely his fault. He quickly made his way back to his bedroom, wincing when the stairs creaked beneath him.

Any attempt to reclaim sleep was futile and in the early hours of the morning he settled himself on the porch. The sun rose shortly after he had sat down, and he welcomed its light warmth on his skin.

“Good morning.”

Sam’s head whipped towards the front door to see Claire standing there timidly holding two mugs.

“I don’t mean to disturb you. I just saw you come out here. I’m an early riser myself and I thought you might like a cup of tea.”

She held out one of the mugs to him, and he took it from her, smiling warmly.

“Thank you and you’re not disturbing me. You can sit out here too. It is your house.”

“It’s a house that is as much yours as it is ours.” Claire said softly as she sat beside him on the bench.

“Jamie told me what it was like growing up with Raymond. I hope you didn’t mind.”

“No, it’s okay. I had a feeling he would tell you.”

“I’m sorry…” Claire’s voice cracked.

“Why are you sorry?” Sam turned to see complete anguish flash over her glass face.

“If I hadn’t exhausted myself during the pregnancy." She paused. "If I had been more careful, then I would have given birth later and it wouldn’t have been so risky. I would have been awake for the birth, and I would have never let anyone take you from my arms.”

The sorrow in her voice hit him like a boulder, but all he could do was stare as her confession came out in tumbles. He had never in his life had to comfort an older woman, especially one that was his mother, and he was completely unsure how to handle the emotions. The words that she was saying to him were even harder to face.

“It crushes me to think you lived your life believing you weren’t wanted. Because you were. We wanted you so much.” Tears started to run down her cheeks.

Between sobs she released everything that had been building inside her from the moment she had found out the truth, “There wasn’t a day that went by when I didn’t think about the child I had lost and how much I loved you.And now that you’re here, Jamie and I won’t let anything take you away again.”

Her words were sewing up a wound in his soul that had been there for as long as he could remember. For the first time he felt motherly unconditional love directed towards him, snd he soaked up every moment of it.

“I can already tell you have such a caring heart for others. For every person you have protected and the perfect gentlemen you are.” Claire touched his cheek with her hand and her sweet smile filled him with joy.

He would never forget all that Raymond had put him through. All that he had missed out on with his parents, but now looking towards the future he felt an extra bit of strength knowing they would be by his side, and they had welcomed him with open arms.


Heads up that chapter updates will probably be less frequent because I haven’t finished this story and I’m still working on the next few chapters, but we will get there in the end :)

Thanks for taking the time to read ♥️

Chapter 16

Chapter Text

Crack! The axe was brought down again to split the wood. Sam worked tirelessly beside Jamie and Roger to cut what would be the firewood for this winter on the Ridge. Days had passed by and there was no sign of COTT which was definitely strange. He felt like they were planning something big and he was groping blindly in the dark, trying to figure it out. No one else seemed to be as concerned about the looming threat as he was, and they had settled down too quickly. But they didn’t know COTT like he did. They would never stop hunting them down.

Near the house he could see Brianna and Jude dyeing cloth and hanging it up to dry. Every now and then, they would both laugh, and Jude would tip her head back in blissful amusem*nt. Watching her happiness, lit a fire inside his heart making him feel so light and free. The soft golden hair he loved to run his hands through bounced over her shoulders. The dress she wore accentuated her waist and the colour brought out the blue in her eyes. He couldn’t wait to peel the cloth away from her tonight and feel the silky skin underneath. To have her shudder below him, to moan his name.

Roger coughed loudly beside him, and he was brought out of his daydream. Sam swung his head to the side to see Jamie and Roger staring at him pointedly. A faint blush creeped over his cheeks, and he ran his hand over his face to cover it.

“There’s no shame in admiring yer wife from time to time, but we do need more firewood.” Jamie grinned as he gestured to the sets of logs that surrounded them.

Roger laughed and Jamie chuckled quietly.

Sam couldn’t help but smile and felt fairly childish as he said, “I know that.”

He turned away so he didn’t have to see their amused faces. Picking up another piece of log, he set it down and brought his axe down hard to split the wood in two.

“We’re to go hunting tomorrow. Would ye like ta join Sam?”

Jamie’s eyes glinted mischievously, and he thought he could sense a challenge in his voice. His father wanted to see how well he could shoot. Well, he could put on a show. All of his training over the years, hadn’t amounted to nothing and he would prove it.

“Sure.”Sam grinned.

“Brianna is coming along too. Jude is more than welcome to join.” Roger said.

Sam nodded. There was no way Jude would want to miss out on this.


They set off early the next morning after Sam had reminded the group to stay alert in the chance that COTT was searching the forest for them. Like everyone else, he held a gun in his hand and a dagger strapped to his belt. The women wore pants for better ease when it came to hunting. He was impressed to learn that Brianna had impeccable aim when it came to shooting and he wondered how she had learnt so fast, having grown up in Boston.

Brianna walked beside him, readjusting her grip on the gun she held.

“I was really impressed by those practice shots you took earlier. You hit every bullseye.”

Brianna grinned. “Thanks.”

“Jamie seems to like Roger.” Sam pointed out and he couldn’t help the wave of jealously that washed over him as the two men in question chatted quietly several yards ahead of them.

Brianna chuckled, “Oh he really didn’t at the start. Trust me, he though Roger was the worst thing he had ever set his eyes on.”

It hadn’t occurred to Sam that anyone could dislike Roger. He had only ever witnessed Roger’s politeness and jovial nature when he was around his family. The conversations they had shared together had been friendly, if not slightly awkward at first.

Sam scoffed. “How could he think that?”

Brianna’s face was guarded. “Let’s just say, Da thought Roger had hurt me…”

Brianna saw his concerned expression and quickly added, “he didn’t of course. Roger would never hurt me physically. But there was a misunderstanding and Da beat him up pretty bad and Ian sold him to the Mohawks.”

“What?” Sam exclaimed, raising his eyebrows.

“When Da realised his mistake, he got Roger back, but Ian had to stay with the Mohawks for a while. Our relationship with Da was a bit rocky after that but we've put the whole ordeal behind us now.”

Sam felt like there was more to the story but looking at Brianna’s face, he wouldn’t make her relive the horrors by delving deeper.

Instead he said, “So that explains the feathers and the other native American features Ian has.”


Sam looked over his shoulder to see Ian and Jude engrossed in a conversation, they seemed to be getting along quite well. When Sam turned back to Brianna, she was peering at him curiously.

“Do you really think COTT will come after us?” She asked.

Sam sighed. “Yes. It's all I've ever known them to do.”

It was the truth and that was what Brianna deserved. Her brows furrowed as she contemplated his answer. Roger and Jamie had stopped further ahead and when they caught up to them, they decided to stop for a quick lunch before they searched for more quarry. They were lucky enough to find a fallen log and they all sat upon it, nibbling on the bread and salted meat that had been packed.

“Have you sighted any animals along the path Uncle?” Ian asked.

“Aye. A few wee rabbits, nothing else.” Jamie replied.

“I thought I saw a coyote a while back.” Brianna chimed in.


“Have you shot your first big animal yet, Roger?”

“I’m working on it.”

“I’ve got to take care of some business. Jude come with me?” Brianna asked.

“Donnae go far.” Jamie warned.

“We won’t, we’ll just go round the corner.”

Jude and Brianna headed off into the trees. Sam was listening to the rest of the light conversation when a flicker of silver in the trees caught his eye. He casually turned his head to get a better look, but there was nothing out of the ordinary. He couldn’t get rid of the uneasy feeling in his stomach as he turned back to the group, to find Jamie subtly glancing around the clearing too. Roger and Ian hadn’t taken notice as they continued to talk.

Then he heard the distinctive crunch of dry leaves under foot, and he knew something was watching them. Ian’s eyes whipped to the tree line and then back to Roger, but he continued to talk quietly about nothing in particular. It could be an animal for all they knew, but they were still wary and alert.

Sam moved along the log until he was right next to Jamie. “We have to get to the girls.” He whispered through gritted teeth.

Just as Sam was about to move, several men appeared as if from thin air, entering the glade. They were surrounded, an array of swords and guns pointed in their direction. Their lunch was long forgotten as they all stood from the log, carrying their own weapons. If they wanted a fight, a fight is what they would give them. That was what Sam thought before he heard her whimper.

Brianna was dragged into the glade, a knife held to her throat, her hair was being pulled back by the scar faced man who held her.Where was Jude?

“Drop your weapons or I will slit her throat!” Scar face growled.

Roger shook with anger beside him but was the first to drop his gun in the grass. Jamie, stony faced followed shortly after, along with Ian and Sam.

“Very goooood.” Scar face crooned, his disgusting breath blew in Brianna’s ear and she cringed trying to put distance between them. Brianna’s chest heaved and she cried out as the man tugged her hair again, lifting her neck up, emphasising how hard he pressed the knife to her throat.

“Don’t you dare hurt her!” Roger roared.

Scar face just chuckled. “Now there was a blond woman here before. Where did she go?”

He co*cked his head to the side, just as a wave of fear and panic settled in the pit of Sam's stomach. When no one answered him he yelled, "Where is she!?"

There was a flash of blond and then Scar face howled in pain as Brianna toppled to the ground. Behind her a knife had been struck right through Scar face’s chest and he screamed in surprise as he looked down.

“I’m right here!” Jude yelled as she pulled the knife back out. Brianna scrambled away before Scar face fell on top of her, and the men wasted no time retrieving their weapons from the ground, ready for the onslaught.

“Get the sapphire!” One of the attackers hissed and they all turned to Jude.

Sam advanced on the nearest man to him, knocking him off his feet before he could run towards Jude. He didn’t hesitate in swiping his dagger across the man’s throat taking full advantage of his surprise. Sam stood, quickly surveying the scene before him.

Jamie had made it to Brianna and now he fought fiercely in front of her, taking down each and every man that dared to try and touch her. Gunshots rang out to his side, and he saw two men drop as Roger fought off more assailants. Ian and Jude fought brutally side by side in the middle of the glade. Sam sprinted off in their direction as he saw men coming at them from behind.

He shot one and then engaged the other. His fist connected with the attacker’s jaw and then he sliced his dagger across the man’s arm, knocking the gun from his hand. Rage burned in the man’s eyes as he brought his fist to Sam’s throat, completely taking the wind out of him. Sam gasped for breath and the man advanced on him, taking his shoulders, and throwing him to the ground, but Sam held on bringing the man down with him. Sam stuck his dagger in front of his stomach and the man came down upon it, impaling himself. He quickly shoved the man off him and rolled to the side.

Most of the men were down as he peered around the glade. A man fell at Jamie’s feet and then his eyebrows rose in shock as he sighted Jude close to the tree line, fighting the last man standing with expertly skill. She grunted, blocking a nasty blow meant for her head. All the training they had done these past months coming to fruition. Sam and Jamie took off in her direction the second they saw her, but as they reached her, the man had been disarmed and Jude shoved him up against a tree, a dagger held to his throat.

“Who sent you after us?” She yelled.

The short, plump man rolled his eyes, acting bizarrely confident even with a blade threatening to slice his throat open.

“Tell me or I won’t hesitate to gut you!” She hissed, pressing her dagger harder into the man’s neck.

“Watch it! She will.” Sam snarled and the man squirmed, fear now evident in his eyes.

“Was it Desmond? Do you work for Desmond?” Jude shouted.

The man’s dark eyes grew wide at the mention of his name, and Jude and Sam knew they were one move away from uncovering the truth. They just needed to scare him a bit more.

“If you won’t tell us anything, then you’re not worth anything.” Sam spoke slowly as if he was trying to explain a hard concept to a six-year-old.

He continued, waving the gun in his hand. “See this?”

The man eyed the weapon wearily.

“It’s a gun and it’s loaded, and it can very easily kill you if it hits the right place on your body. Now, if you want to live, answer our questions. If you don’t, one of these bullets will be shot right through your head.”

The man whimpered. “If I tell you what you want to know, you’ll let me go?”

Jude glanced to Sam in question. Jamie caught Sam’s eye and he nodded in approval.

“Yes, we will let you go. I swear it.” Sam didn’t break eye contact with the man.

“Desmond sent us.” The man burst out before continuing, “he sent many groups of us to different areas of North Carolina. He’ll know there are travellers here as soon as he realises this group didn’t return. He was already suspicious when that small group went missing around these parts a week ago. We were sent to check it out.”

Confusion swept through Sam's mind. Desmond didn’t know that the group that had chased Jude and himself through the woods had been killed. The man that Jamie let go, must have never gotten back to Desmond. What happened to him?

“And what about the sapphire necklace? Why do you want it?” Jude asked.

The man glanced between Jude and Sam in shock. “You are unaware of it’s powers? How could that be if you are the ones that possess it?”

Jude brought her free hand to clasp her necklace protectively. “Powers?” She asked.

“The wearer of the sapphire can drain a time traveller entirely of their powers just through touch.”

Jude’s dagger slipped as she stared at him in horror.

“How does it work?” Sam questioned.

“Didn't you ever wonder why you can hear screams of trapped souls when you travel through the stones? The wearer of the sapphire necklace only has to take a traveller with them through the stones with the intention of stealing their power and the victim will be left trapped in the stones for all eternity.”

The man smiled greedily but Sam shot him a warning look and the smile was gone. Sam had been right. The sapphire was draining him, but it hadn’t stolen all of his power because Jude hadn’t wanted to. She had done it subconsciously, a defence against the unforgiving stones. Jude shook her head in disbelief as she tried to process the truth behind her necklace.

“How do you know all of this?” Sam asked.

“Because we’ve been searching for that damn sapphire for twenty-six years. Ever since a man that worked for us took off with it.”

“A man. What was his name? What happened to him?” Jude was frantic and it dawned on Sam that the man who took the sapphire might be Jude’s father.

“I don’t know his name.”

The snarl that came from Jude’s mouth was feral, “tell me what you know!” She exclaimed.

The man started to shake. “I don’t know anything about him. Only the higher ups know, they don’t tell us anything. Please. Please don’t kill me. I won’t tell Desmond anything. I’ll run away. He will know our group of men has been compromised before he finds me, there’s no point in killing me.”

“I know.” Sam grumbled. “That’s why we’re letting you go.”

It was clear that the man had told them everything he knew. Sam could tell from the fear in the man’s eyes that he truly didn’t know the worker’s name. And if he did know, why wouldn’t he have just told them? He had spilled the truth on every other question they had asked.

Sam glanced at Jude and then nodded his head.

“Release him.”

She gave him an absurd look, but she trusted his judgement, so she pulled her knife back and the man peered at them in surprise.

“Oh, oh, thank you.” He stammered before sprinting away into the forest.

Sam immediately descended upon Jude, searching her for any injuries. He ran his hands over her arms and then stomach and waist. There were splotches of blood all over her clothes but none of it seemed to be hers.

His eyes locked with hers. “Are you okay?”

Jude nodded. “You really think he didn’t know anything else?”

“Yes. He told us everything he knew.”

Jude then glanced to her side where Jamie, Ian, Brianna and Roger stood with equal amounts of shock and confusion evident on their faces.

“Is everyone else alright?” Sam asked.

They all nodded, but Brianna seemed shaken by the ordeal and her usual brightness was dimmed, her face was also slightly pale. Questions seemed to be flying through their minds as they scrambled to make sense of the fight that had just taken place.

“They were after the necklace?” Jamie asked.

Sam nodded. “COTT must have recognised the sapphire the first time they tried to take Jude and I and they’ve been trying to steal it ever since.”

Jude looked down as if suddenly remembering the object in question hung around her neck. She quickly ripped it off, staring down at the sapphire she held in her hands.

Jude turned towards him, “I’m so sorry Sam. You were right when you said it was draining you.”

“Your father must have been the worker that took the necklace. How else would he have come to possess it?” Sam asked.

“I…I don’t know.” Jude shook her head. “I had no idea that it was capable of doing something like this. I thought it was just a family heirloom.”

“Could it be that time travellers work for COTT so that their own powers aren’t taken by the necklace?” Roger piped up.

“That would make sense.” Sam paused. “Maybe your father wanted to leave COTT and he took their most precious object with him.”

“I feel like I didn’t even know him.” Jude said quietly.

Sam tensed; he wasn’t sure if anyone else had heard Jude, she was so quiet. When he made to move closer to her, she wrapped her arms tightly around herself and looked down to the ground. She was closing herself off, it was all too much to talk about her father with the whole group surrounding her.

Sam turned the attention away from Jude. “We have to find a way to destroy it, so COTT can’t get it back.”

Jude’s head whipped towards him as if it had never crossed her mind that the sapphire needed to be destroyed. Deep down she had to know that it was the only way to keep everyone safe, including her.

“I have a few tools back at the house we can use that might shatter it.” Jamie said

Jude turned to Jamie, astonished that another person was on board with Sam’s plan, her chest heaved as her breathing quickened.

“Do ye think demons possess it?” Ian asked, his eyes were wide as he stared at the sapphire.

Everyone’s eyes were now trained on the necklace and the confusion and anger building inside Jude spilled over. She ripped the sapphire from her neck and deposited it roughly in Sam’s hands.

“Just take it!” Jude cried out, her usually guarded emotions had come out of hiding.

She stormed off in the direction they had come, and Sam wasn’t sure if she even knew the territory well enough to get home on her own. He made to go after her, but Brianna’s words stopped him.

“I’ll walk her home.” She seemed adamant and colour was returning to her cheeks. Roger opened his mouth to say something, but Brianna didn’t wait for approval as she took off to catch up with Jude.


When they arrived at the house, Roger went straight inside to find Brianna. Sam stayed outside for a moment and turned to Jamie, holding out the necklace.

“Take it. Destroy it.”

Jamie nodded in understanding and took the sapphire from Sam, handling it with great care before he took off in the direction of the shed that housed his tools. Ian tagged along next to him. Sam watched them, surprised at himself for handing the sapphire over without a thought. That was how much he had come to trust his family in the short amount of time he had spent with them. It just felt right, like a key slotting into place. Sam knew they would try everything they could to destroy the sapphire, and the thought comforted him as he started towards the house, towards Jude.

Sam’s eyes were trained on the floor as he walked through the hallway which led to the guest room. He saw a flash of red hair coming his way before he barrelled into something solid. He flung his hands out to grip Brianna’s arms before she fell. She let out a breath of air and looked up at him with a small smile.


“It was my fault, I should have been watching where I was going.” Sam replied.

Sam released Brianna’s arms and they fell to her side, an air of awkwardness descended upon them. Brianna’s eyes floated around, avoiding eye contact and Sam was reminded of all Brianna had been through this afternoon. She put on a strong act, but he was sure the ordeal must have shaken her, as it would anyone.

“Are you okay?” He asked.

She finally looked at him then. “Yeah, I’m fine.” She said nodding quickly as if she was reassuring herself.

“I know you have Roger, but if you ever need someone to talk to…” His voice drifted off and he smiled nervously. “I’m here for you is what I’m trying to say.”

There was a crack in the mask she wore, and her eyes shone with deep emotion. She smiled and then she was pulling him into a hug. It wasn’t long, but it meant the world that his sister trusted him enough to let him in.

“Thank you.” Brianna whispered as she pulled away.

She looked back to the door she had just exited and said, “Jude wasn’t in a very talkative mood on the way back, which is understandable after everything that has been said about her father. I hope you have more luck.”

Sam nodded and Brianna made her way down the hall.

Jude was perched on the side of the bed, her back to him, but she glanced over her shoulder when he opened the door. The wood creaked loudly as he shut it and then he sat down softly beside her, waiting for Jude to look at him again, but she didn’t. Her face was grim as she stared at the floor and her knuckles were white as she clenched and unclenched her hands.Sam reached for her hands, stopping the assault she was havocking on them. He squeezed them in comfort, and she glanced towards him.

“Jamie and Ian are going to destroy the sapphire.”

Jude’s eyes were dull and unfeeling as he sought out the ocean blue colour that usually gave him warmth.

“Okay.” Her voice was detached as if she had passed the point of caring. It wasn’t acceptance or approval for the act, she merely knew that it had to be done.

His heart ached with concern, wanting to heal all the parts of Jude that had been ripped open. Jude was being crushed under the weight of all they had learned today. Her father had lived a double life, hidden from her. The person she trusted and loved had lied. He knew the sick, awful feeling all too well and he wouldn’t wish it upon anyone.

