How to fix a “Your connection is not private” error (2024)

How to fix a “your connection is not private” error yourself, what the error message means, and how to proceed if your troubleshooting efforts fall short.

If you’re here, then you’ve probablyencountered this problem before. For example, you may have beenonlineshoppingwith 20 opentabs deep in research or visiting a new websitefor the first time.

Then, suddenly thedreaded "your connection is not private" error appears in your browser,alerting you that youronline privacy,including your financial details and other personal information, may beat risk if you continue browsing the site.

How to fix a “Your connection is not private” error (1)

You might be wondering how to fix a "your connectionis not private” error. Here, we’ll discuss what the errorlooks like in each browser, how to troubleshoot theproblem yourself, andwhy your connection may not be private in the first place.

What is the “Your connectionis notprivate” error?

A “your connection is not private” errormeans yourbrowser cannot verify whether a website is safe to visit. This warning message is issued to prevent youfrom visiting the site, as it may beunsafe or unsecure, putting your personalinformation at risk.

Your browser verifies a site's securitycertificate toconfirm if it will protect your privacy while visiting itor not. If a certificateis not up to standard, this means your private datamight not be encrypted andtherefore susceptible to online threats. Inshort, a "your connection isnot private" error means just that:Your connection is not private, and the error shouldn’t be ignored.

Why is “Your connectionis notprivate” appearing?

Before entering a website, your browserchecks digitalcertificates of that website to ensure they're meetingrequirements and willsafeguardyour private information, such as contact information, passwords, andpayment methods, usually viaencryption.Most often, the"your connection is not private" error lies in asite's SecureSockets Layer (SSL) certificate, which is required for sitesrunning over HTTPS (connection security). If your browser can't verify anSSLcertificate, it stops you fromvisiting the site by giving you the "yourconnection is not private"error message.

Reasons vary as to why an SSLcertificate can't beverified. For example, the certificate might bemissing altogether, expired, or set upincorrectly, which means the site cannotadequately protect your data. Nomatter the cause of the SSL problem, theowner of the website must fix it.Sometimes, however, your browser ordevice settings might be hiccuping andunable to communicate with thewebsite you’re trying to visit. Fortunately, you can usually troubleshoot thiserror yourself, and the steps are relatively the samefor each browser.

What a “Your connection is not private”errorlooks like on each browser

Each browser communicates its“your connection is notprivate” error differently. Some even tweak thewarning to “your connection isnot secure.” Others offer up error codes tohelp you troubleshoot the problem.And almost all issue a literal warningsign. Here’s what you might see.

Google Chrome

If Google Chrome is having difficulty confirming a website’s security, it'll delivera significant red exclamation mark and tell you:

“Your connection is not private.

“Your connection is not private.Attackers might betrying to steal your information from (forexample, passwords,messages, or credit cards).”

An error code will follow the notice totip you off to the problem.

Common Error Codes:

How to fix a “Your connection is not private” error (2)

SSL certificate error

Mozilla Firefox

If Mozilla Firefox has troublevalidating the certificate, it'll return a lock with a red slash through it, alongwith an inclusive message that reads:

"Your connection is not secure

“The owner of has configured theirwebsiteimproperly. To protect your information from being stolen, Firefoxhas notconnected to this website.”

It will also provide you with a fewerror codes topinpoint the problem.

How to fix a “Your connection is not private” error (3)

Common error codes:



Unlike other browsers, Safari won’tdeliver you error codes out of the gates. Instead, it'll return a crossed-outred lock and themessage:

“Your connection is not secure

“The owner of has configured their websiteimproperly. To protect your information from being stolen, Firefox has notconnected to this website.”

It too will provide you with a few error codes topinpoint the problem.

Common error codes:



Unlike other browsers, Safari won’t deliver you error codes out of the gates. Instead, it'll return a crossed out red lock and themessage:

“This connection is not private.

“This website may be impersonating“” tosteal your personal or financial information. You shouldgo back to theprevious page.”

How to fix a “Your connection is not private” error (5)

It, too, might link to the certificatevia a “showdetails” button to help you clarify the risks associated withproceeding to thewebsite.

