The Animal Medical Center - New York, New York | Reviews on thePets (2024)

The Animal Medical Center - New York, New York | Reviews on thePets (1)

Tessa Kordrupel

2 years ago

We have brought our dog Sadie to the emergency center here on a couple of occasions and have always had a great experience. The veterinarians are patient and kind, they will listen to all of your concerns and help you figure out the best …

The Animal Medical Center - New York, New York | Reviews on thePets (2)

Jennifer Edwards

2 years ago

I cannot express what my dog is going through; The Schwarzman Animal Medical Center Oncology Dept knew they could not provide the radiation treatment for my dog cancer because of the facility renovation; their radiation treatment is not …

The Animal Medical Center - New York, New York | Reviews on thePets (3)

maje sandro

2 years ago

One star is only for the front desk. They are very nice and efficient.AMC is a place where hungry and greedy for Money.No matter if you have the insurance or not,please check your medical record …

The Animal Medical Center - New York, New York | Reviews on thePets (4)

Jessica Intravia

2 years ago

I would like to share my experiences with the animal medical center in the hopes that someone monitors their reviews and can assist me further. My dog regularly attends their cardiology services which have been excellent. He was scheduled for a teeth cleaning today which was cancelled late last week by the animal medical center. This appointment has booked 5.5 months ago for the next available appointment. He requires cardiac clearance which also has a 6 month waitlist. Yet the next available dental appointment isnt until July - even though the animal dentist cancelled the last appointment with 4 days notice! Please help- he can’t wait 6 months for another appointment- his heart can’t handle it. Also be wear the AMC has no respect for your time or their previously scheduled appointments.

The Animal Medical Center - New York, New York | Reviews on thePets (5)

Dr Laura Torrado

2 years ago

After a $600 emergency visit they will not release xrays to his actual vet

The Animal Medical Center - New York, New York | Reviews on thePets (6)

Chef Davis

2 years ago

I took my dogs to this place because she wasn't Eating and bleeding when she poppedThere I was waiting an all the representative could do is keep on asking me for money when I stated that I'm disabled and my dog is a service dogI tired to give them my dog's insurance and it wasn't good enough for there services.

The Animal Medical Center - New York, New York | Reviews on thePets (7)


2 years ago

Our regular vet sent us here when our 16-year-old cat was refusing to eat and an x-ray showed fluid in her chest. It's always difficult to be in an emergency room and even more so in Covid times. The front desk was extremely efficient and kind. I wished I could have spoken to the ER doctor in person, and also to have had my partner come in with me (only one person allowed in per pet) but that's the price of a pandemic. They do have a cats-only section of the waiting room for people who want their pets to be away from the dogs--this is nice!Dr. Mastrocco treated my cat in the E.R. and she was then transferred to the cardiology department. Dr. Fox, Dr. Enderle, and Dr. Kharbush in cardiology were all amazing. I could tell they really cared and they gave me reasonable advice and detailed instructions. They were super available for questions after discharge which I appreciated. My cat and I went through some seriously difficult days and, after being on the brink of death, she has recovered. I'm so grateful for AMC for this!It's a stressful place no doubt and extremely expensive. I will say that my final bills were less than the initial estimates. I hope that with recent gifts to AMC there will be more financial aid for those who can't afford the bills. It's understandable that costs are high for emergency vet care but it's heartbreaking when people can't afford it.

The Animal Medical Center - New York, New York | Reviews on thePets (8)

tami Lyons

2 years ago

They killed my cat - I could not have had a worse experience at this place. No one cares this place is all about the money. They were not paying attention when my cat was sedated under anesthesia! The cat died on the table and I was told oh well you signed a paper that said you understood there were risks associated with surgery. They still expected me to pay the full 10K worth of bills and gave me a receipt with a cheerful message thanks for visiting the AMC. I am going to sue them for negligence. Save your money and your pet and DO NOT GO HERE! It is a total disaster. This place should be shut down.

The Animal Medical Center - New York, New York | Reviews on thePets (9)

Najely Molina

2 years ago

My dog had liver disease that was being treated at home & being seen by his regular vet. Vet recommended he be rushed to emergency because his blood work showed he was worsening. My dog although taking meds for his liver was a happy baby. Still running around, playing, jumping etc the nurses couldn't believe he was 10 yrs old. 4 days in this place & he did a 360. I genuinely feel like he deteriorated with all the medications & pain meds that were administered. My baby died 5 days after he was rushed to emergency as i was told to do, when even though he was sick he was doing good before he was taken in. I want to share my experience because i genuinely feel if he had not been rushed to this hospital my baby would still be alive. I regret listening to my dogs vet & rushing him here.