“From all that you have told me, your father is a good man and when we find him, he will be able to explain everything.” Sam said gently.

“If we find him…” Jude’s hopeless tone was cold, and it made Sam long to thaw the ice that had started to freeze around her.

She was withdrawn, her eyes dropped again to her knees.Sam reached for her chin, holding it up gently, so that she had to look him in the eyes.

“We will set out as soon as we can to find Desmond, and I promise you I will make him tell us what happened to your father.” He said determinedly.

Jude took in a shaky breath, and then she was wrapping her arms around his waist hugging him tightly. Sam returned the hug, creating a safety cocoon for them to escape the world in.

“I love you.” Her voice was muffled where her face pressed into his shirt.

Sam kissed the top of her head. “I love you too.”

Chapter 17


Ahhh I love this chapter!

Thank you for all the kind comments and for reading each update ♥️

Chapter Text

“It didn’t work. We tried every single tool we had. Nothing would break it.”

Those were the words his father regretfully told him that night after dinner. The implication of it drove him away from sleep. As long as they had the sapphire, COTT would never leave them alone. It was up to them to find a way to destroy the sapphire before COTT could get it back and trap countless souls. Jude and Sam’s plan to track Desmond would have to be shelfed for the moment. The deep pools of blue that shimmered within the necklace threatened their very existence and it needed to be delt with first.

Sam glanced back to Jude before he left the bedroom. Her face was slightly scrunched in irritation, and he hoped a terrible dream wasn’t plaguing her. It had taken several soft kisses, gentle touches and loving murmurs to lull her to sleep and though he would do it again and again if she needed him to, he wanted her to have at least a few hours of peaceful sleep before they were thrown into the next battle.

The study door creaked as he slowly pushed it open but instead of darkness meeting him, several candles shone in the room and his father sat at the desk, the sapphire necklace displayed in front of him.

“Couldna sleep?” Jamie asked, his eyebrows knitted in concern.

“I can’t turn off the thoughts that are racing through my head. I need to be doing something.” Sam said as he rolled his tense shoulders.

“Aye, the same thing happens to me. That’s why I’m here.” Jamie raised one of his brows, glancing around the room.

“You don’t mind if I join you?” Sam asked.

“Och, of course not. Take a seat.” Jamie’s eyes flickered towards the seat before him, and Sam sat down gratefully. He started to drum his fingers on his thigh, trying to settle his thoughts.

“How is Jude?”

Sam’s head whipped up towards Jamie at the question.

“As well as can be expected. She knows that the necklace has to be destroyed.”

At the mention of the sapphire, Jamie’s jaw tightened, and he stared at the necklace, willing the object to disintegrate before his eyes.

“It’s as if the sapphire is protected by something impenetrable.” Jamie said as he finally looked at Sam.

Nothing was impenetrable. Everything had a breaking point, they just needed to find it.

“Maybe it can’t be shattered, but what if we melted it down? Extreme temperatures must be able to put at least a dent into it.” Sam suggested.

Jamie’s eyebrows rose at the idea. “We could go to the blacksmith in Wilmington.”

Anticipation ran through Sam’s veins. This could work.

His voice rose in excitement, “It’s worth a try, but will they be discreet? It’s not every day they’re given a job such as this. What if COTT comes around asking questions?”

“I know the lad, it’s nothin a few extra coins can’t fix.”

“I’ll need to leave as soon as possible. Tomorrow even.”

“I’m coming with ye.” His father’s voice was the most serious he had ever heard it.

“You don’t need to do that. It could be dangerous.” Sam protested.

“That doesn’ae matter to me.” Jamie’s stubbornness had built an impenetrable wall around him. Sam sat on the other side, banging his fists on the cold stone pleading with him to see the dangers.

"I can't let you risk your life for me." But his father would not budge at his words.

“I’m not letting ye go after ye have just returned to us!” Jamie voice raised slightly, and Sam saw a crack in the polished front that he projected to the world. Pain laced his words and it dawned on Sam the full emotional turmoil his return had brought his mother and father. The possessiveness that emanated from his father should have made him want to run in the opposite direction, but where Raymond’s obsession was sourced from selfish needs, Sam could see that it was only fear and love that guided Jamie’s protectiveness.

Silence stretched on after Jamie’s outburst and Sam wasn’t sure what to say.

“The blacksmith is also more likely to get the job done quickly if I’m with ye.” Jamie added, as if this small benefit would be what pushed Sam to climb the wall to his side.

There was a tense moment where father and son participated in a staring contest, neither broke contact until Sam couldn’t take it anymore. This short interaction had proved to Sam that once Jamie Fraser made his mind up, he would not back down.

“Fine.” Sam sighed in exasperation.

Jamie nodded in approval before he peered at a small portrait of on his desk. The painting was turned from Sam's view but it seemed to pull his father deep into thought.

“I’m not leaving yer mother or Bree behind. They stay with us, where we can protect them.” Jamie looked up towards him.

“I agree.” Sam wouldn’t let any harm come to his family, as long as he was alive, he would fight to protect them. But that didn’t stop the tingling fear he felt in the pit of his stomach of potentially being the reason his family was thrown into danger again.

They talked late into the night, planning out the next couple of days on the road and their tactics for if COTT stumbled upon them. They would be ready this time.


Supplies were thrown together quickly the next morning so that they could depart before mid-day arrived. They left Fergus and Marsali in charge of the Ridge, comforted in the fact that if COTT did decide to make an appearance they would not hurt the people who weren’t travellers. Ian also stayed behind for extra protection of the residents.

Jude seemed re-energised when she awoke, perky even. Something that confused Sam to no end, but he wasn’t about to bring up the cloud of dread to rain all over her again, so he took her positive attitude in stride. It was how she was dealing with the news of her father for now and when she needed comfort, he was sure she would come to him.

After a day of riding, they neared a wide clearing and decided to stop and set up camp. Apparently, it was a favourite spot for the Fraser’s to camp for the night on their way to and from Wilmington. He could see why; the ground was soft and flat and there was a nearby stream where they could catch supper, the trees also provided a canopy of protection if there was any light rain.

Sam hammered one of the wooden poles into the ground beside his father as they set to work putting up the tents. Roger had collected wood and was building a fire beside them, and Claire was unpacking the food they had brought with them. Jemmy sat chomping happily on a piece of fruit as he told his father a story. One that Sam slowly found out was created by Jem’s imagination when flying horses came into the picture.

“Sam!” Jude’s voice raised the hairs on his spine, and he whipped his head towards the sound.

Jude stood full of confidence at the edge of the clearing next to Brianna who was shuffling her shoes in the dirt and glancing around nervously. They both wore pants, as they decided it was more comfortable to travel in, but they would soon change into their dresses when they got closer to Wilmington. Jude’s call had alerted everyone else too and they all stared at her in question.

“Can you come here please?” She asked sweetly, tilting her head to the side, and smiling widely.

Sam furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, having no idea why Jude and Brianna needed his help. He glanced towards Roger who shrugged, and he decided he may as well go over to check on them.

“Yeah. I’ll be there in a second.” He yelled back.

He made sure the pole he had hammered into the dirt was stable before he walked over to the girls.

“Is something wrong?” He asked as he looked to Jude.

There was an air of innocence about her, and amusem*nt flashed over her face. Neither of the girls answered his question and Sam turned to Brianna co*cking his head to the side. The second Sam’s attention swept away from Jude was when she pounced.

And he was not ready for it.

The same tactic Jude had used on him when they first met was actioned. Before he knew what was happening, he had been knocked off his feet, his hair pulled back and a knife to his throat.

“See, it’s easy Bree.” Sam imagined Jude’s co*cky smile behind him as she glanced towards Brianna. As she said the words, Jude’s knife arm slackened, and he used the opening effectively. Before Jude could gasp in surprise, he had wrestled the knife swiftly from her grip. He grabbed both her arms, tilting back and then using the momentum to flip Jude over his head.

She landed with a thud and groaned; the breath having been knocked out of her and he fell backwards too. Sam had made sure he didn’t hurt her when he had used the move. If she had been a real enemy, she would have landed a lot harder.

Now they were both sprawled on the ground. Jude lifted herself up on her elbows, her eyes shooting arrows towards him.

“What was that for?” Jude growled.

Sam scoffed. “What do you mean what was that for? You held a knife to my throat. Again!” He emphasised the last bit, shaking his head as he laughed. He couldn’t let her get away with it again, and he definitely wasn’t about to let her make him look like a fool in front of everyone. He could only imagine Jamie and Roger’s amused faces and the teasing he would endure when he walked back over to the tents.

Jude looked as if she was going to retort but he wasn’t finished yet.

“Also, you should always be on guard, even in training.” He imitated the words she had said to him not so long ago, and her mouth dropped open in surprise and annoyance.

Sam got to his feet brushing off the dirt that had clung to his clothes. He then reached a hand out to Jude. She looked towards his hand and then his face before she put on a display of defiance using her own hands to lift herself from the ground. He would have thought she was angry at him, if not for the way her mouth twitched in amusem*nt, longing to break into a smile.

He turned to Brianna who was blinking fast in shock.

“And that’s how you use someone’s own weight against them Bree.” He grinned as he gestured to Jude.

Jude stalked over to him, tilting her chin upwards, rebellion flashing across her eyes. “Brianna asked me to teach her some self-defence moves, not you.”

Sam moved closer until he was towering over her and they were staring into each others eyes. The look she gave him was intoxicating and he wanted nothing more than to push her up against a tree, pinning her there until she cried out in pleasure.

“The more she witnesses, the more she can learn.” His voice was quiet, and he arched an eyebrow, waiting for her to retort.

Jude’s breath caught at the intensity of his gaze and her eyes dazed over. But then she shook her head, an exasperated sigh passed her lips and her jaw tightened. She scrunched her nose before dragging herself away from him and taking Brianna’s arm.

“Come on, we’ll practice away from distractions.” Her tone was clipped.

“You’re the one who called me over.” Sam shot back.

Jude raised one of her hands to make an obscene gesture over her back which made him chuckle. Sam shook his head taking a deep breath in. He watched them walk away before he turned back towards the tents. Jamie and Claire were nowhere to be seen but Roger had definitely witnessed the whole spectacle and now he sat with his mouth wide open, a bunch of forgotten wood tumbling from his hands. As Sam got closer, a wide grin spread across Roger’s face, and he started to chuckle.

“Do you guys do that sort of thing all the time? or…” Roger asked.

“Uh no, well yes, but it’s only sometimes.” He was inwardly cursing himself, couldn’t he have come up with some sort of excuse or a better explanation?

“It’s just for training.” He finally spat out.

Roger raised his eyebrows. “Really? God, I don’t want to know what else you guys get up to when it involves knifes.”

Jamie made a chocking noise behind them, and he turned in time to see a red-faced Claire smack him lightly on the shoulder. They must have just exited the tent behind them and had heard their conversation from inside. Now Sam’s face was flushed with embarrassment. His parents avoided his gaze and set off in different directions like repelling magnets, looking for tasks that needed to be done so they could busy themselves.

Sam stammered; his head was blank of retorts as he turned back to Roger.

Roger snickered, “Don’t worry about it, I’m only winding you up.”

Sam smiled nervously and he started to work on his own tent again.

“I’m glad Jude is teaching Brianna some self-defence.” Roger spoke, nodding his head. “It must feel good to know that Jude can protect herself. The way she fought yesterday was better than some of the men I’ve seen fight.”

“Yeah, but I still worry about her.” Sam muttered under his breath, but Roger heard.

“I guess that never goes away.” Roger looked off towards the horizon where two female figures circled each other, shifting and blocking strikes.

The statement crushed him from all sides, the truthful reality of loving someone was that you were always agonising over their safety. Scared that one day they might just disappear forever.


When they reached Wilmington, Jamie and Sam broke off from the rest of the group to seek out the blacksmith. His workplace was situated down the end of a dark alley that seemed downright sketchy if Sam was honest. It didn’t help that Jamie glanced around skittishly as if something might pounce on them if they didn’t keep their guard up. He had even seen a blacksmith on the main road and was thoroughly confused when they didn’t make their way towards it.

His father seemed to be ‘friends’ with the people who hung about in the shadows. Jamie knocked twice at the blacksmith’s door and then they waited. From inside the forge a string of curses rang out and the sound of metal clanging against something hard, before a large man with a shaggy beard emerged from the doorway.

“Fraser.” He grunted in greeting.

The blacksmith’s beady eyes scanned them both and the strong stench of smoke hit Sam’s nostrils making his face twitch as he hid a grimace.

“Archie, we need ye to melt this down.” Jamie said as he handed the necklace over to the blacksmith.

Archie took the sapphire into his hands, treating it with care as he admired its beauty.

“Why in the world would ye want to destroy this?” The blacksmith looked at them incredulously.

Jamie and Sam both froze, they hadn’t discussed what they would tell the blacksmith if he asked questions.

“It was my wife’s necklace.” Sam started and Jamie side eyed him, his mouth a thin line. Sam locked eyes with Jamie a silent message of trust passed through before he turned back to the blacksmith.

“And she’s a bloody whor*, I want to completely obliterate the thing she holds most precious to her heart.” His voice dropped as he snarled the statement, hoping he had put enough emphasis on his anger.

The blacksmith’s eyebrows raised, and he looked to Jamie for confirmation. Jamie’s face was blank of emotion, except for a slight twitch at the corner of his mouth as he accepted Sam’s quick lie and nodded.

Archie sighed, “Fraser I’m sorry I’ve got a busy day on my hands, I can’t –

He was interrupted by the jingle of coins as Jamie brought out a satchel and deposited it on the wooden desk before them.

“Will this help ye to destroy it now?” Jamie asked, giving the blacksmith a pointed look.

Archie’s jaw tightened as he looked between the satchel of coins and the necklace in his hands.

He sighed again before he said, “alright then. I’ll see what I can do. Ye sure ye don’t want the sapphire melted down into something else?”

“No. No. We just want it gone.” Sam said adamantly.

The blacksmith nodded as he scratched the back of his head, but a look of judgement crossed his face as he walked into the forge.

“Your lie was quite believable.” Jamie said a moment later. Sam wasn’t sure if his father was impressed or judging him slightly. Maybe it was both.

“I know. I wish it wasn’t built half on the truth. It was the most precious thing Jude had from her father.” Sam sighed heavily.

“I think he would rather her stay alive, then keep something that puts us all in danger.” Jamie said quietly.

A half hour later Archie emerged from the forge, pale faced as he held the necklace in his gloved hand. It was still intact, not a scratch had been laid on its shiny surface.

Archie shook his head, his eyes wide as he said, “It wouldn’t melt. In that stinkin forge that’s hotter than anything on this earth. Nothing happened. I even tried smashing it with my tools at the extreme heat. I don’t know what this is, but it’s not a normal sapphire that’s for sure.”

Sam’s stomach sank at the news and his panic started to rise. How could the sapphire not break under extreme pressure? Something had to be protecting it. Something not of this world. At that thought, Raymond came to mind. He would know what to do, he always did. But he wasn’t here, and all the magic that ran through his veins wouldn’t be enough to protect them from COTT.

When magic came to mind it was as if a fog had lifted around Sam and he could finally see clearly. It was the only thing that made sense. Some sort of magic had to be protecting the sapphire from ever being destroyed.

“Thank ye for trying Archie. Please if ye could keep this between us. There’s a few extra coins in there.” Jamie gestured to the satchel.

The blacksmith looked to them then in question, his concern evident but he rubbed his face in exasperation.

“Alright then, well you two have a good rest of your day.” Archie nodded to them, placing the sapphire down on the bench before grabbing the satchel of coins and stumbling back inside.

Jamie swallowed thickly as Sam picked up the necklace and turned to him. A small number of people still bustled up and down the alley. It was not the place to discuss what they would do with the sapphire. They couldn’t risk being overheard by the wrong person. A shiver ran down his spine, as the feeling that they were being watched made his breath catch.

Sure enough, when Sam turned his head subtly to his right a hooded figure came into view leaning against the wall further up the alley.

“I think someone’s watching us.” Sam whispered as he flicked his eyes to the direction of the hooded figure, but the person was gone.

“We need to go now.” Sam said more urgently.

Jamie took his que and led them away from the blacksmith immediately. As they walked, they both glanced over their shoulders numerous times searching for their follower. But they saw no one. They walked down the main street, turned into another alleyway, entered an inn, left through the back door, and double backed to the main street to retrieve their horses before taking a pathway that led to the forest. They kept a brisk pace until the loud chatter from town was a quiet hum in the distance and they had travelled well into the forest.

Jamie glanced about as if he was looking for a sign or something he recognised. Finally, his eyes caught on a tree not far away and he dismounted from his horse making his way towards it. Sam also dismounted walking over to where Jamie was now running his fingers along a cross that seemed to have been quickly slashed into the trunk.

“I told your mother that if we didn’t meet them outside the tailor within the hour to leave Wilmington and meet here. I made markings in the trees to follow.” Jamie spoke.

Sam was surprised, he hadn’t even seen Jamie make the carvings. He was even more impressed that his parents had made a plan in case something went wrong, and their group had to split up. But then again, it was becoming apparent to him that his father was a very calculated person who thought of every possible scenario.

“I didn’t see anyone following us since we left Wilmington. I think we’ll be fine here until everyone else arrives.” Jamie said as he glanced around.

Sam nodded and they tied the horses to a nearby tree. Once they had finished, Sam retrieved the sapphire from his pocket. The way the sunlight made the gem shimmer reminded him of a cold icy slab of darkness. It was as if the stone was taunting him with the power it clutched inside its depths. Just holding the necklace in his hands left him feeling nauseous with the knowledge of the pain it could inflict.

“What if some type of magic is protecting it?” He said looking up into his father’s eyes.

“Magic?” Jamie stared at him in disbelief.

“Is it so hard to believe? Your whole family is full of time travellers. That in itself is some type of magic.”

Jamie blinked fast, his face was pale and he gulped before he said, “aye, you’re right.” He paused. “What do ye propose we do now then?”

Raymond came to the forefront of his mind again, and Sam shoved the image down just as he pushed aside his guilt when he said, “I don’t know.”

Except he did know. He knew Raymond would be able to help. Raymond was the person who knew the most about time travelling and COTT. He must know something about the sapphire and how it could be broken.

A sudden realisation jolted through him. When Raymond had told him about Jude’s family tree, he had mentioned the sapphire necklace. He had advised Harry and himself that it would be what identified the person who sat at the bottom of the tree. The name and date had been smudged so they didn’t know anything else about the person, but Raymond had told them to keep an eye out for the sapphire.

Almost as if he wanted it for himself. This realisation struck him so hard he stumbled slightly where he stood.

Jamie narrowed his eyes in concern. “Are ye alright Sam?”

“Yeah, I’m fine.” He answered quickly, plastering on a small smile that Jamie seemed to accept.

Just because Raymond was searching for the sapphire didn’t mean that he wanted to use it for himself. Sam berated himself for letting his bias affect his judgement. Raymond had made it his life’s mission to destroy COTT. He must have wanted to find the sapphire so that he could take away COTT’s power. It was the only reasonable explanation.

Jamie had turned his back to him and wandered away, studying another tree when large hands enclosed around his throat. Immediately, the air was sucked out of him. He tried to shout for his father’s attention but all that came out was a breathy wheeze. Too quiet. Sam thrashed about but the attacker only held on more tightly, and his eyes started to bulge. He gasped for breath, but he couldn’t clutch a single bit of oxygen out of the air. His windpipe was being crushed and he was going to suffocate.

He kicked the dirt sending it flying and a small rock went along with it thudding against the dirt. Jamie’s head whipped around, and his eyes grew wide with horror as he perceived what was before him. There were stars in Sam’s vision and great splotches of darkness that seemed so inviting and welcoming. He was almost going to give into it when he heard a groan. The hands around his neck were released, and he fell to the ground.

Sam’s throat burned as he chocked, gasping for air to fill his empty lungs. The sound of men shouting and steel clanging against each other filled the air and Sam swivelled trying to locate his father. The splotches of black were starting to ease but his vision was still blurry. All he could make out were two figures in combat, their weapons raised, their bodies moving in a dance.

