Science Leadership Academy @ Center City (2024)

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Los Das de la Semana

Posted by David Leonard on















alphabet lesson

Posted by Rosalie Swana in Spanish 1 - Manuel on

Learning the alphabet is the necessity for further actions in life.
But learning to in spanish can be rather difficult which i why we have made this lesson. here is a chart to make it easier

we have created this short lesson so you understand

A now say a
b now say be
c now say ce
d now say de
e now say e
f now say efe
g now say ge
h now say hache
i now say i
j now say jota
k now say ka
l now say lee
m now say eme
n now say ene
o now say o
p now say pe
q now say cu
r now say ere
s now say ese
t now say the
u now say u
w now say use
x now say doble
y now say ye
z now say zeta

The video you will soon see is a brief song example of the alphabet its catchy and will be sure to help you learn the alphabet.

English Benchmark Quarter #1

Posted by Jalen Smith in English 3 - Rami on

By Jalen C. Smith 10/31/12
Zeitoun Book Review

All Is Not Lost When You Have Determination

Could you ever imagine losing everything that was important to you? Ever visualized being so close to death? It is hard to believe it, but some people have experienced those things. On August 23, 2005, America encountered one of it’s most devastating and deadliest hurricanes. One of the worst hurricanes America has faced was called Hurricane Katrina. Hurricane Katrina has impacted many innocent lives in a way that many people will never forget. Dave Eggers, the author of an award winning book entitled, Zeitoun, is a well known American author who wrote a memoir about the dangerous experiences one individual faced during Hurricane Katrina. In his efforts in crafting such a life changing story, Eggers wanted to inform the readers that with hard work and determination people could make a difference in the eyes of danger.

The story Zeitoun is about a man named Abdulrahman Zeitoun. Abdulrahman Zeitoun is a middle aged Syrian American who is the father of four children. Zeitoun is a successful owner of a painting and contracting business. Because he wants the best for his family he values hard work. Zeitoun is married to a woman named, Kathy. Zeitoun and Kathy both went through numerous problems, racism being the main issue. Many Americans demonstrated prejudice acts towards the Zeitoun family all because of 9/11 considering their similar appearance to former terrorist. Despite all of the downfalls, his family manages to overcome these boundaries and carry on with their lives. Since the incident of 2001, Zeitoun has demonstrated great strength and determination for his life and the lives of others.

Two days before the storm arrived, thousands of people were already aware that the storm was coming. Many people were preparing to migrate away from the storm. However tensions arose in the Zeitoun household. Kathy decided to take the four children with her to Baton Rouge in order to get her and her children away from the storm. Kathy had persuaded her husband, Zeitoun, to come with them in order to get away from the terrible hurricane, but Zeitoun denied her requests and remained in Louisiana to keep watch over their home and business. Because Zeitoun was born in Jableh, Syria and worked as a sailor for most of his life, he believed that he could survive the tragic storm. At that time Zeitoun didn’t realize how dangerous it was. The next day Hurricane Katrina hit, tossing roofs off of houses and flooding many areas of Louisiana. Louisiana declared a state of emergency and that it was mandatory to evacuate the state.

Zeitoun realized that he was stuck in the worst hurricane of all time. He could no longer save the house from the forces of the hurricane because the repairs had become too expensive. Later, Zeitoun left his house and went out on a canoe to observe the effects of Hurricane Katrina and to help other people in need. After seeing the impact, he had realized that his whole neighborhood was flooded in ten feet of water. Kathy heard on the news that the Coast Guards were making efforts toward Louisiana, bringing supplies to help people in need. The whole time Kathy was worried for her husband's safety. Kathy called Zeitoun and begged him to leave Louisiana, but Zeitoun once again denied her. Zeitoun declared that he had a mission to fulfill and that he wouldn’t leave Louisiana until he accomplished that mission.

Overtime Zeitoun made sure to call his wife daily to let her know what was going on. Later on in the story, six armed soldiers showed up at Zeitoun’s house. At first Zeitoun thought that the soldiers were there to help him, but they actually threatened him with a gun. After a few days goes past Zeitoun turns out missing and does not ever get in contact with his wife, Kathy. Kathy then believes that Zeitoun is dead and that he would not be coming back. This was very hard for her because she has mixed thoughts about her husband's whereabouts.

Shortly after this alarming event she received a phone call saying that her husband was arrested along with three other men. This was due to FEMA issues. Zeitoun was accused of being a possible terrorist in the United States. The men were held at a facility. This meant Zeitoun could not call his wife to let her know what had happened to him. Later in the story, Kathy found out where he was and bailed him out. After everything was resolved the whole family traveled back to Louisiana to help rebuild their home and community.