The Animal Medical Center - New York, New York | Reviews on thePets (10)

Lilly Abbo

2 years ago

Absolutely worst animal emergency in the city. The staff is completely incompetent and rude. Coming here made an already stressful situation with my puppy 100x worse. They don’t care about you or your animal - only money. Avoid this place if you care about your animal. I cannot stress enough how awful my experience here was and urge you to look elsewhere for emergency care.

The Animal Medical Center - New York, New York | Reviews on thePets (11)

carol palmieri

2 years ago

We brought our dog,Daisy, into the Emergency Department in October 2021. She was extremely ill. After checking in, we were quickly brought to triage, where a wonderful nurse evaluated Daisy and very kindly suggested that she be brought inside immediately. She asked our permission to start IV fluids and draw some bloodwork. Dr Emily Tran was the doctor in charge of Daisy. She explained that Daisy needed to be admitted to ICU where she would be monitored carefully. We agreed. Dr Victoria Albano was Daisy's doctor in the ICU.I can't begin to tell you how wonderful she was. She called us several times a day to update Daisy's status, her thoughts and plan for care. In addition, to being informative, she was so genuinely kind and loving to my girl. She took the time to tell me Daisy's mood, that she was eating and what she was eating and how her nights went. I don't know how to thank her for her unbelievable kindness! She treated Daisy as though she were her own beloved pet. She helped us get through a very scary time by being so loving and thoughtful. Dr Albano went above and beyond to get us all through this time. If anyone should be a Veternarian, Dr Albano is at the front of the line! God bless her! Animals who fall under her care are truly blessed. Even after Dr Albano moved on to another rotation, she followed Daisy's progress and peeked in on her in ICU to give her some love and comfort and a treat! Daisy is now stabilized and home, but not out of the woods. We are hoping for the best for her. We will never forget Dr Albano and her ability to get Daisy and her family through such a terrifying time. We just had to let you know how grateful we are to meet such a stellar professional and human being! We wish you all good things with the Match! THANK YOU!!!!!

The Animal Medical Center - New York, New York | Reviews on thePets (12)

Yorgos Strangas

2 years ago

We felt very well cared for when our kitten had to be admitted late at night with LUTS. The admitting vet took a thorough history, explained the diagnosis and helped us decide on a plan of care together. Once admitted, Dr. Zaibek kept us updated on his status and progress and took great care of him. She took the time to answer all of our questions and to follow up with us after discharge when we had more concerns about his recovery and whether to bring him back in. She really did a great job of reassuring us, making sure we understood what was going on, and supporting us in caring for our kitten at home.The only negative we had was the miserableness of waiting in the outdoor tent late at night with construction outside and the traffic whizzing by on to the FDR. Not a testament to the quality of care, just the location.

The Animal Medical Center - New York, New York | Reviews on thePets (13)

Thiago Castanho

2 years ago

I booked a dental cleaning for my dog over 5 months ago, I paid for bloodwork two weeks ago and they canceled my appointment two days before the date of the appointment. They offered me another appointment in JUNE 2022 (We are in November 2021).The place is not an establishment I recommend. They were not professional, they didn't have a correct approach and the attendant who called me wasn't helpful at all. What a disgusting experience!I will never go back to this place! Honestly it doesn't deserve even a star!

The Animal Medical Center - New York, New York | Reviews on thePets (14)

Nora McCartin

2 years ago

I have nothing but positive things to say about AMC. The staff and doctors that work there are incredibly helpful and compassionate. My dog was recently hospitalized in the ICU for a number of days, and she received the absolute best care. They have been patient and kind with all of my questions since she's been discharged, and I truly believe they saved her life. While their services aren't cheap, they are upfront regarding pricing and my bills have always been lower than the initial estimates--something I can't say for most practices, especially emergency care. A huge thank you to Dr. Valdez, Dr. King, and the entire internal medicine and emergency departments for helping my best friend!