Sam sucked in another breath of air and his vision cleared enough for him to make out the attacker to be a tall dark-haired man with a burly frame and when he saw his face clenched in concentration, he recognised who it was.


Jamie dodged Desmond’s knife when it struck downwards and now his chest was open to attack.

“No. Wait. Don’t!” Sam voice was like rough sandpaper as he tried to yell, but all that came out was a scratchy wheeze.

It was too late.

Jamie’s eyes flicked to him with concern as his dagger punched through Desmond’s chest.Blood spurted outwards as Jamie pulled his dagger out and Desmond’s eyes grew wide as he began to choke. It was a horrible sight, made worse by the fact that the only person who knew what had happened to Jude’s father was about to take his last breath. Desmond fell back to the ground with a thud, as Sam scrambled to his feet, rushing over to where Jamie stood. He knelt beside Desmond.

“Tell me where you took Avery Taylor!” Sam rasped; his weak voice cracked in the middle of his sentence. Sam took the front of Desmond’s jacket and shook it as if it would shake the answer out of him. Desmond only howled in pain.

“Tell me now! Avery. Taylor.” He accentuated each word as he yelled as loud as his damaged voice could manage.

Desmond’s eyes flashed with recognition but as he tried to speak, blood only spilled from his mouth instead and he coughed before his eyes rolled back into his head. Sam wanted to sink into the dirt bellow him and let it swallow him whole like quicksand. He had failed Jude. He didn’t think he had ever felt so nauseous, his stomach was doing black flips as he stared into Desmond’s pale face in disbelief. His legs were going numb beneath him, and his trouser pants were getting soaked with blood.

Jamie grabbed Sam under his arms hoisting him to his feet and dragging him away from the body. Sam wobbled slightly as he stood, he couldn’t take his eyes off the dead man. His heart beated fiercely as if it was being crushed in his chest.

“Who is he?” Jamie asked quietly.

A stretch of silence carried on where only the birds in the trees could be heard.

“Desmond. He took Jude’s father.” Sam said flatly in response.

Chapter 18


Lots of feelings in this chapter ♥️

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Jamie’s face pinched and he swallowed thickly as he glanced down at Desmond and then back to Sam.

"I killed him." He said gruffly.

Sam's heart leapt at the sight of his father's guilt and an overwhelming need to comfort him sprang forth. “You couldn’t have known. I should have told you about Desmond. But even then, you wouldn’t have been able to recognise what he looked like.”

Jamie closed his eyes and his lips moved slowly as if he was saying a silent prayer. When he opened his eyes, his jaw was tight and he wore a grim expression.

“You saved my life.” Sam said quietly.

Jamie’s head whipped towards him, brows furrowed. “Of course I did. I would’na hesitate to kill anyone that causes ye harm.”

The words warmed his heart, but his brain was still foggy as he took a shaky breath in. His throat still burned from having the life chocked out of him. He didn’t have the words to explain how much it meant to him that his father had protected him. His thoughts were jumbled as he imagined Jude’s reaction to the scene that lay before them and the conclusions that would be drawn.

The thought rushed out before he could stop it. “Jude’s going to be crushed when she sees Desmond. He was the only link she had to finding out what happened to her father.”

Jamie’s mouth twitched at the words and Sam just caught the flash of guilt that washed over his features before a stony expression replaced it.

The sound of hoofbeats trudging up the earth filled the forest, and they knew the rest of the group had come to join them. Jude dismounted from her horse first, strolling over to Sam, a sweet smile donning her face. Claire, Brianna, and Roger carrying Jemmy trailed behind. Jude was a shining light, cheerful and carefree until she noticed the figure on the ground. And as she got closer that shining light faded and Jude’s face turned completely white as she stared at Desmond’s unmoving form. Then her head whipped over to where Sam stood.

“Is he dead?” Her voice was deathly calm.


“Is he dead?” She yelled, her body was rigid, and her eyes shot daggers across at him.

Sam sucked in a breath, “Yes.”

Jude’s eyebrows fluttered and her breathing became shallow as she brought a shaking hand to her chest. The rest of his family watched on in confusion, but Jude and Sam had entered their own world taking no mind of their audience.

“We’ll find another way, I’ll-“

Jude cut him off, anger flashed over her face, “There is no other way! Desmond was our only lead! We have nothing to go off now!” She shouted and tears started to form in her eyes.

Sam grappled for the right words to soothe her. The heart-breaking expression on Jude’s face threatened to snap him in two.

“You promised me Sam. You promised we would find him.” Her voice shook as she sucked in a breath and her eyes turned glassy.

Sam stepped towards her, but Jude stumbled back as if his touch would burn her. It was the shock of finding Desmond dead, it had to be. Since that day in Inverness when they declared their love for one another, Jude had never shied away from his touch. Never. The sight set a panic in his bones. Jude was retreating into herself.

“We will. You just need to trust me.” He said desperation dripping from his tone.

“Trust you? That’s all I’ve been doing these past few months and look where it’s got me! You’ve found your family, but where’s mine?” Tears were streaming down her face as she gestured to the group surrounding them.

As her focus switched to his family, she was reminded of their presence and was met with several shocked faces, staring at her outburst. Jude took a sharp intake of breath as she glanced around for the fastest escape. She was ready to bolt.


Sam reached for her, but she stepped back again, raising her hand.

“No. You knew how much it meant to me that Desmond was kept alive for questioning and now he’s dead. There’s nothing you can do to take that back!”

“Just let me explain.” Sam tried.

“What is there to explain? He’s dead!” Jude shook her head in disbelief.

“I can’t do this here.” She breathed heavily as she glanced to his family again. A terrified look crossed her face before she turned on her heel, in the direction of the horses. Jude was going to leave him. Sam charged after her. He wasn’t going to lose her. Not like this.

They had walked far enough away that their voices wouldn’t be heard by his family.

“Stay. Please.” He whispered and she stopped, finally turning to face him.

“I just need some time to myself. Alone.” Her eyes were cold, but he knew deep inside, her heart was breaking just like his own.

That was the moment he knew she was on the edge of the cliffside again and he was one move away from shoving her off, no matter what move he made.

“Tell me where you’re going at least.” His voice cracked.

“Back into town.”

Sam could only watch as she swung herself on top of her horse and galloped away. He stood frozen to the spot as Jude's broken expression replayed over and over in his mind. And then his father was flashing past him, mounting his own horse, and charging after her. Anger seared through him and before he knew it, his fist had connected with the nearest tree, and he swore loudly.

Sam knew Jude could travel alone. She knew how to defend herself, that’s not what got under his skin. It was the fact that she would rather be alone then take comfort from him. And now instead of him chasing after his own wife, his father was going after her. That was what infuriated him. His skin was burning in the wake of their exit, his head seconds from exploding.

Jude wanted to be alone, and he had understood that. She needed to process this by herself. It was the right decision not to go after her, but it didn’t stop the feeling of being eaten alive from the inside out. His stomach flipped, and his muscles tensed as he rolled his shoulders and sighed loudly.

“Sam.” Claire’s voice was hesitant as she approached him. “What happened?”

He turned to see Claire, Brianna and Roger watching him with matching looks of concern.

Sam swallowed thickly and then he gestured to the dead man. “That’s Desmond. He works for COTT, and he took Jude’s father when she was young. I promised her that when we found him, we would question him. But we didn’t get the chance to.” He paused and then gritted his teeth.

“Jamie killed him.” The words tasted sour in his mouth. Claire’s brows furrowed as she glanced off into the direction Jamie had left in. Sam could see her putting the pieces of the puzzle together in her mind, she now understood why Jamie had fled so fast, without an explanation.

“They all work for the same organisation. There must be other people who know what happened to Jude’s father.” Brianna suggested, nodding her head in encouragement.

“I know that." Sam snapped and immediately regretted it as he watched Brianna's face fall. The same exact thought had crossed his mind, only now answers would be harder to find. Desmond was the key.

Sam sighed, his shoulders sinking in defeat. "We can still find him. It will just be harder with Desmond dead."

He looked back over to Brianna searching her face for any coldness but none was found, only concern. "I'm sorry for snapping at you. It's all a lot to deal with."

Brianna squeezed his upper arm in comfort. "I know. It's okay."

“How long have you two known each other?” Claire’s voice brought him out of his hopeless thoughts. She hadn’t missed any of the words that had shot from Jude’s mouth in a rage. Jude had let slip the comment about only knowing him a few months and Claire had remembered.

Sam shifted uncomfortably trying to decide wether to lie or tell the truth. They were all looking at him with expectant faces. The thought of lying again made him feel nauseous. The truth it would be.

“I’ve only known Jude for three months. When we first met, we worked together to get away from COTT. But then we became friends, and we made a deal to find both of our parents.It quickly turned into more than just searching for our parents. We cared about each other and so we handfast just before we came to Fraser’s Ridge.”

“Were there any witnesses?” Claire asked.


“I thought you said you were married.” Roger commented, his brows furrowed.

His accusing tone tore into Sam and lit his rage again.

“We are!” His voice raised, and Roger looked slightly taken aback, not expecting his defensive stance.

“Just not legally married.” Sam said more quietly.

“But you do want to spend the rest of your life with Jude?” Claire asked.

“Yes. I do.” Sam replied almost immediately.

“Your handfast, that means something, even if it isn’t legal. When we are safe from COTT, you can have your wedding at the Ridge.” Claire’s tone was soothing as if she had engulfed him in a warm hug.

The thought of getting married on the Ridge surrounded by his family felt like a dream. But one that was seeming to move just out of his reach. How was he supposed to get married when the bride may run off on short notice? How could they stay together if she didn’t trust him? If she couldn’t share her grief with him?

As if Brianna could see the inward battle that was occurring in his head, she spoke. “She’ll come back. She loves you.”

Sam only nodded. He hoped that his sister was right. As he thought about Jude, he was glad now that his father had gone after her, at least someone knew exactly where she was. Jude was safe and that was all that mattered to him. The rush of emotions that must have hit Jude moments ago was enough to overwhelm anyone. He wouldn’t let himself consider the possibility that she might not come back. They had made each other promises in that cave in Scotland and they were more than words, it was an unbreakable connection of lost souls.


Jude hadn’t even made it to the town before she heard her name being called through the trees. Sam had followed her after all. Half of her longed to turn around, swing off her horse and be crushed by his big arms enveloping her in safety and love. The other part of her wanted to get as far away as possible to protect herself from the pain she felt.

The sound of hoofbeats grew closer and then her name was called again. Except it wasn’t Sam’s voice. It was deeper, more strained. She didn’t recognise whose voice it was until she looked over her shoulder and saw the red hair.


Jude slowed the horse down. Better to deal with him now, before he demanded to stay with her and follow her into town. She dismounted just as Jamie appeared before her and did the same.

“I don’t need an escort. Please, just go back to your family.” Jude snapped.

Jamie shook his head. “It’s my fault.”

“It’s not-

Jude started but Jamie cut her off.

“I killed him. It’s my fault.” He repeated, his face gave away no emotion as he continued.

“He was strangling Sam. By the time I got to him, Sam was on the verge of suffocating and Desmond was enraged. He would'na stop clawing his way to get to Sam. It was either him or my son. And I chose my son.”

He paused and then looked her straight in the eye as he said,“I will'na apologise for putting him first. But I am sorry that my actions have brought ye pain.”

Jude stared in shock at Jamie’s confession. Bitterness settled in her stomach as she thought of how she had screamed at Sam. The look of utter pain and sadness that had washed over him was seared into her brain. And she was the cause of it.

Seeing Desmond’s dead body had thrown her into a haze, she wasn’t in control of her actions or emotions. Rage had pushed her forward and she had projected it all onto the shoulders of the man she loved. She had squashed him under her boot like he was an ant that meant as much to her as the dirt she scrubbed off her clothes. Like a fool she had run away, while her husband crumbled behind her. She hadn’t even tried to hear him out.

It was wrong and she knew it. Jamie knew it. The whole Fraser Family knew it. People who love each other stay together. They don’t run at the first sign of danger or when faced with heart break or when the world is falling to pieces around them. They stay and they fight for each other. That was what Jude had promised Sam in her vows and she had failed him.

“Oh God.” Jude brought her hand to the crown of her head and squeezed as she closed her eyes and breathed deeply.

She had no idea how much time had passed before she opened her eyes to see Jamie still there. He was peering at her with concern, seeming slightly unsure of himself as he shuffled his feet. Jude wasn’t ready to go back just yet. Images of her father raced through her mind, his kind smile, his determination when he taught her to fight. The thought of seeing the person who had taken her father away, dead on the cold ground, threatened to squeeze the air from her lungs.

“I can’t, I…” She tried to explain

“There’s a stream just down that track. We can stop for a drink.” Jamie said as he pointed to a small pathway through the trees which led downwards.

Jude nodded with relief as she tried to steady her breathing and Jamie made his way to the track, leading his horse behind him. Anywhere was better than the ground where Desmond lay, and she was thirsty, so she followed.

The stream proved to be the escape she needed from the world that was collapsing around her. She kneeled at the water’s edge and drank deeply. The sharp coldness of the water was like small rocks being pegged at her skin, but it helped to calm her down. It extinguished the fire that had raged inside of her only moments ago. The water rippled along her hands as she moved them up and down along with the current. They were starting to turn red and numb from the low temperature, but she didn’t care. It was only a small amount of pain compared to the hopelessness that clutched at her heart.

Leaves crunched under Jamie’s boots as he paced around the horses who were drinking from the stream, and it reminded her of his presence. She glanced up at Jamie and wondered if Sam would age just like him. If lines would form on his face from smiling and laughing. Jude knew Jamie’s life had been filled with torment and she realised with a pang of sadness that the lines of his face were probably formed from frowning too much.

His eyes suddenly locked with hers and they twinkled with a hidden knowledge one only learns with age.

“I find that I think better when the sound of a rippling stream can calm my thoughts.” He looked away as he surveyed the landscape.

“It does help. Thank you.”

Jamie seemed surprised that she was thanking him. Maybe he expected her to be mad that he had killed Desmond. And she was, but that was before she had found out that it was to save Sam. All of her rage had seeped out of her and floated away with the wind as she came to terms with what happened. If she was in Jamie’s position, she would have done the same thing if it meant the difference between Sam living or dying. She couldn’t blame him for that.

“We’ll track COTT until we get answers about yer father. We’ll ken what happened one way or another.” Jamie said gruffly.

The determined set of Jamie’s jaw reminded her of Sam when he put his mind to something. The words he spoke could have come out of Sam’s own mouth; she wouldn’t have been able to tell the difference if she hadn’t been face to face with Jamie.

“I don’t want to drag you into this mess. You don’t need to help me.”

“You’re a part of our family now Jude. You’re a Fraser and we don’t leave anybody behind.”

Jude’s eyes watered at the sincerity in his tone. It also brought a wave of longing for Sam with it, and she wished that he was standing next to her at the stream. She wished her husband was giving her comfort. A deep ache filled her as she thought of the person she had left behind.

Jamie squeezed her shoulder. “We can go back when you’re ready.”

She nodded as he left to tend to the horses again. Now looking out at the clearing, she knew it was up to her to repair what she had broken and that started with trusting the people around her. As hard as it was to lean on others for support, she needed to try before they stopped reaching out their hand to help.


Sam was sitting alone against a tree, his head in his hands as she approached him. Claire had shown her where Sam had wandered off to, pushing her towards him with insistence. He was sheltered by a hanging branch, metres away from where the rest of the family congregated. As if there was an invisible barrier that she could not cross, she stopped before she reached the tree and just stood there for a minute drinking up the sheer presence of him.

“I’m sorry.” She whispered.

Sam’s head whipped upwards immediately at her words, and relief washed over his features. He said nothing as he jumped to his feet and ran to her in record time, wrapping his arms tightly around her small frame. Jude was nearly knocked over by the force of him but she recovered quickly, clutching him to her and relishing in the warm feeling of his body pressed against hers. She breathed in his familiar woody scent, as she sighed against his chest. Sam’s body melted into her own as he buried his head in the crook of her neck, squeezing her tighter as if afraid she would disappear. Jude didn’t know how long they stayed like that, clinging to each other like they were close to death, but Sam eventually loosened his hold and backed away slowly.

Jude reached for him again, missing the close contact but one deadly look from him had her snatching her hands back. His chest rose and fell heavily and then he unleashed everything that had built up inside him while she had been gone.

“Do you know how it feels when you run off like that? It’s like you’ve ripped my heart from my chest and then cut it into strips and no matter how hard I try I can’t put it back together. I feel like I can’t breathe when you’re gone.” Sam’s voice cracked and he swallowed thickly, glancing around as if it hurt to look at her.

“I know.” Jude said quietly, her own chest ached thinking of the pain she had caused him.

“I don’t think you do.” His voice started to raise but he noticed how Jude flinched and he lowered it again. “We are supposed to be in this together. It breaks something inside me a little more each time you run off.”

The look he gave her then was something she never wanted to witness again. It was filled with grief and soul wrenching despair as if something really had broken a part inside of him.

And then it hit her, a glowing light broke the surface, revealing what she had never realised about Sam.

He was petrified of the people he loved leaving him. Sam had just found his family, the people in his life who were going to love him unconditionally, and now he was doing everything he could to make sure it didn’t fall apart. It was exactly what she was afraid of, except they showed it in different ways. She ran away when someone she loved hurt her, but Sam would cling to the person with all his worth, no matter how many bruises he received and even if it meant they left in the end. She wondered if that had started from when Raymond would leave him alone as a child to fend for himself.

“You didn’t deserve that. I’ve been by myself for so long it’s hard to break the pattern of dealing with things on my own. I shouldn’t have left. I’m sorry.” Jude searched for forgiveness in his eyes wondering if she could magically heal all of the wounds inflicted upon him that stung just beneath the surface.

At Sam’s wariness, unshed tears started to form in Jude’s eyes and her voice broke. “I freaked out. It was too much at once, I just needed to escape. But I regretted it the second I could think straight I knew that the one person I wanted beside me wasn’t there and it was my fault.”

Tears started to slowly fall, wetting her cheeks and Sam’s jaw tightened.

“I wished that you were there with me. I love you Sam and I’m so sorry.”

Sam’s face was grave as he said, “you and me, we need to be a team. It’s the only way we are going to get through this. Together.”

“I promise I won’t run again. We stay together.”

The second the words left her mouth, Sam accepted them as if it was a burning truth between them. He reached one hand out for her waist, the other he used to wipe the tears away. Then he kissed her forehead, holding her close again and she relaxed within his arms. When he pulled away and looked into her eyes, his expression was serious.

“I don’t break promises. We will find out what happened to your father, I won’t stop searching until we find answers.”

And she believed him with her whole heart.

“I trust you Sam. We’ll keep looking together.”

He smiled at her words and then he was holding her hand and pulling her away to their horses. As they walked deeper into the forest, leading their horses behind them, the feeling of Sam's hand interlocked securely with hers filled her with warmth and the rest of the world fell away as he guided her. To where, she did not know but it didn't matter as long as she was with him. They made it to an area of the forest where the grass grew thicker, and the trees were placed further apart. Sam tied the horses to a tree and then led her further into the viridescent paradise. Not another soul could be heard as Sam backed her up against rough wood and Jude’s shoulders hit the tree softly.

Ocean eyes darkened by desire, pierced her lips and then flickered towards her eyes. Sam’s right hand splayed over her chest keeping her in place as his eyes started to wander over her body, drinking in the sight of the way the purples fabric hugged her figure.

“I like this dress.” He said as he ran his left hand down the side of her waist, feeling out her curves before travelling back up to feel her breasts, however the corset slightly restricted him.

“It’s new. It was supposed to be for your sister, but she altered it for me.” Her lips parted slightly as she watched and felt his exploration in a slight daze.

He raised his eyebrows. “It does fit you perfectly in all the right places.”

Sam pinched her waist for emphasis, and she squeaked in response. He chuckled as he finally lowered his mouth to hers, capturing her lips in his own. She tried to raise her hands, to touch him, but he pinned them at her sides. Then he started on her neck, and she knew by the way he was sucking that there would be marks of his love left behind on her skin. Jude sighed as he found the spot between her collar bone and the hollow of her throat that felt like heaven when he pressed his lips to it. She wanted to be there in the moment with him but the thought of the Frasers coming to look for them, and stumbling upon their position, suddenly crossed her mind.