After reading this inspiring memoir I encourage other young readers to read this book. The book Zeitoun really touched my heart because it showed me that there are people in this world who are in need, but we as citizens don’t stop and take the time to help them. Instead we care mostly about ourselves and not others. When I think of what Zeitoun has done, knowing that he isn’t a US citizen, it really touched my heart and made me want to make a difference in this country. Zeitoun placed his life on the line for others. Not because he wanted to but it was because he cared. Despite losing everything in the storm he still made a difference in other people lives.

Science Leadership Academy @ Center City (3)

Respect Your Elders!

Posted by Charles Matthews in Spanish 1 - Manuel on

In spanish culture, it is important for young people to respect the elders. They do this through the way they speak to an elder, it may not seem like much but when addressing and elder it is important to add "usted" to the end of your sentences. Many common greetings are changed; for example "de donde eres tu" which you would say to a friend changes to "de donde es usted"

Take the time to notice the right time to use 'usted' and the right time to use 'tu' by looking at the chart below.

365 of Spanish!

Posted by Charles Matthews in Spanish 1 - Manuel on

Go Ask Alice by Laura De Jesus

Posted by Laura De Jesús in English 3 - Rami on

By: Laura De Jesus

Go Ask Alice by Anonymous is a 4 million best seller. It’s that good of a book, you never want to stop reading.Sends chills down your spin, keeps your mind wondering “What’s gonna happen next?”

I didn’t want the story to end.

Go Ask Alice is about a girl named Alice, she’s your average 15 year old girl who lives in a small town. Her father was offered a job in new job in a slightly bigger town. Thats when everything started changing. Alice was no longer the innocent young girl anymore. She was not the most popular girl in her old school, she thought she could start again, with the wrong crowd of people.

After Alice attended a party back in her old town in the summer her world turned for the worse. She was introduced into the world of drugs. It was planned that she go to a party once a week and do it only it during that time period, that lasted barely anything.

This is when the story went into a turn.

Alice started using drugs daily, with people, by herself and with her new boyfriend, her boyfriend was a college student who did everything in the book. He took her into a new world of fun and excitement, but never was she sober. The high was what she looked forward to.

I knew I was reading an amazing story when I hit the first page. "Sugar & Spice & Everything Nice Acid & Smack & No Way Back." The quote explains the whole book. Once you start to use drugs, especially heavily they play an important part, had to go back, thats what the quote is explaining.

I managed to read this book in less than a week, and me personally I dislike to read, but this book… this book made the way I look at reading change for the good.

As the story goes on you begin to see why the things that happened to Alice were her fault. She went so heavy into her addiction that she would sell drugs to kids in middle school. Working for her boyfriend is how Alice and her friend made money to support their habit. It was a shock to the both of them that their boyfriends were gay. Reporting them to the cops was the best option, but they had to escape before they got put into the issues too.

Alice went from the girl that her parents adored flaws and all, into the biggest bitch to walk the planet. She ran away on various occasions, she was never alone. In the mist of "finding herself" as she liked to call it, she went through rape, sexual harassment, and overdoses. Home sickness is what brought her back to her home.

Reading this far into the book, my jaw dropped.

Trips back and forth, getting sober and falling right back into the trap was her biggest problem. There was no more hope for Alice. Her parents placed her into an Institute. She overdosed as she was babysitting, it was a trap. Bugs were eating her female parts away, her hands were gone, her feet was fractured in casts. There was nothing anyone could do for her. She was a lost cause at the moment.

Months and months went passed, Alice received an education within the Institution and figured she would want to work with people in the same predicaments as her when she got older. Home Sweet Home. Sad to say Alice died three weeks after she made her decision to no longer keep a diary. No one knows the cause of death.

The story did not end the way I thought it would which makes it even better, its an excellent book. I recommend this book to anyone who enjoys reading books in general but more to the people who love reading books full of suspense. That's what Go Ask Alice is all about. Young adults would fall in love with it, just as I did.

My Network

Posted by Joseff Filamor in Technology- Freshmen - Hull on

My Network provider is Netzero, connected is a laptop, a smartphone and an iPad.

¿Qué Tiempo Hace?: Know Your Weather- en Español.

Posted by Stephanie Dyson in Spanish 1 - Manuel on

One of the biggest questions we all ask is: “What’s the weather like?” Well, today, you’ll learn all about the weather- en Espanol.