Microsoft Edge

Microsoft Edge notifies in a similar wayto Google Chrome's “yourconnection is not private” error message, alongwith the red exclamation mark:

“Your connection isn’t private

Your connection is not private. Attackers might betrying to steal your information from (for example, passwords,messages, or credit cards).”

This will be followed by an error code, as well.

Common Error Codes:

  • Error Code: 0

How to fix a “Your connection is not private” error yourself

There are many reasons why you mightreceive a “your connection is notprivate” error. But, usually, it’s dueto the fluke in the SSL certificate, which can only be fixed bythe websiteowner. Still, there are a few ways you can secure your browser from a“yourconnection is not private” error yourself, listed here from the simplest of resolutionsto the more detailed problem solvers.

1.Reload the page

How to fix a “Your connection is not private” error (6)

This is one of the oldest tricks in thebook, but also very effective as well. Reloading your browser is the easieststep in troubleshooting why your connection is notprivate. If it doesn’twork on the first attempt, try closing your browser entirely and then openingit again.

2.Consider if you’re using public Wi-Fi

There are many risksrelated to using public Wi-Fi.1The primary risk beingcybercriminals. Hackers love public Wi-Fi, and use public networks constantlyas their baits to hijack into users’ devices.2

A part of the equation is that somepublic networksdon’t run on HTTPS, or it is not configured correctly todo so, and, in turn,it causes your browser to notify you that the websiteis not secure. This is why manypublic Wi-Fi networks like those in cafes,hotels, and airports require usersto visit a portal screen and accept itsterms and conditions before allowingthem to browse. In the event you absolutelyneed to browse on these public Wi-Fi networks,here's how to do so more carefully:

How to Connect to Public Wi-Fi moresafely

  1. Connect to public Wi-Fi.
  2. Browse to a site, such as
  3. A portal screen should openwith a sign-in page to accept browsing terms and conditions
  4. Log in, accept terms, andbrowse away

Still at a standstill? Try typing into your browser or attempt connecting to another network. Your best bet of all is to use a virtual private network (VPN). If you’re concerned about encrypting Internet traffic, it’s smart to consider a trusted virtual private network likeNorton Secure VPNto help ensure your most sensitive information remains hidden from prying eyes. In any event, keep in mind somedo’sand don’ts of using public Wi-Fi.

How to fix a “Your connection is not private” error (7)

3.Check yourcomputer’s date and time

Double check if your computer isoperating in thepresent. Your computer's clock needs to match yourbrowser, or else it mightnot be able to view a website’s SSL certificate.Often, a computer’s date and time might be off if the device was purchased
recently. To prevent this in thefuture, be sure to set your date and timeto update automatically.

How to update your time on a Mac:

  1. Go to the Apple menu in theupper left corner of your screen, and select System Preferences.
  2. Choose Date & Time
  3. Verify if the date and time are correct
  4. To adjust automatically, selectthe “Time Zone” tab
  5. Click the lock in the lower-leftcorner to make changes
  6. Check the box “Set time zone automaticallyusing current location”

How to update your time on Windows:

  1. Right-click the date and timeon the taskbar
  2. Click “adjust date/time,” andverify if they’re correct
  3. To adjust automatically, select"Set time automatically" or "Set time zone automatically"and update
  4. Confirm the time has updated inthe taskbar, then close your browser and reopen

4.Go incognito

Incognito mode is a privacy feature thatallows you to browse withoutsaving your history or cache, which can helpyou analyze why your connection isnot private. For instance, if you'restill unable to browse incognito, thefault is likely on the websitehaving security issues. However, it could alsobe an issue in yourbrowser's cache or an extension. Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge,MozillaFirefox, and Apple Safari are allbrowserswith incognito mode.

5.Clear Yourbrowsing data

Computercookiesare helpful becausethey personalize your browsing experienceby analyzing your previous activities and preferences. In addition, theycanstreamline your logins and online purchases, remembering your personalinformation such as payment methods, passwords, etc., andauto-fill themwhen you return to the website. It may seem convenient, butit also can bea security concern when your connection is not private. Clearingyourbrowsing data means your device will no longer have that confidentialinformation stored, but it'll also mean a more secure browsing experience. Ofcourse,theways of clearing cookiesare different per browser.

6.Check yourantivirus software

VPNs and antivirussoftware cansometimes be overly protective and may even block some SSLcertificates oroverride your network. To see if they're the point ofthe "yourconnection is not private" problem, simply disable the softwaretemporarily and attempt to browse.