“What about your parents and Brianna and Roger?” She said between gasps.

“I told them that when you returned, they could go on ahead. We needed to talk through some things.” His voice was husky near her ear, and it filled her with desire, her lower belly pooled with heat.

“Hmm we should talk more often.” She said breathlessly.

“My thoughts exactly.” Sam chuckled and then he was clutching her waist again and lowering her to the ground. He pulled out the few pins that held her hair in a bun so that it splayed around her head. Sam was entranced as he ran his hands through the silky gold strands that framed her face so perfectly.

“I love your hair.” He said as he kissed her. “And I love your lips.” He kissed her again. “And you’re lovely neck.”

His lips started on her neck again and Jude moaned, throwing her head back to give him better access. Sam kissed beneath her ear and then he was back to her lips, deepening the kiss. The action sent a jolt through both of them, as the kiss suddenly turned frantic, and Sam was clutching at the front of her laces trying to untie them as quickly as possible. Her breasts were revealed and then he descended upon them. She moaned and writhed beneath him as he sucked and rubbed himself against her. It wasn’t enough. He needed to feel a deep connection in a way that only she could provide.

“I need you closer.” Sam whispered and Jude shuddered beneath him in response. He tugged his pants off, and then he was rucking up her skirts. They both gasped as they joined together, and he kissed her deeply. Sam gripped her sides, easing into a relentless rhythm which drew cries of pleasure that would stay hidden forever in the isolated patch of woods they gallivanted in.

Later they basked in the afterglow of each other. Jude turned to her side to see Sam bring his hand up to shield his eyes from the persistent sun that fought its way through the canopy of trees above them. His cheeks were flushed the same warm colour of his hair, and she smiled at the sweetness of it. Then her eyes travelled downwards and a ring of dark green and yellow stood out along his neck. It felt like her stomach was sinking as she cursed herself for not noticing sooner. She had been so focused on his face and the whirlwind of emotions that had coursed through her that she hadn't even checked to see if he was alright after the encounter with Desmond.

“There’s a ring of bruises around your neck.” Sam turned in time to see Jude’s face twitch as if the sight of it caused her pain.

She reached over to touch his neck as light as a feather and he closed his eyes at the sensation. Then she rolled, gently pining his body beneath her and she kissed the bruises softly.

“I’m sorry we didn’t get to you sooner.” She said quietly as she ran her fingers through his auburn locks, massaging the roots and tugging on the ends, coaxing a relaxed sigh from his lips.

“It’s not your fault.” Sam opened his heavy eyelids, so that she could see the sincerity that lay beneath.

“I know. But I wish you hadn’t been hurt.” Jude cupped his check, placing a light kiss there before she moved to his lips again.

The ache he had felt along his neck was long forgotten as Jude travelled further down his body and he fell into a complete bliss. The sky opened up, swallowing him whole as he hurtled towards another sweet release.


I've been super busy lately and haven't had much time to write but thought I would post one of the chapters I have already written. I felt like this was a good one to post before a bit of a break. Hopefully I will be back soon to finish the story off.

Hope you enjoyed :)

Chapter 19


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Jude and Sam travelled separately from the rest of the Fraser’s, taking the time to reconnect away from the pressures of everyday life. They could forget for a precious moment, the horrid fears and threats that plagued them, but all things had to come to an end eventually.

When they arrived home, they went straight to the stables and left the horses near the water troughs so they could drink after the long journey. Laughter boomed from inside the house as they made their way up the stairs. A woman swept past the open door before halting and sticking her head back out, eyes wide.

“Oh goodness! You’re back, everyone will be so glad to see you. They’re all in the sitting room.” Lizzy said with a warm smile as she guided them down the hall.

“Thanks Lizzy.” Sam replied

Another chorus of laughter started, and Sam wondered what they could possibly be talking about which had turned the people he knew into cackling witches. Holding Jude’s hand, he stepped into the sitting room to find Jamie and Claire sitting on the lounge, both of them donning wide grins. A brown-haired man wearing a lavish blue vest sat between them, smiling with amusem*nt. Ian and Fergus were standing near the window. All were listening intently to Brianna who was telling an animated story while Roger chuckled beside her, but she stopped when they entered.

“You’re back!” Brianna exclaimed before jumping up to throw her arms around Jude in greeting and then Sam.

All heads now turned in their direction calling out several greetings, but Sam’s eyes locked on the well kempt man standing beside his father.

“This is Lord John Grey, an old friend of mine. He’s just visiting, before he heads further East for some business.” Jamie said gesturing to the man.

“It’s so lovely to meet you both, Jamie has told me many great things about you.” Lord John said with a crisp English accent.

Sam was surprised that Jamie seemed to be so close with an English man considering his history. Sam would have been slightly intimidated by Lord John if it wasn’t for the way his light eyes softened holding great warmth within.

“It’s nice to meet you too, Lord John.” Sam smiled.

Lord John waved his hand as if embarrassed. “Oh, you can just call me John.”

Sam nodded already feeling the air lighten around them as he looked back to his father’s glowing face.

“Well, why don’t you two sit down and I’ll get you a drink. You must be tired.” Claire spoke, ushering them over to the couch.

Jude and Sam, both thanked her before sitting down. Jamie and John took the seats across from them.

“How did you two meet?” Sam asked.

Both men chuckled, before John answered. “We met before the battle of Culloden. I believed that your mother was being held captive by a clan of Scotsmen.”

He paused, smiling. “She was not. Imagine my surprise as a sixteen-year-old boy when my good intentions to rescue the woman were completely foolish. Your father let me live though, for that I am forever grateful.” Lord John chuckled.

“Aye, we werna friends until much later.” Jamie nodded.

Sam smiled but his brows furrowed in confusion as he wondered how this unlikely friendship formed. Before he could ask, Jude spoke from beside him.

“My father fought in the battle of Culloden. You might have known him.” The room fell silent as Jude searched John’s eyes imploringly. Tension radiated from her stiff posture, sliding off her back and sucking the air from the room. Sam laid his hand on Jude’s lower back in comfort as Jamie and John both raised their eyebrows in surprise at the turn in conversation.

“May I ask what your maiden name was Jude?” Lord John inquired.

“Taylor.” Jude replied.

Lord John paused, a curious look on his face. “I knew of an Avery Taylor. Is there any relation?”

Jude took a sharp intake of breath and Sam started to lightly brush his thumb up and down her spine.

“He was my father.” Jude voice was just above a whisper.

Understanding shone in John’s eyes and he spoke softly. “He was a very brave fellow. Kind too. You should be proud to have had him as your father.”

Jude’s breath caught again, and Sam watched her for signs that tears may start falling but she took a deep breath and plastered on a smile.

“Thank you.”

“You’re more than welcome. Forgive me for asking, but is he no longer here with us?” John asked.

“No. He’s gone.” Jude’s words fell like a heavy sack as she stared down into her lap.

“I’m sorry for your loss.” Sympathy swam in John’s grey eyes as he looked to Jude and then to Sam. Silence stretched among them again as if a long crevice had opened between their seats and was pushing them further and further away. Jude nodded, a tight smile on her face before she turned to Sam.

“I’m just going to go outside for some air.” She said before darting out of the room just as Claire made it back with a tray of drinks.

Claire’s head followed Jude’s retreat before turning back to the room.

“Is Jude alright?” Claire asked, her forehead pinched with worry.

“Yeah, I’m just going to go check on her.” Sam stood up.

“I’m sorry I didn’t mean-

Sam cut off Lord John’s apology, waving his hand. “No need to apologise. It wasn’t personal. Her father is just a sensitive topic.”

Sam gave Lord John a reassuring smile before he ventured off into the hall. Outside on the porch, he found Jude leaning against the railing. She was staring up at the dark clouds that continued to roll in and steal the remaining light from the sky. The cold air whipped across his face as Jude turned to look at him, hearing his movements towards her.

“You didn’t need to come out here. I’m fine. Really.”

“I know. I just thought you might like some company.” Sam gave her a knowing smile as he took his place beside her, looking out onto the wide fields of green.

“Also, it’s kind of cold. You’ll need my warmth.” He tilted his head, so it softly bumped hers.

“Is that so?” Jude asked, her lips tugged slightly upwards.

“Yes.” Sam moved behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and lowering his chin to her shoulder. Jude gripped his hands and sank back into his chest with a sigh.

“Feel warmer?” Sam asked.


Sam gave Jude a small squeeze before he started to nuzzle her neck.

“What do you think of Lord John?” Jude asked.

“He seemed very sincere when he talked of your father. I’m sure if you wanted to know more about him, Lord John would answer your questions.” Sam replied, brushing his thumb over her stomach.

“When you’ve conjured up this perfect image of what you think a person was like. It’s hard to hear the reality and its painful. I don’t know if I want to hear more.” Jude said quietly.

“That’s true. But you must ask yourself… In a few years’ time, would you regret not finding out everything you possibly could from Lord John?”

The question hung in the air between them, and Sam could sense the rainstorm of uncertainty raging on inside Jude’s mind. He hoped that he had somehow eased it slightly so that she could get some closure.


The rain was bucketing down, spraying the window, sounding like small pellets hitting the roof of the house as Sam set the table for dinner. A loud boom of thunder crashed upon them, rattling the glasses of water and Jude shook slightly as she lit candles around the room.

“How was the journey back?” Claire asked.

“It was good.” Sam replied, glancing towards Jude.

Their eyes locked and a recent memory of being wrapped up in each other’s arms put a wide grin on Sam’s face. Jude flushed, quickly turning to peer out the window.

“We were lucky we didn’t get caught out in the storm.” Jude commented.

The storm in addition to the candles gave the whole dinning room a spooky feel as everyone sat down at the table. This feeling was only magnified when halfway through dinner a pounding rap came from the front door, echoing through the hallway. Another burst of lightning and thunder rattled the windows, and everyone paused. Some with lifted forks, others stopping with their glass midway to their lips.

“Are you expecting someone Mama?” Brianna asked.

“No. We’re not.” Claire replied, brows furrowed as she turned to Jamie in question.

Jamie stood and walked towards the hallway as another pound came from the door. His heavy footsteps echoed off the walls and they heard the door opening and quiet murmurs. Lighter footsteps made their way towards the dining room and the front door swung closed. Through the entrance arch way, a man stood with familiar, shoulder length, straggly black hair, his clothes soaked to the bone. The owner didn’t seem to mind as water dripped from his cloak and started to pool on the ground, he bared a wolfish grin.

“Harry?” Sam asked incredulously.

“I know you missed me this time.” Harry chuckled as Sam bounded over to him, Jude not far behind.

Harry’s face glowed with happiness as he enveloped Sam in a crushing hug. Comfort that could only be found with someone you knew well, washed over Sam and he held on tight. When they parted, Sam eyes sparkled with wonder and his face started to hurt from smiling so much. Jamie stood behind Harry, a curious look on his face.

“Jude you look as lovely as ever.” Harry said as he pulled her in for a short hug.

“What are you doing here man?” Sam’s mouth hung open as he shook his head slightly in disbelief.

Harry smirked. “Oh, you know me. I had to make sure you weren’t getting yourself killed. You do have a knack of falling into the most dangerous of situations.”

Claire laughed softly, giving Jamie a not so subtle ‘he got that from you’ look.

Sam scoffed. “What? That’s rubbish.”

“So, you weren’t the one who got locked in a house with witch hunters?” Harry gave him a pointed look, his eyebrows raised.

Lord John tilted his head, a confused expression taking over. Roger looked like he was about to explode with questions, his history professor brain taking over, but before he could ask Sam’s voice filled the room.

“That was one time!” Sam protested.

“Well, what about that time in Glasgow, when I said we should wait until dark to take out those COTT agents, but ‘someone’ decided that daylight would be better, and then I had to call backup to come save that certain someone.” Harry scrunched his nose as he gestured to him. “That wasn’t you?”

His sarcastic tone sent a flush creeping up Sam’s face, but Harry kept going. “You know I’ve got a lot of stories. We could keep dishing them out all day.” Harry glanced at the rest of the group, most of which weren’t sure how to react to Harry’s vigorous energy.

“Okay fine.” Sam sighed. “I can admit that I am a bit accident prone.”

“A bit?” Harry chuckled incredulously. Jamie’s mouth quivered slightly, he seemed to be fighting a wide grin from emerging on his face.

“You can stop now. They don’t need to hear everything.” Sam rolled his eyes, trying to hide his discomfort.

Of course, the first moment Harry was surrounded by his family he would pull out all the worst stories to tell. Harry was like an embarrassing uncle that he couldn’t leave alone with his friends, in fear of complete humiliation.

Brianna made a sound of disappointment. “Oh really? I was excited to hear more.”

“Don’t worry I’ll tell you more when he’s not here.” Harry winked at her, and she grinned back. Roger’s brows furrowed in surprise as he swore the wink that Harry had intended for Brianna had really landed on him.

“I can hear you. I’m standing right here.” Sam gestured to himself.

“So, you are, and you have yet to introduce me to your family.” Harry gave him a pointed look.

A round of introductions were made and Claire found some spare dry clothes for Harry to change into. Lord John was brimming with questions about what Harry had said about COTT agents and witch hunters. A tense second preceded where everyone avoided eye contact as if their secret would spill out onto the table. Sam ended up telling Lord John that it was an inside joke and that Harry sometimes made strange code names for situations they had found themselves in. Better to make Harry seem weird than to drag Lord John into this mess with COTT.

Once Harry was more presentable, he joined the table for dinner. Sam was overjoyed by the way Harry slotted right into the family dynamic. He was a great storyteller after all.

Another round of laughter had just ended after Harry had finished telling a story about Sam falling into the lake when he was learning to fight with a sword. Jamie’s eyes had lit with amusem*nt hearing the story from Sam’s childhood and it warmed his heart to share that piece of him.

“Harry is actually a Mackenzie so really he is part of the family.” Sam spoke.

Surprise floated across the table as everyone did a double take of Harry.

“Yeah. We’re probably fourth or fifth cousins somewhere along the line.” Harry chuckled.

“Who was your mother and father?” Jamie asked, trying to connect the family tree he had mapped out in his head.

“Oh, I never knew my father. But my mother’s name was Mary Mackenzie.” Harry said nonchalantly. Sam knew under the carefree attitude, talk of Harry’s father was a hidden scar that he would rather keep buried than present to the table.

“I don’t recognise the name.” Jamie replied, brows furrowed.

The sensation of his stomach turning inside out hit Sam as he realised that it was impossible for his father to know Harry’s mother. Mary Mackenzie didn’t exist yet, if Harry was born in the 1800’s. Jamie knew his family well and if he kept asking questions it would put everyone in an awkward position, especially Lord John who was unaware of time travel.

“She was disowned by her family when she fell pregnant.” Harry explained, a grim look on his face.

Understanding dawned among the table and Jamie seemed to except this answer, probably deciding it was a sensitive subject and not to pry further. A wave of relief washed over Sam as talk of the upcoming winter on the Ridge was embraced.

Harry leaned closer to Sam and whispered. “We have a lot to talk about.”

Sam nodded.

“No one minds if I take Sam away for a chat?” Harry asked the group.

A chorus of “No’s” sounded out and both men stood. Harry swung an arm around Sam’s shoulder pulling him down the hall and upstairs to the bedrooms.

“I like your sister by the way. She’s very witty.” Harry smiled as if he was replaying something Brianna had said to him in his head.

“Roger’s quite charming too. I like smart guys. He’s got the whole hot professor thing going for him and Scottish accents just send a shiver down my spine you know?” Harry had started to ramble, and Sam’s face had scrunched into a grimace as his words forced him to see Roger in a new light.

“No. No I Don’t.” Sam shook his head.

“Hmm. So sexy.” Harry picked up a candle from the bed side table, giving it a strange look before he put it back down.

“Stop. God, please stop.” Sam cringed putting his thumb and forefinger to the crown of his head as he groaned in displeasure.

“I’m not here to break up a marriage. But there’s no law against observing someone to be attractive and then telling your friend about it.” Harry shrugged, the perfect picture of innocence. “On a more serious note, Raymond sent me out here to collect the sapphire necklace. He knows Jude has it.”

Sam wasn’t shocked by this information. He knew Raymond wanted the sapphire he just didn’t know why.

“But I’m not going to give it to him. If he wants the sapphire so badly, he can come get it himself. Plus, then I can stay here longer.” Harry grinned.

“Oh great.” Sam rolled his eyes.

“Hey, you should be grateful that I’m here. I nearly didn’t make it you know. When I landed at the Gorduna stones, a COTT member tried to kill me. Luckily he didn’t succeed because I am a very skilled fighter.” Harry gestured to himself dramatically and then resumed his observations of the room.

Sam’s eyes grew wide as he now understood why Desmond hadn’t been alerted to their whereabouts. The man that Jamie had let go when saving himself and Jude from those COTT members had been killed by Harry. At least that’s what he thought.

“That was fun.” Harry added as an afterthought.

“Has Raymond told you what the sapphire necklace is used for?” Sam asked.

Harry sighed before taking the seat at the vanity. “No, I asked but he wouldn’t tell me. All I know is that Raymond was very insistent about getting it.”

Sam released the flood gates, letting the truth run free. “COTT can use the sapphire to steal time travellers’ powers and trap their soul forever in any standing stone. The more time travellers they possess the more power their leader can weild.”

Harry’s eyes widened as he looked at Sam with disbelief.

“We have to destroy it before COTT can take it back. We’ve tried smashing it and heating it at extreme temperatures and that hasn’t even put a dent in it. I think its protected by some sort of magic.”

“Jeez, your always right in the thick of things.” Harry raised his eyebrows. “I don’t think Raymond wants the sapphire for himself, if that’s what you’re thinking Sam.” Harry gave him a pointed look.

“I know. I did think that at first, but it doesn’t make sense. He has dedicated his whole life to taking down COTT, he must want to destroy the sapphire. It threatens our very existence.”

“Well then. I guess we’ll just have to wait until he arrives.” Harry replied with a devilish grin.


Everyone retreated to the sitting room for some whisky after dinner. Harry brought out more embarrassing tales of Sam’s life, changing the stories slightly to not include time travel in front of Lord John’s presence. Sam didn’t miss the warm glint in Lord John’s eyes as he smiled, more interested in the man who told the story rather than the words he said.

As the night went on, more of the group dragged themselves off to bed. Until it was just Brianna and Sam giggling like children, the whisky making their heads feel like floating clouds.

“Harry absolutely loves you!” Sam exclaimed. “I think he likes you more than me.”

“That’s absurd.” Brianna laughed, her cheeks turning a rosy colour.

“I’m not kidding. He told me you were the wittiest red head that he had ever met.” Sam wiggled his eyebrows.

“You’re making that up.” Brianna replied.

“I wish. I’ve lived with the bloke for more than half my life, you would think that would earn me a few points.”

Brianna chuckled and Sam’s heart soared to hear the sound.

“Would you like another drink?” Sam asked.

Brianna winced, “I’ll be stumbling home if I have another.”

“Aye, we wouldn’t want that Leannain.”

Brianna and Sam’s head whipped towards the doorway where Jamie stood leaning against the frame a smirk on his face.

“Going to bed any time soon?” Jamie asked, giving them both a pointed look in turn.

“I guess it is getting late.” Sam said looking towards the clock that was nearing midnight.

Brianna made to stand but Jamie’s words halted her movements.

“I wanted to speak to both of ye.” A solemn expression came over him as he walked towards them and took a seat.

A small portrait was nestled in Jamie’s hands, and he ran his fingers over it, reminding Sam of how a person might pet their beloved animal. Jamie swallowed thickly before passing the portrait to Brianna. Sam’s brows furrowed at his father’s obvious discomfort before he looked over Brianna’s shoulder to see the portrait. It was a painting of a small boy with red hair in a tidy green waist coat.

“Who’s this?” Brianna questioned.

“It’s your brother.” Jamie answered.

Sam couldn’t stop his mouth from dropping open. His sister seemed to be in a similar state of confusion as she searched their father’s face for answers.

“I didnae ken if you knew this Sam but I was a prisoner of war. I worked as a groom on an English estate called Helwater.”

“I did. Fiona Graham showed me some of the records.” Sam replied.

