5 Ways to Dress Up Tomato Soup Recipe (2024)

Just because your tomato soup is coming from a can, doesn’t mean it can’t have a bit of zing! Check out these 5 ways to dress that soup up for a total tomato soup makeover!

Time for another Fashion Friday, and today we’re introducing our first Food Makeover. Sounds fun, eh?

Today I wanted to throw out a few quick tips to help in the canned soup aisle – namely,with the soup of the tomato variety.

I am all for the straight up Campbell’s Tomato Soup, no frills involved, especially on a cold day. Of course, I need my handy grilled cheese to accompany. However, after visiting Zupa’s more times than I can count, I received a little inspiration when I came across their Tomato Basil Soup. I thought, hey, even when I’m in a rush, I can pull these little tricks off to make my already good canned soup tastetotally gourmet!

Let’s get started!

1)Cream or Milk

Campbell’s even clues you in on this one – on the side of the can, it says that you can substitute the can of water for milk. Voila! Creamy goodness. However, you will notice that the soup may separate a little bit. A higher fat content in your dairy will help mitigate this. What I’ve realized that I prefer is to go water, and then just add a couple tablespoons of heavy cream to give it a nice creamaliciousfinish (don’t do full cream, or even half at that – yeesh! A little too rich – and don’t ask me how I know – haha.)

2) Basil (or other zesty spices)

The heavenly match of tomato and basil! It’s so fantastic. If you are using dried, put it in while the soup is warming to help release the flavors. I love using the Lighthouse freeze-dried stuff. If you are using fresh, adding right at the end helps release the best flavor. You can just do a rough tear of the leaves or a chiffonade. I also added me a little bit of Lighthouse Oregano this time as well.

3)Orzo Pasta

Zupa’s was genius with this one. Basically they have “add-ins” that you can throw in, and these mini little diamond pastas, well they are fabulous. I just cook them up per their package instructions in a tiny little pan at the same time the soup is warming up. Then after I drain them, I toss in a little olive oil and throw in a bowl so each person can serve up what they want.

4) Sharp Cheddar

I’m assuming this one is also a no-brainer since we all know grilled cheese and tomato soup rock one’s world! But how about just grating some delicious cheddar right into the soup? Make it sharp though! In fact, maybe I’m just a cheese snob but I don’t even buy cheddar unless it’s sharp. No, I take that back. I also buy extra sharp. Tillamook is my ultimate fav!If you are really feeling the urge, go ahead and buy the smoked cheddar to give it even more kick.

5) More Tomato!

Say what? Yes, give that soup a little freshness by throwing in more tomato. Make sure it’s pulverized though! I just core, quickly peel off as much of the skin as I can with a paring knife (a little left won’t hurt anything), and then throw the whole tomato into my Blendtec twister jar which does a top-notch job. And I would definitely recommend a Roma variety (which is meatier and less acidic).This just gives the soup a fresher feel without all of the work of a whole tomato soup from scratch.

Well, there you go folks. Try one, try all. They are fabulous. And of course, don’t forget to drizzle a little olive oil on top for good measure, as well as a couple grinds of salt and pepper.

I hope you enjoyed this little “food makeover”. Tell us what other foods need a facelift! And share your food makeovers with us on Instagram by tagging @foodapparel #foodapparel #foodmakeover.

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5 Ways to Dress Up Tomato Soup Recipe (11)

Christina | Food Apparel

I'm Christina and I'm a self-proclaimed foodie and chocoholic! I am a real estate broker by trade. I have a wonderful husband, 3 girls 4 and under (crazy!!!) and a hyper dog. Want to know my quirks? Go here for a little Q&A.

5 Ways to Dress Up Tomato Soup Recipe (12)

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5 Ways to Dress Up Tomato Soup Recipe (2024)


What can I add to tomato soup to make it better? ›

10 Simple Ingredients to Add to Tomato Soup
  1. 1) Fresh Rosemary. Kicking off the list is the simplest way to jazz up your tomato soup – fresh herbs. ...
  2. 2) Sauteed Onions. ...
  3. 3) Crispy Bacon. ...
  4. 4) Cream. ...
  5. 5) Chutney. ...
  6. 6) Melted Cheese. ...
  7. 7) Tinned Anchovies. ...
  8. 8) Toasted Pine Nuts.
Mar 21, 2022

How to spice up tomato soup from a can? ›

Use Herbs and Seasonings

Add chopped fresh basil or parsley at the end of cooking to bring out that rich tomato flavor. Turn to your pantry for seasonings like fresh cracked black pepper, Italian seasoning or oregano, stirring them in while the soup is still cooking.