7.Update youroperating system

If your device is outdated, it might notbe ableto communicate with your browser correctly and therefore becomeunable to verify the security state of certain sites.3Depending on your device, thereare different ways to check whether youroperating system needs to be updated.

How to check if your Mac operatingsystem is up to date

  1. Click the apple icon in theupper left corner of your screen, and select “System Preferences”
  2. Select “Software Update” from thenew window
  3. If updates are available, clickthe “Update Now” button and proceed with updating
How to fix a “Your connection is not private” error (9)

How to check if your Windows operatingsystem is up to date

  1. Click the Windows icon in thebottom left corner of your screen, and select “Settings”
  2. Click “Update & Security”
  3. On the left menu, click“Windows Update”
  4. View your update status orclick "Check for Updates" to see if you need to proceed withupdating

8.Restart yourcomputer

How to fix a “Your connection is not private” error (10)

If you’ve tried all of the above steps,it’s desperate times. Youmight want to take desperate measures to fixthis “your connection is notprivate” error. One option for fixingthe problem is by rebooting your computer all together, which can bepainstaking, since you have many things running at once. But, doing this willreset your device thoroughly, clearing out any temporary caches. Forafull-on reboot, even restart your router.

9.Seek help

Visit help forums for your specificbrowser to see how others have attempted to troubleshoot their “your connectionis not private” error in thepast. Still not finding the solution? Chancesare the problem lies in the certificateitself — maybe it is expired,issued by an illegitimate source, uses an oldalgorithm, isn’t valid onthe domain name variation, etc.—and fixing it may be out ofyour control.You can be a part of the solution, though, by alerting the website owner thatyou’re experiencing a “your connection is not private”error. Be a gooddigital citizen and do this politely via email or kindly oversocialmedia.

10.Proceedcautiously to the website (not recommended)

If you absolutely must reach a websiteright now, youcan bypass the warning and proceed manually. This is nevera recommendedoption, especially if you'll be dealing with personalinformation or paymentdetails on a site—and if you're doing so on publicWi-Fi. But it is an optionthe browser gives you on the error message. Ifyou understand the ramificationsof browsing an unsecure site and stillwant to proceed manually, you can do soby clicking the "proceed" button on the error screen orfind the button via an"advanced" link on an error screen. Just bearin mind, yourconnection is not private. And it’s always best tokeepyour data private.

Glossary: Error codesfor “Yourconnection is not private”

Some of the most common “your connectionisnot private” error codes are explained below:

Google Chrome error codes


The website is running on aSymantec-issued certificate, which is not supported


The website’s SSL certificate might beincompatible with your device orits security settings and softwares


The website’s SSL certificate cannot beverified


The domain name of the SSL certificatedoesn't match the domain name in the address bar


Your computer's time is not syncing upwith your browser


The website’s SSL certificate was issuedusing an outdated algorithm


The website’s SSL certificate has notbeen publicly logged

SSL certificate error

The website’s SSL certificate has anerror

Mozilla Firefox error codes


The website’s certificate is self-signedand therefore untrusted


The website's certificate was issued byan untrusted authority


Aman-in-the-middle attackhasbeen detected.


The website’s certificate hasexpired


Your computer's time is not be syncingup with your browser


The website and/or its certificate isconfigured incorrectly


The issuer of the website's certificateis unknown and therefore untrusted


The website’s certificate is not validfor the domain name

Microsoft Edge error codes


The website's certificate is notinstalled correctly, expired, ormalicious activity is occurring

Error Code: 0

The website’ security certificate is notsecure


The domain name of the SSL certificatedoesn't match the domain name inyour address bar

Keep in mind, even afteryou fix a“your connection is not private” error yourself, it’s worth rememberingprivatebrowsingis most private ifyou’re using a VPN. AVPNworksbyhiding your internetprotocol (IP) address and encrypting your Internettraffic along with all the exchanged data, providing you with the utmostprivacy. Essentially, a VPN makes your online actions untraceable by changingthe geolocation. Combine that withsecurity software,andyou have a very secure connection.




How to fix a “Your connection is not private” error (11)

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How to fix a “Your connection is not private” error (2024)


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