“Aye, Well, that’s where he was born.” Jamie’s eyes wandered over to the portrait.

“What is his name?” Sam asked.

“William and your mother kens all about him.” Jamie said before either of them could ask.

“What about his mother?” Brianna inquired.

“She was the daughter of the estate. Her name was Geneva Dunsany."

“Did you- Brianna started but Jamie cut her off.

“No. It wasnae a matter of love between us, but it was her choice and that is all I will say about it.” Jamie said firmly.

“He looks like Sam.” Brianna said, looking over to him. Sam smiled, he couldn’t believe he had another sibling somewhere in this world.

“Where does he live?” Sam asked.

“He lives in London. He doesna ken I am his father, and he never will.” Jamie looked saddened by this and he didn’t meet their eyes. “He is the ninth Earl of Ellesmere. If the truth was found out his life would be ruined.”

Even though William could never know who he was, Sam felt this surge in his bones to find him. To know him.

Jamie continued. “His supposed father died when he was born. So did his mother. Lord John married her sister and they became Willie’s parents.”

So the bond between his father and Lord John was more than just friendship, they in essence shared a child.

“To go from having no siblings, to now having a sister and a brother is more than I could have ever hoped for.” Sam said.

“I wanted both of you to ken there was more of your blood in the world than me and your mother. Yer deserved to ken.” Jamie reached for both of their hands. “Although Willie will never know me to be his father. Having you both in my life has filled a hole inside of me.”

The energy in the air became charged from the deep emotion seeping from Jamie’s face. Sam’s stomach did a somersault at his father’s words and his lips wobbled into a smile. They stayed like that for a while, basking in the love shared between them.

Brianna’s eyes were watering beside him as she took her hand back. Breathing deeply, she shook her head and smiled. “I should get home. Roger’s probably waiting up for me.” She stood and placed a kiss on Jamie’s cheek as she squeezed his shoulder. “Thank you for telling us.”

Jamie nodded. “Goodnight leannain.”

Brianna smiled at them both before she bid them goodnight and left.

Sam turned to his father. “Ja- Uh I mean-“ Sam stammered.

Jamie’s lips tugged up into a half smile before he swooped in to save Sam from the hole he had dug himself into.

“Ye can call me Da. If you would like to.”

“Da.” Sam tested it out and grinned.

The sound made his father’s whole face light up and he nodded in encouragement. Ever since Sam had learned more about his parent’s lives from Fiona Graham, his mind had been racing to understand their actions all those years ago. Sam couldn’t think of a way to slowly ease into the subject of his parent’s twenty-year separation. Maybe there wasn’t any easy way to ask such a painful question. But he needed to understand.

So, he just came out with it. “Why did Claire go back to the 20th century?”

Jamie stared at him, shock settling over his features before he quickly turned his face from view. For a heart stopping moment, Sam was filled with fear that he had pried too far into their lives. It was a personal matter, and they didn’t owe him any answers. Sam braced himself for the bullets of rejection that were about to be fired his way.

“I made her go back.” Jamie finally answered, his brows furrowed as he studied the wooden table before him. “It was the only way I ken they would be safe. I believed I was to die on that battlefield, and I accepted it knowing that I had done everything in my power to make sure nothing harmed your mother or your sister.”

Sam swallowed thickly. “I don’t know how you managed it. I could never imagine losing Jude.”

“Living a life without them was better than if they had stayed and been abused by the English.” Jamie’s whole face tensed as if he was imaging just that in his mind.“I missed them both with every breath of my lungs, but sometimes ye have to sacrifice your own wants and needs for the people you love.”

Jamie then turned to look him in the eye. The kind of look that made Sam feel as if his father could see into the deepest parts of his soul. “Ye understand that don’t ye?”

The seriousness conveyed in his father’s expression left Sam in a trance, only able to nod and choke out one word. “Yes.”

He would kill, be captured, tortured, live a life of solitude if it meant protecting the people that shared his own blood and the people who had worked their way into his heart forever. Would it ever come to that?


I'm back! It's been a while since I have updated this story but I have a few more chapters written and the end is in sight :)

Hope you enjoy this chapter of family life before more drama/danger is upon them 😉

Thanks for coming back to read and if you are new here... Welcome!

Chapter 20


This first part was suppose to be in the chapter before but somehow got cut off. That's why it may feel like this chapter is all over the place. Hope you enjoy!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The week went by quickly, family made the most mundane tasks filled with joy. Collecting fresh water became an unbelievable competition of who could carry the most buckets back to the house. Winner was Harry, although Sam was sure he must have cheated somehow. In the afternoon, Sam joined the water collecting champion for a rest against one of the paddock fences.

“How do you like the Ridge?” Sam asked.

“It has its charms.” Harry smiled patting the solid wood he leant against.

An exaggerated “hmmm” came from Sam in reply and Harry gave him a strange look in question. Sam was waiting for Harry to elaborate, to voice what Sam already knew to be true. He hadn’t missed the stolen glances between Lord John Grey and Harry at dinner last night. No one else seemed to notice, but Sam had known Harry long enough to know when he was infatuated.

“Well, what do you think of Lord John?” Sam said in a low voice.

Heat rose to Harry’s cheeks, and he looked away quickly, shrugging. “He’s alright I suppose.”

“Alright?” Sam repeated.

“Yeah. What do you want me to say?” Harry asked, still avoiding his gaze.

Sam chuckled to himself, Harry thought he could brush off his questions, but Sam would dig for the truth.

“I know there must be something going on between you two.”

Harry looked at him sharply then. “Fine. There might have been something, but he’s leaving tomorrow anyway.” Bitterness creeped into his tone.

“You could find him in a few years, I’m sure that-

Harry cut him off. “And what? What chance could we ever have in this century? He’s a well-known gentleman, if anyone was to find out it would disgrace his name. I can’t be the reason for that.” Harry swallowed thickly, closing the door on any other suggestions.

His breath came heavy as they stood in silence.

“I’m sorry.” Sam spoke quietly.

“Yeah. Me too.” Harry said grimly.

Lord John left the next day. Harry and Sam didn’t speak of it again, knowing that there was no point in reaching for something that could never be. A relationship that would cause more pain than love, in a world where people could be so hateful.


Jamie and Claire had just come back from a walk over Fraser’s Ridge when they saw him approach down the country lane. The figure was short, wearing a billowing brown cloak which stopped just before it met the ground, its hood concealed their face. As he came closer, both Claire and Jamie stood straighter, wary of this newcomer. Jamie squeezed Claire’s hand reassuringly before venturing out to meet the person. Jamie didn’t perceive any threat judging by the size of the man, he expected it might be a beggar come to request some food or shelter. But as their paths met, the man avoided Jamie, stepping to his right and continuing in the direction of the main house.

“Sir?” Jamie asked, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion as he hurried after him.

The man didn’t answer, and a wave of panic flowed through Jamie, one that he concealed from his features without effort. He wasn’t going to let a strange person, enter his house without permission. They would show themselves if they liked it or not. Before he could think of the consequences, Jamie was ripping the cloak from the man’s head, revealing the face underneath. Claire’s eyes widened to the size of saucers and the next breath was stolen from Jamie as he looked upon the pathetic excuse for a man. The one who had caused so much pain and suffering. Shock seared through Jamie, but it was nothing against the fiery rage he felt being within a foot of where Raymond stood.

“You’ve got a lot of nerve showing up here.” Jamie snarled but Raymond didn’t so much as flinch at his words.

“Why did you do it? Why have you come here?” Claire demanded. Her eyes didn’t waver as she stared down the man she wished could be ripped to shreds.

“Did you not read the letter Madonna?” Raymond asked innocently, he seemed surprised at their reactions.

“We read the damn letter.” Jamie said tersely.

“How could you be so selfish?” Claire looked at him imploringly.

“Ah, I feel you have interpreted the letter in the wrong way. My intent was never to hurt the boy or you good people. I merely took the boy to save others. You can understand that can’t you?” Raymond spoke calmy as if they were having a friendly conversation about the weather.

Claire shook her head in disbelief and Raymond continued with his explanation. “I thought you would thank me for saving his life and practically raising the boy. He would not be alive if it wasn’t for me.”

“Raising him? You raised him?” Jamie chuckled viciously. “That’s not the story we heard.”

Raymond raised his eyebrows. “Ah, betrayal does cloud the senses and the memory.”

“No, it doesn’t. Betrayal reveals the wrongs that have long since been buried. I believe my son when he tells me something he kens to be the truth.” Jamie’s voice was deathly quiet, his stare was like a gun directed at Raymond’s head.

Raymond smiled. “Interesting take on the subject at hand. It’s wrong, but interesting nonetheless.”

Claire was beginning to get immensely frustrated at Raymond’s carefree attitude. Her nose scrunched as she hissed, “why are you here?”

“Well, I would have thought Sam would have seen the bigger picture by now. That he would have come back to me. That’s why I sent Harry out.”

And then Claire snapped, racing towards Raymond. “You stole his life away!” She screamed. “You stole him from us! He will never go back to you!”

Their raised voices had drawn the attention of the occupants in the Fraser household. Sam peered out of the front door and blanched completely, his mouth turning dry. His chest rose and fell heavily as he tried to calm the sudden shock that overtook his body. And then as if in a trance, Sam was storming down the stairs to stand face to face with the man that had taken everything from him.

“You’re not welcome here.” Sam hissed. In the back of his mind, Sam knew they needed Raymond, but anger was consuming him.

“Tell me Sam, how is it going with destroying the sapphire. Have you accomplished it yet?” Raymond gave him a pointed look.

Sam’s jaw tightened as he grinded his teeth, his mouth a straight line.

“That’s none of your business.” Claire gritted out. There was venom in Claire’s tone and Sam would have flinched back if there wasn’t already poison in his veins just waiting to be released.

Raymond glanced in Claire’s direction, narrowing his eyes coldly. This caused Jamie to reflexively move closer to her, his own gaze, icy.

Something had caused Raymond’s carefree attitude to shift as his face tightened. “I would say it is my business. Seeing as I’m the only one here who knows how to wipe the sapphire off the face of this Earth.”

“You know what to do?” Sam couldn’t stop the question spilling from his mouth, the desperation he felt to keep his family safe from the sapphire’s power overrode his anger at that moment.

“Yes, that’s what I just said.” Raymond sighed as if he was surrounded by idiots.

“When you asked Harry and I to keep an eye out for the person with the sapphire. You knew what it could do, and you never told us! How are we supposed to trust you now?” Sam asked.

“Yes, that is a grave error on my part. I had a theory, but I did not yet know the extent of the sapphire's powers. Alas, I guess I’m your best choice, moving forward if you want any chance against surviving COTT.”

Sam bristled as if spikes had sprouted all over his body. He was being forced to depend on Raymond again and he hated it beyond measure.

“I propose we go inside, have some tea and calm down.” Raymond’s grey eyes swirled, and a soothing breeze floated past Sam, smoothing the spikes over, allowing him to take a deep breath in. Raymond was right.

“You’re not invited into our home.” Jamie shot back at the same time Sam replied, “Okay.” Sam could not explain what had come over him, his rage had disappeared and in its place was only an itching need to understand Raymond’s motives and his knowledge of the sapphire.

Claire’s eyebrows knitted in confusion as she watched Sam’s tense shoulders drop, and his hands uncurl from the fists that had been there before. His face which had been scrunched in outrage, now was blank of emotion.

Jude seemed to have noticed too and she gasped quietly, before she rounded on Raymond. “What did you do to him?” She shouted.

“He didn’t do anything.” Sam said calmly turning to her in confusion. Jude’s expression was nothing short of horrified.

“Raymond is the only chance we have of destroying that sapphire. We have to at least hear him out.” Sam explained.

There was a tense silence as Sam looked around at his family, willingly them to see reason.

“Let’s go inside, yes?” Raymond asked a slight smirk framing his lips.

Jamie grumbled under his breath in Gaelic and an exasperated sigh left his mouth before he trudged back to the house. Claire gave Raymond a piercing stare, as if she wished her eyes could shatter his bones. Then she turned and followed Jamie.

Raymond’s eyes finally fell on Harry. “Well Harry. You were definitely not successful in your mission.”

“It’s more fun this way. With us all together.” Harry said half-heartedly, but there was a challenge in his gaze.

Raymond sighed before turning to the house.

Once they were all inside, Claire made tea as they took their seats in the sitting room.

“Now, that we’ve all calmed down. I can explain how we will move forward from our predicament.” Raymond glanced at each of them, but he was yet to crack the stony faces that surrounded him.

“A few years ago, a COTT member let loose that they were searching for a sapphire necklace. I knew it was important to COTT but I was unaware of the reasoning. That’s why I told Harry and Sam to keep an eye out for it. While Sam was gone, I found out the real reason why they wanted it and I understand that you all know the truth now too.I sent Harry as a sort of buffer before I arrived. Knowing his loyalty for Sam would exceed the mission I gave him.” Raymond gave Harry a pointed look.

Harry peered out the window, determined to avoid Raymond’s gaze.

“So, how do we destroy the sapphire?” Sam asked, wanting Raymond to get to the point of his visit.

“So impatient.” Raymond scolded.

Jamie straightened, red spreading across his checks at the reprimand Raymond had just given his son. “The only reason yer still sitting here with all yer bones intact, is because we need to ken how to destroy the sapphire.” Jamie snapped.

Raymond raised his eyebrows, catching Claire’s eyes burning with hatred. “Violence is never the answer. I will tell you what you wish to hear.”

It was as if each person in the room held their breath just waiting. Raymond’s eyes sparkled as he began to explain. “The magic that protects the sapphire was sourced from the stones, so we need the stones to unravel the magic which will then allow us to shatter the sapphire.”

“So, we have to go to the Gorduna stones?” Jude asked, trying to make sense of Raymond’s words.

“Precisely. Except the spell I have in mind is more likely to work on a day where travelling through the stones is more favoured.” Raymond grinned, taking a sip from his cup.

Jamie seemed to be turning even redder as magic was brought into the conversation.

“Samhain?” Claire piped up.

“Yes, Madonna.”

“That’s in a week!” Sam exclaimed.

“Very good timing on my part, I must admit.” Raymond said, smiling widely.

A wave of rolled eyes started through the room.

“So, the plan is set. We visit the stones on Samhain and complete the spell.” Sam said.

Raymond nodded, a gleeful expression on his face as he looked around the room. So different from the grave and apprehensive faces that stared back at him.


Tense. Would be the word to describe the week that followed. Jamie and Claire refused to let Raymond stay in the house and each time they crossed paths, Sam was prepared for another explosive fight. He was yet to forgive Raymond himself for all that he had done, and he believed he never would. His anger simmered low, while his parents rage was an ongoing war they were battling right on the surface.

The day before Samhain, they started off towards the Gorduna stones. Brianna and Roger had joined them, as Raymond had requested. Claire was adamant about tagging along too and where she went, Jamie was always at least three steps behind. It was to their advantage, the more time travellers they had, the more likely they would gain enough energy to destroy the sapphire. Although Sam knew that Raymond was on their side, when it came to dealing with COTT, he couldn’t shake the unease he felt about this whole plan. They were stuck in a snow globe and Raymond held it in his hands shaking it up. No one knew where they would end up. They were just following blindly, holding onto a rope that Raymond could cut loose at any moment.

On the eve of Samhain, Jude, Sam, Brianna, Roger, Harry and Claire stood around the Gorduna stones. Jamie stood on the outskirts of the rock formation; his eyes trained on Claire as if he believed she might disappear if he looked away for even a second. Brianna and Claire were both looking pale and slightly disturbed as they stepped closer to the time travelling stones. It only then occurred to Sam that they were probably afraid of accidently travelling to a time they did not wish to go to. Sam was about to reassure them when Raymond spoke.

“Now, create a circle around the centre stone and join hands.” Raymond instructed.

The small breeze whispered against their clothes as the group moved together. Their joined hands inclosing the sapphire which lay on the ground beneath the centre stone. The sun shone in their eyes as it set in the distance, orange rays bathing them in light. Raymond started to chant in what Sam recognised was Latin, although he was unsure of what the words could mean. For a minute, Raymond chanted, but nothing occurred.

Sam made eye contact with Harry, brows furrowing in question. Harry shrugged back and as if on cue, the ground started shaking. Sam squeezed Brianna and Jude’s hands tighter on instinct as he fought to keep his balance. A loud buzzing started up like a group of bee hives had been hung above their heads and all of the bees had come out at once. The sapphire glowed a brilliant ocean blue as Raymond’s chanting became more intense. There was fear in Claire’s eyes as her gaze swept over the group.

“Claire!” Jamie shouted, rushing towards her but the ground shook harder, and he stumbled. Claire turned in the direction of his voice, her hand slipping slightly from Roger’s.

“Don’t let go!” Sam exclaimed. He knew the spell would stop if there were any disruptions and they could not afford to lose their chance of destroying the horrid necklace that lay before them. Claire’s head swung back to Sam’s direction, and she took a deep breath before tightening her hold on Roger.

The ground was shaking so intensely that the group started to kneel and then came the screaming. Ear splitting screams assaulted their senses. Sam shut his eyes, focusing on the feel of Brianna and Jude’s hands. He scrunched his face in pain, hoping with every fibre of his being that no one had let go. The sound of glass shattering echoed through the trees and Sam was thrown backwards. His back hit the ground hard, and silence filled the forest. Sam snapped up quickly, everyone else still lay on the ground as he scrambled to the centre stone.

Cushioned on a pile of dirt, in small pieces of blue lay the sapphire. Destroyed.


Raymond is back and the sapphire is destroyed but COTT is still at large! More to come :)

I was thinking of maybe writing a one-shot for Lord John Grey and Harry, would anyone be interested?

Chapter 21


A bit of a long chapter...

Chapter Text

“You need to leave.” Sam’s voice was rough as he stared into Raymond’s misty grey eyes.

Sam had visited the stables for some peace and quiet and had been followed by the man that encapsulated exactly the opposite. Sam’s eyes shifted to the entrance and then back to Raymond. Knowing that his father could walk in at any moment set him on edge, as he anticipated the explosive fight that would follow.

“COTT is still at large Sam. Think of your family. You are putting them in danger living here.” Raymond said, casting the fishing line.

“I’m protecting them.” Sam gritted out, not falling for the bait.

“You know your presence here is doing more harm than good. You’re one of the most sought-after time travellers by COTT. Come home with me, I can keep you safe.” Raymond’s eyes flickered with the promise of just that.

“I’m not going anywhere with you, and I certainly don’t need your protection.” Sam replied, trying so hard to square his shoulders and act intimidating. In reality, he felt like a six-year-old stomping his foot and clutching his hands in fists.

“I know you’ll come. I know you Sam. You can’t help but put others before yourself. Once you come to your senses, I’ll be waiting. You know where to find me.” Raymond’s wink sent a raging fire through him.

Raymond left the stables, and Sam’s fist connected with the wooden beam in front of him. One of the horses let out a loud whinny in alarm. It felt good to hit something. So, he did it again. Again. Again. Until his hand was hot and achy and raw. He shook it as if that would stop the pain.

“Do ye feel better?”

Sam whipped around at the words, finding his father standing behind him. As silent as a cat, he snuck up on him. Sam breathed out slowly, rolling his shoulders.

“Yeah. I do.” He replied.

Jamie chuckled. “Ye ken I remember yer mother telling me to hit something when I felt frustrated. That piece of advice has helped me on countless occasions.” Jamie smiled and then did his owlish wink.

It was enough to make a grim smile spread across Sam’s face.

“What’s wrong a chuilein?” Jamie asked then, searching his face for answers.

“It’s nothing. I’m fine.” Sam answered quickly. Too quickly, not convincing enough.

Jamie raised his eyebrows in disbelief but didn’t push the matter and relief swept through Sam. Raymond was his issue, he would deal with it in his own time.

“Ye better let Claire see to ye. She’ll surely wallop me over the head if I don’t hand ye over lad.” Jamie eyed his bloodied hand.

Sam chuckled. “I’m sure she would.”

Jamie patted his back as he led Sam to the surgery. Claire had washed and bandaged his hand, all the while, Sam repeated that it wasn’t as bad as it seemed. Claire would have none of it though and chastised him enough that Sam left feeling like he never wanted to hit anything ever again. There was also the questions. His mother had asked him so many questions and he had lied through his teeth, while Jamie shook his head and rolled his eyes, giving him pointed looks behind Claire’s back.