The Animal Medical Center - New York, New York | Reviews on thePets (15)

Francisco J Sánchez-Rivera

2 years ago

I have never written a review before but I am VERY happy to be able to do so today. The Animal Medical Center single-handedly saved our english bulldog's life this last week. Period. She would be dead if it wasn't for AMC. Our dog got very sick last Friday all of a sudden and I brought her to VEG in the UES in 2nd Ave, where they noticed she had zero platelets, told me she would likely have to be euthanized, and referred me to AMC. Horrible news to hear, of course. I immediately ran across two avenues and a few streets carrying her until we made it to AMC, where she was *immediately* admitted and taken to the ICU. Long-story short, her diagnosis ended up converging on acute immune-mediated thrombocytopenia, which explains the almost complete lack of platelets and partial anemia. The doctors, nurses, and rest of the AMC staff empirically subjected her to multiple treatments, including an emergency blood transfusion, a lower dose of Vincristine (a chemotherapeutic), and two immunosuppressants, until they found the sweet spot and her life was saved! I spoke with her doctors *multiple times per day*, including during the morning, mid-day, and evening, and these conversations served to update me on her course of treatment and what different options were being considered at every point along the road. These phone calls 1) never felt rushed; 2) were extremely informative; 3) were compassionate; 4) and happened daily like clockwork. We were also able to visit her (but we decided to limit it to a single visit during her stay to allow her to fully recover) and the doctors sent pictures of her every night so that we could track her progress. Once the tests showed her platelets, hematocrit, and overall clinical condition had *stably* improved, the doctors then told us she could be discharged. The discharge process was very smooth and included *a ton* of information related to 1) every single procedure she had; 2) every single treatment she had; 3) extensive details on her condition and how to best take care of her; and 4) all medicines she will need to take (some of which are for an extended period of time). My honest opinion is that this has been the most efficient and transparent hospital visit I have experienced, and I am including human hospitals here! I cannot recommend AMC enough. The only "downside" is the downside that all veterinary hospitals have here and elsewhere --- it quickly gets expensive. However, the quality of treatment and attention is above and beyond and there are no hidden expenses and everything was very transparent. AMC saved my dog's life and I cannot thank them enough. Particular thanks to her doctors, nurses, and staff: Ashley Bliss, Shana Coffey, Kailee Zornow, TJ Langlois, Robert Wise, and the rest of the ER coordinators and staff over there. Cannot thank you all enough.Thanks,Francisco

The Animal Medical Center - New York, New York | Reviews on thePets (16)


2 years ago

This place was horrendous with patients. The front Lady Ms. Rey was not professional and extremely condensing to my family. Ms Diaz was very understanding and easy to talk to. Only two people are allowed in the euthanasia. As a medical provider I approach my patients being humble and empathetic. The way the staff treats people could be a reflection of them not being compensated for their work. If I was that broke working in that place I’ll be a bitter person too. What’s worst is the way they throw the pets in the front shed in those horrible black bags. Proceed with caution.

The Animal Medical Center - New York, New York | Reviews on thePets (17)

Damaris Santiago

2 years ago

My dog Toby was diagnosed with a luxating patella grade 3. Surgery was recommended but the next surgical consult appointments aren't. available until MARCH 2022!!!!!! They sent him on his way with a 1 week supply of pain meds and A take him to his regular vet. The reason I took him there is because they have the facilities and expertise or so I thought to help my dog. No other alternatives were provided. I NEVER even met the vet face to face just through the phone while I'm sitting in the waiting area. Now I have to find somewhere else to get him better care and hopefully get him the surgery he needs.Update: Took Toby to The Animal Surgical center where they gave him the care that he needed. They performed the surgery and they did a wonderful job. Toby is 2 weeks post-op and he's doing great

The Animal Medical Center - New York, New York | Reviews on thePets (18)

Armando Castro

2 years ago

Is really sad so sad doctors don't care about saving animal life. I feel they care about more the money saving animals life. I lose my cat today and the ask me alot money too have surgery and ect for my cat.i dont have the money so they cant do anything so savig his life ,so i have to make the hardest decision in my life to put him sleep ,im so devastated and sad cause they can't do anything for him. If i was having the money's they will saving his life.. so i see moeny is important to save animal life. I wish i have u can be doctor animal i will saving alot animal life with asking about money.. this is really sad in new york city about much money for animal and doctors cant do anything about it. Puerto Rcio they dave animal life they really care. My dog in PR was really bad condition and the doctor take care my dog with asking money. Jope my cat is in heaven and im sorry i dont have the money to saving his lif

The Animal Medical Center - New York, New York | Reviews on thePets (19)

Angelica Jazmin

2 years ago

Don't take your pet here. They will bleed you dry and tell you your dog's only option is euthanasia when it's not. They said my dog had a month or two left, but when I took him to a different vet they got everything sorted and it's been 4 months since we were here. All they care about is money here and everyone is so rude. Go elsewhere.