How do you make can soup taste better? ›

Herbs: Fresh chives, thyme, or cilantro stirred in just before serving. Spices: Your soup is probably salty enough, but what about simmering a bay leaf in there for a while (don't forget to remove it before serving)? Depending on the soup's flavor profile, you could shake in some cumin or red pepper flakes.

What enhances the flavor of tomatoes? ›

Well, if you really want to amp up the taste of your tomatoes, cream of tartar is your answer. Yes, there are other ways to make your tomatoes taste even better and increase the acidity. There is lemon, vinegar, or my personal favorite, balsamic.

How do you get the most flavor out of tomatoes? ›

You want to give your tomatoes contact with a direct heat source. That means cooking them at the bottom of whatever saucepan or Dutch oven you're using. The goal here is to remove water from the tomato solids and allow them to caramelize somewhat, which will concentrate their flavor.

How do you make Campbell's tomato soup taste better? ›

Add garlic powder, onion powder, Italian seasoning, cayenne pepper, salt, and black pepper and let sit on medium-low heat for about 10 minutes. Pour into bowls and top with parmesan cheese and fresh basil.

How do you jazz up canned soup? ›

The addition of meat and vegetarian replacements like chicken or tofu, as well as carbs like rice or legumes add additional heft to any canned soup. Veggies and a splash of citric acid can brighten up a boring tomato soup.

How do you mellow out tomato soup? ›

Taste broth; if its flavor is too sharp or acidic, add 1/4 teaspoon baking soda and stir well (it will foam at first). Taste and repeat if needed.

Why doesn't my tomato soup taste good? ›

If your tomatoes are not ripe or lacking in flavor, it can result in a less vibrant soup. Store-bought brands may use tomatoes processed at their peak ripeness. Seasoning: Homemade soups often require proper seasoning with salt, pepper, and other.

What can I add to tomato soup to make it less sour? ›

If the soup is too acidic, add a pinch of baking soda (see note). You want the soup to taste balanced and delicious. Serve the soup with a decorative drizzle of cream.

How to jazz up Heinz tomato soup? ›

Add a can of diced tomatoes, a bit of cream, and torn fresh basil leaves. Swirl some red wine vinegar into the soup and serve with a stack of mozzarella and fresh basil leaves on a toasted baguette. Add a drizzle of pesto (homemade or store bought) and finish with toasted pine nuts and croutons.

How do you make soup taste fuller? ›

Dumping a bunch of fatty meats (like cut-up sausage or bacon) into a pot of soup seems counterintuitive and even quite sickening. Committing softly by adding beans or lentils to your soup will have a similar effect – it keeps the vegetable content high, adds extra protein to your soup, and makes you fuller faster!

What should be added to enrich the flavor of the soup? ›

Herbs and sources add flavor, aroma, and intensity to the soup broth. You can pick fresh or dried herbs like basil for tomato-based soups or fresh parsley for clear broths. You may also add more spices like turmeric, ground ginger, ground paprika, or nutmeg for a touch of spice and color to your soup broth.

What can I add to my soup to make it tastier? ›

Use fresh vegetables, high-quality meats or broth, and fresh herbs to add depth of flavor. Add acidity: A squeeze of lemon or lime juice, a dash of vinegar, or a splash of wine can brighten the flavors of a soup and make it taste more complex.

Is tomato soup better with milk or water? ›

The standard direction for a can of condensed Tomato Soup is to put the condensed soup in a saucepan, fill the can with water, add the water to the pan, stir, and heat just to the point of simmer. BUT. It's MUCH better with Milk, which makes it a creamy tomato soup, a bit more like a tomato bisque.

How do you fix bad tomato soup? ›

Update: totally fixed my soup! Added a tablespoon of butter and a can of tomato paste, simmered that for a bit and added my soup from yesterday, maybe 3 tablespoons of cream and let some parm melt in the soup while it simmered for a bit.


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