It was a strange feeling, having parents that showed genuine concern. Parents that had started to know his characteristics and mannerisms better that he did. It made him uncomfortable, but there was also the creeping feeling that everything was falling into place, and this was how it was supposed to be all along.

He left the surgery joyful; Raymond had left his mind completely and all he wanted was the woman he loved. Which he found soon enough, picking vegetables from the garden. Sam snuck up behind her, and wrapped his arms around her waist, planting a quick kiss on her cheek. Jude gasped in surprise, squirming out of his grasp. A wide smile broke out across her face as she turned to him. Her eyes settled on his bandaged hand.

“What happened?” She asked, worry lining her features.

“Oh nothing, just cut it while I was splitting wood. It's all wrapped and healing better now that I’m with you.” Sam replied, smirking.

Jude rolled her eyes, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him down for a kiss. The smell of ferns and herbs washed over him as he held her in his arms. There was nothing he wouldn’t do to protect the warm, sweet and loving human before him. Sam held Jude extra tight breathing in the flowery smell of her hair.

“Are you sure you’re alright?” Jude asked again, the sounds half muffled in his shoulder.

“I’m sure.” Sam pulled away, tilting Jude’s chin up to look into his eyes. “I love you Jude more than anything. You know that right?”

“Of course, I do.” Jude’s brows furrowed lightly, and he could practically see the thoughts swimming in her head. Instead of voicing her concerns, she brought her own hand up to his cheek pouring all of her warmth into the touch.

“I love you too.”


The sapphire had been destroyed, but that wasn’t the end. They were all chickens running around in a small enclosure just waiting with trepidation for the next time someone entered and took one of them, never to return again. It was silly. But that was the scene that haunted Sam’s mind. Over and over again. He couldn’t do anything, without thinking of those dam chickens. So sick to his stomach that when they had a rare dinner of duck that night, he couldn’t look at his plate without feeling nauseous. Not wanting to offend his mother by not eating the otherwise delicious meal placed in front of him, he shovelled the food into his mouth. But it tasted like ash on his tongue with an aftertaste of death.

Enough was enough and he could not go on like this. He couldn’t sit with his family and act like everything was fine when it wasn’t. When was the last time he had gone outside without having to constantly check someone wasn’t lurking in the trees watching his every move? He couldn’t remember. And that thought scared him more than the feeling of having the life choked out of him. Because it was nearly one and the same. Living a life where you were fearful every day that someone would hurt your family was not a life. Not one that he wanted to live. The only way he was going to get back any sense of peace and freedom was going after the organisation that had stolen it from him. Better yet, killing the one who was in charge. The one who gave the orders to steal countless lives, to siphon travellers’ powers and clutch it all in their slimy grasp.

Sam would find this person and once he did, they would cease to walk this Earth and then his family would be safe. Every traveller in the world would be safe. The only way to do that was to get to COTT’s headquarters. From there, he would find this maniac and he would find Jude’s father. He would soothe the ache that grew in Jude’s heart, he would fulfil his promise and bring back the man that had been stolen from her.

Jude would never let him go. That he was sure of. There was no point in explaining his reasons. If she knew he was leaving she would drag him back to the house by his ear and yell sweet obscenities into his face. Jude would rather glue herself to him and throw them both off the cliff rather than let him expose himself to the depths of COTT’s cruelty. And he loved her for it. That was why he needed to do this.

Sam finally understood why Raymond had taken him from his parents. It wasn’t an act of selfishness; it was exactly the opposite. He was trained so that when the time came, he could protect his family. He could put an end to COTT and save countless lives.

It was in his blood. Claire and Brianna would never understand his actions but maybe Jamie would. Sam felt in his heart that if his father was in his position, he would do the same. If it meant the difference between waiting around to be captured or going out and fighting. His father would always fight. Just like he had on Culloden moor, and that thought was what warmed his chest as he stood in the crisp night air.

He welcomed the way the chilly breeze hit his face, it made him feel alive and that was what he needed before he left. One last moment to breathe in all that he had found here. A sense of belonging, joy beyond words, and love that only family could bring.

Sam didn’t look back at the house as he mounted his horse and set off into the trees. If he had seen those steps, the large wooden door, the structure that his father had built, it would have tugged him right back. And then he would never complete his last mission.

First on the agenda was getting captured by COTT.


Cold. That was the first thought Jude had as she awoke. She stretched her hand behind her to meet the usual hard-bodied furnace but was met with ice. This sent a visceral reaction right to her core and she shot up, out of the bed. Darkness consumed the room creating the doomed feeling of being trapped in a tight box. Alone.

Jude took a deep breath trying to calm her racing heart. She wasn’t alone. Sam was still somewhere in this house. He must have been thirsty and had left for a drink of water. Maybe he couldn’t sleep and was downstairs reading a book. Jude grabbed her cloak to put on over her shift and ventured out into the hallway. The eerie silence sent her heart pounding again. She crept down the stairs slowly, trying to make the least noise possible, not wanting to be the reason the rest of the household also got a terrible night’s sleep.

Once on the first-floor landing, Jude peered into the kitchen to find it empty. Unease tugged at her as if someone had shoved a hook right into her stomach. A switch flipped inside her and then Jude was off, searching every bit of the house, her footsteps becoming heavier and more careless with each desolate room she found. At last, she threw open the front door and ran across the porch. The moonlight illuminated Sam’s favourite bench as if it was a spotlight taunting her. Her stomach was doing somersaults as she charged back into the house and right up to Harry’s door. A natural instinct led her there, she knew the man behind that door would know what to do.

She raised her fist ready to knock only to find herself gasping for air. And then the door opened, and blue eyes filled with fear met calming yet concerned green eyes.

“Jude? I thought I heard someone running around.” Harry questioned.

“Have you…” Jude took in a gulp of air and tried again. “Have you..

“Hey, just breath first.” Harry placed his hands on her arms and stared into her eyes as he said, “In… one, two. Out…one, two.”

Jude didn’t know how long Harry repeated those two lines, breathing in sync with her but eventually her breathing evened out and she could think clearly.

“Have you seen Sam?” Jude burst out.

“Uh no. I was sleeping. Why? Is he not with you?” Harry asked, brows furrowed.

“No. I woke up and he was gone, and I can’t find him. What if he went outside and COTT found him?” Jude cried.

“Let’s not worry just yet, maybe he went for a walk.” Harry suggested.

“In the middle of the night?” Jude exclaimed incredulously.

“Right. Even for Sam. That is a weird thing to do. What if you go get dressed and we’ll go looking for him?” Harry asked casually.

Jude couldn’t believe the light tone of Harry’s voice. His best friend was missing! She opened her mouth to point this out but slowly closed it at the earnest look Harry gave her. And then she truly looked at the man before her, underneath the calmness she was sure he was just as scared as her, but he had a clear head when it came to leaping into action.

“Okay.” Jude finally nodded and ran back upstairs, only to come face to face with Claire. It was as if Sam’s mother could sense that something terrible had occurred because there was no greeting only a question.

“What’s wrong?” Claire asked, worry lines marked her face.

Jude swallowed thickly. “I can’t find Sam.”

Claire shook her head trying to process Jude’s words. “What?”

“I woke up and he wasn’t there, and I’ve looked everywhere, and I can’t find him!” Jude rambled.

“Oh God.” Claire covered her mouth with her hand and then turned sharply on her heel heading back to the bedroom Jude assumed Jamie was in. Jude ventured back to her own room. She didn’t think she had dressed so fast in her life. She swept over to the vanity meaning to retrieve some pins to settle her hair away from her face when she saw it.

A note. In Sam’s handwriting, tucked beneath a novel. Jude pulled it out, hands shaking.

My Cherie,

I love you more than life and that is why I must do this. For you and everybody I love will never be safe while COTT is still a threat. It was destined to end this way. I have to find their base and put an end to this. I have trained for this my whole life, and I am ready for what lies ahead.

The months I have spent on the Ridge are the happiest of my life and I could not live with myself if I didn’t do something to stop the threat that hangs over us every day. I will fight to my last breath to destroy COTT’s organisation and bring the safety that we should have had from the start.

Just know, that I have never loved anyone the way that I love you, Jude.

Yours Forever,


Tears sprang to Jude’s eyes and before she knew it, they were falling onto the page, smudging the ink. Sam’s words of love ran down the page and dripped onto the floor. A sob escaped Jude’s mouth as the letter fell from her hands and she leaned on the vanity for support.

“Jude?” Claire’s voice was quiet as she gently opened the door.

Jude didn’t answer. She didn’t even turn as she closed her eyes. Her heart had crashed to the floor right beside the letter. Hesitant footsteps made their way towards her and then a soft hand was placed on her back. Jude opened her eyes to see Claire searching her face for answers. All she could do was lower her eyes to where the note lay. Claire reached for it and a sharp intake of breath came from her as she read. Then she was wrapping her arms around Jude, holding her close just like Sam always did.

Jude felt hollow, like all the happiness that she was capable of had been scooped out. But where immense sadness had festered, the glowering heat of anger was beginning to surge, and Jude pushed away from Claire briskly.

“The bloody idiot sacrificed himself.” The words flew out of Jude’s mouth before she could stop them.

Shock washed over Claire’s features, but Jude was rushing out the door before she could say anything. Jude knew who to blame. Luckily the man in question had been sticking to Fraser’s Ridge like a leech all week, no matter how many times Claire and Jamie had told him he was not welcome. As she made her way down the stairs, her eyes set upon him in the foyer of the house. It was uncanny that he always seemed to show up in the right spot at the right time.

“You. What did you say to him?” Jude all but yelled at Raymond. The short old man was flustered, and fumbled for words as Jude towered over him.

“This was not his fight alone. All you have ever told him is that his only value in life is to save others. Sam is one person. The fate of COTT does not fall on his shoulders alone. You are the reason he is gone!” Jude seethed, snarling at the little old man.

Jude was angry at Raymond but it in no way compared to the rage she felt when she thought of Sam. She never knew she could feel such burning anger for someone she loved so dearly. Someone that made her feel above the world. Someone who had left her without even saying goodbye.

“Jude.” Jamie’s voice was soft behind her.

Jude whipped around to meet his concerned face. “Sam’s gone!”

“We’ll get him back.” A determined look simmered in Jamie’s eyes. He would go to the ends of the earth to save his family.

“How? We don’t even know where he’s gone!” Jude exclaimed, her voice raising.

“A simple locator spell shall suffice.” Raymond said calmly.

Jude looked at him incredulously. “Are you serious?”

Raymond stared back at her, confusion settling over him before he answered solemnly, “Yes. However, I am drained from destroying the sapphire. I will need to regain my energy. I’ll also need to find the supplies for the spell.”

“How long will that take? Sam is in danger. Who knows what they’re capable of doing?” The words tumbled from her mouth as she tried to keep at bay the images of Sam bruised and bleeding from her mind.

“It may take a few weeks. I’m sorry Jude.” It was the first time she had ever seen sincerity in Raymond’s eyes, and she wondered if he truly did care for Sam.

“At least they don’t have the sapphire. They can’t trap him in the stones or steal his powers.” Harry said, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder, but she shrugged it off.

“That doesn’t mean they won’t torture him!” Jude rounded on Harry, her cheeks turning a fiery red.

“Trust me, I want to find him just as much as you do.” Harry peered at all of the faces surrounding them and then focused on Jude. “We all want to find him.”

Jude felt the strain in the room like a bowstring pulled tight. Claire leaned against the stair railing as if she might fall over without it’s support, her face white as a ghost. Jamie was clenching and unclenching his fists, his mind was somewhere else, perhaps already orchestrating a plan. Raymond seemed anxious, maybe even afraid as he watched her warily and shifted from foot to foot. And Harry stood in front of her, eyebrows knitted together in worry as he extended his hand.

“Come on, we’ll gather all of our information and work on a plan.” He said softly.

Jude took the lifeline that Harry offered and let him lead her into the kitchen.


It wasn’t hard to get caught. Hang around any standing stones for long enough and a COTT member was bound to go by. Sam didn’t put up a fight. He let them bound his wrists, blind fold him and drag him to their headquarters. They had taken all of his weapons, even the small dagger Sam had hidden in his boot.

They travelled through stones and then they were walking for hours, while the sun beat down upon them. Finally, at the end of a gravel road, they reached their destination, and his blindfold was removed. Before his eyes loomed a grand stone castle that reached into the sky and shielded them from the sun’s rays. The area around them could only be described as a graveyard, void of life, of nature, of happiness.

Guards stood watch on the top level with bow strings at the ready. Other guards stood by the front door eyeing him with distain. He was shoved inside and then dragged down many halls until he was pushed into a throne room. A tall man with a short grey beard lounged on the throne, but he straightened as Sam entered. The man wore a contemplative expression as he squinted his eyes. A small stout man who had his back turned to Sam stood next to the throne. When he turned around, Sam recognised his dark eyes and greedy smile immediately. It was the man who Jude had held up against a tree. The one they had let go.

The guards bowed deeply to their leader and one of them pushed Sam’s back down forcibly so that he would too. Sam gritted his teeth to stop himself from punching the guard.

When they stood straight again, the guard who held him spoke. “We found this one wandering around the Gorduna stones.”

The man who stood next to the throne chair chuckled before turning to his leader. “Arioch, I know this man. He was last seen with the girl who wore the sapphire.”

Sam gave the man a death glare. Ungrateful Bastard.

Arioch’s eyes widened. “Bring him closer.”

Sam was dragged forward, and he made sure to stare their leader in the eyes. He was not afraid.

“Where is the sapphire my boy?” Arioch’s voice was cold and unnaturally high, it sent a shiver down his spine, but Sam tensed to conceal it.

“Tell me why you want it, and I will tell you where it is.” Sam hissed out.

Flames shone in Arioch’s eyes, as hot as the anger that ran through his veins. His snarl was feral as he stood and backhanded Sam. The pain washed over him, bringing tears to his eyes but he didn’t dare make a sound. He would not fall a part in front of this sorry excuse for a man.

“Throw him into the cells. Maybe he will be more inclined to answer my questions after Redcap is through with him.” Arioch’s mouth twisted into a cruel smile, his eyes were trained on Sam’s form as he was dragged from the room.

When they arrived in the prison block, the guards threw him to the grimy stone floor. Before he could stand, a boot connected with his ribs sending a shooting pain across his abdomen. Sam gritted his teeth as the guard landed another hit and then the iron gate to his cell let out a piercing squeal as it was shut and locked behind him.

When the footsteps retreated further enough away, he finally let out a groan as he gasped for breath clutching his side. After he had recovered enough to steady his breathing, Sam slowly lifted himself from the floor taking in the surroundings of his living arrangements. A small torch was lit in the hallway, bouncing just enough light off the walls so that he could see in front of him. From what he could tell, at the end of the hallway a guard stood behind the door. There was stone on either side of him and he craned his neck trying to see into the hall for any other prisoners, but none revealed themselves. Sam doubted he was the only one down here. It was dark and they were probably too abused to take notice of any newcomer.

The rope that bounded his hands had been removed and he hadn’t been put in shackles which was strange. Either Arioch was a complete fool, or something far nastier than he had been subjected to lurked around the corner and there was no chance of breaking out of this cell. While he wanted to believe the former the latter was more likely. The stone felt cold on his back as he slipped down the wall and sat. Resting his head back, he closed his eyes and was met with Jude’s sweet smile. The crease of her vibrant blue eyes when she laughed and the hint of a slight dimple on her left cheek. The shiny golden hair that trailed down her back, so soft to the touch with an everlasting scent of wildflowers. The sun had gifted a part of itself to her and she shared it with him every time he felt her in his arms.

Just like the last time he had seen her, just before he left. They had laid in bed, his head buried in the crook of her shoulder while she played with his hair and drew circles along his back. She thought he had seemed tense, worried, and he had assured her that he wasn’t. Jude didn’t believe him and had insisted on coaxing his troubles away. And she did. With her hands she calmed his thoughts, and he could feel the ghost of her touch upon him as she soothed him now.

He couldn’t remember how or when he had fallen asleep on the hard ground but sometime later, he was woken by the shrieking of metal as his cell gate was opened.

“Hope you enjoyed your sleep, because it will be the last one that’s not plagued by nightmares after I’m done with ya.”

A beast of a man towered over him, his large nose was scrunched along with his beady eyes as his lips curled back with a snarl. Sam shot up from the ground, using the wall to steady himself. Even standing the man was still looking down at him, and Sam swore he heard a low growl as he stepped towards him. This must be Redcap, the person Arioch had referred to yesterday before Sam was taken to the cell. He tried not to visibly swallow as he imagined the horrors of this man’s preferred questioning techniques.

“Now if ya don’t answer my questions, ye get hit. If you do answer, depending on the quality of the answer given I won’t hit ya. Either way I’m going to have a lot of fun with you.” The man let out a low chuckle.

Whatever was thrown at him, he would show no weakness.

“Where is the sapphire?” Redcap snarled.

No answer. Blow to the face.

The interrogation went for hours, Sam was sure he lost consciousness at least twice but was whacked awake again to resume the attack. When he awoke hours later, all he could feel was pain, mostly in his face. He brought a shaky hand to his nose and took a sharp intake of breath at the burn of pain that followed. He hoped it wasn’t broken. His eyes were puffy and swollen as he tried to see out into the hallway and a sour, metallic taste clung to his mouth.

Crawling to the cell gate he found a stale piece of bread and a small cup of what he presumed was water. His stomach ached and he didn’t think twice before he shoved the food down his throat and sculled the water. He was about to move back to the corner of his cell when he thought he heard a whisper of a voice. Shaking his head, he wondered if he was hallucinating as the whisper came again.

“Are you awake boy?” The voice came from the right side of the stone wall of his cell.

Sam stared in wonder as he saw a piece of stone had been removed from the wall and a hand was now waving. He cautiously made his way to it, crouching so that his eye was level with the hole. The hand suddenly pulled back and in its place were two blue eyes, which widened in shock.

“Hello?” Sam asked.

“Ah, he got you good, didn’t he?” The man sucked in a breath and Sam could imagine the grimace on the stranger’s face.

Sam didn’t reply.

“Well welcome to the club, been here a long time myself. Seen many come and go. It’s better to accept your fate than to keep fighting. No one escapes here.”

Anger flared through Sam’s veins. They couldn't keep him here forever. He would not die in this slimy cell.

“I will.” Sam said as if it was a hard fact.

The man raised his eyebrows and then let out a full belly laugh. But the sound that came from him was hollow and his wide grin didn’t reach his eyes. His laugh stopped abruptly as he said, “Everyone says that.”

The man started to laugh again but it was more of a giggle and Sam stared at him in confusion. The cell and the guards had surely crushed this man’s spirits and drove him mad. The thought that he would turn into this giggling heap of a person after another hundred rounds of interrogation made him feel sick. He couldn’t fathom it.

“How have you given up? Don’t you have someone or something that you would fight to get back to?” Sam asked shaking his head.

The laugh was cut short, and coldness swept into the man’s eyes.

“That’s none of your business.” He hissed and then the stone was replaced in the wall and Sam was left alone.

He had lockpicks in the sole of his shoe, he could get out of here on his own. But there would be guards waiting outside and he only had once chance to get out. Once they found the lockpicks there was no way he could break out of his cell. If anyone could give him answers about the guards it would be the prisoner that had been here for years. And that meant he needed to get on the good side of his crazed neighbour.

Chapter 22


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Sam lay on his side, staring at the wall when he saw the stone move impossibly slow and silent. He sat up immediately and hissed as a sharp pain sliced across his ribs and spots clouded his vision. Either his ribs were broken or just bruised but they hurt like hell as he scrambled over to the hole in the wall. A hand jerked out, something in its grasp. Sam reached out to grab it and a piece of bread fell into his lap. His mouth dropped open. Speechless.

“Eat it. From what I heard; you had a tough day.” The man grumbled.

Heat rose up his throat as he stared at the piece of bread in shame. Had he screamed? He couldn’t remember most of the interrogation today, but some sort of horrible sound must have passed his lips for the man to take pity on him.

