Brown Sugar Delicata Squash Recipe (2024)

This delicata squash recipe is roasted with brown sugar, maple syrup and cinnamon for a sweet and savory side that’s perfect for fall and winter meals.

When I’m looking for quick and easy side dish recipes to pair with chicken and seafood, I make roasted root vegetables, roasted butternut squash, roasted green beans or this simple delicata squash.

Brown Sugar Delicata Squash Recipe (1)

As the berries and melons start to fade away at the grocery store, in their place squash are popping up – squash of all shapes and colors and sizes! This delicata squash recipe is one of my favorite ways to do squash, with a hint of sweetness from the brown sugar, and plenty of caramelization from a trip through a hot oven.

Table of Contents

  • Roasted Delicata Squash Recipe Ingredients
  • How Do You Cook Delicata Squash?
  • Tips For The Perfect Dish
  • Quick Tip
  • Recipe FAQs
  • Flavor Variations
  • More Great Side Dish Ideas
  • Roasted Delicata Squash Video
  • Love This Recipe?
  • Brown Sugar Delicata Squash Recipe Recipe

Roasted Delicata Squash Recipe Ingredients

To make this recipe, you will need delicata squash, olive oil, brown sugar, maple syrup, salt, black pepper and cinnamon.

How Do You Cook Delicata Squash?

Cut the squash in half lengthwise and scoop out the seeds. Next, cut each half crosswise into slices. Line a baking sheet with foil and coat with cooking spray. In a small bowl, mix together the olive oil, brown sugar, maple syrup, salt, pepper and cinnamon. Drizzle the olive oil mixture over the squash and toss to combine. Transfer the squash to the sheet pan and cook until it is tender and brown. Serve immediately and enjoy.

Brown Sugar Delicata Squash Recipe (2)

Tips For The Perfect Dish

  • When you choose your squash, look for ones that are even in color and heavy for their size. Avoid squash that are light green in color, as ripe squash are cream or yellow.
  • You can cut the squash up ahead of time to make prep easier on a busy weeknight.
  • This dish is best when served immediately. Leftovers will stay fresh in an airtight container for up to 4 days and can be reheated in the microwave or oven.
  • Pair your squash with main course options such as turkey meatloaf, beef tips, hamburger steak, chicken stroganoff or rosemary chicken. This recipe is also great for the holidays alongside spatchco*ck turkey, sour cream mashed potatoes, pineapple casserole, sausage stuffing and cranberry orange sauce.

Quick Tip

This recipe will work with other types of winter squash such as acorn squash, butternut squash, honey nut squash or kabocha squash.

Brown Sugar Delicata Squash Recipe (3)

Recipe FAQs

What is delicata squash?

Delicata squash is a variety of winter squash that is small and long. The exterior is yellow or cream color with green stripes. It typically weighs around a pound or less. The flavor is similar to butternut squash.

How long does delicata squash stay fresh?

Whole delicata squash can be stored in a cool, dry spot for up to 4 weeks. Cut or cooked squash last in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. You can also freeze cooked squash, although it will have a softer texted once thawed and reheated.

Do you eat the skin on a delicata squash?

The skin on this variety of squash is thin and soft, which means it is edible. I always serve my squash with the skin on, as it makes prep a lot easier.


Brown Sugar Delicata Squash Recipe (4)

Flavor Variations

I love this recipe as-is, but you can add other ingredients to the mix to customize this dish to your tastes.

  • Flavorings: Instead of cinnamon, try other warm spices such as nutmeg, cloves or ground ginger. You can also add a pinch of red chili flakes for a sweet and spicy combo. Feel free to swap out the maple syrup or brown sugar for other sweeteners such as honey, agave or coconut sugar.
  • Vegetables: You can add other veggies on the sheet pan such as red onions, sweet potatoes, carrots, parsnips or butternut squash.
  • Toppings: Finish your dish with fresh herbs such as parsley or sage. Other great toppings include candied pecans or candied walnuts, toasted pine nuts, dried cranberries or pomegranate seeds.

The next time you’re at the store, skip the butternut and try this delicata squash recipe instead. Then report back and tell me how the family liked it!

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Roasted Delicata Squash Video

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Brown Sugar Delicata Squash Recipe

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AuthorSara Welch

Brown Sugar Delicata Squash Recipe (10)

This delicata squash recipe is roasted with brown sugar, maple syrup and cinnamon – the very best way to do winter squash!


Prep Time10 minutes minutes

Cook Time25 minutes minutes

Total Time35 minutes minutes

Course Side Dish

Cuisine American

Serves 4


  • 2-3 lbs delicata squash (about 2 average sized squash)
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons maple syrup
  • 2 tablespoons brown sugar
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon or more to taste
  • cooking spray


  • Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Halve the delicata squash lengthwise and remove the seeds. Cut the halves into 3/4 inch thick slices.

  • Line a sheet pan with foil and coat with cooking spray.

  • In a small bowl mix together the olive oil, maple syrup, brown sugar, cinnamon and salt and pepper to taste.

  • Pour the olive oil mixture over the squash and toss to coat.

  • Bake for 20-30 minutes or until squash is tender and starting to brown. Serve immediately.


  1. When you choose your squash, look for ones that areeven in color and heavy for their size. Avoid squash that are light green in color, as ripe squash are cream or yellow.
  2. You cancut the squash up ahead of timeto make prep easier on a busy weeknight.