The Animal Medical Center - New York, New York | Reviews on thePets (20)

Bokhur Starayev

2 years ago

My cat hurt her paw and ended up needing a splint, which come to find out from another vet, that they didn't put it on right way, which would cause even more mobility issues and she was very uncomfortable. To think how much money I spent to get my cat treated, you would think they would do it the right way. They're crazy expensive, they literally charge twice as much as any other vet.

The Animal Medical Center - New York, New York | Reviews on thePets (21)

Maria Rojas

2 years ago

The lack of care towards animals in this clinic is absolutely disgusting

The Animal Medical Center - New York, New York | Reviews on thePets (22)


2 years ago

Disgusting excuse for a vet that doesn’t even care about animals. They only care about a price tag. They are beyond rude, unhelpful and unprofessional. I would NEVER bring any type of animal here. BEWARE!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Animal Medical Center - New York, New York | Reviews on thePets (23)

Julia Sosa

2 years ago

I recently went to AMC with my pet in traumatic distress relating to his CHF. I was absolutely blown away by the compassion and level of care we were shown in the early morning hours of Saturday morning. This is a wonderful organization providing and invaluable service to NYC pets and the families. I’ll be forever grateful for everything they did for my Murphy.

The Animal Medical Center - New York, New York | Reviews on thePets (24)

Kasha Phillips-Lewis

2 years ago

Not for profit means sadly price gouging and no payment scales ..... tried and learned a lesson .... 229 just to take a look and that is before tests. Shoot yourself and save your self some heart ache

The Animal Medical Center - New York, New York | Reviews on thePets (25)

Tatum Nelson

2 years ago

This place is TERRIBLE!!! Please do not bring any of your beloved pets here… if I could rate below 1 star, I would. The staff isn’t professional at all. They do not treat your pets with the right care and they do not care about their customers at all!!!

The Animal Medical Center - New York, New York | Reviews on thePets (26)

Mala sandirasegaram

2 years ago

Took my dog who showed signs of a digestive disorder or Pancreatitis. He only became ill within few hours and had all the symptoms of this. But, a young VET took him for assessment, did blood work, then chest x'ray, said increased heart rate and crackles in lungs. I said he is going in for sepsis, hydrate him and antibiotics. But he wanted a abdominal x'ray and said there might be something in abdominal cavity though I said, he had bowel movements and never is impacted. then this VET said, to keep; him overnight and treat $5000. I asked him to be discharged and given a broad spectrum antibiotic suspension and I will take care of my dog.After an hour he brought Marely out. He had hydrated him and prescribed Gabapentin, Codeine along with clavamox. My pet had no pain but was being begun on pain meds. I refused Gabapentin but he insisted on Codeine for three days. The cashier overcharged me and had to reimburse me for charging medication twice. I paid a bill of almost $750.Marely recovered under my compassionate care within 24 hours. All he needed was the antibiotic because of the infection.He is a wiry dog who survived much in life and my dear friend. since I am a registered nurse with vast experience I knew what was happening and this cabal at this hospital could not cheat him out of his dear life and my hard earned money. This VET like the medical system of yore and fleecing the owners and not offering cost effective care. Mercenary minded not humane. I will write to the State VET/Medical Board.

The Animal Medical Center - New York, New York | Reviews on thePets (27)

Bob Hoker

2 years ago

Employees are rude and give off a toxic and uninviting vibe, I absolutely did not feel safe leaving my dog Toby here for treatment or an evaluation and instead went elsewhere. This place used to be great years ago, I guess there’s new management now who only keeps uncaring and unkind people around. Too bad I can’t leave 0 stars.

The Animal Medical Center - New York, New York | Reviews on thePets (28)

Lilly Inman

2 years ago

inconsiderate people who should not be working at a place with human interaction let alone a place that is supposed to care for ANIMALS. the staff and company as a whole are heartless human beings providing terrible care.

The Animal Medical Center - New York, New York | Reviews on thePets (29)

Melanie Dinkel

2 years ago

Kills animals and does not provide autopsy !

The Animal Medical Center - New York, New York | Reviews on thePets (30)

Megan Hayner

2 years ago

I needed a bottle of dasequin for my pupper after leaving hers in NYC. When I called and said I did not have the prescription but that she needed it they were willing to sell me a bottle and for that I am grateful. However I was charged double what dasequin is normally priced at which was really uncool. A joint supplement, 108 dollars. This is a poor area and you’re charging double for something to alleviate discomfort. This behavior is what gives our field a bad name. Thank you and I hope you rethink your profit margins.

The Animal Medical Center - New York, New York | Reviews on thePets (2024)


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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

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Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.