First, we’ll begin with how to say: “What’s the weather like?”
Read and repeat: ¿Que tiempo hace? (Kay tee-em-poh ah-ceh)
What about: “What’s the weather like today?”
Read and repeat: ¿Que tiempo hace hoy? (Kay tee-em-poh ah-ceh oy)

Next, we'll go over a few simple phrases that will help you say how you think the weather feels.

These flashcards have fourteen simple weather words and phrases for you. Read them over and over to really get a grasp of them.

Also, review the slideshow that I commentated myself to hopefully help you grasp this concept of weather within the Spanish language. You can go ahead and click on the link below it titled "¿Qué Tiempo Hace?". It'll take you right to the site with the slideshow.


Asking the Time in Español

Posted by Joseff Filamor in Spanish 1 - Manuel on

Asking the time is Español

Asking the time is Spanish is important in order to know your schedule around school.
Here are the simple ways of asking the time;

To ask the time, either say Que hora es?, Que hora son?, or Que hora tiene?

To respond, either start off with "Son las," or "Es la"(If the time starts with a 1.)

Lets say it is 2:00

It would simply be "Son Las dos."

As for if it was 1:00, it would be "Es la una."

If the time is not exact (15, 30, 45 or 55) say either "y cuarto(15)," "y menos cuarto(30)", or "menos cinco(55) after saying the time.

In order to also say if it is PM or AM, after saying the time, say either "De la mañana(Morning)," De la tarde(Afternoon), or "De la noche(Evening)

Science Leadership Academy @ Center City (7)in Español.

Here is a video of Josē waking up a sleeping student and having him ask what time it is.
Image from google

Greetings in Español

Posted by Joseff Filamor in Spanish 1 - Manuel on

Greeting a person is anecessity in Español, in order to make friends or have a conversation requires knowing the basic greetings.

To start aconversation, you can either say "Buenos Diaz(Good Morning)," Buenas tardes(Good afternoon)," or "Buenos noches(Good evening)." Or, you can simply say "Hola!" (hello)

Science Leadership Academy @ Center City (8)

Image from

"¿Cuándo es Tu Cumpleaños?": The Months and Dates en Español

Posted by Stephanie Dyson in Spanish 1 - Manuel on

​Many of us have sung that catchy tune ¡Feliz Cumpleaños! (Happy Birthday!) at one point or another, but how many of us actually know how to ask a teacher, friend, or family member their birthday in spanish? With this lesson, you can learn how!

First, let's talk about los meses, or the months. In Spanish speaking countries, many of the months sound the same as they do in english, actually. A major difference is that, when writing the months out, they are not capitalized as they are in english.

Let’s go over a few Spanish pronunciation rules:
- v’s sound like b’s
- e’s sound like a’s
- a’s sound like “ah”
- j’s soundlike h’s
- i’s sound like e’s
- d’s sound like “th”
See the quizlet flashcards below to practice these letter pronunciations!

Now, let's go through the months and their pronunciations:
Note: Whenever there’s an ‘r’ in any of the months (in spanish, only), slightly roll it. Not a whole lot, but just a little- a little latino pizazz. Check the youtube video at the end of the lesson if you can’t roll your r’s.
- The syllables that are in all caps are the ones that have emphasis on them, notice that!

  1. enero = January - pronounced: en-EH-roh
  2. febrero = February - pronounced: feb-REH-oh
  3. marzo = March - pronounced: MART-soh
  4. abril = April - pronounced: ah-BRILL
  5. mayo = May - pronounced: MY-oh (not like the stuff you might put on a sandwich! MY not MAY)
  6. junio = June - pronounced: WHO-nee-oh
  7. julio = July - pronounced: WHO-lee-oh
  8. agosto = August - pronounced: ah-GHOST-oh (¡Cuidado! Careful! Don’t say ah-gust-oh, say ah-ghost-oh)
  9. septiembre = September - pronounced: sept-tee-EM-bray
  10. octubre = October - pronounced: ock-TOO-bray
  11. noviembre = November - pronounced: no-bee-EM-bray
  12. diciembre = December - pronounced: dee-cee-EM-bray

DRILL YOURSELF! Cover the English translation with your hand and practice the spanish one. Say what month it is in english and check to see if you got it. Do it until you can get all 12 twice.

Next, let’s go through the numbers. For the purpose of this lesson, I’ll only go through days 1-31 and how to say them in spanish.