“It’s okay. You need it just as much as me.” Sam rasped as he tried to push the bread back through the hole, but the stranger refused shoving Sam’s hand back.

“I don’t. I’m used to little food and you’re not. And you’re injured. Be grateful for it and eat up.” The man snapped.

Something about his tone reminded Sam of how he thought a father might reprimand his son. So, he shut up and ate the bread.

“Thank you.” Sam said when he was finished.

The man grumbled something under his breath that sounded very similar to "Of course you are."

Sam let out a frustrated sigh. “Do you have any information about when the guards switch shifts? Anything about the rotations or where they are stationed?”

There was a gleam in the strangers’ eyes that promised he knew just that and maybe more.

“You do. Don’t you?” Sam prodded.

“Perhaps I know a thing or two. But I wouldn’t want to give a fellow prisoner false hope now, would I?”

“How could it be false hope? Anything you tell me could be helpful for getting out of here.”

“And what makes you think you will even make it to the hallway?”

“I’ve got a lockpick in the sole of my shoe.” Sam whispered.

The man raised his eyebrows. “Ooooh, full of surprises you are.”

Sam rolled his eyes. “Okay, now you know how I will get out of the cell. Tell me about the guards.”

“How about no.”

Sam huffed but quickly clutched his side as another sharp pain came with it. The man was unreasonable, it was if he wanted to stay in his cell forever.

“I don’t want to just escape. I want to kill Arioch.” Sam all but hissed.

The man giggled and then was in hysterics as he slapped his thigh. Sam sighed. Trying to get answers out of the man was like offering decaying rats to someone for breakfast. He was not interested in taking a bite.

Finally, the man wheezed out. “That’s impossible.”

“Not if you have something to fight for… Or someone.” Sam said quietly.

It was as if an amused mask was ripped off the man’s face as it transformed into stone. Sam had struck a nerve. He expected the man to shove the stone back into the wall, but he just stared.

The silence stretched on until he spoke, dead of emotion. “Why?”

That one word filled Sam with hope. Maybe the man just needed a reminder of what to fight for. Being isolated in this dark, wretched place had sucked the life out of him.

“Family. To save their lives.”

The man was quiet for a moment and Sam willed himself to be patient.

“I tried once.” The man paused, looking down. “To kill Arioch. I didn’t succeed as you can tell.” His hands came up gesturing to his cell. “Arioch was once my friend, and he threw me in this dreadful place.” His voice dripped of despair.

“What happened?” Sam asked.

“Arioch used to be a kind person. A good friend. That was, before his lover died. Her name was Sarah, and she was a traveller like him, but one day Arioch brought her through the stones, and she didn’t make it out the other side with him.” The man didn’t look at him as he spoke, and Sam could tell these memories were a burden.

“It drove Arioch insane. He swore he would pull her soul back from the depths of those stones, but he didn’t have enough power. That’s when he created the sapphire.” The man shook his head.

“Immense heartbreak twisted into something so evil. Arioch was drunk off the power he possessed and somewhere along the way it became more than trying to bring back his lover.” He wore a guilty expression as he finished the story.

“So how did you end up here?” Sam asked.

“When I realised the lengths to which he would go, to become more powerful, I knew it was wrong. Arioch started collecting time travellers, throwing them in these cells until he broke them and if they wouldn’t help him capture more travellers, he would steal their own power instead, and trap them in the stones.”

“I stole the sapphire and I travelled to 1742. I changed my identity, and I lived a quiet life in a cottage in England, somewhere no one would search for me. I tried to destroy the damn thing for years, but no matter what I tried it wouldn’t break.”

“COTT eventually found me, and they dragged me back to headquarters. Arioch told me it was my punishment to rot in this cell for the rest of my life for abandoning him.” The man paused and his eyes twinkled with hope as he looked over to Sam.

“But they didn’t know I had a daughter.”

Sam froze. His heart stammered in his chest as the pieces of the man’s story came together like a puzzle.

“I gave the sapphire to her and told her to run to the stones so that she could travel to someplace that was safe.” The man clutched his chest as if it pained him greatly to talk of her.

It felt like the world was caving in on Sam as he pulled himself closer to the hole in the wall.

“Your daughter. What is her name?” Sam asked frantically.

The man gave him a strange look as he studied the crazed expression that crept across Sam’s face.

Quietly he spoke. “Her name is Jude.”


Even though the sun shone brightly, a gloom fell over the Fraser household. Sam was the only topic of conversation, the only person on everyone’s minds. The family shuffled about, lost in their grief and frustration, waiting for the moment Raymond could complete the locator spell. There was no way to find COTT's base unless they were captured and if they were captured they were no help to Sam. Harry said they needed to rescue him on their own terms as a united front and with the element of surprise. Jude had fought him on it at first, she was ready to set out immediately, but in the end she finally understood it was the only advantage they had and she was not going to let it slip away. Now all that was left to do was wait and wait she did.

Jude stared at the white ceiling, numbing herself to the pain that had taken over her life for the last week. The sheets she lay on still smelled like him. If she closed her eyes and squeezed the pillow in front of her tight enough she could convince herself he was still here. For a while that worked, but then the loneliness would creep back in, like a spider crawling over her skin that she couldn’t brush away.

A soft knock sounded at the door.

“Jude?” Claire asked hesitantly.


“Dinner is ready.” Claire’s voice was so soothing, it made Jude want to jump up, rip the door open and fall into her arms.

But she didn’t. She didn’t even reply.

The rejection she aimed at her mother-in-law crushed her heart, but she couldn’t let herself feel the pain. She couldn’t be close to someone who remind her so much of the man that was gone. It would tear her a part.

Claire sighed before she made her way downstairs and into the kitchen.

“Is she comin down Sassenach?” Jamie asked.

Claire didn’t look at him, knowing that if she did all of her worries would pour out of her. She shook her head and then started to spoon out the stew into bowls.

Jamie rubbed his hand down her back soothingly, her glass face giving away her emotions. “The lass will be okay. Everything will be alright Mo Chridhe.”

His voice was like a magnet pulling her towards him and before Claire knew it she was in his arms. Jamie’s warmth calmed her, lifting the heaviness from her chest.

“I’m so worried about her and I miss Sam.” Claire whispered; her face buried in his neck.

“I ken Mo chride. I ken.” Jamie whispered back.

They separated as they heard the front door open and footsteps coming down the hall. Claire rubbed her eyes as Brianna strode into the room.

“Has Jude come down yet?” Brianna asked, her eyes searched both of their faces.

“No, she hasn’t.” Claire said softly. “Brianna I-

Claire tried to warn her daughter of what she would find upstairs, but Brianna had hastily left the kitchen.

There was another knock on Jude’s bedroom door. This one was not as soft as the one before.

“Jude?” Brianna’s voice sounded out and was met with silence. “Jude, I’m coming in.”

Jude’s eyes went wide as she heard the creak of the door being pulled open and realised her sister-in-law was very serious about her intentions. Jude didn’t move from her place on the bed and scrunched her eyes tightly shut. Maybe Brianna would eventually give up and leave.

A heavy weight settled on the foot of the bed.

“Sam wouldn’t want you to stay here like this. He would want you to eat.” Brianna said soothingly, touching Jude’s ankle where it lay under the blankets.

“Don’t.” Jude’s voice was deathly quiet, and Brianna froze. “Don’t tell me what he would want. He’s not here.”

“I know. But we are. We’re you’re family Jude. We care about you, and we hate seeing you hurt like this.”

“The only family I have ever had has left me. My father didn’t have a choice. But Sam did and he made it. Until we know his whereabouts I’m going to stay here, and nothing you say or do is going to help.” Jude snarled. Anger surfaced but it was directed at the wrong redhead.

Jude’s words pierced like a knife, and the weight on the end of the bed lifted immediately, the door swinging shut seconds later. She knew what she had said was harsh, but she couldn’t bring herself to care, she had numbed herself to the feeling. Was it selfish to be so angry at Sam for leaving her when he was trying to save his loved ones? Was she allowed to be furious that he hadn’t taken him with her? Jude buried herself further into the blankets and pillows, shielding herself from the world.


“Jude.” Sam repeated, a shiver ran down his body as he said the name aloud. He opened his mouth to speak but no words came out. Jude’s father sat before him. The man Jude believed to have died was now breathing the same air as him. How could he begin to explain the way he knew his daughter?

The man furrowed his eyebrows, waiting for an explanation.

“Avery Taylor.” Sam burst out.

The reaction was immediate. Avery sprang back from the hole as if he had been burned.

“Who told you of that name?” Avery hissed.

“Your daughter told me.” Sam replied.

Avery’s eyes grew wide. “You know Jude?”

“Yes. She’s…well, she’s my wife.” Sam couldn't help the blush that crept across his face as he looked at Avery with as much sincerity as he could muster.

Avery blinked slowly, his breath becoming heavy as he processed. Finally, he spoke. “Is she safe?”

“Yes. She’s with my family. They will keep her safe, I-

Avery interrupted him. “How did you come to find yourself here then?”

“I was captured on purpose, I-“

“You stupid, delusional boy!” Avery shouted. “How could you think you could kill the most powerful time traveller in the world all by yourself.”

Sam repelled back as if he had been slapped. He could hear footsteps outside the hallway as Guards shifted around and Sam looked towards the door with worry before he spoke. “I couldn’t just sit around waiting for them to take us.”

“So, you thought you would get yourself killed first and leave my daughter a widow!” Avery said exasperated.

Sam was growing increasingly more irritated at the fatherly lecture being directed towards him.

“No. I thought I’m going to kill Arioch so that we can have a normal, peaceful life.” Sam said through gritted teeth.

“And how did she feel about you leaving? The Jude I knew would have put up a fight.” Avery said, his thumb poking into his chest as he gestured towards himself.

“She didn’t know I was leaving.” Sam said quietly.

“So, you lied to her?” Avery said outraged.

“You’re one to talk about lying! How could you not tell her about time travel, about COTT?

Avery wouldn’t even look at him as he spoke. “The knowledge that Jude was safe, and Arioch didn’t have the sapphire was what has kept me alive for seven years in this miserable cell.”

Avery touched the stone wall before him. “I should have told her the truth about time travel and the part I played in working for COTT, but I couldn’t bring myself to shatter the inherent goodness that Jude perceived the world with. I just hoped that the physical training I provided would be enough so that she could protect herself if COTT ever found her.”

“Yeah well, they did find her. They found both of us.” Sam replied bitterly.

Avery seemed to slump into a ball of guilt, as he lowered his eyes to the floor.

“But Jude’s a great fighter. We fought COTT and we will do it again. I’m not giving up.” Sam said his voice steady.

Avery looked at him then and nodded. “I’ll help you escape.”

Sam smiled and they launched into a solid plan.


Jude surfaced from the dark cocoon that had become her room. But she did not spring forth as a fresh butterfly, she was more like a beaten down moth with chipped wings. She was tethered to the floor, only able to shuffle her feet along as she carried out the banal tasks that existence asked of her. This sick to the stomach feeling was never ending and she often awoke extremely nauseous and dizzy, like her body knew it was missing a vital piece.

The air was musty in the stables, where Jude refilled the water troughs for the horses. It was a solitary task that kept her busy. It also took her mind off painful memories and the many eyes that tracked her movements back at the house.A quiet chuckle stopped her in her tracks, bucket of water clutched in her hands. Harry gave her a warm smile which she did not return, instead she turned her back to him and poured the water into the trough.

“Looks like you’re having plenty of fun.”

Jude could imagine the wide grin which accompanied his words, and it almost made her turn around if only to remember there were still reasons to smile.

“I just wanted to check up on you. See how you were doing.” Harry said.

The wooden fence groaned, a sure sign that Harry was leaning against it.

“I’m doing as well as I can in the circ*mstances.” Jude said evenly finally looking Harry in the eye.

Harry nodded. “That’s good. Just take it one day at a time.”

“That’s easy for you to say.” Jude replied, rolling her eyes as she made her way outside.

She didn’t get far before a hand grabbed her arm, unexpectantly soft.

“You don’t think I was hurt by it?” Harry spoke quietly, his brows furrowed. “Sam’s my best mate.”

“I know that.” Jude couldn’t meet his eye as a heavy weight settled in her stomach.

Harry let go of her arm. “We can blame Sam all we want, but we also must realise the impact Raymond had on shaping that man’s mind. Sam did this because he loves us. I know you know that to be true.”

Jude looked at the sadness etched on Harry’s face and felt tears welling up in her eyes as her shields dropped and grief poured in.

“Faced with the same choice as Sam, to stay here and do nothing or to go out and fight, wouldn’t you do everything that you could to save the people you love?” Harry asked.

Jude closed her eyes as she felt her heart shatter. All this time she had been replacing this sadness with anger because it was easier to be angry with Sam then to face the truth. It was easier to numb herself to the pain of losing the only thing that made sense in the world then to really feel it.

“There is a family on this ridge who cares about you. It’s time you do the same for them.” Harry squeezed her shoulder and gave her a tight smile before he left her standing outside the stables, a second away from crumbling to the ground.


One more chapter to go!

Chapter 23


Gear up for a long finale! 😉


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The Fraser’s were a forgiving lot and Jude settled quickly back into family life. The hopelessness that had squeezed the life from her was slowly being replaced by the love of the family around her and their stubborn will to find Sam. They travelled in groups to the Gorduna stones to search for any clues or evidence left behind that might point them in the right direction to Sam’s whereabouts. But their efforts so far had been futile.

Just when tensions were starting to rise, Raymond appeared at their door one afternoon and the family gathered in the study.

“We can do the spell.” Raymond’s eyes lit up. “For precise results I would need a hair strand from the person we are trying to find. But in this case, the closet DNA match should suffice.” Raymond’s gaze fell upon Brianna.

“My hair?” Brianna asked, her mouth agape.

“Yes.” Raymond nodded in confirmation.

The confirmation had barely left his mouth before Brianna had reached up and ripped out a few strands of vibrant red hair.

“We also need a map.” Raymond peered in Jamie’s direction, and he left to retrieve one.

Once the map was laid out upon the dining table, Raymond started the spell. He took a vial of some sort of grey substance from his cloak and deposited the red strands of hair within it. The vial was then shaken in a circular motion as Raymond spoke softly in Latin. Wind flowed through the house and several doors slammed shut, putting everyone on edge. Tension pulled at the room as Raymond closed his eyes concealing the vial between both of his hands. Jude and Brianna held the map down as Raymond’s hands started to shake and his voice became louder. They heard a startling crack and an orange liquid dripped from Raymond’s hands onto the map. The liquid did not soak the paper but hovered above it, congregating in a puddle like it had a mind of its own and was weighing up its options.

Raymond stopped speaking and his eyes opened as the liquid started to move. It slid across the Atlantic Ocean coming to rest upon England.

They all leaned over the table trying to read the location.

“He is on the island of Crestwell, just off the coast of England. That is where COTT’s base must be.” Raymond spoke.

Raymond took his pointer finger, dipped it into the orange liquid and spread it over the date in the top right hand corner. The number changed before their eyes to read ‘2nd of May 1449.’

Harry spoke first, his words urgent. “If we leave this afternoon, we can reach the Gorduna stones in two days’ time.”

“We’ll start preparing now.” Brianna said meeting Roger’s eye.

“I’ll pack my medical supplies.” Claire said seeming anxious to get to her surgery.

“Once we find the base, we’ll have a better idea of how we can infiltrate the security and reach Sam.” Raymond spoke, and Harry nodded along.

Jude felt a fluttering in her chest as their plan was all starting to come together. But there was also a nagging feeling that something was wrong. Jamie had been awfully quiet. She turned to find Jamie’s face drained of colour as if someone had shot him right through the chest. Claire was giving him a concerned side eye but was also trying to listen to the spoken plan. It was as if she knew exactly what Jamie was feeling but didn’t want to draw attention to it in a group setting. They had such a unique way of communicating each other’s needs without words and Jude was in awe of it.

“Da, are you alright?” Brianna’s voice cut through Jude’s thoughts and all eyes fell on Jamie.

Jamie cleared his throat. “Aye. It’s just I won’t be able to come with ye. I cannae travel through the stones.” He finished, mouth tight.

Raymond and Harry excused themselves to start the preparations and the room was silent. It hadn’t even occurred to Jude that Jamie would not be by their side fighting for his son. The highland warrior was instead forced to stay caged in this time, his strength and intelligence laying to waste. There were no words of comfort to give, it was something that could not be changed. Jamie could not time travel.


Avery and Sam talked for hours. Mostly about Jude. Avery’s face lit up, proudness radiating off him as Sam described their near misses with COTT. At dinner time they were greeted with a new face, one that peered around skittishly as he entered. His mousy brown hair covered his eyes, and he looked down on the walk to their cell door. The guard was short, and his skinny arm shoved some stale bread through the metal bars.

“Hey!” Sam shouted, rushing to the cell bars. The guard looked like a startled deer as he faced Sam. His brown eyes widened before he turned on his heel and left hurriedly.

Sam’s brows furrowed in confusion; it was unusual for the guards not to be confrontational. Maybe the man was newly stationed. When Sam went to retrieve his meagre dinner, something else caught his eye. A piece of parchment lay on the stone floor, scribbled across it someone had wrote, “There are people here who are on your side.” On the back the note read, “Destroy this immediately”. He did just that, but not before he had shown Avery and they had pondered the meaning late into the night.

Sam was determined to speak to the guard that had left the note and hoped that the same one would be on duty the following night. Luck was on his side.

The guard entered, eyes down avoiding eye contact.

“Please we just want to talk.” Sam pleaded.

“Lower your voice.” The guard hissed, looking towards the door anxiously. More bits of bread were chucked into the cell one by one, as the guard started to talk in a whisper.

“Tomorrow night. The travellers who want to escape are going to band together and fight our way out of here. Will you join us?” The guard looked Sam in the eye, seeking affirmation.

“Yes.” Sam whispered, at the same time Avery asked. “What’s the plan?”

The guard exhaled and his shoulders dropped from their tense position. “My name is William. I’ll be back the same time tomorrow but with other guards. We’ll let you out and then we will fight our way out. I can’t stay any longer. Stay alert and be ready.” William whispered fiercely before laying down a mug of water and springing himself away from their cells like a thief in the night.

All that was left to do was wait and plan their escape.


Claire bustled around her surgery, pulling bandages and poultices from the shelves and stuffing them into her side bag. Jamie leaned against the surgery table as he watched her hold two vials in front of her face, her brows scrunched in concentration as she looked between the two. She sighed in exasperation and packed them both.

“Sassenach, you’ll bring him back to us?” Jamie asked, studying the ground.

Claire paused in her motions, slowly turning to face Jamie’s sunken face. His body was deflated as if pulled down by weights. Claire made her way towards him, coming to stand between his legs. She placed her hands on either side of his face, forcing him to look at her.

“I know that it must be horrible, feeling helpless in the face of all this, but we have a group of people who will fight until the ends of the earth for Sam, and I will do everything in my power to get our son back.” Claire’s eyes were steady as a promise was exchanged between them.

“I ken ye will, mo chridhe.” Jamie said softly.

Claire brought her lips to his, pouring her panic and stress into the kiss and in exchange Jamie gave her strength, as he gripped her hips tightly. Claire left a soft kiss on Jamie’s cheek before whispering, “We’ll be back before you know it, soldier.”

Jamie sighed before wrapping his arms around Claire and holding her close, nose buried in her curls. It felt like a goodbye and Claire could hardly stand it. They were being separated again. Tears sprung to her eyes as she caught a whiff of Jamie’s woody scent, something that had haunted her for years when she thought him to be dead.

The bell on the door of the surgery rang out as it was pulled open roughly. Jamie and Claire both turned to see Brianna in the doorway, face pinched with worry.

“I’m staying.” Brianna’s voice cut through the uncomfortable silence.

Jamie’s brows furrowed in confusion. “I willna ask you te do that leannin.”

“I’ve already made up my mind.” Brianna’s watery eyes flashed in warning. “Jemmy is sick. I can’t leave him.”

“Jemmy’s sick?” Claire repeated in surprise.

“He has a slight fever. I think it’s just a virus he will get over but he’s very upset and I can’t just leave him here.” Brianna said, eyes flicking between her mother and father.