Calories: 207kcal | Carbohydrates: 25g | Protein: 3g | Fat: 12g | Saturated Fat: 2g | Sodium: 205mg | Fiber: 3g | Sugar: 17g

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Originally Posted September 28, 2023

CategoriesFall Recipes Gluten Free Side Dishes Thanksgiving Vegetarian Dishes

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Brown Sugar Delicata Squash Recipe (16)
Brown Sugar Delicata Squash Recipe (2024)


Do you eat the skin on roasted delicata squash? ›

Always: Acorn, Delicata, Honeynut

Wofford and our test kitchen editors will leave the skin on delicata, acorn, and honeynut squash to save time, add nutrients, and reduce food waste. These varieties have thin skins that soften readily when cooked. Next time you slice a delicata into rings ready to roast, don't peel it.

How do you know when delicata squash goes bad? ›

You'll know delicata squash has gone bad if it has wrinkles or soft spots. Also, if the seeds look slimy or their color is off, you'll know it's spoiled. The seeds are normally a cream or white color. Typically, they'll be covered in the flesh of the squash.

Is delicata squash good for diabetics? ›

It's high in fiber, which can help decrease your risk of obesity, diabetes and heart disease. Delicata squash also has a ton of potassium: One cup delivers a whopping 500mg of the mineral, which can help control your blood pressure.

Can you eat too much Delicata squash? ›

Toxic squash syndrome can result from continuing to eat the bitter fruit. Some of the most rampant symptoms and indicators of toxic squash syndrome include diarrhea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. Toxic squash syndrome can be so severe that it can cause swelling in the pancreas, liver, gallbladder, and kidneys.

Can you eat all of a Delicata squash? ›

Yes! The skin of Delicata squash is 100% edible. That's the second reason I love this squash so much. It's so easy to prepare because you don't have to bother peeling it.

What are the white spots on my delicata squash? ›

Powdery mildew
  • Symptoms: White powdery spots on leaves; may be on upper and lower surfaces.
  • Powdery mildew is a fungal disease favored by warm, humid weather. Symptoms start in mid-summer on older leaves. The disease can spread rapidly, causing whole plants to turn yellow and die. ...
  • Plant disease-resistant varieties.
Apr 5, 2023

Why is my delicata squash oozing? ›

If the stem has been broken or removed at harvest the area may ooze liquid the color of brown sugar. This is OK as long as the squash seems fresh and there's no softening of the flesh. When: Delicata is a prolific variety and tends to hold well in storage.

What color should the inside of delicata squash be? ›

Delicata squash are small and cylindrical, pale creamy yellow in color with green to orange vertical stripes. Inside, delicata squash is also pale yellow. One of the best features of delicata squash is its thin, edible rind.

When should you not eat squash? ›

And if it starts to leak fluid, that's a sure sign that the squash is spoiled. Likewise, if the flesh and seeds of the fruit are mushy and slimy, that's a clear sign that it shouldn't be eaten. Color - the outer skin of the squash is a quick way to check for any sign of spoilage.

What color is a ripe delicata squash? ›

Ripe delicata squash is yellow in color with green stripes along ribs. It should be firm and heavier than you expect it to be. Avoid delicata squash that is light green (it's unripe) or ones with lots of off-color spots.

Should delicata squash be refrigerated? ›

Storage tips: Winter Squash is best stored between 55-65 degrees, however, Delicata squash does not store quite as well as heartier varieties like Acorn and Butternut. Place in a cool dry room in your house (do not refrigerate) and it should last 3 months.

Is Delicata squash anti inflammatory? ›

Boost the delicious Delicata squash's antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic and insulin-regulating benefits with two powerful super foods!

Does Delicata squash raise blood sugar? ›

Its low glycemic index can help prevent rapid spikes in blood sugar levels, making it a suitable option for maintaining stable glucose levels. Moreover, the dietary fiber content in squash aids in slowing down the absorption of sugar, promoting better blood sugar control and overall metabolic health.

Does Delicata squash have a lot of sugar? ›

​​Carbohydrates​​: One cup of winter squash has 10 grams of carbs, which includes 1.7 grams of fiber and 2.6 grams of naturally occurring sugars.

Which squash skin is not edible? ›

Honeynut squash are especially delicious roasted with a little cinnamon and butter. The only winter squash skin to avoid eating altogether, even if well cooked, is spaghetti squash because of its thick, eggshell-like quality.

Why is my Delicata squash skin tough? ›

The maturity of the squash may be at play. Generally, younger squash has more tender skin so it could be that last year you harvested earlier. The environment also plays into squash formation. Not so usual weather conditions may have contributed to the squash developing a very thick skin.

Can you eat the peel of roasted acorn squash? ›

Next time you roast a squash like acorn, butternut or honeynut, try leaving the skins on and give them a nibble. Be sure to scrub the skin well, Joyce recommends, to remove any dirt or debris. The pleasantly chewy texture may just surprise you, plus you can never go wrong with more fiber.

Do you leave the skin on squash when you cook it? ›

Some squash skin is edible, while other types of squash have tough skin that can be removed before cooking. Remove the skin of butternut, hubbard, buttercup, and turban squash. If you enjoy the taste, leave the skin on acorn, spaghetti, kabocha, and zucchini squash.


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Name: Annamae Dooley

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