  1. primero (pree-MEH-roh)
  2. segundo (seh-GOON-tho)
  3. tercero (tear-SARE-oh)
  4. cuatro (KWAH-troh)
  5. cinco (SEEN-koh)
  6. seis (sehs)
  7. siete (see-EH-teh)
  8. ocho (OH-cho)
  9. nueve (nu-EH-beh)
  10. diez (THEE-ess)
  11. once (OHN-ceh)
  12. doce (THO-ceh)
  13. trece (TREH-ceh)
  14. catorce (kah-TOR-ceh)
  15. quince (KEEN-ceh)
  16. dieciseis (thee-ess-ee-SEHS)
  17. diecisiete (thee-ess-ee-see-EH-teh)
  18. dieciocho (thee-ess-ee-OH-cho)
  19. diecinueve (thee-ess-ee-nu-EH-beh)
  20. veinte (BAIN-teh)
  21. veintiuno (BAIN-tee-u-noh)

Hey! Did you notice how in 21, there are essentially two numbers there? You can see both veinte and uno, right? Well, the spanish word for ‘and’ is simply ‘y’. To make things simpler, the good ol language makers decided to put all three words together, turning the ‘y’ into an ‘i’ for convenience. Think of it this way: veinte+y+uno= veintiuno. Apply this to numbers 21-29. What would 22 be? How about 24? 27?

30. treinta (TRAIN-tah)
31. treintaiuno (TRAIN-tay-u-noh)

Alrighty! Now, you’ve got the months and the days. You’re ready right??
Wrong. You need the basic question! How do we actually say “When is your birthday?”

Simple! You know that ¡Feliz Cumpleaños! means “Happy Birthday”, right?
Cumpleaños = birthday. Check.
When = Cuando. Check.
Is = Es. Check.
Tu = You/Your. Check

Let’s put it together: Cuando (when) es (is) tu (your) cumpleaños (birthday)
¿Cuando es tu cumpleaños?

Now, you know how to ask your friends their birthday in Spanish!
But, how do you answer this question when asked?

Also very simple!
You know your months, you know your days. The Spanish word for ‘of’ is ‘de’- add the three together!
seis de noviembre.

You’re all set!

Asking the weather in Español

Posted by Joseff Filamor in Spanish 1 - Manuel on

Asking the weather is a fun thing to know when studying Español.

To begin, start by asking "Què tiempo hace?

To reply you can either say;

Hace sol - It's sunny

Hace frio - It's cold

Hace fresco - It's cool

Hace calor - It's hot

Llueve - It's raining

Nieva - It's snowing

Here is a cartoon to show how to ask the weather in Español.

Science Leadership Academy @ Center City (9)
Image from Google.

And here is a video of Joe asking Alex what the weather is.

Leonard, David Lucid chart Home network

Posted by David Leonard in Technology- Freshmen - Hull on

My network comes through a modem. My network provider isComcast.


Posted by Rosalie Swana in Technology- Freshmen - Hull on

  1. my internet comes in through the out side wall of my house.
  2. ISP (internet service provider) is Fios
  3. these are the things on my homenetwork, my mac pro, my macbook, my moms mac, my sisters mac pro, and our printer.
  4. theses are all connected through a wireless router

Bell, Tiarra, lucid chart, homework

Posted by Tiarra Bell in Technology- Freshmen - Hull on

Assignment 1- Whats is your Network?

1) My home internet comes from the phone line, then is traveled to computer brain, next to a modem, then ethernet cord is connected to the home computer.

2) My ISP provider is Verizon Wireless Internet.

3) My internet is added on to my monthly phone bill, so its an additional $15 per month. Yearly its $180.

4) Things such as laptops, tablets, iPod touches, are connected to the internet through the modem and the modem release the internet wirelessly.

Nashay Day/Lucid Chart

Posted by Nashay Day in Technology- Freshmen - Hull on

My l.a.n, local area network consists of my phone which is connected by a land line, my xbox, computer, laptop, and printer which are connected using a usb/ethernet. I did not know that what made your life so simple could be so difficult when you got down to the logistics on it. When you have an ISP, just be educated, and know every component that goes into so that when something like Hurricane Sandy happens you will be prepared.

Weather en Español

Posted by Tomy Fleurine in Spanish 1 - Manuel on

This is so you know how to describe the weather in Spanish.

It's raining----- Está lloviendo
It's humid-------Está húmedo

this is a video of Nebil and Tomy reporting the weather.

Days of the Week, Espaol Style

Posted by Jada Terrell in Spanish 1 - Manuel on

This table shows the relationship with the the day of the week in english and in spanish.

Remember and notice how in spanish, there is no capital letters for the days, even though there are in english.