“You don’t need to explain yourself to us Bree. For you, Jemmy comes before everyone else, as it is for every mother and their child.” Claire replied, squeezing Brianna’s shoulder.

Roger appeared behind Brianna. “Raymond and Harry want to get moving. Are you nearly finished packing Claire?”

“Yes. I should be done within the hour.” Claire spoke as she hurried back to her shelves.

Two days later, they all stood before the Gorduna stones ready to make their trip. Jude’s skin was buzzing with anticipation. This was the closest she had been to seeing Sam in weeks. But as much as she wanted to focus on the positives, she couldn’t stop thinking of the fight that would follow their arrival at COTT’s headquarters. Someone was going to get hurt.

Jude hadn’t slept well the night before, being extremely nauseous and now her head ached as the sun shone in her eyes and the buzz of conversation beside her droned on like a hive of bees.

“I know this is scary and they might not see each other again, but we haven’t got all day!” Harry shook his head as he watched Claire and Jamie’s foreheads tipped against each other, murmuring softly, far away from where he stood. Brianna and Roger were to their right, repeating similar actions. Roger was kneeling on the ground as he hugged Jemmy tight.

“That’s a bit insensitive.” Raymond turned to Harry.

“You’re one to talk when it comes to being insensitive.” Harry huffed in outrage.

“I have my moments.” Raymond’s eyes narrowed.

“God, if that’s not the understatement of the century.” Harry rolled his eyes.

Jude’s head pounded and she brought her hand up to massage her forehead.

“Well, there are times when one can say certain things and I-

“Oh, and I’m supposed to believe you’re a good judge of that.”

“Shut up!” Jude yelled and all eyes fell upon her. “Are we ready to go?” She looked around and nods greeted her back.

They gathered around the centre stone. Jamie stood in the outer circle of the stones, arm around Brianna’s shoulders, Jemmy on her hip.

“If all goes to plan, we will be back within the hour.” Harry said looking around at the group.

Of course, more time would pass for them, but they would not keep Jamie and Brianna waiting anxiously for any longer than they needed to. And so, they all joined hands and Raymond touched the centre stone, using his magic to keep them together and guide them on their course through time.


Sam and Avery waited in the dark of their cells, anticipation running through their veins. The sound of the door at the end of the hall being opened sent a bolt down Sam’s spine and he stood to freedom.

William’s face came into focus as he held up a torch, flames souring upwards.

“The other guards are keeping watch outside. They will be wearing a blue stripe on their uniform as a symbol for others. They’re on our side.” William spoke as he took out the key and unlocked their cells.

“How many men do we have?” Avery asked.

“Maybe 30. I’m not sure of the numbers. We have been planning this escape for a while we just needed to ensure an effective distraction.” William said giving them both a sword to wield.

“Distraction?” Sam questioned.

“Explosives. They will be set off in half an hour. Servants will be sent to put out the flames and we will escape through the servants’ quarters, out the south end of the castle and into the woods. It’s three hours to the closest stone circle and then we’re on our own.” William gave Sam a pointed look and he nodded.

No sooner had they made it out of the dungeons than a mighty boom echoed off the walls and the castle shook. A series of booms followed like a set of shotguns being continuously fired. Sam placed his hands on the wall to steady himself and looked over to Avery in question.

Avery’s head whipped over towards William whose eyes had turned fearful and skittish.

“The bloody idiots have set them off early.” William choked out. “We can still make it out, if we go now, I’ll show you the way to the servant’s quarters.” William co*ked his head to the left indicating where they would go.

“Where would Arioch be now?” Sam asked.

Shouts could be heard below and the clang of steel against steel. Fighting was already underway.

William spluttered. “What? Why would you want to know that?”

“Just tell me!” Sam raised his voice, impatiently.

“Well, he’s probably in the throne room but I-

“Where is that?” Sam asked hurriedly.

“It’s on the ground floor on the east wing. You’re not going to go down there are you?” William asked but Sam and Avery were already sprinting down the hall to the East.

Finding the stair well, they took the stairs two at a time. Leaping down each storey.

“When we find him. I’m going to kill him.” Sam’s voice seared with rage.

Their feet touched the ground floor and an arrow whizzed through the air missing Avery’s head by inches.

“Get down!” Avery yelled, placing his hands on Sam’s shoulders, dragging him down. From the ground they could survey the fight in the entrance hall. Flashes of swords flung through the air, grunts and screams echoing off the walls as guards engaged one another. Some with a blue stripe on their uniform. Others without.

Sam rose and charged into the madness. Avery on his heels. They fought like a team, like a well practised dance they had been perfecting for weeks. A sword cut towards Sam’s right side. Avery deflected. A guard turned towards Avery and Sam knocked him down. They fought until they made it to the end of the entrance hall. Footsteps came behind them and they turned to see another three guards advancing upon them.

Avery turned to Sam, gripping his shoulder.

“Go on ahead. I’ll be right behind you. I know you’ll do the right thing. I’m proud to have you as my son in law.” Avery dipped his head, Jude’s eyes staring into Sam’s soul, freezing him where he stood.

“Go!” Avery yelled, pushing Sam onwards and turning to meet his adversaries.

Sam felt a warm glow in his chest as he set off East towards the throne room. He knew Avery could handle himself. The man was like an assassin when it came to fighting, he had seen it with his own eyes. And now there was only one objective left. The final mission to complete.


Raymond, Harry, Jude, Roger, and Claire reached the grand castle just as an explosion occurred. Flames shot through the middle of the fort and screams sounded out as the grouppeered down the hill. Fights had broken out among the guards on the roof in a brutal show of force.

They approached the entrance and a guard nearly barrelled right into them. Harry and Jude drew their weapons at once.

“I mean ye no harm. I’m only trying to escape.” The man trembled, holding his hands up in surrender.

“What’s going on?” Jude asked.

“Some of the guards are rebelling. The ones wearing the blue stripe on the sleeve of their uniform. This is my only chance to get out.” The man’s eyes pleaded with them, and Harry and Jude lowered their swords.

The man scurried away into the night and the group drew together.

“I say we find somewhere safe for Claire to stay and then we search the castle for Sam.” Raymond spoke.

They found a hidden alcove for Claire to hide and then Raymond and Harry set off for the East of the castle. Jude and Roger taking the West side.

Jude stood close to Roger. She would never forgive herself if something happened to Brianna’s husband. She would be his shield if it came down to it.

Entering the second hall, a group of guards were upon them. Jude sliced her sword through the air, taking down the guard to her right as Roger took the left side. Two men had fallen at her feet when she heard a grunt and turned to see Roger hitting the ground. Then something hard and fast hit the side of her jaw and pain washed over her as she was thrown off her feet. Jude’s sword clattered to the stone floor beside her, just out of arms reach.

A man hovered above her, his yellow teeth gleaming as he raised his sword to attack. Jude gasped, turning to the side and curling in on herself, ready for the feel of the blade piercing her skin. But nothing came.

Jude looked up as a sharp blade slide through the man’s stomach. He gagged, falling backwards. Jude’s heart skipped a beat as her saviour’s face came into view. Her own eyes peered back at her with equal amounts of shock.

“Father?” Jude all but whispered before she was crushed in a warm hug.

“We have to go quick, darling. Sam is in the throne room.” Avery’s eyes were wild as he looked up and down the hall.

“You know Sam?” Jude said, head whipping towards her father in astonishment.

“There are many things we need to talk about but now we need to help Sam.” Avery smiled, brushing Jude’s cheek with his thumb.

“What about Roger?” Jude exclaimed before kneeling at Roger’s limp unconscious form. There was a large bump on his head, but he had no other obvious injuries.

“He’s probably got a concussion. We’ll come back for the man.” Avery said, placing his hand on Jude’s back, and ushering her along.


Arioch rose from his throne as Sam entered the room. Dark eyes followed Sam’s movement with icy concentration.

“Have you come to fight me?” Arioch whispered.

Sam unleashed his sword and pointed it towards him. “It is what you make of it.” Sam replied evenly.

A gun was sheathed along Arioch’s belt, but his hand tightened around his sword instead.

“Fair is fair.” Arioch said, nodding his head towards the sword he held in front of him.

Sam leapt forward and the fight begun. Arioch stabbed hard and fast, but Sam was quick to dodge his movements and stay out of the reach of his blade. Sam feigned stepping to his left and then stabbed with his right hand, but Arioch anticipated this and sliced through Sam’s arm. Blood poured out of a wide cut, dripping down his arm. Sam’s sword clattered to the ground, and he looked up, expecting the end.

The glint of steel being thrown through the air caught Sam’s eye and Arioch suddenly stiffened in front of him as it found its target. Arioch fell to his knees, coughing up blood. A knife protruded from his back.

In the direction the knife had been thrown stood Raymond, his grey eyes full of concern. A child-like relief swept over Sam, but the bubble soon burst as he turned back to see a gun in Arioch’s hand pointed to his chest.

“You don’t have to do this.” Sam spoke desperately.

“I will shoot down anyone who stands in my way.” Arioch croaked, blood pooling at his knees and then he fired one last fatal shot.

Time slowed as the bullet skimmed through the air and Raymond dove in front of him. Sam’s heart lurched as Arioch and Raymond both collapsed, gasping for air. Falling to his knees in front of the man who had saved his life, Sam grappled at Raymond’s chest trying to stem the bleeding.

“Everything I did was for you. I wanted you to be safe, to survive.” Raymond croaked as the blood that ran through his veins, drained out of the hole in his body like water in a sink. In his own twisted way, Raymond had cared for Sam, he knew that to be true.

Raymond shuddered. “I wanted you to live.”

Sam’s breath came fast as the blood soaked his hands, and the puzzle piece that was Raymond’s gunshot wound became impossible to complete. Sam finally looked at Raymond’s face and dull eyes, void of life stared back.

“Raymond. No. Raymond.” Uncontrollable sobs shook his body as Sam gripped Raymond’s shirt.

Soft cries echoed throughout the throne room as the shouts of men and the bloody fight beyond grew closer. Sam sucked in a deep breath, forcing the air out again, grounding himself for what would be unleashed on him next. Taking a shaky hand, he closed Raymond’s eyes.

“Goodbye Raymond.” Sam whispered.

The grand doors burst open and the sword fighting spilled out onto the floor as Sam stood. Arioch’s body was crumpled like a pile of dirty clothes and when Sam saw his soulless eyes, he knew him to be dead. The knowledge lit a fire within him and raising his sword, Sam charged towards the scrimmage. Aiming for the legs or arms, Sam slashed his sword, wanting to injure but not fatally harm. There were too many dead already.

The last man fell at his feet and then Harry was crushing him in a hug.

“Sam.” Harry spoke his name reverently, gripping him tightly. Harry stepped back and shook his head ruefully before his eyes fell upon the unmoving form of Raymond.

“He’s dead.” Harry stated flatly. Sam nodded and he saw the inward battle raging within Harry as his mouth tightened.

The sun filtered through the windows, spreading light over the fallen men. Sam turned to the hallway and a flash of golden hair blended with the rays of sunlight before a solid body was launched into his arms. The calming wave of fern and wildflowers washed over him as he buried his head in her shoulder, breathing her in. To hold her again. To touch her. To feel her heart beating against his chest was like coming home.

And then his mouth was on hers, desperate and life giving. When they parted, Jude held him at arm’s length, her eyes roving over his body processing the additional wear and tear. Sam opened his mouth to say something. Anything. He wanted to think of a stupid joke just to hear Jude’s gorgeous laugh. But as Jude’s eyes found his again there was a wild frenzy waiting to be unleashed.

“Are you bleeding?” Jude asked, patting his shirt that was soaked with Raymond’s blood.

“Not much.” Sam wheezed out as Jude’s hand hit one of the ribs, he was sure was broken.

“Are you sure?” Jude said, grabbing the hem of his shirt ready to peel it off so she could examine herself.

The first sight of bruises that covered his stomach was shown and Jude gasped before he roughly pushed his shirt back down.

“I think.” Sam panted. “A few ribs are broken.”

Jude looked up at him, worry draining from her eyes. Her hands were soft as she cupped his face, massaging the skin behind his ears. Sam closed his eyes, falling into the sensation of gentleness after so much physical abuse.

“You look horrible.” Jude stated straight faced.

At this, Sam’s eyes sprang open and he scoffed. “Wow, way to bring a man down when he’s already hurt.”

Jude gave him a weak smile before pressing her lips to his.


Claire was horrified when she examined Sam’s injuries before they left the castle. Their reunion was filled with curses and playful jests. Sam tried not to look at his mother’s face which displayed her every emotion. It made his stomach ache with guilt, hurting more than his bruised ribs. After many salves and stitches were applied to Sam, Avery and Roger they were able to set off. For the first time in Sam’s life, no one was hunting him.

“That tops the most stupid thing that you have ever done Samuel Fraser.” Harry spoke as they walked through the woods towards the stones.

“Are you sure? I’ve done a lot of stupid things.” Sam sighed, turning to catch Jude’s eye but she had turned away and was looking through the trees, oblivious to their conversation.

“If that’s not the truest thing I’ve ever heard.” Harry replied.

When they arrived in North Carolina, Jamie and Brianna were waiting anxiously. Jamie seemed in a state of shock as they appeared again, only moments after they had left. But he smiled as he gripped Sam’s arms.

“My son.” Jamie said as if in a trance. “Ye have returned for good now?” Jamie asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Yes.” Sam replied with a smile.

Jamie looked around at the people assembled and then back to Sam.

“Where’s Raymond?” Jamie asked.

Standing behind Sam, Claire looked at Jamie and then shook her head.

“He’s dead.” Sam replied flatly.

Jamie’s face was emotionless as he peered at Sam’s pained expression.

“Raymond killed COTT’s leader. He is the reason I am alive.” Sam said and an uncomfortable silence followed, that had him contemplating the relief that would come from being swallowed whole by the ground at his feet.

Finally Jamie spoke, although Sam could tell the words were strained. “Well then. The man deserves a toast of the finest whiskey.”

Claire coming to Jamie’s side, gave a small smile and nodded. Sam wondered if his parents would ever forgive Raymond for what he had done. Knowing all they did now. Raymond's actions in that castle couldn’t bring back his childhood, but it had given him closure. And he could finally close the door on that part of his life. For his parents, he doubted it was that simple. Forgiving Raymond was an island they would never visit, a trip they would probably never embark on.

Stories were told from the separation and holes in their lives where filled in. Sam was glad to see that Jamie and Claire got along very well with Avery Taylor. Sam wanted to point this observation out to Jude, but she was deep in conversation with Brianna. Jude held Jemmy in her arms, rocking and soothing the boy. The sight filled him with a warmth deep in his stomach. His thoughts were alight with the idea Jude might do the same to their own child one day.

As the sky turned a deep purple, dusk settled upon them, and they made camp in the woods. The fire warmed their chilled bones, bringing them all closer together, especially Jude and her father as they reconnected. They shared stories that sparked laughter and reddened cheeks. Avery told a story of Jude’s temporary infatuation with a farm boy in the village where she grew up. Jude visually glowed being in her father’s presence as she threw her head back to laugh. Sam tried to catch her eye throughout the story but was ignored. A pit formed in his stomach as he realised Jude had been brushing him off ever since they had left the castle. Their reunion had been emotionally charged but something had shifted afterwards.

“Are you alright Sam?” Claire whispered to him.

Drawn out of his thoughts, Sam looked sharply at her. “I’m fine, why wouldn’t I be?”

“Oh, you’ve just been awfully quiet.” Claire replied, her eyes full of concern.

“I’m just tired. Actually, I think I’m going to try and get some sleep.” Sam gave her a weak smile as he gestured with his head to a spot away from the fire and began to rise.

He walked away, missing the warmth immediately as the loud voices of family changed to quiet murmuring. Finding a soft piece of land, Sam settled down on the ground, wrapping a blanket around his shoulders. Just as he closed his eyes, he felt a hand on his back, and he shot up quickly.

“Sorry I didn’t mean to startle you.” Jude whispered, looking down at him.

“It’s okay. I’m just a bit jumpy after… well you know.” Sam said quietly.

“Are you feeling sick or something?” Jude asked, but her voice lacked the sympathy from earlier.

“No, just wanted a bit of quiet is all.” Sam replied.

Jude’s brows furrowed. This seemed to be the wrong answer.

“Being stuck in a cell for weeks wasn’t quiet enough?” Jude asked bitterly.

“Of course, it was quiet. I just wanted to sleep.” Sam scrambled for words as Jude’s frown deepened.

“You just left the group without a word. I would have come with you if you had asked.” Hurt laced her tone.

“I thought you looked happy. I didn’t want to disturb you.” Sam stood up now.

“So instead of asking me how I felt, you decided to make the decision for me?” Jude scoffed.

Sam shook his head in confusion. “If you wanted to come with me, you could have just left. I wasn’t making you stay there.”

Jude let out a huff of frustration. “That’s rich.”

Sam blinked slowly at her. She wasn’t making any sense. “Jude, what is this really about?”

“How can you have no idea why I’m upset!” Jude exclaimed, her voice raising slightly.

Sam swallowed thickly at the menacing face before him. His head hurt and his eyes were dry, he felt heavy like a sack of bricks set to tip over. Thunder brewed beneath Jude’s exterior, and his next words set it off cracking like a whip.

“I don’t know why Jude.” He said lamely.

“You left!” Jude bellowed and he sensed several heads turning towards them from the fire. “You just left without a care about what or who you were leaving behind!”

Her words cut deep and Sam’s own anger rose.

“You were always on my mind. Every. Single. Day!” Sam’s voice raised.

“You didn’t even ask me what I wanted!” Jude shouted and then as if defeated she said more quietly, “You didn’t think how it would feel, to finally find the person you want to spend the rest of your life with and then have that person ripped away.” Tears threatened to spill from her eyes as she looked at him.

“I didn’t want to hurt you.” Sam’s voice cracked.

“Well, you did. You did hurt me.” Jude whispered, her voice shaking, as her lips wobbled.

“Jude. I’m so sorry.” Waves of emotion simmered in his dark eyes and Jude fought hard not to drown in them. She finally looked away as she sniffled.

“I know there is nothing I can say to make up for what I did. But I will work every day to show you I can be the man you deserve to have by your side.” There was power and promise behind his words.

“Jude, please look at me.” Sam pleaded.

Jude’s eyes snapped to his. “Don’t you dare do anything like this again. Or I swear to God, I will kill you myself. We’re in this together. That’s what you told me.” Jude grounded out, her hand landing on his chest.

“I know. I’m sorry that I didn’t hold up my end.”

Jude frowned as she nodded and then turned to the fire. One head would pop up to look over at them and then turn back quickly. This was replaced by another head, repeating the same action. So much for being inconspicuous.

“Can we go somewhere else. A bit further away perhaps?” Sam asked, holding his hand out to bridge the gap between them.

Jude took his hand and they walked further into the forest. Her hand was warm in his and it made Sam ache for more. Crickets chirped and the hoots of owls floated along the soft breeze. Sam stopped, gathering Jude in his arms.

“I’m sorry. I will never leave you again.” He whispered in her ear.

“This is forever.” Jude replied, putting her hands on either side of Sam’s face she pressed her lips to his to seal the promise. Sam leaned into the kiss, seeking more and Jude gave it to him, pouring her heart into the man she loved. When they had to take a break to breathe,Jude wrapped her arms around his neck and brought him close, so that they were looking into each other’s eyes. Blue on blue.

“I’m pregnant.” Jude whispered, a smile creeping across her face.

Sam’s mouth dropped open in shock before it was quickly replaced by uncontrollable delight. Sam whooped as he picked Jude up and swung her around. Jude laughed as she clutched his shoulders and then she was laughing harder as Sam peppered her face with kisses. It was the one sound, Sam wanted to hear for the rest of his life.

Three weeks later

They stood in front of their family and Sam had never felt surer of anything in his life as he slipped the gold band onto Jude’s finger and their vows were spoken. When Sam took Jude in his arms and kissed her long and hard, he knew he had reached the finish line. Everything he had ever wanted in life, he had and now he could finally enjoy it.


...And this is the end!

Thank you so much for reading and enjoying this story! It's been so fun to write and read your lovely comments ♥️

The Secret Son - Fire_and_ashes (2024)


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Author: Neely Ledner

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Author information

Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.