Watch a video here:

El Alfabeto

Posted by Kevin Courtney in Spanish 1 - Manuel on

Jessica Maiorano Q1BM Book Review

Posted by Jessica Maiorano in English 3 - Rami on

Book Review: Out of my mind by Sharon M. Daper
Water Stream

Sharon M.Draper is a bestselling author that received an award for two of her books, Cooper Sun and Forged by Fire. Sharon is also known for winning many awards on her book, “Out of my mind.” Sharon wrote Out of my Mind because she always wanted to know what goes on in a persons mind when they can not express their thoughts. Also, because Sharon has a daughter that is disabled and decided to write a story about a funny, smart and wonderful person that has a future and goals just like everyone else. As Sharon M. Draper says “Get ready to meet a girl whose voice you will never, ever forget.”

Have you ever wanted to tell someone something, but you did not know how to say it or you could not say it at all? Did someone ever say that you were not smart? Melody, a character from the book Out of my Mind, goes through this everyday. Melody is an amazing child who is intelligent but no one knows. Melody remembers everything she sees or hears and she wishes there was a way to stop it. Melody can not walk or talk. She can not do anything herself and faces many challenges on a daily basis.

Melody never catches a break, there is a new challenge everyday that she needs to figure out. Melody is in 5th grade and is eleven years old. She attends school normally, but goes into a classroom that has other students with similar problems. Since no one knows melody is brilliant she does not learn anything past 3rd grade. After a couple months in fifth grade, Melody is put into a classroom with able bodied students and some of them do not accept Melody. Later she is faced with obstacle that seems impossible to face. Melody felt like all her hard work and progress in the classroom was not useful anymore. Melody always has someone by her side helping her and she appreciates everyone who does. Mrs.V for example has been with her since day one, and will never give up on her. Mrs.V is Melodys next door neighbor. She believes in Melody and will do anything to help her succeed. Everyone needs someone to look up too and sometimes it’s someone other than a child’s parents. If you have someone by your side every step of the way, you feel more confident and you know there is someone that will help you if something is not going the way you planned. Melody also has a new born sister Penny, who is very different from her. Melody wishes she can be a normal big sister but penny can always look up to melody in ways that are exteremly different from her parents because melody has been through so much then someone can even imagine and still as a huge smile on her face.

This book will teach the reader a lot. One essential lesson that is expressed in the book, is to never give up on something you want because anything is possible. Every page of this book is so detailed and it makes you really feel like you are with the characters in the book. If you are interested in fiction books this is the perfect book for you. It is not based off of a real events but while reading this it feels real and makes you want to meet Melody. Everyone may not look the same or not everyone is able to things “normal” people can do but it doesn't matter everyone is unique in their own amazing way. “Out of my mind” is an unbelievable book that everyone should read.

Kyler Jones: BM

Posted by Kyler Jones in English 3 - Rami on

File won't upload to moodle, and is too big. Lol


This benchmark so far was okay. It was easier than other bm's because you got to choose a medium which you knew how to use or were more comfortable with. I think I did okay with the benchmark. I tried my best to use imovie and talk, which isn't the thing I'm best. Yes I don't mind talking but I'm not good at it. So the talking part of the benchmark sucks, but I didn't know what else I could do about it. I recorded it over and over again tons of times.

ABC's En Español: For Beginners

Posted by Alexander Wroblewski in Spanish 1 - Manuel on

This lesson is for people who are being introduced to Spanish for the first time. To learn Spanish, you have to first know the alphabet and how to pronounce it.After you have familiarized yourself with it, you can then move on to the next step of learning Spanish.

Here's a video of a Spanish Spelling bee!

ABC's En Español: For Beginners

Posted by Hikma Salhe in Spanish 1 - Manuel on

This lesson is for people who are being introduced to Spanish for the first time. To learn Spanish, you have to first know the alphabet and how to pronounce it.After you have familiarized yourself with it, you can then move on to the next step of learning Spanish.

Fleurine, Tomy, lucidchart, home network

Posted by Tomy Fleurine in Technology- Freshmen - Hull on

¿Què hora es? Telling time in spanish!

Posted by Alexander Wroblewski in Spanish 1 - Manuel on

​In Spanish the way you ask"what time is it"is by saying"què hora es".

Below are charts that state the Spanish words into English, and what time it is



De la mañana

In the morning (AM)

De la tarde

In the afternoon ( PM)

De la noche

In the evening (PM)

Y media

Half past

Y mediodia


Y medianoche


Y cuarto

Quarter after

Menos cuarto

Quarter of

en punto

On the dot

Here's a video of a guy asking 2 hobos what the time is!

Science Leadership Academy @ Center City (2024)


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Name: Reed Wilderman

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